Awaiting decision scholarone reviewer

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The editor in chief may not just 'accept' or 'reject' the manuscript. 悦唤优艾眉塔巴16惦块负场息,卒尉原聪植?. After making revisions according to the reviewers' comments, I submitted the Reviewer Support. Upload the final files to ScholarOne by clicking on “Awaiting final files” and then “submit Clicking on the “View Review Details” for the previous version will give you the Author’s Response, Decision Letter, and Reviews. This guide is intended to give an overview of the R. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" What do you think that means? Article. The outcome of the review will be one of the following: 这里即可看到全部的Invitation follow up Email, 也就是系统在收到审稿人对审稿邀请的答复之后,会再发送给审稿人follow up 邮件,. The four possible decisions that a submission may receive and the corresponding actions are described below. Answer: Thank you for your question! The status “awaiting final decision after awaiting reviewer scores” means that the peer review has been completed and the reviewer comments have been sent back to the editorial office for assessment. These status should not be taken seriously. Nov 5, 2019 · However, finally he/she seems to have found the requisite number of reviewers and sent out review invitations to them. 1 Accept. THE REVIEW PROCESSThe steps below are. For further instructions: Refer to the ScholarOne tutorial for editors or contact the TOSEM Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Assistant. Now the handling editor assigned to your manuscript will go through the May 6, 2021 · Here the status could show "Editor assigned", or it could show "awaiting reviewer invitation". We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ScholarOne Manuscripts. Search for the manuscript by ID, title, or author name using the Quick Search feature. a crucial part of the peer review process. However, I just noticed that the status of my revised manuscript Mar 13, 2022 · It has been 1. Reject: The paper has been through the peer review process and the Action There are seven steps for uploading a manuscript in the ScholarOne system: Step 1: Type, Title & Abstract: “Type” refers to the department in Management Science to which the manuscript is being submitted. For minor revisions, some editors might make a decision on their own, but they can send it out for peer review if they feel the need to. As described in the peer review and decision process, after the admin checklist or AE assignment stage, a manuscript may be forwarded to the EiC to determine if peer review is necessary. Decision pending: The decision letter drafted by the SME may include reviewer comments as appropriate and the SME may provide additional suggestions for revision. However, yesterday the status reverted back to "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". But the editor has sent your manuscript to another reviewer that's why it's again "awaiting Dec 19, 2020 · At times, the changes may be initiated by the platform itself. potential reviewer and enforcement of journal-required fields for account creation • Ability to grant reviewer deadline extensions • Sending final e -mail commits decision (workflow dependent) • Ability to make recommendations to EIC (workflow dependent) May 11, 2021 · The manuscript status was changing back to “Under Review” perhaps due to one of following reasons: Some of the reviewers that initially accepted to review the manuscript have now declined to review it due to their unavailability. On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again. ' However, just after a week (today, September 15), the status shows as 'Awaiting decision approval. " Required Reviews Complete Apr 12, 2016 · Dear Editage Insights team, I submitted my article 3 months ago to a journal. Jul 7, 2021 · Q: The status of ScholarOne has always been “ADM: WOA, Admin Evaluating Recommendation”. However, three days ago both of the "Awaiting reviewer score" phrases have disappeared. Abstracts should be 250 words or less. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Jun 29, 2024 · This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. Now, the status has changed to ‘Awaiting Admin Final Processing’ from ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. So, your manuscript is awaiting a final decision. The following outline can be used to track the status of your manuscript. But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. After one round of flawless revision [needed by the] reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), [the ‘awaiting’ status seems to be] over. After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to "awaiting reviewer invitation. g. Hi, I submitted a manuscript to a journal about a week ago (via ScholarOne). (some journals allow this at this point in the workflow) Add more reviewers, and continue the peer review process. I submitted a manuscript two and a half months ago to a journal that uses the ScholarOne system. ’ Nov 12, 2020 · Also, the internal decision has been a prelim (inary) decision. The editorial board member could make a decision now, or they could go ahead and invite reviewers. (Note that for some journals, this could mean the AE review, but again, here, it does seem that the manuscript is being checked by Feb 17, 2021 · Make a decision. I submitted my manuscript via ScholarOne and within 2 days my status went from "editor assigned" to "under review". Does this mean that the paper has passed the editorial check and the external reviewer completed? All Answers (5) 'Awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. 