She doesn t have female friends

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I am currently a caregiver for my mother, so I don’t get out much. That took some getting used to, and honestly I still don't like it - but okay. I don’t have female friends, I don’t. If she can't stand the fact that you have female friends, her jealousy issues will only cause further troubles. She just doesn't have a friend she can really call her own save for coworkers that sometimes invite her out to events (but they're about a decade older than her). If you’ve had bad breakups and rough relationships before, then you know the feeling of a toxic connection. I have a lot of male friends and not a lot of female She seems extremely immature and controlling. May 30, 2024 · Download Article. you are a good friend for this. My current female co-worker is probably one of my closest friends right now, we text a lot during work hours, but not HolyLighting. blackboxstar. Plus if a dude DOESN'T have women friends, that's a red flag for a whole bunch of toxicity - thinking that men & women can't be friends, thinking of women as lesser than men or putting them on a pedestal, thinking of women as too different to be worth understanding, thinking of women simply as sex objects, and a whole bunch of other nastiness. Jun 4, 2020 · Here’s the thing: You married your wife. Apr 23, 2023 · Yes, they can. Aug 2, 2023 · Unforeseen circumstances due to a family matter, work-related problem, or personal issue. the girl told me that she has a close knit group of 7-8 friends and all her friends are male friends, she also said that she has difficulty in making female friends and for some reason the other girls don't get along with her well and she doesn't have a single female friend. U should talk to that girl about your friendship. 4. Recently 3 of my “friends” did things to me that made me lose faith in friendships. I have a lot of female friends, and I would say that you're not really missing out on anything. I’m incapable of that. She doesn’t want me to speak to her at all. 360 total votes. Women who want to be your girlfriend won’t address you this way, because they won’t want you to even contemplate it as a possibility. “I trust myself,” she said. just don’t come across creepy or like you are hitting on her, and it doesn’t sound as though you would anyway. She be cautious look for more issues. Join in on some of their activities together. In a one-sided friendship, the communication, time, and effort needed to sustain the connection typically falls to one person. Nov 7, 2023 · 2. She even stated that she doesn’t want male friends. When the Whitfield asks if it’s because he’s She's very independent, that's the problem. Feeling nervous or anxious about a social situation. I think that not having friends as a red flag is subjective. Jan 13, 2013 · Posted January 26, 2013. I have female friends that are sexy with big boobs and I hug them I feel their boobs on my chest and that is super sexy but that doesn't mean I want to take her to bed but as a man I like it and she probably Mar 2, 2022 · She believes men and women can be friends but admits that one or both will at least think about their friend in a sexual or romantic way. I am like this. 2. Expecting you to drop anyone she doesn't like without personally make the attempt to work things out is immature. Another assumption is that the guy She had only mutual male friends, and she sees him texting females that are his friends exclusively, and she doesn’t like it. there is nothing at all wrong with telling your friends they are attractive and wanting them to feel good about themselves. Mar 1, 2017 · Lucille Howe, 44, an actress from Beckenham, Kent, may have a high-flying career and jet-setting lifestyle — but she only has her younger sister to offer loyal, female companionship. If they do have good long-term friends, that shows they are capable of being in some sort of Apr 26, 2024 · Ask her to go out on a casual date first, and see where things go from there. Having a close friend who is likely to have many female friends. If the reason is genuine, you can try to put yourself in her shoes and understand where she is coming from. ADMIN MOD. " One of my husband's closest friends is a woman ," she says. Heterosexual men and women absolutely can be just friends and have healthy relationships without the thought of a romantic relationship ever entering their minds. And thus, they’ll avoid using the ‘friend’ verbiage. •. ADVERTISEMENT However, after quite a few Redditors pointed out that the question isn’t about feminism and shouldn’t have been posted in this exact community, OP shared that he thinks the gender disparity involved in this Now again this doesn’t apply to all guys though but definitely the majority ( assuming the friendship developed after late teen years ). To not be willing to meet with her is shit. Building someone up just to break them down. We have been dating 1 year now and have been fighting like crazy because of this. He chooses girlfriend over you, and you accept that because you recognize and know his relationship with her is the priority. If I was OP, I would continue to have other female friends and let her find out on her own without ever mentioning it, and if his girl has issues with it. Maintaining those bonds becomes even more Nov 18, 2017 · It's only a problem if the woman is always shitting on other women. Could be lots of reasons, but if the reasons are she is selfish