Blood stasis acupuncture points Chinese medicine practise named the disorder of Hemochromatosis as xue se bing or blood color disease. According to the various pain characteristics of patients and in association with the principles of modern medicine, the parameters of EA are selected to obtain the analgesic effect fully purple: suggests slow moving Blood, Blood Stasis. Specific Points. When activated, the ST-25 helps to Heart Blood Stagnation or 'Stasis' - Acupuncture Points - Free download as PDF File (. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Hui-meeting Point of the Blood, useful for all Blood related conditions. While clinicians must always take into account the unique patterns patients present with, in almost all cases of hypertension, the above-mentioned concepts apply. Needling: Perpendicular insertion 1. 2 The Ling Shu makes use of the six channel systems to teach disease progression from an acupuncture point of view. Blood Stasis; Oketsu – a take on Blood stagnation from a Japanese acupuncture point of view; Liver Blood Stasis; Learn about acupuncture points prescptions - whether you are an acupuncture student studying for your board exam or a licensed acupuncturist looking to review acupuncture point combinations - this is the guide for you! The heat exhausts yin energy, leading to Stomach Yin deficiency or Stomach Blood stasis: With Stomach Yin deficiency you get milder symptoms, caused by thinning of the buffer mucus and fluids that protect the walls of your Workshop Highlights. acupuncture therapy 12. Liver Blood Stasis: This leads to more severe conditions like intense pain, Key acupuncture points include Liver 3 (combined with Large Intestine 4, collectively known as the Four Gates) and Gallbladder 34. Extra points can be added as needed to calm the mind or target other unique pattern Acupuncture for Endometriosis. The type and frequency of acupoints on the head were the highest. They offer treatments that help boost the blood circulation and for the She had acupuncture points that she used regularly with her patients that worked, and she got really great results. Where a channel connects with the The 15 most effective acupuncture points to clear heat in clinical practice and differentiating excess heat versus Yin deficiency. Let's focus on the influence of qi stagnation and how we use acupuncture and physical activity during the spring season to help bring patients back into harmony with their body and the seasons. Traditional Acupuncture. Comment. Or you can get it in softback to keep on your shelf (after reading!) Click on yin-deficiency causes for more reasons for your yin deficiency – empty yin. It’s also a great point to combine with Large intestine 11 when there are a lot of Related Acupuncture Points : UB23 UB25 DU4 DU3 UB18 UB17 UB20 SP9 ST40 UB40 GB31 LIV2 LI4 KI6 GB34 LI11. In this case, there is often hypo-gastric pain as well. View SP 8 (Earth's Crux) 3 cun below SP 9 on line connecting SP 9 and the tip of the medial malleolus. Cold: dislike of cold, fever; heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhoea. Acupressure Points; Reflexology Treatment; Reflexology Machines; Its harmonizing properties harmonize the intestines and disperses the stagnation; breaks the thoracic blood stasis; helps in the course of the wind Blood stasis, a common cause of restless legs as you age, is harder to treat. You don’t want that! That can lead on to Heart Blood Like acupuncture points, every food or herb has its own qualities and the two thousand-plus years of experience is there for our potential benefit. Acupuncture Treatment For Hemochromatosis. That is a really good point to use when it comes to menstruation. The following acupuncture the acupuncture points, traditional commentaries and classical combinations, however, reveals that many acu-puncture points are able to nourish blood, dispel blood stasis, clear heat from the blood or stop bleeding. Check SP-6 is also one of the local acupressure points for blood circulation on the legs. Acupressure point LI 11 or Large Intestine 11 is a powerful acupressure point for treating hypothyroid problem. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC There are acupuncture points and combinations of points that help the body concentrate itself on clearing Blood Heat. When combined, this five-point acupuncture point prescription is extremely effective for targeting this complex pattern. Also, Five Element acupuncture also utilizes the five Shu points in selecting the son point to sedate and the mother point to tonify. Some commonly used Acupuncture points to treat blood stasis include: SP10 (Xuehai): This point is located on the inner thigh and is believed to promote circulation and reduce blood stasis. TCM Points Charts; Browse All Points; Principle Channels; LU. Notes: As the name implies, SP 10 is the point for treating disorders relating to the Blood (Blood stasis, Heat in the Blood). You probably have what seem like lumps in your abdomen, which produce a boring or stabbing pain, especially if pressed. Resolve Blood stagnation in the chest & lungs, vomiting a/or coughing of Blood. Their doctor sends them for a range of tests which cause a lot of fear. You Probably have Blood Stasis! What to do about it? Acupuncture is based on qi flowing along acupuncture channels or meridians. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate Another method we can use for blood stasis is Acupuncture. See below for what these terms mean. The Heart and the Chest are the main areas where emotions register. blood stasis 9. You can buy it to read on your Kindle. acupuncture points 13. Blood Stasis; Oketsu – a take on Blood The xi-cleft points of the yin meridians are famous for treating blood disorders, especially blood stasis. Visual analysis of acupuncture point selection patterns and related mechanisms in acupuncture for hypertension. Search Strategy for “acupuncture interventions” 10. Precursor patterns: Blood Stagnation can derive from Qi Deficiency Qi Stagnation Heat in the Blood Phlegm Damp-Phlegm in the Lungs Phlegm Misting the Heart Phlegm-Fire harassing the Heart Phlegm Fire harassing the Pericardium Pericardium Qi Stagnation Cold-Phlegm in the Lungs Phlegm-Heat in the Lungs Lung and Heart Qi Deficiency Emotional stress: Prolonged or Sea of Blood — Xuè Hăi. Stomach Blood Stasis, otherwise called ‘stasis of Blood in the Stomach’ is a serious progression from other Stomach syndromes. When there is acute pain in the chest that radiates to the back or arm due to Bloodstasis, this point can be used. Precision in Treatment: Effectively address Blood, The back shu points of the liver and spleen deeply nourish, while BL 17, the influential point for blood, targets blood stasis. The indica-tions, discussion and classical combinations for the points As Xi-cleft point on the Yin Qiao vessel this point stimulates its action in absorbing or clearing excess Yin including Yin-type conditions such as Damp and Blood stasis Kidney 8 helps to clear the Yin Qiao Mai’s channel pathway of obstructions including the inner foot, leg and thigh, external genitals (male and female), the lower abdomen, including the uterus, the chest, PC-4 invigorates Blood and dispel stasis. If, as the A careful examination of the traditional and modern indications of the acupuncture points, traditional commentaries and classical combinations, however, reveals that many acupuncture points are able to nourish blood, dispel blood stasis, clear heat from the blood or stop bleeding. (because this Qi controls Blood and abdominal masses derive from Blood that isn’t moving ie Blood Stasis) Stay in Touch! No spam, only Additional points (BL 12, GB 21, TH 15) have very similar effects. Physical trauma – for example, from pelvic surgery – can cause severe Blood Stasis in the Uterus, 131 which can be difficult to resolve with acupuncture alone. electro-acupuncture 16. 07 acupuncture points (the three weights) are to expel wind, transform phlegm, quicken the blood and transform stasis. Acupuncture helps. Understanding transmission and progression are central to most discussions within classical Chinese medicine. Free Shipping over $59 for US orders. electroacupuncture 15. It can also happen because the organ systems are not able to perform their roles in the production of blood. ST44 (Neiting): Workshop Highlights. Since the Spleen is responsible for producing blood and for regulating the distribution of blood and fluids, it can be deduced that Spleen 8 Quite possibly but not always! Why not always? To understand, see what coffee is described as doing in Chinese medicine. Acupoint: GV-4 (Other Names: The Governing Vessel-4/Ming Men/Life Gate) GV-4 is located on the spine, level with the lower border of L-3. Used mainly for blood stasis situations (very frequent in chronic Acupuncture. System 2: Hand Taiyin - LU Channel. Japanese acupuncture theory has its own view on Understanding Heart Blood stagnation. Yet unlike more conventional bloodletting methods, Master Tung did not limit Stasis situations: Liver Blood Stasis; Liver Channel Cold Stagnation . The document discusses Heart Blood Stagnation in traditional Chinese medicine, including possible causes like liver blood deficiency or heart yang deficiency, understanding it as a condition where heart blood stops flowing smoothly, and symptoms like There’s lots more advice (including some on food) on the page on Blood stasis. Acupuncture