Ofca speed test. hk/en/consumer_focus/smart_tools/index.

Ofca speed test hk/en/consumer_focus/smart_tools/index. The mobile apps can be downloaded for free through the following channels - Sep 26, 2024 · 通讯事务管理局办公室宽频表现测试 © 2006-2025 Ookla, LLC. NET 測試時間: 凌晨 由於本人電腦LAN卡只有100MB,所以最多也只去到100MB!! 以下是寬頻商的設備 有線寬頻(I-CABLE) 50Mbps 所使用的設備 Cisco 網上行寬頻光纎入屋200Mbps Dec 27, 2014 · 消費者可通過通訊辦網站(speedtest. The rate at which data is transferred from the test server to the user device. 66. Disconnect all other devices. 現正載入寬頻速度測試系統 Dec 4, 2024 · Will the FAST. com和OFCA备受推崇。这些机构提供的Speedtest服务,无论是对于netvigator网上行、HKBN家居宽频,还是csl、SmarTone、3HK或CMHK的5G网络,都能进行精确的互联网速度测试。 這個小工具是量度寬頻服務上載及下載速度的好幫手。想知道更多詳情,即上: http://speedtest. hk)連接寬頻表現測試網站。Apple和Android流動裝置用戶可分別在iTunes App Store和Google Play搜尋「ofca」,下載手機版 Jan 27, 2013 · With the increasing penetration of high speed broadband services over the past two years, OFCA has received requests from both consumers and the industry to enhance the test website so that users may measure accurately the performance of these services,” a spokesperson of OFCA said. gov. 讓衛教知識更好懂 这里可以获得 本站源代码 本测速服务器位于中国科学技术大学网络空间安全学院 其他测速站点: CERNET / 东北大学 / 南京大学 / 上海大学 / 南京航空航天大学 此流動應用程式由通訊事務管理局辦公室所委託的SamKnows Limited設計、開發及維護以在香港提供寬頻表現測試服務。使用本流動應用程式所需的數據用量會因應所測試的流動寬頻速度而異,有關數據用量的評估請參考應用程式內的"關於"分頁。用戶在使用流動數據服務時,應時刻留意已耗用的數據用量 Dec 4, 2024 · 您的下載速度有多快?只需幾秒,FAST. Feb 4, 2025 · SpeedOf. Reference number. ofca. When running a Repeated Test, you can choose the Step 1: Run our speed test on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop connected to your Wi-Fi network while standing next to your router and record the speed test results. com 的簡易網路速度測試就可以估計您的網路服務商速度。 按下 [顯示更多資訊] 按鈕,就能查看您的上傳速度和連線延遲(偵測)。FAST. Step 2: Connect a wired desktop or laptop to one of the wireless gateway’s Ethernet ports. Mar 30, 2021 · Information or material on this web site which bears the name of the Communications Authority or the Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA) as the issuing party, or is otherwise authored by the Communications Authority or OFCA, may be reproduced or re-disseminated for non-commercial use provided that the Communications Authority or OFCA ofca speed test,OFCA Broadband Performance Test - OFCA Speed Test,OFCA logo. 進行寬頻速度測試,了解您的網絡連接性能。 Dec 28, 2014 · Measure your fixed and mobile broadband speed with OFCA's test website, which supports up to 1000 Mbps and 100 Mbps respectively. 3吉赫頻帶拍賣 6/7吉赫頻帶拍賣 頻譜供應表(2024 - 2026) 擴展光纖網絡至偏遠地區鄉村資助計劃 查看更多 OFCA Speed Test 速度測試網站 香港政府屬下的通訊事務管理局辦公室(OFCA)提供 寬頻表現測試 網站(Speed Test)。 這網站的 javascript 在測試時,直接用香港互聯網中樞 HKIX 的 Speed Test 伺服器與用家的電腦作下載和上傳測試,所以能測試實時本地速度。 Apr 29, 2021 · Printed at 9:10pm on 7 March 2025 Webpage -- https://www. Other devices connected during the test may skew the result. org 和 Speedtest by Ookla 網站。測試 Jan 26, 2013 · 通訊辦提供免費的寬頻表現測試服務,讓用戶可測量固網和流動寬頻連接的速度、時延、抖動等參數。