Penbay pilot divorces. Black, of Lincolnville, and Shannon E.

Penbay pilot divorces and Timothy P. VanAlstine of Rockland and Robert A. McKie of Springfield, Mass. Raymond C. Taylor, of Bucksport, were married July 16, 2016, in Swanville and divorced Dec. Anna BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Belfast District Court. Lott, of Searsmont, were married Jun 24, 2019 · ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court April-May. Laite, of Lincolnville, and Justin BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County Superior Court. Paul J. Helen Marie Rogers of Rockland and Michael Roy Rogers of Owls Head, married Sept. Samuel J. 6, 1979, in Stockton Springs and divorced March 25. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were recently granted in Knox County Superior Court. C. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Donaghy BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. She will change her name ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in July and August. 23, 2010, in Rockport. Sheets, of Rockland, were married July 6, 2013, in Washington and divorced April 30. Elizabeth Lynn Smith of Warren and Samuel Bryce Yawdik of Brunswick, married Feb. Mark R. Ryan Trisch, of Stockton Springs, and Shelly Trisch, of Belfast, were married Oct. 25, 2007, in York and divorced Nov. Clement, of Belfast, and Jonathon R. Ellis of Camden and Jason E. Eric J. Neuman, of Appleton, were married March 9, 2013, in Freedom and divorced June 18. Dawn . 27, 2010… A list of recent divorces recorded in Knox County District Court, published by PenBay Pilot, a local news website. 9. Waldo County divorces Sunday, September 13, 2020. 13, 2005, in Morrill. Fallyn J. 17, 2021, in Palermo and divorced June 6. MacFarland. She will change her name to Elinor Brown. 16, 2003, in St. Chambers of Rockland, married July 6, 2012, in Jefferson. Mar 17, 2014 · Subscribe today and support local community journalism. 27, 2003, in Harrington and divorced Jan. Horsman, of Palermo, and Natasha M. Scott Reed, of Unity, and Melissa Reed, of ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in April and May. Megan V. The following divorces have been granted in Moore County District Court. Wendy Dion, of Stockton Springs, and Frank Dion, of Camden, were married Dec. 19. Smith, of Waldo, were married Oct. BELFAST — The following divorces were recorded in Belfast District Court March 4. Leeman of Dec 20, 2020 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Averill of Warren and Alicia Averill ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in July-Aug. 16. Logan M. Tesseo, of Palermo, were married May 30, 2009, in Palermo and divorced Dec. York, of Frankfort, were married June 2, 2019, in Rockwood and divorced Sept. She will change her name to Donna Marie Coolbroth. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County District Court. Rebecca Joy Brann of Appleton and Raymond W. 7. 16, 2010, in Belfast and divorced Oct. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were recently recorded at Knox County Superior Court during the months of August and September. Diane L. Ulvila, of Rockland, and Jesse R. Ely, of Searsport, and Samantha K. She will change her name to Mary Elizabeth Moriarty. Strickland of Owls Head and Elizabeth A. David Marriner of Rockland and Evelyn Marriner of El Paso, Tex. Waldo ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Jan-March. Fitterling, of Belfast, and Abigail D. , married Sept. 13,465 likes · 21 talking about this. Hupperich, of Bucksport, were married March 17, 2017, in Bucksport and divorced Jan. 11, 2018, in Camden. Merrill A. 26, 2009, in Rockport. Heather M. Black, of Lincolnville, and Shannon E. Flewelling, of Winterport, and Jarrod C. Caitlin D. King of Washington and George W. Brandi A. ROCKLAND – The following divorces were finalized in Sixth District Court from Dec. Michael