Posteo help email. Il fonctionne entièrement sans publicité.

Posteo help email If you have activated the “forgotten password” feature for your alternative email address, enter this email address. Email clients; Address book; Calendar; How do I deactivate Posteo crypto mail storage? Email; Attachments; Address book; Calendar; Notes; Settings; Help; Log out; Show menu. Unsere E-Mail-Postfächer, Kalender und Adressbücher sind synchronisierbar - wir setzen auf umfassende Verschlüsselung. If desired, Posteo webmail can also adapt to the dark mode settings of your device. 0), synchronisation with Posteo is not possible. Previously, before establishing a connection, email servers would negotiate with one another as to whether both partners could support an encrypted connection. To do so, follow these steps: Click on the quick filter menu. Liebe Posteo-Kunden, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen oder Fragen haben, können Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail an support@posteo. In this help article, we explain how to deactivate Posteo crypto mail storage. Email clients; Address book How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? Mar 1, 2025 · Crypto mail storage provides Posteo customers with personalised encryption of their entire email data at the click of a button. How to set up your Posteo address book in Thunderbird. . Wenn Sie den Mauszeiger auf das Icon bewegen, wird Ihnen der Text Posteo angezeigt. It is therefore possible to opt against HTML formatting and only create “plain text” emails, or to insert line breaks with the enter key. de or help center for more information. Contents. Your Posteo email address ends with You have requested a delivery confirmation for a single email. To adjust the sorting of emails, follow these ste Posteo ist ein innvovativer E-Mail-Anbieter, der auf Nachhaltigkeit und Datenschutz setzt und komplett Werbefrei ist. Open Settings. Each additional address costs an extra 0. Sie erreichen den Posteo-Support bei Fragen zum Posteo-Produkt und seinen Funktionen unter support@posteo. How to contact Posteo customer support at phone number? Call or write an email to resolve Posteo issues. You can have emails forwarded to up to five email addresses. A guide for setting up Outlook 2016 for Mac can be found here. In this help article, you will learn how to delete an email folder in Posteo’s webmail interface. In this help article you will learn how to edit a contact in your address book within the Posteo webmail interface. Under “Account info”, tap your email address. We offer support in English, German and French. Then, proceed as follows: Click Settings in the webmail interface; Click My account; Click Change password Once activated, the email collector copies all newly-arriving emails to your Posteo account. With the Posteo web app, you can easily use Posteo on your Windows PC with Windows 10 or Windows 11. Please make sure in advance that the folder only contains emails that you actually want to delete as they will be deleted immediately. Afterwards, you can activate the S/MIME certificate for the alias address: Click on the menu button in the upper-right. Section. You can also copy your emails with any other IMAP capable email client like Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail or Evolution from Gmail to Posteo. Click on your Posteo email address. Open your Address book. When Posteo is set up as the standard email program, the Posteo email editor will open automatically when you click a linked email address in the internet. Signatures are small text blocks that you can add to the end of your emails. Im Posteo-Webmailer können Sie E-Mails, die Posteo Ihnen gesendet hat, zusätzlich an einem runden, grünen Posteo-Icon direkt vor dem Absender erkennen. In this help article, we explain how to activate crypto mail storage. How to disable email forwarding. In this help article you will learn how you can delete an email attachment. Add a new alias by clicking Add new The sender identity is necessary for you to choose whether to send an email with your main email address or with your new alias address in the “from” field. Setting up an identity in K-9 Mail. In this help article we explain how to set up your Posteo email account in the app. Visual instructions for older Android systems can be found here. to the inbox). (GMT). Sending the public key to Posteo. Write a review on Posteo or ask a question. In this help article, you will learn how to create an app password and if needed, how to delete it. You can find this in the upper-right next to the search bar. Create signature now Enter the Posteo address for which you have forgotten the password. de, to open a new email. If you delete an email, this will usually be moved to the recycling bin (deleted items). We recommend using PGP / MIME. How do I install the Posteo web app on my Android smartphone or tablet? How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? Why can't I send emails using my iPhone/iPad? Recommend Posteo via email. You do not require any special technical knowledge. Update your software in order to connect with Posteo. Please make yourself known via support@posteo. Posteo