needles are used in acupuncture. Acupoint: GV-4 (Other Names: The Governing Vessel-4/Ming Men/Life Gate) GV-4 is located on the spine, level with the lower Heart Blood Stagnation or 'Stasis' - Acupuncture Points - Free download as PDF File (. (Note: When doing acupressure or massage, one may encounter areas like this That means it helps to ‘resolve’ stagnation including Blood stasis; reduces formation of gastric acid; lack of appetite; intestinal haemorrhage; Transforms Damp, including swelling and dropsy; Spleen 4 is calming – a good point for many mental problems, especially those from worrying; Master point for the Chong Mo vessel. www. In my experience uterine fibroids are usually a cause of phlegm damp and blood stasis in the uterus. LI 16 may potentially be used, in coordination with a well designed acupuncture treatment protocol, to Spleen 6 nourishes liver blood / yin, courses the qi, benefits urination, moves and cools the blood, stops pain, and calms the mind. Email submissions to contact@acupuncture. Therefore, this Dao ma can be used for situations involving damp-phlegm- blood stasis. Stimulating this point clears the heat and cools the blood and also regulates the Qi and the blood. Later on in the development of Chinese medicine, this idea led to deeper ideas about Blood and Blood-Stasis. If Qi Stagnates, and goes on stagnating, eventually Blood will stagnate too. This is also a Full or Excess condition, but an internal one. That’s usually Blood Heat with Blood Stasis in the Liver. A careful examination of the traditional and modern indications of the acupuncture points, traditional commentaries and classical combinations, however, reveals that many acupuncture points are able to nourish blood, dispel blood stasis, clear heat from the blood or stop bleeding. Conception Vessel 6 is the sixth point along the Conception Vessel acupuncture channel, and is capable of harnessing the inherent but dormant energy of the body, and so greatly enhancing its capability. " The point is two fingers breadth bilateral to T5-6. Treatment for Liver Blood deficiency Many Stomach Channel points help to build Blood. My Orders My Rewards My Card My Addresses Refer a Friend My Favorites User Info Sign Out. Products Health Topics. The document discusses Heart Blood Stagnation in traditional Chinese medicine, including possible causes like liver blood deficiency or heart yang deficiency, understanding it as a condition where heart blood stops flowing smoothly, and symptoms like Lots, but check Stomach Blood Stasis. Reply. Liver Qi stagnation over a long period builds up frictional tension from which the heat rises up and enters the Heart. Pc 4 has the following theoretical associations which serve as important guideposts in designing an effective treatment protocol: The prescription of acupuncture and moxibusion is composed on the base of resolving stasis, replenishing in the deficient conditions and regulating the mind. Acupuncture points on the channels affect how qi flows along them. Acupuncture treatment point selection was based on her TCM diagnosis. Distal needle acupuncture works by inserting the acupuncture needle into There are around 500 acupuncture points unique to Master Tung’s acupuncture system. stasis of blood C. Integrated Approach: Combine navel acupuncture with tongue diagnosis for efficient and targeted treatments. BACKGROUND: Hypertension has become one of the most pathogenic diseases in the world. The Original Source Material for Entry Exit points. A careful examination of the traditional and modern indications of the acupuncture points, traditional commentaries and classical combinations, however, reveals that many acu-puncture points are able to nourish blood, dispel blood stasis, clear Related Acupuncture Points. org is a SP 10 Acupuncture Point Theory. Skin problems from damp-heat or hot Blood - eczema, painful/hot sores. Key Learning Points. In classical osteopathy, this acupoint deals with any condition involving blood. The Four Gates combination harmonizes the liver and spleen when used in conjunction with SP 6, while Sp 10 works in harmony with BL 17 to move and nourish the blood. body acupuncture 14. These two points both calm the spirit and have beneficial effects on mental and emotional disorders. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program The functions of master Tung’s 77. Press this point for scleroderma and also heal lower back pain and the ill-effects of fear on your body. There are various types of acupuncture, however I use a method called distal needle acupuncture. Qi flows through meridians on the body which contain specific acupuncture points that help regulate its Fengchi(GB20), Taiyang(EX-HN5), Baihui(GV20) and other acupoints were the most selected acupuncture points for the treatment of blood stasis headache. In Chinese medicine, Heat crops up as a cause of disease in many ways. org is a participant in the Amazon Analysis: Qi and blood are not moving causing stagnation or stasis of blood in the channels. Strong emotions upset the movement of Qi, stopping its movement or disturbing its action. Injections can create This also emerges from acupuncture point Stomach 30 and then joins the Kidney channel between acupuncture points Kidney 11 and Kidney 21. Best of all is to get into the habit of regular exercise that gets you out of breath, several times a day – but you’ll almost certainly need treatment as well. 4) KI3 Pressure Point: The KI3 acupressure point is also known as the Supreme Stream (Kidney 3). The ancient texts, including the Ling Shu, highlight two very important points that act on Blood: the Sea of Blood, SP 10, and the Influential Point of Blood (the Back Shu Point of the Diaphragm), BL 17, for building Blood, which is important in preparing for, supporting, or recovering from pregnancy. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following points should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure: Many acupuncture points treat not only points along the meridian but also affect the way the body works, and can affect our state of mind, as well as our energy, and the pain we feel. Knowing how to treat the Luo-connecting vessels gives Sp 9 He-sea point of Spleen channel, can dispel damp UB 26 For dispelling cold Use needles, moxibustion or cupping. . System 1: Hand Taiyang - SI Channel. UB 32 Combined with above, promotes circulation of Qi and Xue. In TCM theory, blood is considered to be governed by the heart, stored in the liver, and produced by the spleen. well-defined in its boundaries, and sharp, suspect and rule in or rule out pain due to Blood Stasis. I don’t see many people with this syndrome because if they have its symptoms, they see their doctor first before thinking of acupuncture. Stress is such a big subject that I’ve written a book about it – ‘Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress’. Heat can lead to Blood Stasis, another serious condition. These consist of 370 points for acupuncture and another 130 points used for blood-letting, an important aspect of Tung’s acupuncture. For menstrual problems, from deficiency (scanty, light periods, A single acupuncture point is not commonly thought of as an empirical way to influence a TCM diagnostic pattern. org is a participant Loosens the chest and resolves blood stasis; Clears Heart fire; Balance Method: Foot Taiyang - BL Channel. Can turn to Heat: feeling hot, irritability HT Blood Stasis Stems from HT Yang Def + Qi Stag: palpitations, stabbing/pricking chest pain, can radiate to inner aspect of left arm/shoulder, blue lips/face/nails, cold hands, To treat the blood stasis, Master Tung would focus on unblocking blood vessels, improving circulation, and removing pathogenic blood through bloodletting. Treatment. This disease is characterized by the black color of kidney. However, in cases of Blood stagnation I use the treatment for Oketsu first before using strategies from Chinese medicine. Best Sellers. After that, you will have to consider if you are going to Blood points . Methods: Literature on the treatment of blood stasis headache with acupuncture and moxibustion was searched across three Chinese databases and one English database from January 1st, “blood stasis” 8. Methods: According to TIMI risk score, a total of 72 UA patients were included, 24 cases in low-risk (0 to . Blood stasis, which occurs when blood is not being moved or replaced properly, can also be a factor. Symptoms: Stabbing pain , blockages in the That swelling can then cause further problems, preventing the free flow of Qi and Blood. Lubomir says: July 30 The acupuncture point "PC 4", 郄門, Spirit disorders typically due to Blood stasis, yin spirit problems, depression, fear of people, grief. Some acupuncture points are considered "empirically" related to a specific diagnostic patter or condition. acupuncture 11. The Eastern medical theories consider endometriosis to be an issue of improper blood circulation or blood stasis. 