Synthetic sling capacity chart pdf. Load Limits Contents.

Synthetic sling capacity chart pdf 2. 4 1. 423 65º . 6528 0. Basket; O N EP L Y: 1: 1,600: 1,280: 3,200: 2: Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases. 5736 0. com web sling, which is accomplished by repositioning the choke point. 4. 2588 ANGLE / FACTOR COMPARISON RATED CAPACITY EFFECT OF ANGLE SLING CAPACITY DECREASES AS THE ANGLE sslliinngg aannggllee cchhaarrttss f. To determine the actual capacity Random testing: In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling’s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling meets or lings nlimited rigging supplies vertical 8,000 16,000 21 ,500 28,700 40,700 46,000 51 ,500 59,200 vertical 10,000 19,800 26,700 35,600 50,500 lings nlimited rigging supplies capacity vertical choke basket 8,200 16,600 25,000 32,000 46,000 61 ,400 73,600 88,000 basket 10,000 20,000 29,800 • Identify the part number you want along with the length in feet of the sling i. 259 55º . 342 60º . This document provides a capacity chart for Wellworth Wire Rope Slings that lists the safe working load capacities for various sling diameters made of either 6x19 or 6x36/6x37 stranded construction. ρ͘ ZĂŶĚŽŵ ƚĞƐƚŝŶŐ͗ In addition to using the above factors for calculating each sling s rated capacity, we test randomly selected slings from production runs to make sure every new sling Rated capacities are affected by angle of lift (sling to load angle) measured from the horizontal when used with multi-legged slings or choker/ basket hitches. 1 2. 4 3. 7071 0. Note A soft alternative to wires and chain. 63 Single Leg Slings Capacity - Tons Approx. Thickness Single Ply Rated Approximate stretch at RATED SLING CAPACITY is: Prior to sling selection and use, review and understand the "Help" section. e. Never use damaged slings. K-SpecTM is the manufacturer’s registered trademark for their core yarn, which is an aramid material. 866 25º . 5T: 1: 25: VIOLET: 500: 1000: 700: 400: 1T: 2: 50: GREEN: Each sling is supplied with an individual test Wire Rope Sling - Capacity Chart - Free download as PDF File (. 0 2. kgs. INSPECTION/REMOVAL CRITERIA SLING SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE IF ANY DEFECTS SUCH AS THE GUIDELINE FOR SYNTHETIC SLINGS PAGE 7 OF 44 TWIN-PATH SLINGS ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with a core yarn using polyester or K-SpecTM material. 2 Microsoft Word - Sling Load Chart. ¾ Twin-Path® slings are manufactured with an inner cover using polyester material and an outer cover Depending on the lifting criterion and method, the WLL of the sling will be increased or reduced. It lists the safe working load limits in kilograms for each type of sling at different widths and lifting The working load limit changes based on the lifting style. The chart specifies the diameter, construction, safe working Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. Load configuration charts are therefore essential to calculate the capacity of your the rated capacity to look for in selecting the proper Sling Load Chart Efficiencies of Wire Rope Slings. Do not, under any circumstances tie knots in the sling - this will result in loss of strength and sling damage. S-280 Sling Saver Web Connector with spool High strength, high capacity web or roundslings. 7660 0. Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy often referred to as nylon slings or polyester slings, are made from the life and strength of grade 80 and grade 100 slings depend on proper use, maintenance and inspection. 76 0. pdf), Text File (. 14 3. Crosby Clips. 5. Eye and EyeTurnbuckle; Eye and Hook Turnbuckle; Eye and Jaw Turnbuckle; Hook and Hook Turnbuckle; Jaw and Jaw Turnbuckle; Wire Rope Clips. wire rope slings synthetic slings polyester round slings WEBBING SLING LOAD CHART Single, Double, Three & Four Ply with Soft Eye End . Rigging Tree Cradles; Nylon Slings; Chain Slings; Polyester Round Slings; Wire Rope Slings; Shackles; Hoist Rings; Need Something Custom? Contact Us! (706) 750-9099 info@slingsunlimited. 0 1. 279. 5000 0. Web Sling Size and Capacity with Chart. 3. 3420 0. 8192 0. 0000 0. S-255 Spool Web slings or roundslings connecting to master links, rings, or Crosby 320N Eye Hooks. doc Author: sspawar Created Date: 8/7/2010 9:43:35 AM the sling positioned correctly in the shackle bow. WSL-320A Synthetic Sling Hook Choking with web slings or roundslings. always refer to asme b30. It lists the nominal breaking force and recommended safe working loads in tonnes for SYNTHETIC POLYESTER ROUNDSLINGS • WSTDA-RS-1HP – RECOMMENDED STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE YARN ROUNDSLINGS Sling Size Vertical Rated Capacity Minimum Edge Radii Minimum Edge Radii Sling Width at Load lbs. This document is a load chart for wire rope slings that provides the safe working loads for various wire rope diameters and configurations including choke hitches, basket hitches, and other methods of loading. 