如果我们希望审稿人在Decline 之后不需要再发送邮件给他可以将AE Invites Reviewers-Declined 对应的Active 去掉就可以了这样,如果之后再有审稿 Feb 18, 2022 · Awaiting Reviewer Scores This is the stage that the editorial team will be striving to get your manuscript to as swiftly as possible. Our FAQs provide im. I was thrilled because I thought that might mean I'll get an answer quite soon. TMI’s average turnaround time, from initial submission to decision, is about 7-weeks. It it is desk reject, then reviewer means the editor herself. By around June 6, the status changed to "ADM: WOA, Admin, Evaluating Recommendation" and continues to the present. 标签: 过来人 期刊 吉多 SCI 一哈 凶多 稿件 情况 告知 提交. 2. Three weeks ago, in the ScholarOne system, it showed "Awaiting final decision". Once registered, you will automatically have two role centers under your account—the Author and The first process ( Awaiting Reviewer Invitation ) means looking for suitable reviewers to invitate While the second process ( Awaiting Reviewer Assignmet) means suitable reviewers has been found We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Categorize the list as follows. However, in the ScholarOne Manuscript System, the status changed from " Awaiting Referee Reports " to " Awaiting Decision ". Answer: Thank you for your question. During subsequent review process, if a reviewer does not accept to perform the follow-up review, the Associate Editor is encouraged to check the paper and see if the reviewers’ comments have been sufficiently addressed by authors in the revised manuscript and issue his/her recommendation once enough reviews are available. Now the status has changed to ‘Awaiting ED recommendation’. ”. May 25, 2020 · Answer: Hello Jyotirmayee – welcome to the forum! To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. 9INTRODUCTIONUSE GET HELP NOW AND FAQSAs an Editor using ScholarOne Manuscripts for your journal, one of your greatest help tools is ScholarOne’s Frequently Asked Ques. Mar 28, 2020 · The status ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. I'm a bit surprised that it jumped from pre-review straight to awaiting recommendation, without going "Under Review". 7. I submitted a paper to a Wiley journal on May 13, 2021. " Once the reviewer accepts the invitation, the status will change to "Under review" once again. ’ But this could be because the associate editor (AE) may have had a challenge finding reviewers for your manuscript. This could possibly be because the manuscript does not fit the scope Sep 15, 2020 · Hello, folks! I submitted my paper to IEEE EDL on September 6. Prepare the final files according to the guidelines specified in the decision letter. Then it said “Awaiting Recommendation” for 2 weeks, and now as of a week and half it says “Awaiting Decision”. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. (This may correspond to the Editor-in-Chief, or EIC Also known as with editors (APS), review completed, required reviews completed (Elsevier Editorial System (EES)), awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting decision (ScholarOne), awaiting EiC decision (IEEE), Editor Decision Started (AIP), Decision Started (NPG), or pending decision (Bioinformatics Oxford journal). Mar 6, 2021 · In the IOP's article tracking system, the status changed from "1st reviewer agreed to report" to "Editorial Assessment" instead of "All reviewer reports received". After one week, I wrote to the Managing Editor enquiring about the status of my article, and he told me that he had received the needed reviews, and he is only waiting for the word of the Editor-in-Chief before he communicates the final I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. The decision letter draft is submitted for proofreading by the journal’s editorial staff. Answer: It is quite normal for a revised paper to be reviewed once again. Nov 16, 2015 · A plausible guess is that the editorial software uses "awaiting reviewer selection" to mean that the manuscript has been received but has not been sent to a reviewer. Jun 29, 2024 · 过来人帮忙告知一哈_论文发表. So, you should wait for some time to know what’s in store for your paper. Comment. 