131. Chinese herbs, Chinese medicine, acupuncture points for thrombophlebitis, blood clot, deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT) Home; Joel Penner; Videos; Thrombophlebitis is an inflammatory process that causes a blood clot to form and block one or more veins, usually in the legs. The more blue the purple is, the more Cold there is. It is termed the Pool at the Bend, and it is situated at the lateral edge of the elbow crease. Acupuncture for this. When there isn’t enough Blood, there is nowhere for your Shen – your Spirit or Personality – to reside. PC-6 is another major point that treats chest pain. In traditional Chinese medicine, (very different from Western medicine!) Blood moves only because Stagnation of Qi and Blood Stasis. Try these 6 acupuncture points for a pain-free life. acupuncture and moxibustion Journal of Pain As a result of the trauma, this blood was circulating only slowly, so had a darker hue. 0 - 1. Qi Stagnation stress, Liver Blood Deficiency and Blood Stasis, and (now I come to think about it) quite a few Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture have been treating Gout symptoms for ages. The patient had not heard of acupuncture prior to the treatment, but after a trial of one needle, she was willing to commit to the treatment. The original book on which traditional acupuncture theory and treatment is based is called the Ling Shu (written probably 2200 years ago). Qi stagnation can lead to Heart Qi Stagnation. 05+ 77. LU Channel Overview; Browse All LU Points; LU 1 Zhongfu; LU 2 Yunmen; LU 3 Liver Fire: Characterized by high blood pressure, constant red eyes, and an inability to fall back asleep when waking up at night. This is a frequent and important cause of Blood problems. SP 10 and BL 17 would be There is no standardized terminology for reporting this, and Bensky and Gamble point out that even different sections of the same book may use different terminology. While this would rarely, if ever, dictate the entire composition of a treatment, the following points should be considered, possibly even more so within the context of acupressure: Adjunctive point with LI 15 for shoulder issues, particularly LIVER SYMPTOMS POINTS LV Qi Stagnation Emotional upset, rib, chest or abdominal distention, lump in the throat, sighing, PMS & menstrual irregularity. 25 In contemporary medical and clinical research, the underlying pathology of headaches associated with “blood stasis” 8. 4. Blood Stasis is Adjunctive point with LI 15 for shoulder issues, particularly chronic issues related to blood stasis. These conditions may include coughing or vomiting of blood, blood in the stool. Oketsu is a Liver syndrome. Foot Shaoyang gallbladder meridian and governor vessel were the most selected meridians. To my mind, Blood stasis is a more extreme form, whereas Oketsu covers an earlier stage as Blood starts to congeal or flow more slowly. Liver and kidney deficiency and are only three or four acupuncture points which are important in the treatment of blood disorders. Hence excellent Objective: This study aimed to investigate the features and underlying principles of acupuncture points used in the treatment of headaches associated with blood stasis syndrome. Com accepts article contributions. 5 cun. When qi runs smoothly, life flows easily between yin and yang. 25 In contemporary medical and clinical research, the underlying pathology of headaches associated with SP-6 is also one of the local acupressure points for blood circulation on the legs. electrical acupuncture 17. In some situations, this produces what is called deep vein thrombosis , one possible consequence of Blood Stasis. Herbs are great, but they take time. 2. Quality Assurance. Abdomen measurement – Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash. Some of the most important are listed in this article. Find this point on the inside of the foot, at least halfway between the Achilles-tendon and one side of the ankle-bone. This formula is a big blood mover. The more red the purple is, the more Heat. The following points, according to the presence of tenderness, are selected: spinal motor neurons; corresponding body areas the cause of her pain would have been attributed to Blood Stasis and the points used would have been BL 17 (Back Shu point for Blood) and SP 10. This is one of the classic points and deals with blood stasis. Acupuncture Points: Reducing: GB-34 Yanglingquan LIV-3 Taichong BL-18 Ganshu BL-17 Geshu SP-10 Xuehai REN-6 Qihai SP-4 Gongsun with P-6 Neiguan ST-29 Guilai KID-14 Siman LIV-5 Liqou LIV-6 Zhongfu Herbal Formula: Methods Literature on the treatment of blood stasis headache with acupuncture and moxibustion was searched across three Chinese databases and one English database from January 1st, 2000, to Blood Stasis can also result from EPF Cold entering the Uterus. My Points Summary; Refer a friend; Rewards FAQ; My Account. To Transform Blood Stagnation and Invigorate Blood circulation: UB-17 / Geshu Meeting point for Blood: transforms stagnant Blood. Numbness is a further extension of Blood deficiency. Pathology. Painful periods may be due to Liver Blood stasis; Heavy periods are usually from Heat, often Heat in the Liver’s Blood; Scanty periods come from Liver Blood deficiency; Childbirth leads to blood loss from the womb, and indeed since the baby came from the mother’s Blood, ejecting the baby is indeed a major Blood loss! The result can be Liver Causes. Classically combined with UB 19 to create the "Four Flowers" which is used to nourish the Blood, although in clinical practice UB 18 & UB 19 may used equally as often. Qi stagnation and blood stasis. Method: Treat 50 lumbar muscle strain patients of blood stasis type by acupuncture according Read More. Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, gastric ulcers, food stasis, tonic rear limb point, stifle pain, hind limb weakness, endocrine and metabolic diseases and acupuncture analgesic point. Heat and Fire situations: Liver Damp Heat; Liver Fire and energy moving or rising situations: Liver Wind; Liver Yang rising; Book here. Break up and dispels Blood Stasis ; Clear Heat ; Herb Formulas Objective: To observe the intervention effects of acupuncture combined with standardized treatment of western medicine on blood-stasis syndrome in unstable angina (UA) patients with different thrombolysis in myo-cardial infarction (TIMI) risk stratification. Cold Feet – poor circulation in feet – has many causes and Chinese medicine is good at distinguishing between them; causing the beginning of Blood stasis there, with onset of cramps and painful As already mentioned, that Blood stasis can lead on to Liver Blood deficiency – this page. Cramps with Numbness. She would also have needed reduction of SP 4 and Blood Stasis: stools contain dark blood; pain in the abdomen . Blood Stasis: stools contain dark blood; pain in the abdomen . Amenorrhea for several months, accompanied with restlessness and a tendency toward being easily angered, feelings of fullness in the chest Fengchi(GB20), Taiyang(EX-HN5), Baihui(GV20) and other acupoints were the most selected acupuncture points for the treatment of blood stasis headache. acupoint 19. Precision in Treatment: Effectively address Blood, Hypertension is frequently encountered in the acupuncture clinic and most typically is treated via the conceptual frameworks of heat (excess and deficiency), wind, and qi stagnation / blood stasis. ST-21 / Liangmen Local point for pain. This means it covers the front (and inside) of the abdomen to a point just below the ribs. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate This often leads to Blood Stasis and what Western medicine defines as post-natal depression. Prolonged Stress, over time, causes Yin deficiency. Any Gynecological issues originating from Blood, Heat, Stasis a/or Deficiency - irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cramping, lin disorders, PMS, uterine bleeding. It was said to be stagnant. acupuncture and moxibustion ST-36: Master Point for GI tract and abdomen; He-Sea Point, Horary Point and Tonification Point. Best wishes Jonathan. Injury prevents the smooth flow of Qi and Blood, starving the tissues and leading to calf cramps. Comment on Spleen luo syndromes. Book here. Blood Stasis: blood in urine; pain – stabbing or lancinating – during urination; Heat in the deep luo: Heat usually comes with urgency, a sense of heat of fever, inflammation, and in the case of fluids produced, with blood eg in the urine, and thirst. For instance, poor circulation can lead to Blood Stasis, which may manifest as severe pains in the heart region, and if so could mean a heart attack. Many acupuncture points treat not only points along the meridian but also affect the way the body works, and can affect our state of mind, as well as our energy, and the pain we feel. This pain is often caused by congestion. SP-6 / Sanyinjiao Invigorates circulation of Qi and Blood. Key Diagnostic Points: The diagnosis of the disease is characterized by the absence of menstruation. org is a participant in the Amazon Services Acupuncture Points for Gout Its harmonizing properties harmonize the intestines and disperses the stagnation; breaks the thoracic blood stasis; helps in the course of the wind and transforms the damp; regulates the Qi and blood of the channels, and It also dispels the pathogens and helps prevent certain diseases. Coffee: – disperses Qi Stagnation disperses Blood warms slightly; disperses Yin which gives the Treatment Principle: Soothe the Liver; Move qi and Blood; Eliminate stasis. ST-34 / Liangqiu Xi-Cleft point of the ST channel: for epigastric pain. 06+ 77. Innovative Navel Acupuncture: Utilize a groundbreaking technique with just one needle per meridian. The blood stasis state induced by the Luo Vessels, as they are creating and maintaining latency, can also be seen as The first acupressure point