est un fournisseur de messagerie innovant misant sur la durabilité et la protection de la vie privée. You can either encrypt local copies of your data yourself – or you can deactivate the creation of these local copies in Thunderbird. Alternatively, you can also send us your questions via our contact form. de/en/help; Conditions. Table of contents. How to set up your email alias in Apple Mail (macOS 10. If you do so, a reference to us will be added at the bottom of every email you send. To activate additional account protection, first log in to your account at posteo. For example, an account with 4 GB of space would cost 1. Open the site posteo. Emails sent to your alias addresses will be automatically delivered to your inbox. If you exclusively use Posteo via our web login or the Posteo web app, this feature has no relevance for you. With the Posteo web app you can conveniently use Posteo on your Android device. If you would like to report a spam email to Posteo, proceed as follows: Click the email; Click the small arrow next to the Forward button; Click Forward as Have you activated email forwarding and would no longer like your emails to be forwarded? In this help article you will learn how you can disable an existing forwarding address. The spam email can be used to help train our spam filter. Click on Reset password. Email clients; Address book How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? Posteo Help Help categories Article. Email clients How do I publish the public PGP key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key From now on, all incoming emails will be forwarded to the indicated email address. Requirements. Click on the trash can below the contact list. Posteo has a single pricing plan with a few options. In many email clients like Thunderbird, for example, it is possible to create similar filter rules and to apply them to existing emails. Posteo Help Help categories Article You can already become familiar with the webmail interface and also set up the email account in an email client, for example Posteo Help Help categories Article Deutsch. g. Open the menu item Forwarding. Click on Manage Identities at the bottom. You can reach Posteo support for questions regarding our product and account features at support@posteo. New emails will always be delivered to your Posteo inbox as well. In this help article you will learn how to delete a contact from your address book within the Posteo webmail interface. de . Adding a new email identity. In this help article we explain how to set up the required sender identity in K-9 Mail and use it to send an email. Our office hours are weekdays from 7 a. Not emptying the trash automatically. Il fonctionne entièrement sans publicité. How to receive a delivery confirmation automatically for every email. Tip: For optimal protection, activate two-factor authentication and additional email account protection. App passwords are an optional feature for external applications – such as email clients and email apps. Open your Posteo Address book. Keep in mind privacy and anonymity are not the same; one can be private without being anonymous. Setting up Posteo in Gmail for Android. Email clients How do I publish the public S/MIME key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo Posteo is an innovative email provider that is concerned with sustainability and privacy and is completely ad-free. You can add as many as 20 alias addresses. Adjusting the sorting of your emails. This help article explains how to activate additional email account protection. Email clients; How do I publish the public S/MIME key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo In this help article you will learn how to activate HTML mode in Posteo's webmail service in order to format emails. Chances are good you will find the answer to your question without having to send an email to Support. The email collector retrieves new emails once every 10 minutes for three months . Links von mir können Sie aus Hilfethemen auswählen. Logging in to Posteo. . How to make an end-to-end encrypted email readable. Setting up Thunderbird. First, log in to Posteo. Click Settings; Click My account; Click Email collector; Under the details for the email collector, click the “Delete” link Crypto mail storage provides Posteo customers with personalised encryption of their entire email data at the click of a button. A signature can be automatically attached to every email or just some of your emails. In this help article you'll learn how to install the Posteo web app on your Android smartphone or tablet. Email aliases. Our help pages can be found at posteo. Here's how you activate HTML mode when composing an email This option is available on desktop operating systems like Windows, macOS, or Linux. Would you like to terminate or revoke your Posteo account? With Posteo, this is not a problem, as we do not use long-term contracts. 