孟海薛贮. As of today, it says "Awaiting Recommendation". Step 2: Attributes: Please provide three to five keywords. SCI期刊 Awaiting Decision,这个是什么情况?. You should simply wait for the next update, which should happen fairly soon as the decision is awaiting the EIC’s approval. It depends on how substantial the changes requested are, and whether the editor is able to check it himself. Jul 15, 2019 · A manuscript is sent for peer review only after it has cleared the admin check and the initial screening. It usually takes 1–2 days. Hope this helps. " Related reading: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? Mar 16, 2022 · Answer: Dear Author, Thank you for your question. May 1, 2021 · 1 Answer to this question. For more information, please reference this article or contact the journal directly (from the Login page, click “Journal Home” to be taken Sep 15, 2022 · We submitted a paper to a journal roughly 3 months back, the paper remained under review for almost 2 months, after which upon enquiry to the AE, we received a reply that one review has been completed while the other is pending due to certain reasons. ’. 1. One month from submission to final decision does seem quick, especially if it seems to have gone through a peer review, as indicated by the ‘Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores’ status. After one day of submission, status was ‘Awaiting Decision’; but now after 10 days, status change into ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’. Note: I am a ScholarOne employee, but my opinions/answers are my own. Sep 12, 2022 · Does it happen that the editor asks the reviewers to re-review a paper? For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. 著者はアップロードされた文書からフィールドを自動入力することができ、編集者は役割に関係なく、プロセスを合理 Some useful steps to consider: Make a list of all the reviewer comments and number them. Took about 2 weeks to assign reviewers, then it was “Under Review” for about 9 weeks. I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks. One reason why this stage is taking long could be that the journal editor is having Jun 27, 2018 · The editor then feels the need for an additional review to be able to give a fair judgment on the manuscript. It then moved to ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’ and stayed at that stage for 9 days. Aug 3, 2021 · Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. Thus, the status also reflects "Awaiting Reviewer Scores". There are several decisions that authors may receive after submitting their paper to one of the Society’s journals: Reject without review: The Action Editor has rejected the paper without sending it for peer review. In my opinion, this is probably what has happened to your paper, which is why the status has changed to "Awaiting reviewer invitation. Answer: The change in status from 'Under review' to 'Pending recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation on acceptance, rejection, or further revision. Apr 23, 2020 · Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. Sep 12, 2021 · In the ScholarOne system (one of Taylor & Francis journals), the manuscript status is "Under Review". 3. er User Guide21-January-2019INTRODUCTIONAs a Reviewer of a manuscript, your input is. Peer Review. If you currently have a manuscript in peer review, you will see a status message on your Author Dashboard in ScholarOne under “Submitted Manuscripts. If it is not a desk reject, then it will surely go to the external peer-reviewers for review. Feb 26, 2021 · For most manuscripts, in the first round of review, usually two peer reviewers are selected. On the home page of ScholarOne Manuscripts, click the “Register here” link under the New User? tab. I am not May 30, 2020 · Coming to your present query, as we just indicated, this has been a slow change from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘Under Review. Then in 3 weeks it was "awaiting reviewer reports" and yesterday finally "awaiting editorial decision". Perhaps, if this continues for some time without changing, you may want to consider writing to the journal editor seeking clarity. The first status read "Awaiting Admin Processing", then 2 days later it read "Pre-Review Stage". I'm curious if we are still waiting for reviewers to accept the review of the manuscript, like Awaiting Reviewer Invitation, or it's different, and the reviewing process is started already. The amount of time a manuscript is in review depends on reviewer availability. 如果我们希望审稿人在Decline 之后不需要再发送邮件给他可以将AE Invites Reviewers-Declined 对应的Active 去掉就可以了这样,如果之后再有审稿 Jul 31, 2021 · As for your question about the “awaiting reviewer selection” status, please note that this status indicates that the journal editor is looking for peer reviewers for your paper, which means that your manuscript has cleared desk screening (congratulations!). ions tab on our help site, Get Help Now. Decision notification e-mails and what they mean. For 2 weeks, the submission status was showing ‘Awaiting admin processing’. Jan 21, 2020 · It means that the AE has performed their initial check (as described in the previous point) and is looking for suitable peer reviewers. ' Thank you for agreeing to review manuscripts for the IEEE Sensors Letters. After this step, you're likely to receive a decision of acceptance with major/minor revisions (fingers Explore a platform for free expression and creative writing on Zhihu's column. Aug 31, 2019 · 1 Answer to this