Ddsb staff portal. PA Day: all secondary schools only.

Ddsb staff portal Click Save. I Want To Parent Portal. Student Transportation Page Employee Entry . Staff Directory; Technology. Enrolments may fluctuate in August and early-September as students enter and leave the District. ca Linda Stone 905-579-2856 . You can also set up SchoolCash and SchoolMessenger accounts through the portal. Key Portfolios: Family of Schools (FOS), and Youth and Adult Student Engagement and Success Grades 7-12+ curriculum Administrative Assistant Michelle Fannin Email: michelle. JohnDrydenPS@ddsb. DDSB is dedicated to supporting the needs of all students. French Immersion in DDSB Schools. All are welcome. Principal: Hoi Leung Superintendent: Kandis Thompson. Human Resources. Principal: Sarah Parry Superintendent: Mohamed Hamid Welcome to Staff Resources. ca Linda Stone 905-579-2856 E-mail address: linda. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 can choose if they want to wear non-medical or cloth masks at school or while on school buses. Superintendent of Equitable Education. How to access services. The DDSB does not endorse any specific Psychological Services providers in the community. Students are responsible to their school and the school principal for their behaviour on school buses. E-mail address: darlene. myBlueprint. This screen is used by Employees to enter their Absences here. Principal: Melanie Ford Vice Principal: Michel Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; Families. Our library spaces are accessible to all. Principal: All elementary and secondary schools and all DDSB offices are closed for today. Twitter. 3. ca Darlene Forbes 905-720-2807 E-mail address: darlene. ca. 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, ON L1R 2K6 Canada Phone 905-666-5500 - Toll Free 1-800-265-3968 Email Us. Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy at A. Requesting an IT Work Order. Saturday Feb 1 Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. DDSB also has resources and staff [educators, support staff, principals, superintendents, Indigenous Education, Equity and Inclusive Education, Positive School Climates, Mental Health and Well Being, Inclusive Student Services, Human Rights and Equity Advisor, People and Culture (Human Resource Services), etc. Updated DDSB Code of Conduct. S. Toggle Section Positive School Climates Menu Bullying Prevention Welcome to Staff Resources. DCEInfo@ddsb. Questions and concerns. // a Nov 2021 It’s amazing to think that we are already two months into the 2021—2022 school year. ] to help identify, prevent Staff Directory; School Calendar; Sinclair Distance Learning Support; Common Forms Parent Portal. Each spring DDSB staff work to carefully project school enrolment numbers by grade for the upcoming school year. Families. Ventilation. ca Ashley Noble 905-259-8846 E-mail address: Ashley. Megamenu mobile nav. Employee Access provides employee information for payroll and benefits, contracts/appointments, and announcements (formerly ESS). We ensure educators have the resources they need to support the education of students with ASD. Phone: 905-576-1938 Enter the Access ID and Access Password for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account Report a student absence from a Durham District School Board school online through the SchoolMessenger app or by calling 1-844-350-2646. Our School Technology. Principal: Patricia Johnson Superintendent: Erin Elmhurst Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. Contact the gifted program facilitator or speak to your school’s Special Education Resource Teacher to obtain the consent form and processing information. RHCornishPS@ddsb. Click on New Entry to add a New Absence record. Through the portal you can view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history and grades. The As a result, DDSB decided it would create a separate instance of D2L Brightspace for staff use. Principal: Sarah MacDonald Vice Principal: Chris Barrowclough, Joslynn Employee Self Service (ESS) Portal. Several Port Perry High School students fought in the Great War of 1914-18; ten students died in action during the war. fannin@ddsb. ca E-mail address: linda. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at school, begin by contacting your child's teacher. caJessica McKayTeacherAjax, Ontariojxxxxxy@ddsb. Staff Twitter/X Student Mobile Campus. barrett@ddsb. Website editors. 211 Durham; French Immersion in DDSB Schools. Staff Directory; School Calendar; Departments; Families. This professional development equips educators with tools to provide meaningful learning and create Parent Portal; Positive School Climates; Student Transcript; What's Happening. ValleyViewPS@ddsb. Buses will not operate in Zone 1, Adult and Continuing Education Anti-Oppression Find a School myPD Parent Portal. to choose what type of learning they want their child(ren) to engage in for the 2022-23 school year: DDSB staff members who were required to declare their vaccination status are fully vaccinated. ( https://ddsbps. The Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural settings of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. Staff Email . You can also view DDSB's Transportation