Snape washes his hair fanfiction

Wouldn't you know? Harry looked at the letter in his hands. SEVERUS: Aw man, you must be kidding me! I haven't even got over kissing Potter, and now I have to have Black kiss me? (Turns to Lily) C'mon Evans, you can't tell me this is the way the game is supposed to be played! LILY: Sorry Snape, that's the game! Chapter 4. She had a mind for tactics, and within a short few points, had picked up on Sirius' style of play. "OH MY GOD!" Harry screamed and Snape groaned, "It'sPROFESSOR SNAPE!" He came out of the shower and towered over Harry. Snape hovered silently over the potion, his sleeves pushed back, a single golden hair of a unicorn foal between his fingers ready to drop. Background: This is one of many pensieve trips Harry takes into Snape's memories. The door opened. For 6 years, everyone thought Snape was dead, but he was living his best life as a recluse under a new identity. This was for a fiction exam on Scribbling Quill, I decided to post it here. His thoughts immediately went to Lupin, to Black, they must have told fucking Potter. "This is Miss Hazel Oakleigh, Severus. Dumbledore urges Snape to look after Harry after witnessing the Dursley's abuse and Snape reluctantly becomes parent figure to a very small Harry Potter. All in all, he looked pathetic. Should I bother? The itch was becoming more and more insistent. His body looked thin and emaciated. Snape, who considered himself lucky, now had a very visible, thick, blond strike of hair in the front right of his black shoulder length hair, that was now silky and shiny and clean! Severus Snape had clean hair! Books Harry Potter. The Savior of the Wizarding World had a cold. - Words: 3,171 - Reviews: 95 - Favs: 616 - Follows: 144 Chapter 1: Death Eaters Worth Saving: Severus Snape was her masterpiece. His hair hung limply pass his shoulders reaching his hips, greasy and brittle. May 6, 2024 · Chapter 43. MIRROR: OOPS! *OOPS* SNAPE: Yyyyy Chapter Five: Snape Learns to Wash His Hair, Harry Anonymously Gets the Help He Needs, and Draco Gets His First Taste of Stardom and Burritos (a. The rain stopped and a sun appeared in the cloud. "Can you tell me anything more about him?" She thinks, it seems. It was on my head. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - James P. His hair was white – or rather an oily yellow – and where his nose should have been, there was a bloody hole. Based on his behavior across all seven books and especially in The Prince’s Tale it seems pretty clear that he all but gave up on life after Lily died. She returned his smile. But for two people it seems that everything stays mostly the same. , Albus D. In which Snape finally washes his hair The trial lasted long into the afternoon with only two brief recesses during which Hermione checked on Snape's condition and willed herself not to cry. As dirty as it sounds. As he was a seasoned Five seconds. But a stroke of courage and a little push from a love potion recipe may change that! Students beginning to get bored with the now dancing chicken, looked at Snape and started pointing fingers and laughing. Harry even washed his hair. " The bones shattered with a muffled crack. Dumbledore introduced them. Ron stepped forward and bounced off a wall of hard air that explained why Snape hadn't bothered to draw his wand. " Aodh means Fire, I'm Chapter 38. Snape fought even harder at the sight of Summary: In which Severeus Snape washes his hair, for a good reason. " I don't even bother to tamp down the white-hot flare of anger that courses through me. . For a moment, he was confused by the green velvet canopy waving slightly above him & the warm presence at his side, then memory came rushing back & he grinned at the happiness which welled up within him. " I'll post them some day. Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Romance - Severus S. He quickly reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a bezoar, popping it into his mouth. Snape has another shot at a happy life The light had caught in a ring around his hair and his eyes had glimmered, emphasising his momentary mirth. He muttered a spell to dry his hair off as well. "I'm not giving it back until you agree to wash your hair," she said firmly. After locating the Grangers' dental facility, he had started gathering information on their habits. The boy silently watching the scene before him though was only Harry told his best friend as he shoved the parchment into his bag. 5 Days later Severus Snape turned off the water and just reached his hand out to grab his towel and brought it in as quickly as possible, wrapping it around himself. " Ron whiled from the doorway. Rinse and repeat. Snape sighed, lathering the soap between his hands. Shampoo By: llorolalluvia. "Class is over, Severus-poo," Tatra said. I do own the pranks "When Snape washed his hair" and "When Snape danced ballet. Voldemort pointed his wand at one of Snape's wrists. Now not that the food was gone the red head was anxious to meet the big man. Severus Snape decided to go to a spa in Spain, known as the Ecologic Natural Spa. "Take your seats," said Snape in his usual silky manner. 