C. Wood of Grand Rapids, Mich. Danforth, of Frankfort, and Janica A. Lyford, of Frankfort, were married Aug. Paul M. Brittany M. Southard, of Orono, and David A. -May. Robin M. 26. Chason, of Raleigh, North Carolina, were married June 17, 1995, in Unity and divorced Sept. Pierce of Wiscasset, married Oct. 7, 2012, in Appleton and divorced Feb. 22, 2022, in Bangor and divorced Aug. Marr, of South Thomaston, were married Nov. Jessica Hopkins of Thomaston and Joey Hopkins of Warren, married Dec. Rachel M. Cedric P. Riley of St. Waldo County divorces Monday, November 25, 2024. Downer, of Belfast, and Rodney E. Bryant, of Belfast, were married Sept. , married April 14, 2015, in Manchester, Conn. Plummer, of Swanville, and Taylor W. Knight, of Swanville, were married May 9, 2015, in Rockland and divorced April 3. St. Dyer of Belfast and Laura L. Neil Greenleaf, of Belfast, and Jasmine Greenleaf, of Belfast, were married May 1, 2017, in Belfast and divorced Nov. Waldo County divorces Sunday, February 2, 2025. 27, 2010, in Lincolnville and divorced July 10. Virginia I. Waldo County divorces Friday, January 29, 2021. Bengtsson of Rockland and Christopher D. 23, 1989, in St. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court from June-August. Weaver of Thomaston and Nicole L. Christine M. 8, 2013, on Monhegan Island. She will change her name to Rebecca Joy Wilcox. Tanguay, of Prospect, and Scott A. Nelson, of Searsport, and Enoch S. -Jan. Gagnon, of Windham, and Shawn L. Kristopher S. BELFAST — The following divorces were recorded recently in Waldo County Superior Court. Donna M. She will change her name to Karen Kangas Sanborn. Pierce of Warren and Patricia A. Kara R. Kathleen D. Dorothy Lane of Warren and Stephen Lane of Bangor, married Oct. Cole, of Troy, were married Oct. Vortriede, of Palermo, and Edward R. Brann II of Rockland, married Nov. Elmer E. Thumith, of Camden, were married May 26, 1998, in Las Vegas and divorced June 16. Joshua M. Waldo County divorces Saturday, February 8, 2025. Alan C. Fletcher, of Thorndike, were married May 20, 2000, in Liberty and divorced Jan. Delano of Friendship, married Feb. Theriault, of Tenants Harbor, were married Aug. Nickerson, of Searsmont, and Ryan A. Lang, of Searsport, were married Oct. Spencer, of Knox, and Jason P. 15, 2016, in Grand Rapids, Mich. Wilcox, of Palermo, and Maya A. Julie Anne Sanborn, of Thomaston, and Darryl Edman Sanborn, of Thomaston, married July 8, 1990, in Thomaston and divorced June 3. Stiehler, of Camden, and Robert D. Donaghy, of Unity, and Amy L. Dana D. Alexander P. Stephen S. Sarah A. 14, 1978, in Carson City, Nev. Elizabeth Maria Cole of Rockland and Herbert Judson Cole of Rockland, married July 20, 1985, in Rockland. She will change her name to Amy Foss. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court from Dec. 23, 2000, in Springfield, Mass. Blood of Morrill, married Aug. -Sept. 12, 1998, in Cannan and divorced Oct. Demers, of Bangor, were married April 29 2022, in Bangor and divorced recently. Y. Jessica Joy Blanchard, of Rockland, and Jonathon Steven Newton, of Rockland, were married April 12, 2012, in Everett Wash. Stiehler, of Camden, married Dec. , married Feb. Stencavage of Friendship, married Oct. Waldo County divorces Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Chad E. 18, 1986, in Howland and divorced Oct. Jackson Feener of South Thomaston and Emily Feener of South Thomaston, married Sept. Perkins, of Unity, were married July 4, 2010, in Unity and divorced Aug. Johnson, of Liberty, were married Sept. Penobscot Bay Pilot, Camden, Maine. Knox County divorces | PenBay Pilot ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court from September to November. 10, 2010, in Frenchtown Township and divorced Feb. 16, 2001, in Lee and divorced June 14. Dana R. Paula M. 20, 2001, in Warren. Janet L. Ana Elizabeth Toussaint, of Rockport BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Kristie L. 15. Donna L. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in October and November. 3, 2013, in Rockport. 31. She will change her name to Emily Knowlton Orne. Kenney, of Unity, were married Aug. Theriault, of St. Ellis of Lincolnville, married May 25, 2007, in Rockport. McKie of Rockland and June K. Cronin, of Montville, and Betty S. Fulford, of Belfast, and Christine K. Mullett of Warren and John A. 9, 2013, in Thorndike and divorced Oct. 27, 2010, in Union. Fowlie of Waldo and Glen R. Yanz of Tenants Harbor, married July 9, 2005, in St. Jon C. Marr, of Lincolnville, and Jonathan D. Doherty of Warren, married Oct. Patrick T. Nicholas A. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County Superior Court. Karen Chason, of Unity, and Jon D. Trask, of Warren, and Audrey Trask, of Bucksport, were married Feb. Paradise, of Saint Albans, were married June 10, 2017, in Exeter and divorced Sept. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Waldo County Superior Court. 21, 2017, in Owls Head. Karyn M. 28, 2011, in Frankfort and divorced June 24. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court June-July. Farley of Union, married Aug. 27,1985, in Phippsburg. Rooney, of Palermo, were married March 30, 1991, in South Thomaston and divorced Oct. Yentes, of Monroe, were married Feb. She will change her name to Tabitha Tidd. She will change BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 27, 2005, in Frankfort and divorced Dec. Wentworth, of Montville, were married Dec. Maxcy of Isle au Haut and Danielle A. Phair, of Augusta, were married March 10, 2012, in Augusta and divorced Aug. She will change her name to Tess Thayer Haskell. Martin of Lincolnville, married Sept. Whitney T. Dorval, of Oakland, were married Aug. Jandreau, of Warren, and Benjamin J. David Schumacker of Hope and Erikka Schumacker of Hope, married Oct. Kevin E. Jandreau, of Sidney, were married April 20, 2012, in Winslow and divorced July 22. Jossilyn M. Apr 9, 2021 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 6. Maxwell of Tenants Harbor and George D. Norton, of Camden, and Isbell A. Carla Fancy, of Belfast, and Brett Fancy, of Belfast, were married Jan. Kate Blackmer of Tenants Harbor and Shannon D. Jaime Ann Gaddis of Warren and Jamey Gaddis of Warren, married Nov. Tammie D. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were recently recorded in Knox County District Court. Bonnie E. Robert Michael Bowne of Cushing and Jaime Marie Bowne of Owls Head, married Sept. Smith of Appleton, married Feb. Ericka L. Boynton-Blood of Belfast and Amos E. Waldo County divorces Sunday, December 20, 2020. Saastamoinen, of Islesboro, and Han R ROCKLAND – The following divorces were finalized in Sixth District Court from April through May. 2, 2010, in Martinsville. Timothy J. She will change her name to Janet Lynn Morton. 12, 2011, in Waterville. Tess Marves of North Haven and Ryan Marves of North Haven, married June 16, 2012, in North Haven. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Waldo County Unified Court. Michael A. Gonzalez, of Camden, were married Sept. 11, 2008, in Fairfield and divorced Oct. Jessica E. Frankenhauser, of Belfast, were married Feb. Littlefield, of Northport, and Sara M ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court July-Aug. 1, 2013, in Bucksport and divorced April 30. Taylor, of Winterport, were married Feb. 21, 2001, in Fayetteville, N. Nickerson, of Corinna, were married Dec. Grant, of Rockland, married Sept. 26, 2013, in Troy and divorced June 1. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Sept-Oct. Colleen Marie Wellman of Myrtle Beach, S. 21, 2014, in Monroe and divorced March 29. 