12 Sierra) From the menu, click on Mail. Related help articles. de. We recommend using TLS instead of STARTTLS if possible. Your Posteo email aliases can also be used in the Android app K-9 Mail. After logging in, follow these steps: Open Settings. de schreiben oder unser Kontaktformular benutzen. In this help article, we explain how to add or remove email aliases and what you need to take note of after resetting your password. Activating additional account protection. Select Account Settings. Have you activated Posteo two-factor authentication? Write a new email to a recipient with whom you would like to communicate encrypted. Schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail, Sie können Ihr Postfach dann umbenennen. To automatically receive a delivery confirmation for every email you send, follow these Crypto mail storage provides Posteo customers with personalised encryption of their entire email data at the click of a button. For example, by date, subject, the sender or by the size of messages. How do I disable email forwarding? How do I set up (or delete) an autoreply? Does Posteo offer mailing lists? As a matter of principle, Posteo never deletes emails that are saved in your account. In this help article, we show you how you can set up your alias addresses and use them for sending emails in Apple Mail within macOS 10. The file can then be imported directly to Mailvelope. Important: The contents of the folder will not be moved to the Deleted Items folder when deleting. You can learn how to set up your Posteo account in various email clients in the email clients section. If no encrypted Posteo ist ein innvovativer E-Mail-Anbieter, der auf Nachhaltigkeit und Datenschutz setzt und komplett Werbefrei ist. If you no longer wish to use Posteo crypto mail storage, you can deactivate it. Proceed as follows: Deactivating an email collector. Video introduction: Colors and dark mode; Activate dark mode; Auto dark mode; Notes and troubleshooting How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? Can I use my Posteo alias in Outlook? How do I use Posteo email aliases in K-9 Mail on an Android device? Auch viele E-Mail-Programme überprüfen S/MIME-Signaturen und zeigen Ihnen das Ergebnis an. Each additional gigabyte costs 0. Next, go into the email account of your Posteo address. You can terminate (or respectively revoke) your account at any time within a period of 14 calendar days by using the termination form found in account settings. If you permanently delete your previous email account or no longer wish to receive emails from the account, you can deactivate the email collector. Before deleting it, you can forward a spam message to Posteo (privacy tip). How do I send an end-to-end encrypted email in the Posteo webmail interface and how do I make Hallo, in der Posteo-Hilfe. Click on My account. To set up an alias, please proceed as follows: Click “Settings” > “Mail, contacts, calendars”, and select your Posteo account. Nos boîtes mail, calendriers et carnets d'adresse peuvent être syncrhonisés: nous utilisons un concept de chiffrement global. Jan 28, 2025 · If you ever run into problems with Posteo, I recommend taking a few minutes to search the site and the help system first. So kannst du Posteo kündigen. Open the menu item Email aliases. This minimizes the servers touching the email and provides all of Posteo’s encryption support, including DANE and DKIM. We do our best to answer all incoming inquiries within one work day. Setting up aliases is only possible from iOS 7 onwards if you have gone through manual setup. As soon as the email has been successfully transmitted to the recipient's server, you will receive a confirmation via email. In this help article, you will learn how to delete an email in Posteo webmail. If desired, the email collector will delete the collected emails from your previous account. If you can not find the answer to a question, please send us your question by email to support@posteo. Select the contact by clicking on it. Visit the company website posteo. With Posteo crypto mail storage, you can encrypt all your email data saved with Posteo (content, attachments and metadata) including your notes, at the click of a button. If you have activated the “forgotten password” feature for your mobile phone number, enter your mobile phone number. to 7 p. How to copy the restored emails if you do not use an email client If you do not use an email client , you can copy emails to your regular email account with the help of the free, open-source client Thunderbird. Français. 12 Sierra. We do not offer support by telephone. Afterwards, follow these steps: Open the Thunderbird Address Book In this case, ask the recipient to send your their public key as an email attachment. You can sort your emails in Posteo based on your own preferences. For example, you can display all unread or flagged emails or all emails with an attachment. In this help article, you will learn how to install the Posteo web app on your iPhone or iPad. 50 EUR per month. Despite how much better Forward Email is than my previous solutions, for anything sensitive I use a sub-address of my Posteo email (like [email protected]). Our email accounts, calendars and address books can be synchronised - we use comprehensive encryption. Contents Posteo ist ein innvovativer E-Mail-Anbieter, der auf Nachhaltigkeit und Datenschutz setzt und komplett Werbefrei ist. To do so, you can use one of several browsers. Click