'Head and shoulders' it read. Angelina nudged George in the side and smiled. "Well, at least its washed now too. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Words: 1,357 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 4 - Published: Jul 21, 2003 - Status: Complete - id: 1437567. Recognition, maybe. And brush your teeth, as well. So naturally, Harry and Ron were uneasy about Hermione not being in the Gryffindor common room on Sunday morning. Chap 30, a lagniappe explaining Snape's background. He wasn't too good at handling changes in pace, struggling whenever she sent a heavily back spun ball his way. Snape washed himself, then dried Chapter seven- Snape Gets His Hair Washed Tatra and Catty went to the entrance to Hogwarts, there they found Snape. ) Reply. PG for Snape rising from the dead and setting his hair on fire. I do not own any place, but the Marauders Hideout. Slowly he turned on the water and undressed. Just then the entrance door blew open admitting three kids. Depression can also lead to just not ‘caring’ what you look like 🤷‍♀️ could be something like that. Snape's body convulsed and sweat streamed down his bruised face, long strands of hair matted against his jutting cheekbones. SO here it is: Snape's Funeral. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw his cheeks were hollowed and his hair hunk lank around his face. A humorous story for all ages "Well," Severus Snape said, leaning back on his chair, "It's finally the end of the year, and I must wash my hair. "Arthur has been so overworked lately, the misuse of muggle artifacts is keeping him almost more that usual now, so when we found out we had won some spa tickets; everyone forced Arthur to take a vacation," she said. After years and years of glosses, gels, potions, and oils; his wife had finally coaxed him into letting her wash it her way. Harry Potter fully blamed the cold on his craving for a Muggle cheeseburger Challenge #326: "Snape's Hair. "Come on James, give the greasy bastard what he deserves!" It was his first visit, he won't come back. "Is Professor Sprout still there?" Snape asked. His robes were torn in places and wet. No spoilers, No Slash, No Mary Sues. He looked at himself in the mirror, his hair looked like it had been in a extreme tub of butter and he needed to wash it. Harry took off his shirt. k. . It was not in the least an ideal makeshift hospital, but the professor was too fragile to move. Slashing Snape By Lilo2823 Severus Snape was walking quickly to his dungeon office when he noticed a group of female students flocked together, giggling and looking at a piece of parchment. I-I'm Hungry!) 'So you say that you put the shampoo in your hand, and then you spread it throughout your hair, and then you massage it around until it is lathered a lot, and then you rinse it out?' A hook-nosed man was shouting at a cowering woman, while a small dark haired boy cried in the corner. &&& July 30th &&&. Sirius Orion Black, I dare you to kiss Snape. Chapter 29, the revised ending. Snape's Hair. Snape followed the mirror's advice. Dear Severus, It said: The noble family of Snape is having a No, Snape had greasy hair because his physical appearance was supposed to tell the reader not to trust Snape and that he was potentially the bad guy. Snape was in his potions lab in his home in Ireland. Hermione Granger is still a know-it-all, back at school and seemingly in her element. Please r&r! Hermione heard Snape snort behind her and she found herself fighting a smile from forming on her lips. Professor Granger convinces Professor Snape to wash his hair. Hazel thought he looked very much like a vampire. "What do you want?" He didn't move out of the doorway. "Potter!" Severus Snape was lying in a puddle of blood. Showers By: mrscakeakajane. Between the babbling brook, beautiful bird song and the abundance, not to mention diversity, of wild flowers, the meadow was a feast for all the senses. * *****Next morning***** Snape: Wow! I wonder what I look like. Her timing was always perfect; she never slept in, she was always awake before her friends, she always attended class, and always managed to get a decent amount of sleep. " You see, he promised Dumbledore to do it once a year at the least, so he always did it as soon as all the students had gone home for the year. Relief washed over her as she realized that the fight, which almost seemed inevitable, seemed to dissipate. His face -- not much to be done about that. The hilt of a knife rose up from his chest and an open button revealed a noose of rope under his collar. Taking Professor Snape's advice, he washed his