測試網站由香港中文大學資訊科技服務處設立的香港國際互聯網交換中心 SpeedTestHK. Speedtest CLI brings the trusted technology and global server network behind Speedtest to the command line. Regularly conducting speed tests enables users to ensure that they are getting the promised speeds Aug 20, 2024 · New FCC Mobile Speed Test App Features. Ookla ®, Speedtest ®, and Speedtest Intelligence ® are among the federally registered 寬頻先生 Mr. Apr 26, 2024 · 透過線上測試,用戶可以快速檢測HiNet連線速率並獲得最佳的上網體驗。 Jan 16, 2025 · 在香港,你可以选择多家机构进行网速测试,其中Techritual. The mobile apps can be downloaded for free through the following channels - Sep 26, 2024 · 通訊事務管理局辦公室寬頻表現測試 Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. Since its launch in December 2010, the test website has been well received by members of the public. With billions of active uses to date, Speedtest is the Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. 免費、快速、準確的網路測速工具。輕鬆測量你的網路下載速度、上傳速度和 Ping 值。支援 Wi-Fi 和行動網路,並提供專業的網路診斷服務,輕鬆找出網路卡頓原因,是你測網速的最佳選擇。 OFCA Speed Test is a valuable tool for internet users to evaluate their connection speeds. Dec 28, 2014 · Consumers may access the broadband performance test website via the official website of OFCA (speedtest. com will test Internet speed globally on any device (phone, laptop, or smart TV with browser). 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 一个轻量级的HTML5网速测试网站,支持联通专线节点、教育网多线测速节点,统计网速排行榜、测试网页打开速度功能,电信移动联通宽带在线测速,网络延迟在线ping,支持Speedtest. © Office of the Communications Authority Jun 10, 2015 · OFCA provides a system to measure fixed and mobile broadband services of higher speeds. hk, or through mobile software applications ("mobile apps") installed on devices operating with iOS or Android mobile operating systems. Choose the speed you need — from the 1 Gig we're known for to the fastest we've ever 香港網速測試 SpeedTest Hong Kong。Techritual. Dec 24, 2014 · 消費者可通過通訊辦網站(speedtest. hk 科技视频:中移动香港 4G LTE测试(一):OFCA SpeedTest 中移动香港 4G LTE测试(一):OFCA SpeedTest 首页 电视剧 内地 美剧 韩剧 英剧 自制剧 电 影 爱情 喜剧 Jun 10, 2015 · The OFCA Broadband Performance Test system has been enhanced to support measurements of fixed and mobile broadband services of higher speeds. hk 或流動應用程式(安裝在以 iOS 或 Android 作業系統操作的裝置)進行寬頻表現測試。流動應用程式可經以下渠道免費下載— iOS 版本: Apple App Store Android 版本: Google Play 6 days ago · 测速网(SpeedTest. 本文介紹三種測試寬頻速度的方法,包括香港政府的 OFCA Speed Test 網站,以及外國的 Speedtest by Speedcheck. com speed test work everywhere in the world? FAST. com speed test? We want our members to have a simple, quick, ad-free way to estimate the Internet speed that their ISP is providing. 249. hk)連接寬頻表現測試網站。 該測試網站自二零一零年十二月推出以來,深受市民歡迎。二零一四年,使用系統進行表現測試的總數超越5 000萬次,平均每日進行的測試約為37 300次。 背景資料 Sep 26, 2024 · Users may carry out broadband performance tests via OFCA's website ("test website") at https://speedtest. Read More 【ofca speed test】MYSPEEDMETER +1 | OFCA speed test Dec 24, 2014 · 消費者可通過通訊辦網站(speedtest. com 為您的網路連線提供兩種不同的延遲度量單位:「已卸載」及「已載入」的流量。 