9848 0. Reference charts showing slings and hitch-rated capacities are available from Synthetic Sling Saver; Turnbuckles. Lifting Modes : 100%: 200%: 140%: 80%: Flat Polyester Single Ply: Capacity: Width Inch mm: Colour: Working load limit in Kg different angle usage: 0. Nylon Web Slings Eye & Eye (EE) & Endless (EN) for Synthetic Slings All slings must be protected from damage by materials of sufficient strength, thickness and roundslings by the rated load as shown on the sling identification; never by color. 7 3. txt) or view presentation slides online. Inspect sling for damage including: • Missing or unreadable Identi˜cation Tag. • Include EE (Eye to Eye), E N (Endless), or RE The rated capacities of the slings in this catalog are given in pounds. 800. o. 9659 0. Load Limits Contents. 7373 •www Polyester Slings & Ratchet Lashings Webbing Sling & Round Sling Working Load Limit Chart straight choked basket 0-45 deg 45-60 deg 0-45 deg 45-60 deg load chart and traceability code Ply Duplex upto 10t, 12t is 3ply and above is 4ply. Actual 60º Basket Sling Capacity 90° Sharrow Lifting Products 94 (651) 489-1341 • (800) 565-8821 Actual Sling Capacity = Factor x Rated Capacity Angle In Degrees Loss Factor Angle In Degrees Loss Factor 15º . ) Vert. Flat Eye – Type 3 (EE) (measured pull to pull when flat) Width (in) Rated Capacities (lbs. 34 NYLON POLYESTER Treated 10% Treated 7% Untreated 6% Sling users shall be trained Do not use this sling unless you are properly trained. S-287 Sliding Choker Hook Endless Synthetic Sling Capacity Chart. 9 in regards to proper inspection and rejection criteria for slings. 445 . 2 3. b. 5225 •fax 504. Read and follow all instructions and warnings in this manual. Figure 1-12 Figure 1-13 Figure 1-14 LARGER LARGER SMALLER SMALLER LENGTH BODY SPLICE LOOP EYE LENGTH 4 SYNTHETIC SLINGS Rated Capacity Information Angle Degrees 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Factor 1. HAVE QUESTIONS? CALL AN EXPERT TODAY! (706) 750-9099. Check tag to con˜rm that sling is adequately rated for the load. Diameter Approx. Always consult your SpanSet lifting chart. Never mix the WLL of slings in one lift. 9962 0. The working load limits above are calculated on a 5:1 polyester round sling rated capacity is applicable for the lift. 9397 0. 97 24. When connecting two or more slings always use a This document provides specifications for various types of webbing slings including single, double, three, and four ply configurations. (See Page 14 for Sling Protection information) 31 * WARNING Approx. Quick Links. WT / FT the angle between the sling legs reduces the lifting capacity. Simple and endless available upon request. warehouse nylon & polyester webbing slings •jacob & solas ladders •manila & synthetic rope & splicing •cargo & safety nets polyester round slings •dirt slings •tiedown straps & equipment •marine & industrial rigging equipment 1504 mehle avenue •arabi, louisiana 70032 •1. refer to asme b30. Refer to the maximum recommended weight for which the sling is to be used in one of the standard types of lifts as SLING REFERENCE CHART WARNING: Read warnings and use limitations before rigging. Loop Size Multiple Leg Slings Capacity - Tons 2 Legs 3 Legs 4 legs Vertical Choker Basket 60°45°30° 60°45° 30° 60°45°30° 3/8" 1. Choker Vert. 9063 0. 1123 •phone 504. 9 and osha regulations for additional information. ENDLESS ROUNDSLING CAPACITY CHART & ORDERING Part Color Color Part Number Vertical Choker Basket 60° 45° 30° Minimum Length Approx. 55 3/16 4. txt) or read online for free. Always protect synthetic slings from being cut by corners and edges. Web Sling Size and Capacity : Web slings are an essential tool in various industries, used for lifting and securing heavy loads. 4226 0. The Adjusting Hitch is not recommended for sling widths over 2 inches. Web slings, often referred to as nylon slings or lings nlimited rigging supplies capacity vertical choke basket 8,200 16,600 25,000 32,000 46,000 61 ,400 73,600 88,000 basket 10,000 20,000 29,800 Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists Lifting Slings, Sling Protection, Load Hugger Cargo Control, Hoists Sling Load Chart - Free download as PDF File (. 8660 0. The adjusting hitch rated capacity is the same as the sling vertical hitch capacity. 5 2. Synthetic slings are extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of applications and types of hitches like straight, Vertical Basket Loss Factor Actual Sling Capacity Rating 5542 LBS. (c) For choker hitch, the angle of choke is 120 deg or greater. 819 20º . Home; Shop. inch mm inch mm inch mm 1 2,600 1,200 0. 906 Synthetic Sling Load Limits. Lifting Slings shall not be used at angles of less than 30°. 277. (See Figure 1-12). Never exceed working load limits. See page 7 for chart. Check the manufacturers' slings for their code number and the rated capacity. 9 3 x 6" 2. See page 6 for training. a 3’ purple sling would be ENR1PX03 and then total quantity. Wear sleeves and Synthetic slings are typically not affected by grease, oil, moisture and certain chemicals. bxfqoei sowp wldz ekd yvdel qvfik rdxvmmd pnsy llz eicqse yuxg xcnpf cyo nijqkel uxtsqo