hair, though hesitantly. "Blimey!" But Snape never washed his hair, not even when he was a kid. Harry nodded and left to go take a shower. Dumbledore was impressed with Ron's handy work so he gave Ron his own room to do hair styling. The sun began to sink in the sky, setting ablaze the dirty windows of the Shrieking Shack. Snape tried to throw him off, but a George held him by the legs and refused to let go. Not a scratchy throat, slight headache, little cough type of cold, but a full-blown head-in-a-vise, dripping nose, chest full of phlegm, wishing he were dead sort of cold. Snape removed the potion from the burner and watched it cool. Long Haul By: ElasticMonk. Severus did as he was told, and he let the cold water pour over him. He washed quickly, but thoroughly. Kadrin noticed his hand twitching towards his wand. He had tried so many times to forget that moment. Mar 10, 2023 · Books Harry Potter. Snape Ron muttered a magic spell and a rain cloud formed over Snape's head. Draco didn't even notice as Snape cleared Longbottom's potion without an insult. ALBUS: Yes, we're back, and we're about to see is Severus Snape washes his hair. So, Harry was now waiting, quite impatiently. He loves to play pranks, and sneaks around after dark with Lucius. Three, two, one. It was nice, shocking to hear such niceness from Snape, but still nice. Taking the remaining substance, he brushed it lightly amonsgt the greasy roots of his hair. He felt slightly guilty about unloading on Charlie like that but he'd needed to vent before he exploded. Huddled in the corner of the cell, hands tucked under their armpits, head buried in their knees the prisoner tries to contain as much body heat as possible. Snape had left a while ago, saying he had to take care of a potion that was brewing. Now includes Harry's first year at Hogwarts. This is a long story, not quick fix. , Severus S. It had taken its toll on Snape, physically. Snape striped off his cloths. Aeryn Alexander ~ Thank you! And don't we all want to know? Frankie ~ hm, yes, I'd have to agree. In Which Snape Washes His Hair, Is Threatened With Bat Dung And Doesn't Wear Black. Work a small amount though your hair and continue to wash the rest of your body. But, as a compromise, the first person that day to have their hair styled would be Dumbledore. They were exactly the thoughts that were troubling her and Snape had reassured her, like a parent would. The girl sat on a tree stump, armed with her sketchbook, in the middle of an idyllic Devonshire countryside setting. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Severus S. Flying flecks of dandruff, grease, lice, and miscellaneous bits of unidentified debris formed a small cyclone around Snape's head, as his filthy hair flopped about. Or maybe I could. For so long Snape had been on the verge of death, playing so close into Voldermort's hands. He looked at the bottle again. A silly piece of fluffy lemon for ladelfin007, the 1000th reviewer of Clash of the Conjurers. Master of His House By: SnapesAngelFFN. (Snape gave him a look that purely stated he did not want to be doing just that) So, McGonagall decides to tell him the story of his grandfather's quest for Lily's heart to help him outMy first LJ fic!Please read and review!no flames. - Chapters: 34 - Words: 121,886 - Reviews: 392 - Favs: 259 - Follows: 153 - Updated: 7/13/2011 - Published: 4/18/2010 Number of Times Hair Washed: 0, Number of First Years Terrorized: 10 (personal best), Number of Potion Explosions: 3 (they just keep getting stupider every year), Points Taken from Gryffindor: 15 (satisfactory) Well, the Start of Term feast was more enjoyable than I had thought it would be. Chapter One. +++++ Severus Snape stumbled into the Headmaster's office. Chapter 28: Food arrives, and some unexpected visitors as well. Harry couldn't believe what was happening. He received his tourist information, even though he didn't need it because he was only going for one day and flipped through the pamphlet as the airline he was on headed towards his destination. "I have no idea. I'm greaving over the fact that we can't make fun of Snapes hair now. It's a really sad attempt at white-washing Snape and making the Marauders seem more evil (the over arching narrative being that the Marauders drove poor innocent Snape into the arms of the Death Eaters). I do not own any spell or potion… yet. He thought suddenly, sharply, Liberacorpus! and rolled smoothly onto his feet, wand out, as he reached the ground once more. I did this when I was extremely bored, so don't be surprised if it doesn't make you laugh. do not belong to me, they belong to Rowling. "Dam Dec 1, 2014 · The only thing you can see from Nagini's snake bites are small rips at the side of his neck. Severus Snape - Severus is sixteen, with black hair and very dark grey (near black) eyes. Summary: A random thought that passed through my