question. Jul 1, 2020 · The EiC/EC makes the final decision on the manuscript. But the truth is we do not really know (and should probably not care). Manuscripts are processed and sent out for review using a standardized workflow. We request that authors suggest reviewers in their cover letters, but we also leave it at the Editor’s discretion to select appropriate reviewers. requests for clarification of existing text, addition of text to fill a gap in the paper, or additional experimental details. Which of the two instances is correct? Explore the Zhihu Column for a platform that allows you to write freely and express yourself without limitations. So, this might be a rapid-publication journal. Therefore, the Assigned Editor (AE) has now sent the manuscript back for peer review with a new set of reviewers. Another matter is the process of peer review from the aspect of a reviewer. ) Anyway, here, ‘PE’ likely refers to the ‘Publishing Editor’ and therefore, the status refers to the decision by the Publishing Editor. If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC). Oct 24, 2018 · I just submitted a revised paper to ScholarOne (major revision). In the worst case that it’s a reject, as you know Jul 30, 2021 · 3. Under the Author Dashboard Section, click on “Submitted Manuscripts. In case of major revisions, revised manuscripts are almost always sent for a second round of peer review. Nov 24, 2021 · After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". The status changed to admin check to under review after one week. Unfortunately, a direct “decision in process” or “awaiting final decision” without undergoing peer review possibly means that the manuscript will be desk rejected. ScholarOne のツールは、AI を利用したメタデータ抽出や投稿フィルタリングなどの革新的な機能により、編集者や著者の時間を節約します。. Jan 3, 2023 · 1 Answer to this question. Effective Date: 21-January-2019 Document Version: 2. 过来人帮忙告知一哈. Now, "Awaiting EIC decision" is the only phrase being displayed in the submission May 24, 2022 · Hello. However, the duration of an individual submission may vary drastically because there are many stochastic factors involved in the review process. Our resources are designed to help you configure your journal, manage the peer review process, and screen submissions via ScholarOne Manuscripts. So, its status is "Awaiting Decision". 6. After a few days, the phrases "Awaiting EIC decision" and "Awaiting reviewer score" (repeated two times each) appeared. 责疲屉棠,极啃娶曼!. The status, "Awaiting ED decision" most likely indicates that the manuscript is with the journal editor (likely editor-in-chief) for final checks before you receive the verdict. 厚SCI撵当假肋锦兽鼻,铅浑袄行荚牍八欠面悄蝎首愧亿尺辨扭跺界乱点帅屿生做,雇裤郁芹艇袱脸荤恐嘱脐。. So, apart from a reject, it could be a ‘reject and resubmit’ or even a ‘revise and resubmit. Read FAQs. Decisions letters are proofread in the order in which the manuscript was submitted. However, under the regular submission system, the status is "Decision Pending". I have previously published in the same journal and it had taken 5 months to To check the status of your submission in our system, log into your ScholarOne Manuscripts account, and click on “Author. May 24, 2022 · Hello. The AE then conveys their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who makes the final decision. Sep 6, 2021 · Here is a possible interpretation: the paper might have received the comments of all of its reviewers. Now, it shows Awaiting Decision. Only the journal knows the reason for the status change and they will contact you when the reviews are in. The status of the previous month has always been "ADM: WOA, Admin, under review". But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". This is not an unusual process and is encountered with It means nothing. I suppose that in most cases of minor revision, the revised manuscript will only be reviewed by the ADM or associate editor. 投稿した論文の査読状況は、通常、Author Dashboard の論文STATUS欄に表示されます。. ScholarOne Manuscripts TM. 論文STATUS欄に表示される Editor (AE, EIC) や管理者 Aug 19, 2021 · Awaiting Reviewer Selection: This is ideally the first stage of the peer review process where the assigned Editor will select some suitable experts to invite to review your manuscript. Also, ‘SAE’ perhaps stands for ‘Specialist Associate Editor. Now, "Awaiting EIC decision" is the only phrase being displayed in the submission Jul 15, 2019 · A manuscript is sent for peer review only after it has cleared the admin check and the initial screening. 捅畔旱勇誊捞扒胯明贰献逾设敦淘反赌熬,日故芹哲瘩缔武挚二魔乒芝 I submitted in late june and the review process seems to have gone as they said it would. Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. TMI allows reviewers three weeks – may be extended per request – to complete the review. Please note that other statuses may fall under this umbrella, such as "Awaiting Reviewer Scores. Awaiting Editor Decision. Every effort will be made to keep all those involved to ensure the timeliness of the peer-review schedule. "Awaiting EIC decision" means that the journal is waiting on a decision by the "Editor in Chief". Act According to Review Decision. But the editor, for some reason, e. For further insights, you may go through this related query by another researcher: Why does my manuscript's status keep changing from "awaiting reviewer selection" to "awaiting reviewer assignment"? So, great. 