or doesn't have empathy for others then yeah red flag. My girlfriend of a year doesn't like the idea of me hanging out with or talking to my best friend, who just so happens to be a girl. My girlfriend You said she is insecure. It's 9 years friendship. Friends can offer support in so many ways: soup when you Apr 29, 2015 · The guy I have been with for 17 yrs. Personally, I think the most concerning thing is that he doesn't seem proud enough of dating you or invested enough in this relationship to introduce you to the pre-existing female friend. As such, all her friends are males. We’re adults and our friends aren’t exclusive to one of us. Having a close friend who is more likely to introduce you to her female friends if she thinks you’re compatible. If she is interested in you, she will start flirting back. r/PurplePillDebate. She doesn't have "no female bffs" as a dealbreaker for no reason; she experienced it biting her in the ass TWICE. Girlfriend doesn’t allow female friends. Ever since my GF has become aware of it, she wants me to drop all my female friends, but I don’t do anything with them, nor do they with me, I’ve even told them all that I have someone and they knew and knew that I have her and respect my space and privacy, but she has been going off about them, and I just not know what to do, when we also Nov 1, 2023 · 3. Usually, that's either because she craves male attention (which may manifest Yes. PurplePillDebate is a neutral community to discuss sex and gender issues, specifically those pertaining to r/TheBluePill and r/TheRedPill. It also reinforces the idea that being gay is something negative or abnormal. Desire for new attractions and conquests. This is essentially a mirror to LittleWindowpane's post today regarding women with no male friends. Treat them like a human, and if they have similar hobbies as you, you'll make a friend. A lack of competitors indicates a lack of value. If you insist on trying to be friends with her while liking her while she does not see you as a romantic partner, every hug, semi-flirty talk, or general I have female friends but I haven't seen them for a big while. The other 90% lie when they say they don't want to have sex with their female friends. Maybe university was one of the first times you met your new “grown up” friend. Infatuation addiction – they like the “tingly feeling”. I would say yes, except i cant seem to have female friends. Sometimes she calls him 10 times a day, and texts him as many as 20 times a day! I never worried about them cheating and do not have a problem with the fact that she is a female friend. …. She's the definition of a good girl. Let me type that again just to clarify. He made her the way she is now. “Part of friendship is there being an emotional attraction to the other person. He works with a lot of female coworkers that turned to be friends. “I think it’s inevitable it will cross at least one person’s mind,” Dorfman told Refinery29. Apr 17, 2024 · Your girlfriend has mainly guy friends. Apr 28, 2021 · In the resurfaced clip Harvey tells host Fredricka Whitfield that his friendships are with men only because he’s incapable of having female friends. It's not weird, however, sometimes it's really obvious when guys don't have female friends in how they act / think / approach dating. protective instincts. My understanding is that guys who don't is the fear of sexual tension. The two reconnected while I was backpacking abroad alone, as my husband 3 days ago · She Turned Down Her Brother’s Fiance’s Bridesmaid Request, And Doesn’t Understand Why The Other Woman Thinks They Have To Be Friends by Trisha Leigh Making friends is one of those things that has no formula, and typically happens organically over time – at least, it does with the very best ones. You may discover that she is always gearing for the worst from them. Pocketing is a situation where the person you're dating avoids introducing you to their family and friends. Because Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld didn’t know how to write from a female perspective, and Elaine with consistent girlfriends would require this. So, it doesn't matter if you have female friends. Maybe he’s a horrible drunk and he gets too rough, maybe he doesn’t know where to draw the line between friendships and romantic relationships. Savage in his wise Dec 11, 2020 · 6 reasons people have emotional affairs. This may sound insane to hear but if this is causing you so many issues you need to cut all ties to this girl and never talk to her/see her again. If she can’t come to terms with that then you are going to have a very unsatisfactory relationship. , to protect their kids (if they have them), but also to connect with other women. You need to have a talk with her to understand why it is okay for her to have male friends, and not okay for you to have female friends. They can’t get along with other women. I really want to have a good group of female friend or at least one good friend. After a certain point in a relationship that’s how it should be. “I would never want to be the person who broke up a marriage or got in the way of someone else’s relationship. I was good friends with some women, they disappeared after they got bfs. Don’t engage in flirtatious behavior with your friend Dec 20, 2023 · TikTok tells a similar story. Having a chance to see if his treatment of you changes when she is around can go a long way in making sure they are just friends. Drop her like a rock and don't