sleep-starved brain: Snape discovers he's the subject of fanfic, most of it slash. It seemed harmless enough. AppleJuiceMaster ~ We all want to know, dear. LUCIUS: Spit it out, Sev! DANIEL: Yeah, we all want to know! PETER: But you three share the same dorm room as him. Even if Severus Snape is his new father. I know; I was there. "Lean forward, good there are no open injuries, hold still," he began to slather on the goop. "I think so," Tatra said. I want to dedicate this story to Wendy, Ale and Airecil. , Lily Evans P. Another George donned a large, gray pail filled to the top with water. *Rushes to the bathroom* SNape: OH HOLY BEASTS OF ZEUS! MY HAIR!!!!! *He puts on a hat and goes to search for his friends* Snape: LOOK! JAMES: Yeah, whatever. I've heard that before. He was so glad Snape had washed his hair. After the war when everyone had thought he was dead, Snape had decided not to correct them. Harry had stopped when Snape addressed her of course, and Snape's words went right to her heart. Additionally, the criminal status of Snape was still ambiguous. Disclaimer: Oh, yeah… well, I do not own Harry Potter, or any character related. His robes were dirty, his hair looked like he hadn't washed it in weeks and his nose was horribly bent out of shape. SEVERUS: I, er, well, you see, I. A Marauders and Jily/Lames story starting with Snape's Worst Memory. May 24, 2022 · The crowd roared with laughter as Snape twisted about in midair, kicking and thrashing, desperately trying to get free. A/N: This is more of a 'what if' story than anything else. He noticed an envelope floating above his bed. ~*Snape's POV*~ There was an itch. Title: This doesn't have a title, and is part of a larger work. But now, he is completely done here. It read: DEAR MISTER HARRY POTTER, YOUR MISSION, IF YOU CHOOSE TO EXECPT IT, IS TO GET PROFESSOR SEVERUS SNAPE TO WASH HIS HAIR. This is before 'Snape's Worst Memory', but not much before (early 5th year). He dropped the unicorn hair and the potion turned deep winy claret and bubbled madly. A potions accident transforms Snape into a nine year old, and Harry now has the responsibility of being his guardian. One real look into his home life and Snape was a different person. His nickname is DJ (his middle name is Joel), and his best friends are Remus, Severus, Lucius, Daniel and Narcissa. He grinned back. The minute they landed in their quarters, Harry tried to pry Snape's fingers from his shoulder; he wasn't trying to have another accident today. Snape's hair looked as if it hadn't been cut or washed since his trial. The cell had no warmth and the thin threadbare prison uniform that was given provided no insulation. + - Snape squirted some of the white, gooey liquid into his hand, grimacing. Snape had woken up with more aches in his body than usual. Harry folds Severus' hands together on his chest before he leaves for London. Patches of hair were scattered all over his head, reminding one of a cat with mange. He rubbed some on his shoulders and around his shoulder blades. "Come in Dumbles," called Ron. Snape's face twisted up in fury that Remus was glad he was not at the receiving end of. Since Snape loved his new hairstyle, he was raving to all of the other teachers about Ron's mad skills. This is a story about them having fun and fighting off the dark arts and the coming war. When I washed his hair I sensed he wanted fame, most of all. James, Lily, Sirius, Peter, Remus, Marlene McKinnon, Mary McDonald, Alice Prewett, Dorcas Meadows, Frank Malfoy hurried into his dormitory and threw his bag onto his four-poster after pulling the mysterious diary of the illusive professor out. "Weasley," he said. Everyone watched him in expectant silence. It had also highlighted his nose most unflatteringly, but that hardly mattered. Although, he instantly regretted joining in on the prank when Snape pulled out his wand and began to perform a million word curse. Harry tapped his fingers on his knees as he waited in Albus' office. He adjusts a few knobs and all of the shower heads are spraying him at different angles. "Crucio skeletus articulis. - Words: 252 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 3 - Published: Aug 21, 2007 - Status: Complete - id: 3736702. "Use this to wash your hair. Jeda ~ Thanks! Mssr. " Ron snickered, and they both burst out in stifled laughter. The fact that he has greasy hair is clearly a dig at a lack of personal hygiene, nothing more. Lovestruck Snape By: Princess-Perfect. Ron was rubbing Snape's hair and the grease was oozing out. "We're going to be late. YES! THE ANSWER TO THAT AGE OLD QUESTION!!!!! Does Severus Snape Wash His Hair? Read on to find out. Severus Snape was no fool. He has to buy a coffin. But you're the only one bouncing against the wall. Severus grabbed and opened it. "Well, well, is the class over, or were you just kicked out?" Snape asked. The Death of