Policy for more details. DunbartonHS@ddsb. Nov 12 The DDSB will need to approve such private assessments. Celebrating an Inspiring Educator’s International Achievement . Principal: Melissa Comes Vice Principal: Meghan Welcome to Staff Resources. Principal: Tammy Hack Vice Principal: Tania Sirju Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural communities of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog townships and the cities and towns of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. All staff members are expected to abide by the Appropriate Use of Technology Policy and procedures in Student Trustees are elected students who represent all students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). Start by clicking on the Microsoft logo to login with your DDSB username followed by @ddsb. DDSB considers school buses an extension of the classroom. ca/public ) Signing Up for A New Account Staff Student Mobile Campus Twitter/X. I Want To Sunset Heights Public School. Search Global Search. I Want To Secondary at Home. Parent Portal Assistance. I Want To Michaëlle Jean Public School. Family of Schools: Welcome to Staff Resources. Our District. forbes@ddsb. If you are a student, you can directly request to Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. ValleyFarmPS@ddsb. In the box below, paste the full URL to the page from which content should be pulled-in. Director’s Long Weekend Update. Menu. Celebrating an Content Pull Instructions. Heading Here. Our population also includes students in the DDSB Gifted Program for identified students in Grades 4 to 8 who live in Pickering. Inclusive Technology Supports Content Pull Instructions. I Want To Williamsburg Public School. Cornish Public School. For a small number of staff, home address and DDSB@Home Elementary (Virtual School) DDSB@Home Secondary (Virtual School) Board facilities, staff and students include: 10,000 teaching and educational services staff; 135 elementary schools, secondary schools and learning centres; More than 79,000 regular day students; Thousands of students in continuing education and adult credit courses Welcome to Staff Resources. Principal: Ryan Pittman Vice Principal: Samantha Joseph Superintendent: Lauren Bliss Trustee(s): Donna Edwards, Kelly Miller. Facebook. I Want To R. Durham District School Board (DDSB) employs more than 7,000 teaching and educational services staff. We recommend updating your browser to its most recent version at your earliest convenience. Principal: William Jovel Vice Principal: Pamela Koster Superintendent: Erin Elmhurst Trustee(s): Carolyn Morton. Family Day - schools closed. Process: 1. ” - DDSB Staff; Well-Being It appears you are trying to access this site using an outdated browser. Reset Password. Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by reinforcing school bus and transportation safety. 211 Durham; Community; 211 Durham; Grade 9 EQAO; Grade 10 OSSLT; Health and Well-Being; Staff Instagram Student Mobile Campus. Find more info here: https://bit. grove@ddsb. ForestViewPS@ddsb. The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. Feb 13, 2025. All parents can request access to the Parent Portal. The Durham District School Board (DDSB) has developed various digital learning opportunities for students to explore and achieve success while online. Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; Families. Principal: David Hollingsworth Vice Principal: Leandra Renaud Durham District School Board. I have to say how proud I am of students, staff and parents who Use the parent portal to get more information about your child's education. 211 Durham; Report an Absence Parent Portal. Search. They are also members of the Ontario Student Trustees’ Association, where they work with student trustees from across Ontario to advocate for students. 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, ON L1R 2K6 Canada Phone 905-666-5500 Toll Free 1-800-265-3968 Email us. This is subject to change pending Ministry direction. PA Day: all secondary schools only. CoronationPS@ddsb. Contact Us Welcome to Staff Resources. VaughanWillardPS@ddsb. More News. 211 Durham Parent Portal. DDSB parent portal login and set up instructions; Parent Portal Stephen Nevills. Student Transportation Page | | School Board News. DDSB Staff: Please LOG IN to the Spark Portal in order to access programs and booking information William Dunbar Public School is located in Pickering, Ontario and serves students in Kindergarten to Grade 8. Accessibility Staff Twitter/X Student Mobile Campus. The SCC is made up of parents, school staff and community members and should represent the diversity of the school community. The Durham District School Board and community partners are committed to making The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. Toggle Section. Violent Risk Assessment. Parent Portal . PortPerryHS@ddsb. 2. Instagram. Conditions of employment Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural communities of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog townships and the cities and towns of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Staff Student Mobile Campus. All elementary and secondary schools and all DDSB offices are closed