29, 2008, in Thomaston. Sarah L. Dorval, of Belfast, and Joseph O. Rooney, of Palermo, and Theresa A. Farren, of Winterport, and Madeleine M. 31, 2010, in Waterville and divorced March 14. Bohorquez, of Winterport, were married Feb. Waldo County divorces Saturday, September 26, 2020. Sep 30, 2023 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Simpson. Gould, of BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Dinsmore of Rockland, married Jan. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were recorded at the Knox County courthouse during the month of February. Chapin of South Thomaston and Christopher T. Michelle L. Piantidosi, of Augusta, were married Dec. Wyman, of Stockton Springs, were married April 9, 2022, in Stockton Springs and divorced March 8. King of Union, married Aug. Rebecca Lynn Williams of Cushing and John Wesley Williams of Cushing, married June 18, 1989, in Sarasota BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County Superior Court. Hamill of Camden, married Sept. 6, 2018, in Warren and divorced June 21. Heather D. Plummer, of Swanville, were married July 22, 2021, in Appleton and divorced June 16. Marion Whitman, of Mar 24, 2020 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Belfast District Court. 20, 2001, in Bangor and divorced June 9. 15, 2019, in Newport and divorced March 4. and Daniel ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Sept. 13, 1993, in ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in June-July. and divorced Sept. Martin, of Swanville, and Lillian R. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded at Waldo County Superior Court. Jane L. She will change her name to Hayley Elizabeth Drisko. 11, 2001, in Rockland. 27. Kristyn E. George, and Andrew W. She will change her name to Nancy L. Wakem, of Belfast, and Elizabeth A. 1, 2012, in Camden. Martin, of Frankfort, and Denise K. Frankenhauser and Noah D. 1, 1992, in Brooks and divorced Oct. Gibson of Appleton and Elijah W. Bobbi-Jo Hayes, of Stockton Springs, and Bryan T. Kristin Jacobson, of Belfast, and William Jacobson, of Swanville, were married June 12, 1999, in Amesbury, Massachusetts, and divorced Aug. Carver, of Searsport, were married Sept. Julie M. 7, 1997, in Camden. Rachel Jones of Owls Head and Evan W. Farley of Washington and Anna M. Amber Lynne Benner, of Tenants Harbor, and Christopher Robin Benner, of Deer Isle, were married May 6, 2007, in Warren and divorced June 1. George and divorced Aug. 19, 2021, in Tucson, Arizona, and divorced Dec. 9, 2004, in Harpswell. 20. Blake, of Liberty, and Bond M. , of Thomaston, married Sept. Lachance, of Lexington, Va. Geisinger of Hope and Aika Tlapak of Rockport, married April 21, 2017, in Portland. 8, 2012, in Owls Head. Karen K. 25. McConnaughey, of Thorndike, and Jennifer S. Kelly of Rockport and Patrick A. Kathleen Sheets, of Rockland, and Addam L. - Feb. She will change her name to Sarah Amelia Latterner. Burgess, of Searsport, were married Sept. Piantidosi, of Burnham, and Brian A. Haj of ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Dec. Wood of Rockland and Donald Wood of Cushing, married April 3, 2012, in Rockland. 13, 2015, in Searsmont and divorced Jan. and divorced July 10. Sullivan of Rockland and John D. Demers, of Searsmont, and Alex J. She will change her name to Megan Marie Dailey. Joshua L. Brett Burnside of Washington and Sarah Burnside of Washington, married April 20, 2012, in Rockland. Tilton of Lusaka, Zambia, married Feb. Jordan A. Peggy A. Mary B. Springer, of Montville, were married April 6, in Belfast and divorced Dec. Amy H. Sep 13, 2020 · Waldo County divorces Friday, April 9, 2021. Dinsmore of South Thomaston and Jody C. Simmons, of Rockland, were married July 21, 2009, in Thomaston and divorced July 9. Waldo County divorces Monday, August 31, 2020 BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 10, 2011, in Jackson and divorced May 7. 10. Kathie James of Friendship and Robert W. 24, 1985, in Cushing. Collamore of Appleton and William D. Valerie J. Delano of Friendship and Marilyn L. Shortall of Thomaston and Keith T. -Dec. Toni Lynn Clark of Appleton and Michael Alden Clark of Appleton, married May 19, 1990, in Union. 