線上網路速度測試,測速網,免費偵測網速,連線測試,網路品質,5G網速,5G測速,5G網路,線上測速,寬頻測速,視訊測試,Wi-Fi測速,聯通,電信,移動,長城寬頻,廣電,網速診斷,網路診斷,蹭網偵測,路由測試,上網速度,網頁開啟速度,遊戲測速,直播測速,提高網速,寬頻提速,網路 Jun 10, 2015 · The OFCA Broadband Performance Test system has been enhanced to support measurements of fixed and mobile broadband services of higher speeds. The enhanced system now allows broadband users to measure fixed broadband connections with speeds up to 1,000 Mbps (previous highest speed that could be tested was 300 Mbps). Me is a broadband speed test that allows you to easily measure your actual Internet speed on all your devices like desktop, mobile, tablet, game console, smart TV, etc. . Important Notices Privacy Policy. Learn about the factors affecting the test results, the data usage involved and the required Sep 26, 2024 · 通訊辦提供免費的寬頻表現測試服務,讓用戶量度其寬頻連接的下載速度、上載速度、網絡時延、封包遺失和抖動。用戶可透過測試網站或流動應用程式進行測試,但應注意測 Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. html Mar 4, 2025 · Speedtest Tips: For most accurate Speedtest results, try the following: Use a wired connection or connect next to your modem. hk/tc/consumer_focus/smart_tools/index. Starting in 2024, in addition to a new display, the new FCC Mobile Speed Test App allows for repeated testing: you can perform back-to-back Challenge, Crowdsource, and QuickCheck tests for up to 4 hours without manually initiating a new test each time. Sep 26, 2024 · Measure your broadband connection speed and quality with OFCA's free system. Users can test their broadband connections with speeds up to 1,000 Mbps for fixed and 150 Mbps for mobile. The website is hosted by the Hong Take a speed test to see how strong the connection is in your home (and if you don’t already have GFiber, see how it compares to our speeds). By understanding the significance of the OFCA Speed Test numbers, users can make informed decisions about their internet plans and troubleshoot any issues. WiFi performance can be affected by distance and interference. com 為你提供不亞於政府 OFCA 的國際級 Speedtest 測試,使用你的電腦、手機、平板為你的 netvigator 網上行、HKBN 家居寛頻,或你的 csl、SmarTone、3HK 或 CMHK 5G 網絡進行互聯網 進行寬頻速度測試,了解您的網絡連接性能。 Apr 29, 2021 · 網頁 -- https://www. html Feb 20, 2025 · 通訊事務管理局的主頁,提供有關香港電訊及廣播行業的最新資訊和服務。 OFCA speed test,大家都在找解答。将数据封包从用户装置传送至测试伺服器并随即传回用户装置所需的总时间。 封包遗失. cn)提供网速测试,网络质量测试,宽带测速,Wi-Fi测速,5G测速,IPv6测速,带宽检测,路由器测速,网关测速,宽带提速,宽带升级,网络加速,内网测速,专网测速,视频测试,游戏测速,直播测速,网络诊断,蹭网检测,物联网监测,网站监测,API监测,Ping测试,路由测试等 The definitive way to measure internet performance, Speedtest provides people with independent insight into the speed and quality of their mobile and fixed broadband connections. Your IP. All Rights Reserved. · Upload speed · Network latency. Why is Netflix offering the FAST. 69. Powered by. OFCA Speed Test 速度測試網站 香港政府屬下的通訊事務管理局辦公室(OFCA)提供 寬頻表現測試 網站(Speed Test)。 這網站的 javascript 在測試時,直接用香港互聯網中樞 HKIX 的 Speed Test 伺服器與用家的電腦作下載和上傳測試,所以能測試實時本地速度。 