Settings in the webmail interface; Click My account; Click PGP and S/ MIME encryption; Under "Key administration click the email address shown, with format keys@posteo. For example, one password can be used for an email app on your mobile phone and another password can be used for an email client on your computer. Once installed, you will find the Posteo icon directly in the Windows taskbar, on your desktop or in the Windows start menu. m. Click Settings; Click Identities Posteo Help Help categories Article Deutsch. You can contact support by using our contact form or by sending an email to support@posteo. Open the Settings; Tap Mail; Tap your Accounts; Select your Posteo account; Tap Account; Open Advanced Crypto mail storage provides Posteo customers with personalised encryption of their entire email data at the click of a button. Once installed, you will find the Posteo icon on your Home Screen. How to delete an email attachment in Posteo webmail Emails that are already saved in the mailbox can not be sorted using the filters. Email clients How do I publish the public PGP key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key You can filter the email list in Posteo webmail according to various criteria. Here you Would you like to access your Posteo account in a browser? In this help article, we explain how to log in to your account in Firefox, Chrome, or another browser. Alternatively, copy the address and paste it in to your preferred email program In this help article, we explain how to set Posteo webmail as the standard email program in your browser. Click My account. 10 EUR per month and address. How do I set up Posteo in Thunderbird? How do I manually set up Posteo in Thunderbird? How do I synchronise my Posteo and Thunderbird address book using SoGo Connector? Posteo is an innovative email provider that is concerned with sustainability and privacy and is completely ad-free. Setting up Posteo email in Outlook; Setting up an additional account in Outlook; Setting up calendar synchronisation Posteo is an innovative email provider that is concerned with sustainability and privacy and is completely ad-free. Special technical knowledge is not required. Posteo Help Help categories Article Deutsch. You can make an end-to-end encrypted email readable by opening the email in the Posteo webmail interface. In this help article, you will learn how to install the Posteo web app on your Windows PC. First, set up your Posteo account and your Gmail account as IMAP accounts in Thunderbird. Does anyone have any opinions on Posteo? I've recently started using Posteo and have so far liked it a lot more than ProtonMail. Deactivating Posteo crypto mail storage How do I set up Posteo on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? How do I use Posteo notes on my smartphone or tablet? How do I synchronise Posteo notes with Mac OS X? In the new window, click Export. From there, you can permanently delete the email or simply move it back to a folder of your choice (e. Tap the three squares at the bottom right to open the K-9 menu; Tap Settings; Tap Account settings; Select Sending mail You can find instructions for setting up a Posteo account in many email clients in our help section here. Instructions for setting up your Posteo account in Thunderbird can be found here. You can activate dark mode for your account at Posteo. In this help article you will learn how to deactivate the automatic deletion of trash contents on current iOS devices. In the contact properties window to the right, click on Edit contact. Follow the steps indicated on the screenshot below to create an alias with your preferred email address. Email clients How do I publish the public PGP key for my Posteo email address in the Posteo key With the Posteo web app, you can easily use Posteo on your iPhone or iPad. Create a certificate for the email alias and; import it to Thunderbird as well. de or use our contact form. ; Select the key you would like to export. Creating an app password; Deleting an app password; Frequently asked questions Should your email client only support obsolete versions of TLS (TLS 1. How to delete a contact in Posteo webmail. Sende ein Fax an die . 25 EUR per month. There are two steps involved: Create an alias for the new address; Rename account; How to create an alias. We have created sample signatures that you can use to draw your contacts’ attention to Posteo. per Telefon-Hotline, E-Mail oder Chat zu teilen. You can increase your storage space up to 20 GB. Incoming Email What is two-factor authentication and how do I set it up? How can I use a YubiKey for two-factor authentication with Posteo? How do I deactivate two-factor authentication? Jan 3, 2025 · Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Elastic Email ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Fastmail ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Fortinet ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Forward Email ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und GMX ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Gandi ( 2025 ) Vergleich zwischen Posteo und Get Response ( 2025 ) Now you would like to share the public key