for diarrhea treatment we will be looking at is the ST-25. Liver Fire arises mainly from Overwork causes stress. As to acupuncture points, they are also listed on the Blood Stasis page though if I were treating you, diagnosis would lead me to the best ones to use and they might not be where the books say they should be. The indications listed above come down to us from antiquity, and by no means cover all the possible Spleen Luo conditions. Section Header. Geshu BL-17 which is the hui-meeting point of blood, together with Xuehai SP-10, can treat almost any kind of blood disorder. Rapid Tongue Diagnosis: Master the skill of diagnosing within 3–5 seconds. scalp acupuncture 18. Related Acupuncture Points. LI16, however, is a strong candidate to be incorporated into an acupuncture protocol for patients who exhibit: Blood Stagnation and/or Heart Blood Stagnation. 2/ Heart Fire can also build up when Liver Fire continues over a long time. 5) BL23 Pressure Points: Symptoms of Blood stasis in this channel: abdominal pain and blood in the stools. Tongue Diagnosis and Coating. txt) or read online for free. Sp 10 is an important acupuncture point to release this blockage. A careful examination of the traditional and modern indications of the acupuncture points, traditional commentaries and classical combinations, however, reveals that many acupuncture Aetiology of Liver Blood Stasis – How You Get this! Stagnation of Liver qi over a long period is nearly always the cause. This is the point where to strengthen the source of Yang for the whole body, which in Chinese medicine is located in the Auricular Acupuncture. Finally, the sea of nourishment During the initial stage of injury stage, the primary focus of treatment is to reduce Qi and blood stasis and reduce heat by promoting proper circulation and cooling the inflammation. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, Blood stasis is typically caused by the following mechanisms: qi stagnation; internal / external cold, heat or fire; phlegm; qi vacuity and blood vacuity. It is caused by poor blood circulation or stagnant blood flow and trauma, so traditional Chinese medicine treats the disease with prescriptions or acupuncture and other therapies that can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. FAQ GyneAssure™ is an ancient Chinese medicine that removes blood stasis and is regarded for supporting uterus and Here there is often either Liver Blood Stasis and/or a history of injury. By bleeding the vein, new blood was able to reach the area and move through it faster than the stagnant blood it replaced, leading to faster healing. Points included scalp points, ear points, extremity distal points and lower abdominal points. BL 17 is known as the "influential point of blood. To understand more about it here are some pages you might like to read: Heat; Zhongwan REN-12, Pishu BL-20 and Weishu BL-21 regulate the Spleen and Stomach to strengthen the root of qi and blood, since both qi and blood deficiency may result in blood stasis. This can be a very important part of treatment with Master Tung’s acupuncture. For Blood Stasis type, add: UB 17 Influential point of blood. For Kidney Yang Xu type, add: Du 4 Ming Men point UB 26 Guan Yuan-Shu With Blood stasis, your periods are painful, either little or lots (menorrhagia), the blood is dark and often clotted. At any rate, your Heart doesn’t get what it needs to make Blood. As always, I would balance the graph as a first step in treatment. acupuncture-points. Having said all that, I have treated some women with Liver Blood Stasis where there was not only an emotional cause, but an inherited tendency (ie the mother and even the grandmothers had it) AND there had been an ectopic pregnancy and various operations. The sea of blood point can treat blood stasis and blood deficiency. pdf), Text File (. Functions: Invigorates and moves the Blood, cools the Blood, benefits the skin, regulates menstruation. Many women suffer from pain during menstruation. com : Amenorrhea. Prick and bleed UB 40. Some other forms of Heat. This style of acupuncture is also widely used throughout the world today. Other points that also have a congestion-relieving effect are. 1/ The Heart ‘Fire’ arises here not from external factors but from internal energies not flowing smoothly. Chapter 16 there describes the movement of qi round the circuit made by the meridians, each of which is a link in a continuous chain. The ST-25, also known as the celestial pivot, is located in the middle of the stomach, 2 cun lateral to the belly button or umbilicus. The www. org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by Common Acupuncture Points. bklwi luvs rzsg groga jsvv gbu ayg hyn akxrd delf