Jul 8, 2024 · 用戶可透過通訊辦網站("測試網站") https://speedtest. 何為「寬頻速度測試」? 端對端測試 這個寬頻速度測試是直接從你的電腦連接至指定網站的數據中心,故能模仿你日常網站連線及瀏覽的情況,反映上網速度,從而測試出你正在使用中的寬頻速度。 Feb 28, 2013 · With the increasing penetration of high speed broadband services over the past two years, OFCA has received requests from both consumers and the industry to enhance the test website so that users may measure accurately the performance of these services,” a spokesperson of OFCA said. Broadband | 一站式電訊服務優惠,寬頻比較及價格查詢平台。在市場上不同電訊公司都會為客戶提供不同價格和月費計畫,可以利用本平台快捷地查詢不同電訊公司的月費計劃,更可節省你向不同電訊查詢時間,提供最平,最 通过我们的带宽和互联网速度测试,测试您的互联网速度以及DSL,xDSL,电缆,光纤或卫星宽带连接的质量。 nPerf可以准确限定您的Internet连接的性能。 此速度测试依赖于专有算法,可让您准确测量下载比特率,上传比特率和连接延迟。 Use Speedtest by Ookla to test your internet speed on all devices with free desktop and mobile apps. net全球节点 在线网速测试,测速网,免费检测网速,连通性测试,网络质量,5G网速,5G测速,5G网络,在线测速,宽带测速,视频测试,Wi-Fi测速,联通 May 14, 2013 · SPEEDTEST. hk)連接寬頻表現測試網站。 該測試網站自二 一 年十二月推出以來,深受市民歡迎。二 一四年,使用系統進行表現測試的總數超越5 000萬次,平均每日進行的測試約為37 300次。 Jan 28, 2013 · Apple和Android流動裝置用戶可分別在iTunes App store和Google Play搜尋「ofca」,下載手機版的測試程式。 背景資料 前電訊管理局於二零一零年十二月推出寬頻表現測試網站,讓市民測量他們的寬頻服務連接表現。 Ookla ® 的 Speedtest 致力於提供真實網際網路速度資料與詳細資訊,使網際網路更快速。 我們在全世界進行了數十億次的測試,無論您在何處,都可提供專屬您最常使用裝置的應用程式。 Jan 26, 2013 · 基於這些互相影響的因素,測量出來的表現未必一定與服務供應商所宣稱的相同。」 消費者可通過通訊辦網站(speedtest. Older devices may not support higher WiFi speeds Speedtest ® CLI Internet connection measurement for developers. -. The mobile apps can be downloaded for free through the following channels - Jan 28, 2025 · 850/900兆赫及2. hk). Use a newer device. 211. com 為你提供不亞於政府 OFCA 的國際級 Speedtest 測試,使用你的電腦、手機、平板為你的 netvigator 網上行、HKBN 家居寛頻、HGC 網絡,或你的 csl、SmarTone、3HK 或 CMHK 5G 網絡進行互聯網速度測試。 即使是 Sep 26, 2024 · Press "print screen" to print the result Disclaimer. Sep 26, 2024 · Users may carry out broadband performance tests via OFCA's website ("test website") at https://speedtest. , a Ziff Davis company. In 2014, the total number of performance tests conducted using the system exceeded 50 million, averaging to about 37,300 tests HKBN will record test results and related information of this speed test (including but not limited to the name network service provider, upload and download speed, IP address and location, testing date, operating system version, latency, browser name and jitter etc), for the compilation of statistical reports and the diagnosis of problems with or concerning this speed test system, but Jan 28, 2025 · 「做个精明通讯服务用家」网上展览 电话智能卡实名登记制 5G应用经验分享短片 迎接5G新世代主题网站片 查看更多 Jul 8, 2024 · Users may carry out broadband performance tests via OFCA's website ("test website") at https://speedtest. hk)連接寬頻表現測試網站。 該測試網站自二零一零年十二月推出以來,深受市民歡迎。二零一四年,使用系統進行表現測試的總數超越5 000萬次,平均每日進行的測試約為37 300次。 背景資料 OFCA speed test,大家都在找解答。OFCA Broadband Performance Test · Download speed. hhcelf dnnq lnj kpzkiql iooyfs cqvnxr qydc zqalp bljwu dpbhgg hane jjegvw spzy hoh pygf