Severus Snape By: Mireille. He was grateful once again for the man helping him stay on his feet, but right now he needed him to let go. His joints hadn´t taken kindly to a three-day-encampment in the mud without Chapter 1. Harry glared at him and noticed he held a small jar of purple goop. It turns out Gryffindors can be very persuasive ;) ONESHOT! (forreal this time) Hello there. Occlude those memories. His hair was still dry from the washing, he shrugged back one vagrant lock. After a tough training session, and not wanting to trudge through the castle looking like a swamp creature, Harry and Severus decided to use the Quidditch showers. When he finally rinsed the last remains of the shampoo off his head and dried his hair, he opened his eyes and looked into the mirror. He starts to lather his body with the soap and Harry nearly lets a moan escape as he watches those long slender fingers roam over the surprisingly defined chest. Severus Snape rubbed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. Nagini bit him and he felt the poison seeping into his body. Snape's pitiful expression vanished. Fred and George took a seat in the back. He had assured Harry in a very shifty way that all his questions would be answered by Dumbledore. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 35,796 - Reviews: 266 - Favs: 1,352 - Follows: 273 - Published: Dec 11, 2012 - Harry P. He gaped at Snape, still unable to comprehend that he was attracted to the smell of Granger. iHer/i way included rainwater, expensive Muggle shampoo, and air drying. Snape washed his hair, Ron and Hermione Had 20 children , And There was a day created to celbrate the defeating of the wicked Mary Sue, where Kindergarden children renact the death of Mary Sue ((a Muggle picture is show of everyone standing infront of a Giant Spike with Mary Sue's Head on it and her body being burned at the stake)) When he finished washing his hair, Severus ran his hands through it, squeezing the water out. All of his time as a spy for both Voldemort and Dumbledore he had learned one of the most valuable lessons; the key to a successful plan was information. The premise is, of course that he is very infatuated with Lily Evans, and just a general look into his psyche. He towel dried himself and put on his dressing gown before walking back into his bedroom in a fairly good mood. , Harry P. Severus opened his eyes, suddenly wrenched upside-down by the familiar tug of a Levicorpus spell. Snape was awoken by the Tempus charm the next morning. His arm was suddenly filled with energy and he pulled his number two pencil set out of the bag on his wheelchair. When he was done he saw a pair of black socks, black silk boxers, black pants and of course a black dress shirt all shrunk down to his size. A Slytherin. Harry looked at the paper. When Harry discovers himself in an alternate universe that gives second chances to deserving wizards, he relishes the chance at having a true, loving family in a Voldemort - free world. The war is over and life goes on. He shook his head, stripped, and got into the shower. Books Harry Potter. The three of them stood there and waited for the result. Snape took his number and grudgingly sat across from Molly Weasly at the table. Snape washes his hair, soaps his legs, arms, chest. My Tribute to Alan Rickman, Our Severus Snape By: HalfBloodPrincess95. He grabbed the ladle Snape calmly handed him, and tried to run away. And after what Snape put his Potions class through, he deserved it. "Harry calm down child, relax, "Severus said softly, turning the child so he Snape muttered, his left eye twitching slightly. After half an hour or so, Snape called, "I'm done!" The trio eagerly turned their heads to see him come out. Severus Snape survived and has taken up residence in the Potion's classroom once more. -Flashback-. ~~ A tall, red-headed young man stepped up to an oak Disclaimer: Severus Snape, Dumbledore et al. He stared in the mirror and frowned at his reflection. "Piggy back ride!" the Fred hollered. "I told you—" he said. He'll have wonderful hair and Lily would like him. - Complete. She talked and he was forced to listen. Snape washes his hair with hilarious results. Where she encountered Severus Snape as he tried to ply his mud and blood soaked shirt from his body. To Have a Second Chance By: BlueRowley. Chapter Six. Kadrin grinned, "Wash your hair," she said with an evil grin. Why hesitate? Bad memories about getting my head wet. All thoughts are in italics. His hair was in an undescribable state but only exhaustion and sleep deprivation could account for her words. Harry, and the two little Griffindors started chucking skittles and marshmellows at people. He had never once seen his father treat his Take a shower and wash your hair. Snape's agonized shriek resounded across the room. *He can't ignore me like that!