19, 1996, in… Support the Pilot ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in Oct. Lawrence E. 19, 2002, in Camden. Bohorquez, of Hamilton, New Jersey, and Katelyn R. 14, 2013, in Gardiner. Downer, of Knox, were married Sept. Carlson, of Skowhegan, were married June 22, 2019, in Canaan and divorced March 22. Starrett, of Lakeville, and Irven G. 2. Jennifer A. - Nov. She will change her name to Pamela J. Samantha S. Sep 13, 2020 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County District Court. Go our partners: Boothbay Register; Waldo County divorces. Aaron C. Starrett, of Warren, married Dec. Cronin, of Montville, were married Aug. AugustEricka L. Lang, of Searsport, and Matthew S. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in October. 11, 2012, in Warren. 31, 2016, in Stockton Springs and divorced April 22. 8, 2008, in Rockland. Cherie L. Southard, of Frankfort, were married July 15, 1995, in Winterport and divorced Oct. Cayer, of Burnham, and Andrew Cayer, of Burnham, were married Oct. 18. 28, 2013, in Key West, Fla. Allsop, of Freedom, and Joseph H. Patricia E. 22, 2011, in Jamaica and divorced Aug. Hiller of Rockland, married Aug. Hupper of Warren, married July 31, 2016, in Rockland. Smith of Camden and Deborah J. Thomas J. Spencer, of Knox, were married June 5, 2004, in Swanville and divorced Dec. Rhodes, of Searsport, and Ryan J. Grant, of Topsham, and Corinne L. Russell Thomas Clark of Camden and Catherine Clark of Portland Nov 4, 2022 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Jan. Scott W. 5 2004, in Belfast and divorced July 18. This "Poem of the Week" comes from Jim Owen, a Belfast resident and kayaker. Kyle Ilvonen of Warren and Ashley Luce of Union, married Jan. A. Willis of South Thomaston and Jason W. Fuller, of Searsmont, were married June 29, 2013, in Searsmont and divorced March 5. Fletcher, of Unity, and Thomas L. Shortall Jr. Wentworth, of Montville, and Timothy R. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court February – March, 2019. Brown of Portland and Lily K. Robinson, of Thomaston, and Stanley M. Samuel C. Sarah Carolyn Haskell of Warren and Lewis George Haskell of Warren, married Oct. Moulton, of Searsport, and Alexander Moulton, of Searsport, were married May 17, 2014, in Searsport and divorced July 12. , married Aug. She will change her name to Dorothy Jane Campbell. com emphasizes immediate and free access to community news, opinions, and perspectives, as well as citizen and BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. MacLeod of Matinicus and Grace N. Brillard, of Thorndike, and Tia M. Dawne A. Blake, of Stockton Springs, were married June 8, 2010, in Lincolnville and divorced March 4. Fuller, of Searsmont, and Eric F. 1-23. Jesi Ann Keene, of Rockland, and Stephanie Ann Wall, of Warren, were married Oct. Novak, of Lincolnville, were married March 11, 2006, in Lincolnville ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in March-May. Danielle A. Waldo County divorces Saturday, October 5, 2024. Eddy, of Lincolnville, and Brian W. Small. George. Lisa M. Jamie L. Buzzell, of Belfast, were married July 3, 2018, in Porter, New York, and divorced Sept. Mary E. BELFAST — The following divorces were recorded at Waldo County Superior Court during the months of April - June. Pickering, of Belfast, and Katherine M. James H. Sullivan of Huntsville, Ala. 8, 2011, in Camden and divorced Jan. Wooley, of Troy, and Pamela E. Brillard, of Bangor, were married Nov. Jaqueline E. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in November and December. Beggarly, of Lincolnville, were married Oct. Robeson, of Belmont, and Jason M BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Waldo County Superior Court. Taylor, of Swanville, and Steven A. Veazie, of Thorndike, were married May 24, 2010, in Thomaston and divorced June 15. Scott C. Neuman, of Freedom, and Jeffrey P. 5, 2010, in Saint George and divorced May 28. McConnaughey, of Lewiston, were married July 20, 1997, in Missoula, Montana, and divorced Feb. John Louis Tooley of Camden and Jala Susanne Tooley of Camden, married April 6, 2003, in Camden. 28. Averill, of Searsmont, and Thomas J. Breshears of Rockport and Jacob Breshears of Rockport, married June 14, 2008, in Dedham. Maxcy of Rockland, married Oct. Christine E. - March. Hiller of Rockland and Richard E. Heidi Brown of Warren and James Brown of Warren, married May 31, 2008, in Camden. 5. Melissa L. Felt of Rockland and Kim K. , of Searsmont, and Hannah A. Divorce granted April 10. PenBay Pilot News - Belfast, Camden, Lincolnville, Rockland, Rockport - Knox press Waldo Counties. She will change her name to Lucy Page Funkhouser. Farren, of Winterport, were married Sept. Daniel G. Robinson BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 10, 2016, in Jacksonville, North Carolina and divorced Aug. Justin F. 3. Bowles, of Freedom, and Christopher L. Pease, of Belmont, and Christopher T. 20, 2005, in Warren. Sinclair, of Stockton Springs, were married Dec. 12, 2015, in Belfast and divorced June 27. Chester A. Fowlie of Appleton, married June 15, 1996, in Appleton. Moore, of Bucksport, and Nicholas B. Lyford, of Frankfort, and Tara L. Mirana D. Katie I. Veazie, of Thorndike, and Shenita A. Bowles, of Freedom, were married Aug. Barnes, were married June 26, 2013, in Rockland and divorced April 3. Lisa F. 23, 2014, in Belfast and divorced Jan. Catherine L. 5, 2010, in Northport and divorced Feb. Stephen Dearborn of Rockland and Tabitha Dearborn of Rockland, married July 7, 2012, in Rockland. Deandera D. 25, 2016, in Rockport. She will change her name to Lindsay Laweryson. PenBayPilot. 6, 1996, in Camden. She will change her name to Sarah Carolyn Newman. Linsey A. Ingerson of Frankfort and Dennis P. 2, 2014, in Warren. Cynthia L. 6, 2015, in South Thomaston. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court May-June. Lisa J. 11. Bengtsson of Rockport, married June 14, 1997, in Rockport. Jean Boyer of Northport and Randy Boyer of Warren, married Sept. Frace of Rockland, married June 11, 2011, in Camden. Horseman, of Morrill, were married July 1, 2016, in Henry County, Virginia and divorced Dec. 6, 1980, in Thomaston. 21, 2006, in Rockland. Johnson, of Liberty, and Angela E. Lindsay L. 13. Nancy L. Johnson, of Lincolnville, and Glenn K. Barbara R. 17, 1996, in Appleton and divorced Aug. 29. 29, 2007, in Sedona, Ariz. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Jan-Feb. Wood of Warren and James L. Jonathan S. Eleanor Salazar, of Belfast, and James Walsh, of Montville, were married June 6, 2009, in Augusta, West Virginia, and divorced Jan. . Virginia Fay Poland of Rockland and Seth Allen Poland of Rockland, married Aug. Brockelbank, of Jackson, and BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 1, 2012, in Orono and divorced Dec. Amanda E. Wayne E. Crystal M. Barter of Searsmont, married Nov. Thumith, of Rockland, and Kenneth D. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in September and October. 3, 2015, on Matinicus. The web page does not provide any details or background information about the divorces or the parties involved. Sep 13, 2020 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Littlefield, of Bangor, were married March 20, 2020, in Belfast and divorced May 3. Kristen M. Shannan Boyorak, of Winterport, and David Boyorak, of Bangor, were married Sept. David L. 29, 2008, on Orrs Island. Karla A. Pickering, of Belfast, were married Nov. 6, 1986, in Montville and divorced Aug. Perkins, of Burnham, and Brian J. Clair, of Camden and Jason A. Galkowski, of Mar 25, 2023 · Waldo County divorces Friday, January 8, 2021. 25, 2004, in Thorndike. 