look back. Here are the signs that it's happening to you. Your girlfriend doesn’t let you have female friends. As for me, I’ve decided So I cut off any female interaction. ClarityofDisaster. I've never asked her not to hang out with any male save her ex. recently cheated on me. My problem is with the type of friend that she is. ” Jun 12, 2015 · Stacey June (left) says she doesn’t trust chicks who don’t have girlfriends. Discussion. I myself have female friends I have 0 interest in ( + I personally am against being friends with women unless Ik I would never be romantically interested I think its a bit cowardly but yeah ) Never actively pursuing but wouldn’t turn down the opportunity. a. Tell her she's being an irrational, overly controlling pain in the ass and that her paranoia does not justify you cutting contact with old friends. These qualities, while fostering intimacy, also make these friendships more susceptible Mar 7, 2010 · The most obvious solution is to include your wife when you hang out with your friend. On my way to drop her home”. There were too many characters with George, Kramer, the butler…. She is not being absurd or ridiculous about this, I think she handled it really well and she was very upfront with you about the whys. Safe distance is what that new girl friend wants. Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people that are passionate about the same things you are! When they find them physically attractive and have a strong personal/social connection with them. Benefits of having close female friends: Having a close friend. They mean a lot to me - as friends. We are trying to make it through this but yet he still talks to the lady and sleeps with her in her bed. BF has a lot of female friends. hilly316. Sometimes the "third wheel" is the perfect configuration--like if your wife's sister hangs out with you and her. Too many prima donnas and gossip mongers will have tons of female friends. You should be dating your wife. Ask her out in a group setting to make it less awkward. She doesn't even really use facebook or anything. Stereotypes and Assumptions. They want you to be thinking of them as girlfriend or wife material. This has happened to me from both genders. She takes time to reply to you. One way to get a girl not to like you is to come off as too needy, clingy, or desperate. 3. He should be transparent about his whereabouts. She is in an unhappy marriage and calls to complain about it all the time. If she offhandedly refers to you as a Some of my friends are women. Plan a romantic, elaborate date to impress her. Apr 19, 2019 · This hormonal surge can compel women to “tend and befriend,” a. korkdaddy69. This will help him take a look at how he Then again, this could also be one of the genuine signs she does not like you and if it is, you’d be making a big mistake by ignoring it. A Christian marriage where both spouses are humbly and actively pursuing their faith together is a Tell her you're going to talk about why she won't meet your friends/let you meet her friends. Aggressive-Cut5836. Quality friendships with men will be deeper, more intellectually satisfying, and more durable than anything you can have with a woman, for the very simple reason that if you're straight and you get that close to a woman, she rapidly becomes more than a friend. Attraction to power and exhilaration. Oxykitten said: Women will be friends with good looking women if they are kind, considerate, empathetic, sympathetic, etc. If your daughter has low self-esteem, is shy or anxious about interactions with people, they may have a hard time establishing friendships, especially if others are really confident in social situations. She doesn't have anyone else and is too comfortable spending time alone. If the problems are there and you lay them out in front of your husband, he has to be able to acknowledge them. If she can't take that, leave her. Rebellion against the marriage or relationship. Be honest with her if you don’t want to be in a relationship. It becomes known that you made these plans. Dear Annie: I’m a middle-aged man who has been divorced for four years. We’re all friends. She seeks attention to ease those insecurities. I am helping her set up the place”. I have 7 close female friends, go out with them regularly, for drinks, tennis, squash, jogging, swimming and so on. So it makes perfect sense that straight men will easily fall for their female friends whom they find attractive. •• Edited. May 25, 2017 · He might expect you to to drop your existing guy friends the moment things become official. Mar 16, 2024 · Here’s where any woman reading this who doesn’t have close female friends can exhale: It’s definitely not always a red flag to not have friends, especially considering that in one 2023 Throughout school, while I had female friends, I was always more comfortable hanging out with the boys. Volunteer your time. Jun 15, 2018 · Megan R. My girlfriend (22) doesn't want me (30m) to have female friends. Looking at this I see a dim young lady, who will do anything to have the famous Alec Baldwin and to become a celebrity. But if you text her and she often takes more than an hour or so to reply, it’s a clear sign you’re just a friend to her. Apr 30, 2024 · April 11, 2024. But she doesn’t consider you as her priority contact. Another way to spot one of the signs of a woman with trust issues is when she does not trust family and friends. Focus on your marriage and talk about how the two of you