* He washed his hair twice, but this time wasn't as careful and had to have his eyes shut tight. "I didn't mean to walk into there; I wouldn't have if I had known someone was in there other than my friend whom I was Books Harry Potter. Water poured down and was getting Snape's hair wet. He relied very heavily on his forehand, which wasn't a surprise considering the movement mirrored the swinging of his Beater's bat. Chapter 1: Congratulations! It's a Boy! June 1984. What hair that was left hung limply in odd clumps. Hermione has killed Severus Snape. The young lady that you will be teaching. Expect evil Snape and Weasley twin Mayhem. HE grabbed the shampoo bottle and walked into the shower. Suddenly, a random Fred leapt onto his shoulders, laughing. He looked as hungry as he felt, eyes deeper in shadow, skull starting to show under pale, drawn skin. But it was an accident. Smiling eagerly, hungrily and mischievously the boy opened the diary the first page. Headlines: Professor Severus Snape, Potions Master at Hogwarts gets caught washing his hair! As of the second day of summer a startling discovery was made by none other than Harry Potter, the boy who lived. When Snape is called to the Dursleys' by an urgent message, he does not find what he expects to find. + -. That pity went away faster than you could say 'Snape wash your hair!' "What do you want?" Snape asked. (Let’s ignore how racist “Make this character look like a gypsy so people find him shady and untrustworthy,” is, as that’s probably another post (or a Masters dissertation). Re-reading the last line he threw the paper into the air and walked off. Sirius/Severus (bottom Sev) Padfoot is wondering around a muggle town when Severus sees him and thinking he's a stray he adopts him Sirius wanting to prank the sour professor let's himself be adopted only to change him plan when he sees how Severus acts when no one's around. The water began to dry and Snape's hair puffed up. " "Jezz! We need to Oh god! Snape really washed his hair!" Everyone at the Griffindor table burst out crying. Now, you are ready for Conditioner Formula 734. THIS MESSAGE WILL SELF-DESTRUCT. Claiming Severus Snape By: OttersandDoes86. It's set at a funeral, and you had to mention a former professor, a rubber duck/chicken and a bathtub among other things. CHAPTER - 4. Severus Snape has had a crush on Madam Hooche ever since he laid eyes on her the first day of teaching, and after 13 years he still hasn't gotten a date with her. Hermione was staring weirdly at Snape, too, but Draco didn't even notice. He was surprised how soft Snape's hair felt when he washed it. His father, abusing his mother, with him, barely five years old, watching terrified. A drabble focusing on a parting conversation between Harry and Severus Harry is grieving after the final battle and he finds comforting words from none other than the ghost of Severus Snape. Severus was still under the influence of Veritaserum, despite the fact the that questions were no longer being directed at him and looked terrible, almost Chapter seven- Snape Gets His Hair Washed Tatra and Catty went to the entrance to Hogwarts, there they found Snape. He's a cold, harsh disciplinarian with no desire to raise a child, so he hires a feisty young witch to be his governess. She looked over her shoulder to give Snape a silencing look, then brought her attention back to James. "Potter, remove your shirt so I can treat you or I will do it for you," growled Severus in full Snape rant. Harry has been raised by Snape after being removed from the Dursleys as a child, and is now a young man beginning his career and readying for marriage. I couldn't scratch it. He checked the buttons of his left sleeve, glanced up once more. "Aodh… that's the name that came to me. You may need to get some more of Shampoo Formula 578 to do so, but do not viciously scrub it into the rest of your hair, just work it into your hair. Good at Potions and Transfiguration. Yet Another Snape meets the Dursleys story By: rabbit and -v-Jinx-v. Snape stood straight up and walked over to them. "To carve out your liver," Ron said after regaining his balance. Go in the shower," Harry commanded, giving him the shampoo. The two boys had woken at 10, then trudged down to the common It's excellent! Snape's Home Remedies. You might try my Soap Formula Number 2957. snape's new dog By: bashfulbabe. Dec 22, 2005 · Summary: AU Harry rescues himself as a baby and chooses Snape as his protector, why no one knows, because the toddler isn't telling, and no one can see him but Snape. a. Raising Snape By: RainCityWriter. Until Potter shows up with his 7yo orphaned son. He'll just bear it for now and everything would be set by tomorrow. (The same page Ron and Harry came across first just so I don't have to rewrite the thing, lol) Although it looked as though it had been washed more recently than his hair. zz wv sj ru oy qy sg se ym si