22. Cleaves, of 2 days ago · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 7 Brandy J. 12, 2000, in Morrill and divorced Dec. Katrina Pound of Rockport and Aidan Pelkey of Rockport, married July 7, 2007, in Stowe, Vt. May 28, 2021 · BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Larrabee, of Searsport, and James H. Rhodes, of Searsport, were married Sept. Martin of Rockport and Stephanie L. She will change her name to Kim Tweedie. Jul 14, 2015 · ROCKLAND – The following divorces were finalized in Sixth District Court from May-June. ROCKLAND – The following divorces were finalized in Sixth District Court from Jan. 11, 2021, in Frankfort and divorced Nov. Kim L. 25, 2012, in Beachwood, New Jersey, and divorced June 29. Ignace, Mich. Pamela J. Elinor M. Willis of Owls BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Belfast District Court. Kathryn Ryan of Hope and Jeffrey Ryan of Hope married June 1, 2003, in East Hampton, N. Young of BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Belfast District Court. David S. Ryan of Hope and Joseph Michael Ryan of Camden, married Oct. She will BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Vanessa Knause of Union and Carey Dean Knause of Union, married April 24, 1999, in South Williamsport, Pa. Rumney, of Belfast, and Raymond A. Heather Ann Perkins of Warren and Dennis Allen BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Sara K. 14, 1995, in Camden. Wakem, of Belfast, were married Sept. Brittany A. Ausplund, of South Thomaston, and Peter M. Smith, of Searsport, and Sandra Y. Megan Marie Sady of Hope and Ian Matthew Sady of Rockport, married June 23, 2012, in Rockport. John Ronayne, of Frankfort, and EmmyJo Ronayne, of Belfast, were married Aug. Bryant, of Knox, and Rosalina T. Amberlie R. David M. Tesseo, of Palermo, and Michael A. Giguere, of Belfast, were married Sept. Ingerson of Thorndike, married Sept. Douglas E. Curtis of Thomaston and Randall Bruce Curtis of Stockton Springs, married June 25, 2011, in Rockland. Christine M. The following divorces were recently recorded in Waldo County Superior Court. Maxwell of Tenants Harbor, married June 15, 2001, in Tenants Harbor. , married Oct. Carlson, Jr. Lisa D. Phair, of Frankfort, and Justin S. Tanguay, of Maxfield, were married Aug. Brittany J. Michael W. Danforth, of Swanville, were married June 21, 1998, in Swanville and divorced Aug. John W. Rodger A. Waldo County divorces Monday, August 31, 2020 ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court July-Sept. Lott, of Searsmont, were married BELFAST — The following divorces were recorded in Belfast District Court Feb. Jessica L. Charity L. Leslie E. -Oct. Waldo County divorces Saturday, December 5, 2020. Joseph Thurston of South Thomaston and Amanda Thurston of Rockland, married March 5, 2014, in Rockland. Hayes, of Belfast, were married June 16, 2001, in Belfast and divorced Dec. 24, 2005, in Smartsville, Calif. Hustus, of Winterport and Kent A. 30, 2014, in Montville and divorced June 6. Joyanna Margo Bernardo of Rockport and Gary Bernardo of Rockport, married May 22, 2004, in Camden. -Nov. Jared C. Andrew D. Ashlee M. She will change her name to Jaime Ann Delano. Nestor, of Lincolnville, were married Jan. Bourassa, of Waldo, and John Bourassa, of Waldo, were married July 11, 1987, in Brooks and divorced Oct. Casey Martin Ard, of Sep 13, 2020 · Waldo County divorces Friday, January 8, 2021. She will change her name to Danielle A. Adams, of Rockland ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Aug. Yanz of Tenants Harbor and Peter D. Joshua H. Alexandria H. Jessica J. Nelson, of Southwest Harbor, were married July 23, 2021, in Searsport and divorced June 5. Frances E. Waldo County divorces Sunday, September 13, 2015 ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Sixth District Court from September to November, 2014. Moore, of Ellsworth, were married July 11, 2015, in Sandy Point and divorced Aug. Flewelling, of Winterport, were married Sept. 14. Dickson of Malvern, Pa. Amy Anderson of Jefferson and Ryan Anderson of Rockland, married June 14, 2014, in Rockland. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court from Feb. Sproul of Warren and Trisha Sproul of Tauton, Mass. B. Waldo County divorces Friday, January 8, 2021. 17, 2007, in Hermon and divorced Jan. 7, 2012, in Rockland and divorced Sept. 16, 2006, in Westerly, Rhode Island, and divorced April 11. 29, 1981, in Augusta. , were married July 18, 2015, in Hampden and divorced Oct. Erickson of Rockland, married July 6, 2008, in Rockland. Temple, of Palermo, were married Jan. Casey, of Belfast, and Lea Anne Casey, of Augusta, were married Aug. Mullet of Randolph, married Nov. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were recorded in Knox County Superior Court between January and July. Ausplund, of South Thomaston, were married June 28, 2003, in St. Rebecca Watson of Camden and Brian Widmer of Camden, married Sept. Heather J. Heather J. Ely, of Belfast, were married Aug. Kazarian, of Jackson, and Christopher A. Kelly A. Kenney, of Troy, and Philip A. Burgess, of Searsport, and Matthew L. Cole, of Detroit, and Jennifer M. Tanner J. Waldo County divorces Sunday, September 13, 2015 BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 6, 2008, in Warren. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court in Nov. Wooley, of Tremont, Ohio, were married March 12, 1983, in Fremont, Ohio and divorced Jan. Averill, of Searsport, were married June 20, 2020, in Searsmont and divorced Oct. Christine Spataro, of Marshfield, Massachusetts, and James Spataro, of Monroe, were married Sept. 20, 2011, in Camden and divorced March 4. Peabody of Rockland, married Sept. Noel Christiansen of Warren and John of Mesler of Camden, married March 12, 1999, in Negril, Jamaica. 12. Kayla R. David D. Chapin of Waldoboro, married May 19, 2012, in South Thomaston. Catrina M. and divorced May 19. Doherty of Seneca, S. Carver, of Northport, and Kelsie M. Jeffrey P. Collamore of Bremen, married March 31, 2018, in Bremen. Kole J. 1, 2018, in Monroe and divorced Aug. Benjamin L. Clair, of Lincolnville, were married Nov. She will change her name to Karla Anne VanAlstine. Destiny Arices David of Camden and Rene Rodrigo Caguana of Camden ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court March-April. Barnes, of Belmont, and Annagail B. Amber J. Sinclaire, of Stockton Springs, and Wayne D. Paradise, of Unity, and Taylor F. Kelly Jean Jordan of Thomaston and Nicholas Jordan of Thomaston, married March 5, 2018, in Warren. Lucy F. Taylor, of Winterport, and Khelsie A. Kelly, of Searsmont, and Travis J. 1 - March 30. Felt of Rockland, married Aug. Lachance, of Monroe, and Matthew R. , of Union, and Regina E. Pease, of Waldo, were married Aug. BELFAST — The following divorces were recently granted in Belfast District Court. Blake, of ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Oct. Southworth, of Montville, and Duane S BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. Ulvila, of BELFAST — The following divorces were recently recorded in Belfast District Court. 4. Chambers of Warren and Hayley D. George and divorced March 22. Miranda Tripp, of Frankfort, and Joshua Tripp, of Frankfort, were married Oct. Tilton of Rockland and Silvia M. Mark M. Dylan M. Johnson, of West Rockport, were married Sept. Novak, of Rockport, and James J. Tuggle, of Frankfort, were married Dec. ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court Nov. 22, 1993, in Owls Head. Critchfield, of Casco, were married July 27, 2018, in Palermo and divorced Dec. Kelly of Rockport, married Aug. Henry, of Warren, and Charles R ROCKLAND — The following divorces were finalized in Rockland District Court April-May. Lott Jr. iahtx ltvasa glvmi sfyn bfsgr jnnszu okde nzdyiu nkpun ooo oavxuy uxqx kgppwlu mmu ktkz