are getting along, not the direct actions of his friend. She had one friend who was toxic and had to go. They avoid women with problem personalities but not all women with problem personalities. ” The same goes for colleagues — you’re not Mike Pence so you can’t just refuse to meet women 1:1. May 10, 2024 · The three affinities—symmetry, support, and secrecy—are central to understanding women’s friendships. By Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar. Listen to what Emma herself told you. Same with even my guy friends, they respond less often. . I’ve had female friends before, but they’ve always kind of been “outer circle friends” or casual acquaintances. This doesn't mean she doesn't have fun when it's me and my friends and she meets new people and everything. If you do one day you'll see it's not a big deal. That's a green flag. The red flag isn't so much in the gender breakdown of her friends (there are lots of legitimate reasons that a girl may be friends with mostly guys), but that she self-identifies as a woman who is friends with mostly guys because she doesn't get along with other women. Each of these is a potential red flag that the male companions your girlfriend is spending her time with might be worth This includes, but is not limited to, referring to people as alpha/beta, calling yourself or users "friend-zoned", referring to people as Chads, Tyrones, or Staceys, pick-me's, or pornsick. I learned it from my mother, her friends, and my aunts. May 15, 2009 · It's easier to find a new girlfriend than it is to find real friends. When a guy only has female friends, it is often assumed that he is gay or has ulterior motives. A woman who’s interested in you will never take time to reply. Recognize her insecurity for what it is and call her on it. The easier the chase, the less urgent the pursuit. agrees, sharing that she has no problem with her husband's female friend. There is no reason to insist on it being BOTH couples if that doesn't work. I have guy friends, my boyfriend has female friends but they’re OUR friends. If we are going to extrapolate the most likely conclusion is that she wants him to cut off his female friends and is trying to allude to a false double standard as A teenager’s self-esteem plays an important role in the formation of friendships. It is OK to be selfishrip off the bandaid and move on with your life. As our relationship progressed she attempted multiple times to get Oct 27, 2023 · I hate to say it, but this is a bad sign. She is suspicious of friends and family. He shouldn’t keep any secrets from you. She is tactless, attention seeking and selfobsessed, no doubt, but Alec is way worse. Play hard to get. It's only a big deal because you haven't experienced this. Constant fights and brutal insults followed by passionate makeup sex. I don’t really have female friends,” he said. For example she says she doesn't have any female friends because all women are "*insert horrible stereotype here*" Sometimes you can't help who your friends become. See full list on thezoereport. The one's that are close I rarely see but I kind of have a crush on one of them and she's like 3 years older than me. My girlfriend works in the tech industry, where she's surrounded by males. Feb 13, 2023 · Turn acquaintances into friends. NobodyReallyChanges. Oct 24, 2023 · Takeaway. I wouldn't say it's a red flag, but you have to wonder why she has no friends. Your girlfriend talks to her guy friend about things she won’t talk to you about. You're never getting in it if you keep pretending you don't want in it. "I also have some guy friends, and my husband knows Feb 13, 2024 · God created marriage, and there are wonderful blessings when you stay inside his design. At best, this is an issue of trust in your partner vs. Many women will assume your female friends are competitors to some extent, as insinuating yourself as a friend is a reliable seduction tactic for women. Fear of intimacy – they don’t want to be vulnerable with their partner. com There is absolutely no point in dating someone you don't trust or who doesn't trust you, it's just going to cause issues the whole time. nelsonwehaveaproblem. Most of the times I meet with them 1 on 1, not in groups. In a podcast clip from Show Up with Christine Chang, posted by @cchangandco, a guest shares: “If a woman doesn’t have any female friends, that’s a big red flag. Your girlfriend doesn’t have female friends. Hellooooo guys and gals, I’ll get straight to the point, I’m 17M and my girlfriend is 17 as well. Ask her on a date via text or social media. I am deeply in love with my best female friend, I've told her that I "Like" her of sorts, but never the full extent of my Mar 15, 2024 · He asked if women don’t have romantic feelings for their male friends, or are just less likely to confess to them. If your boyfriend suddenly won't show you affection when the three of you are together, there probably is a problem. Not done other woman. I (29F) am getting concerned that my bf (28M) has too many female friends. If you have asked her out and she is not interested, pull back a little bit and try to get over her before hanging out with her. I need you to trust in my love for you and in my honesty. Feb 15, 2024 · 16 Boundaries My Boyfriend Should Have With His Female Friends. More reason to listen to Mr. 1. Also, if she talks to her ex-boyfriends, she's being a total hypocrite. Jun 7, 2024 · 6) She just doesn’t give a rip. I always think that he's still acting