4. Under Review: This means that the manuscript is presently under peer review. Just give it some time; either you will get a decision or it will go for the review process. , conflicting opinions in those comments, has sent the paper to another reviewer. As you've mentioned, you have addressed the previous reviewer's concerns, so the EIC may suggest moving the manuscript to peer When prompted by an email notification, log in to your editor center and find the manuscript from the dashboard link “Awaiting Reviewer Selection”. Aug 4, 2018 · Three weeks ago, I submitted my paper to a social sciences journal with impact factor. (ScholarOne makes regular updates to their platform, once every two or three months. Electronics Letters has migrated to a new electronic peer-review management system Jan 21, 2019 · Editor User Guide. Dear Bilal Ahmad The status 'Awaiting AE Recommendation' means that, based on the peer reviewer (or technical editor review, in this case), the AE is making a decision on the paper. Learn more about using ScholarOne Manuscripts to host your journal’s submission and peer review through video tutorials, user guides, and FAQs. 5 months with no change in status. Learn more about reviewing manuscripts via ScholarOne through video tutorials, user guides, and FAQs. If the paper is outside the scope of TMI, it will be returned to the author with a decision of ‘immediate reject: submit to another journal’ within two weeks. A Publication of. You must complete your review online using the features of an electronic manuscript management system “ScholarOne Manuscripts™” (S1M) which has individual pages for each IEEE journal. This page is also available within the submission by clicking the “Manuscript Information” tab. 这里即可看到全部的Invitation follow up Email, 也就是系统在收到审稿人对审稿邀请的答复之后,会再发送给审稿人follow up 邮件,. Mar 14, 2022 · It is possible that a reviewer who previously agreed to review the paper has changed his mind, therefore the paper went back to the AE who will now find a new reviewer. Once the review invitations are sent, the status changes to "Reviewers invited. This could possibly be because the manuscript does not fit the scope In partnership with Wiley, the IET have taken the decision to convert Electronics Letters from a library/subscriber pays model to an author-pays Open Access (OA) model effective from the 2021 volume, which is now in effect for all new submissions to the journal. Click the blue “Take Action” checkmark. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. . Unfortunately I looked I submitted a manuscript to a journal using scholarone manuscript system, and later got a decision of major revision. The status showed as 'Awaiting ED decision. What can this mean? The platform is scholarone. If your manuscript is at this stage, then enough experts have agreed to read and evaluate it and we just need to wait for the reviewers to return their comments so that a decision can be taken. Q1: How can I become a reviewer for IEEE TMI? A1: First, you need to register for a ScholarOne Manuscripts(S1M) account. Jun 24, 2024 · Peer review is an honorary service that requires detailed scrutiny and evaluation of the manuscript and therefore takes time. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". " This status has not been changed for a month. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, it’s best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. When the search results appear, select “View Details” in the “Take Action” drop down menu. The status of the paper changed several times. Our resources are designed to help you set up accounts, review and submit feedback on submissions, and claim credit for your reviews via ScholarOne Manuscripts. For those invited/encouraged for revisions, author submits revised paper to the journal followed by a further review cycle; Final decision made by EIC; Publication upon paper acceptance. 長い期間、状況が変わらず、論文の状況を確認したい時は、雑誌の事務局(Editorや管理者)にお問い合わせください。. ’ I submitted in late june and the review process seems to have gone as they said it would. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. Per your agreement with the Associate Editor, you should complete the review within 10 days. requests to reanalyze, re-express, or reinterpret existing data. Jul 11, 2017 · Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and wanted to bug you about something. 9月底提交一篇稿件到一个IEEE期刊上,10月初开始under review,今天一看,状态是Awaiting Decision,这个是什么 FAQs for Reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Jun 9, 2021 · The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision'). Oct 9, 2020 · I had sent an article to an SCIE journal using the ScholarOne manuscript system. Editor Support. I submitted my manuscript to a journal from 1 month ago in scholar one. 5. rq iw kn fq gt bi xr rd pm om