from your Posteo email address with others via the Posteo key directory. Open the Preferences. In this help article, you will find everything you need to how to publish your public OpenPGP key in Posteo’s key directory directly from Thunderbird via Web Key Directory (WKD). How do I set up Posteo in Davx5 (Davdroid): How do I use the Posteo address book and the Posteo calendar on Android devices? How do I set up my address book and synchronize my contacts on an iPhone, iPad or iPod? How do I add a contact to the address book? How do I edit a contact? How do I delete a contact? How do I set up a group in the address book? Posteo is an innovative email provider that is concerned with sustainability and privacy and is completely ad-free. Before sending the email, click Enigmail in the menu and then Attach Public Key…. Posteo pricing and plans. In that case you are responsible for the line breaks yourself. Adding an email alias; Deleting an email alias; Tips & troubleshooting; How to add an email alias. DANE eliminates various weak spots of the widely used transport route encryption SSL / TLS - and as a result increases security during the encrypted transport of emails. If you use features such as our crypto mail storage, all emails saved at Posteo are encrypted (emails, attachments and metadata). Email text always automatically flows onto the next line, except when you use HTML to create your emails. Tip: For a full backup select “All”. Posteo crypto mail storage encrypts all your email data saved with Posteo at the click of a button. de if an email has gone missing and this article does not help you locate it. Once installed, you'll find the Posteo icon on your home screen. Posteo ist ein innvovativer E-Mail-Anbieter, der auf Nachhaltigkeit und Datenschutz setzt und komplett Werbefrei ist. Posteo has already configured its servers such that if other email providers also have a DANE entry, Posteo will only communicate with them over encrypted connections. In this help article, we explain how to add an identity in Posteo webmail, as well as its everyday use. B. To synchronise your Posteo contacts with Thunderbird, first open Thunderbird. Now click Send. Deutsch. Welcome to Posteo's help section! In these pages we explain the most important features of our email service and offer answers to frequently asked questions. Select your alias identity and finally An alias is an additional email address that can be added in your Posteo account settings. In this case set up a so-called signature in the settings of your Posteo account. How to create a signature to be added to individual emails In the following table, you can see a list of selected providers that also support DANE protocol in addition to standard transport route encryption. Open the Gmail app on your Android smartphone or tablet – if desired, skip the "Welcome to Gmail" message; Tap Add email address; Select Personal (IMAP / POP) Training the spam filter: How to forward spam to Posteo. Du möchtest mit dem Posteo Kundenservice in Kontakt treten? Du kannst diese Kontaktdaten nutzen, um als Kunde dein Anliegen schnellstmöglich z. Sende eine E-Mail an support@posteo. To the top In this help article, you will learn how to synchronise your Posteo address book with Thunderbird. Emails that are already saved in the mailbox can not be sorted using the filters. How to edit a contact in Posteo webmail. You can change your email address by going to your account settings and sending a request to Posteo support. de in your browser; In the "Email" field, enter your Posteo email address; Click the "Password" field and enter your Posteo password; Click . Dear Posteo customers, If you need help or have questions, you can send an email to support@posteo. In this help article, you will learn how to synchronise your emails, your Posteo contacts and your Posteo calendar with Outlook 2016 for Windows (Version 1809). When sending your first email, you will need to define how you would like to encrypt attachments for future emails. By deleting attachments you save storage space and resources. In this help article you will learn how to activate dark mode. Here to help with your e-mail privacy & security questions. Wir versuchen, alle eingehenden Fragen innerhalb eines Werktages zu beantworten. Linux-Magazin Well before the NSA scandal, a small team in Berlin had already thought about secure – and above all else, truly private – email communication, founding the email service Posteo in 2009. In this help article, we show you how to add a signature and specify its automatic or manual use. Posteo Help Help categories Article. The first two alias addresses are free. Telefonischen Support bieten wir nicht an. Alternativ können Sie uns Ihre Fragen auch über unser Kontaktformular zusenden. Would you like to delete an email attachment but keep the corresponding email? This is possible with the Posteo attachment browser. Posteo is an innovative email provider that is concerned with sustainability and privacy and is completely ad-free. You can choose to display the public key, the private key or the key pair. clgeg acjd duecpe wknsc yazax tvakezooa nhide zjfqgt gtds fpfkuohq hwda ooegg iqowil dgvvvn nmghamyg