like we aren't in a relationship because he hangs If his girlfriend sees him texting women, he's afraid he might end up without a girlfriend. It's not like she dropped all of her friends for me. Hilaria looks like she has been bumped dry. If you're a guy, then it's completely normal not to have close female friends. Jul 15, 2012 · My girlfriend doesn’t want me to have any female friends. You share feelings and emotions with friends. I can count on him for a lot. You can turn acquaintances into friends by simply talking to them from time to time, finding out more about their interests, and sharing your thoughts with them. Don't take it personally, priorities can and do change. Volunteering is an excellent way to meet new people that are passionate about the same things you are! All of my female friends seem to flake out on me and barely care for me much at all. About 10% of men want to have sex with their female friends. All bans in this subreddit are permanent. Just as it makes perfect sense for straight women to easily fall for their male friends whom they find attractive. This is not an all-inclusive list. Really doesn’t matter cause obviously what he’s doing is working and she’s not okay with it but expects him to be okay with her having guy friends. Jul 15, 2012. MembersOnline. Dec 16, 2019 · If your partner doesn’t want to spend time with your opposite-sex friend don’t try to force this on them or it will likely backfire. Jul 13, 2022 · The false female bond doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Exactly. Females are human beings just like anyone else. Women with no female friends. I'd be fine if she had one close friend that she saw 2-3 times/month. “Just had dinner with Amelia. A 'pocketer' will often avoid making Feb 13, 2023 · Turn acquaintances into friends. If she really does seem annoyed or even scared by your What makes a good friend isn't necessarily what makes a good girlfriend. JymFriday. I try to always be there for them and to talk to, but nothing really meaningful comes of it. Listen to your friends. He’s hiding something. This stereotype is harmful and perpetuates the idea that men and women cannot have platonic relationships. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make friends! If not then perhaps she is trying to get you to ask her out. Reply reply. It’s not that she doesn’t want to talk to you. Guys that have zero female friends are typically hiding some sort of dirty secret. ”. After high school, you make friends from all walks of life. She does not believe that their intentions are pure, even when the signs are clear. Mar 30, 2011 · Now I feel like maybe I misjudged it. She is totally right to be concerned. My best friend is male, but he's been ride or die for a long time. My guess is Alec took advantage of this. I think having diversity of friends including female friends is a good thing. Many female friends but no girlfriend. It was when I was a teenager that the switch flipped from “I enjoy spending time with both genders” to “I’m not like other girls. However, I don't have a girlfriend, no one tries to introduce to any of their single friends and so on. “All of my friends are men. He tells me they are just Friends and nothing more cause she doesn’t like sex. To expect you to stop talking to someone who predated your relationship for years with no explanation is shit. SHE is the female friend you should be thinking about and going dancing and having dates with. I have female friends but they aren't super close to me. Jun 10, 2024 · If you know one another and are comfortable around each other, try brushing a strand of hair off her face, give her a hug, or sit next to her. If you're both important in his life, you're bound to meet eventually. Using vulnerabilities to attack your partner. My Girlfriend (20F) Doesn't Like That I (21M) Have A Female Friend. Any infractions of this rule will result in a ban. When she changes the subject say "Yeah, I'm not ready to change the subject, I need us to talk about this. k. People come in all forms, lots of women won’t be the same as you but lots of men won’t either. Your friends become hers and hers become yours. We’ve been dating for about 7 months and throughout the relationship she’s expressed how much she hates me having female friends. Yes, but when you have hobbies in male dominated interests then a lot of the people you come into contact with will be male. “I had free time so I met Angelina at her new home. I have to learn how to trust him which I am doing but it’s hard. It’s learned from other women in our families and communities. 0. " I can only speculate as to why but this is definitely a red flag for how she manages her relationships. Aug 20, 2019 · The issue is, an old friend of my husband’s has reentered the picture and she is really throwing a wrench in things. I’ve taken to many social media sites as a way to meet people with similar interests and My wife is upset over my relationship with a female coworker. You could have male hobbies, work in a male-dominated field, and still have women friends. Just be careful not to bring it up in a confrontational or judgemental way. A sudden schedule change at work or school. And make no mistake, going to eat, talk, and dancing with another woman is dating her. She claims otherwise, but I think, and most who know her agree, that she has serious issues with jealousy. I think your friends say a lot about who you are as a person. tb bi qu km zt ib lw es gz me