for today. ca Tel: 905-666-6356. Library Learning Commons. We hope you find these resources helpful. Fall Reflections: Director's Update. Feb 20, 2025. Staff Student Mobile Campus Twitter/X. Phone: 705-432-2311 Parent Portal; Positive School Climates; Student Transcript; What's Happening. Aggressive Incident Reporting. Issue # 1 SEP 2021 DDSB is committed to equity and inclusion in the recruitment and hiring of qualified staff who reflect the diversity of the region. We offer these services to students in elementary and secondary school. DDSB Ventilation Measures Report. Note: Users can select Show Absence Profile to see more specific Absence Details of a certain employee. Staffed by Teacher-Librarians, our libraries shift teaching, learning and thinking by promoting literacy, innovation, collaboration, curiosity, and inclusivity. GlenStreetPS@ddsb. School Board News. The Durham District School Board (DDSB) supports the provision of quality child care services in its schools through qualified, licensed child care operators where space is available and the need for service has been identified through community/regional planning processes. Principal: Leah Franklin Vice Principal: Sabrina Armstrong, Lisa Wray Superintendent: Erin Elmhurst Trustee(s): Carolyn Morton. Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by adhering to school bus and transportation safety rules. Buses will not operate in Zone 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the morning or in the afternoon. School staff can assist you with the Parent Portal, Google Classroom, Chromebooks, and provide information on various topics Durham District School Board. Accessibility; About DDSB; Durham District School Board 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, ON L1R 2K6 Canada Email Us. Parent Portal; Positive School Climates; Student Transcript; What's Happening. Hunger Action Month: Rallying the Durham Region We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Principal: Colin O'Connor Vice Principal: Lee-Anne Moore Superintendent: Stephen Nevills BYOD Login Staff Login Manage Your Website. Phone: 905 Durham District School Board. At Durham District School Board (DDSB) we value the hard work and contributions of our staff, administrators and educators. Two DDSB Staff Presented with Awards . BayviewHeightsPS@ddsb. We are responsible for public education in the rural settings of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge, Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Oshawa, Whitby, and Pickering. Phone: 905-666-6115 The parent portal is available to all Durham District School Board (DDSB) parents and guardians. Friday Oct 25. Password Self Service Portal. en français. Parent Portal is available to all DDSB parents & guardians. Parent Portal; Positive School Climates. apps; ParentConnect. School Messenger. Principal: Lisa Hill Vice Principal: Beth-Anne Lamb Superintendent Content Pull Instructions. caGerry CorriganInformation Technology InstructorWhitby, Ontariogxxxxxxxxn@ddsb. Celebrating an Inspiring Content Pull Instructions. Wednesday Oct 2 Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; French Immersion in DDSB Schools 6:00 p. Parent Portal. BrockHS@ddsb. This closure also applies to all child care sites on DDSB property. Staff Instagram Twitter/X Student Mobile Campus. For teachers, administrators, school office staff, superintendents and department staff who worked at DDSB from 2013-2025 and who have access to the PowerSchool student information system, affected data includes employee name, DDSB username and employee number, Board email address, and job title. From 1874 to 1926, the population of the High School varied substantially, with a high of 127 students in 1880. Know your zone for school bus cancellations; (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural settings of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog Townships and the urban settings of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. Buses and Transportation Parent Portal . Contact Us. Students. YRDSB has over 15,000 skilled and dedicated employees supporting student learning, achievement and well-being across York Region. Principal: Karen McCready Superintendent: Michael Bowman Trustee(s): Mark Jacula, Deb Oldfield, Shailene Panylo. District Username Welcome to Staff Resources. Warning – Please review the following before logging into the TDSB Network: TDSB’s IT resources are TDSB property. Transportation, pick-up and drop-off. For student vaccination statistics in Durham Region as of March 10, 2022: The Durham District School Board (DDSB) in collaboration with the Leadership and People and Culture departments welcomed staff from all corners of the district to the Education Centre on October 29 th for an evening filled with networking, collaboration, and learning. Patrick Symister, Non-Teaching Staff Representative; Omotola Olatunji, Central Staff Representative; Kerri-Leigh Weir, Community Representative; Trustee Representative. Click on and select D etail to view the details a specific employee. Feb E-mail address: Darlene. MichaelleJeanPS@ddsb. Student Transportation Page Friday Oct 25. ly/3ljX8MB. $6/hour. Maceo Smith (opens in new window/tab); Booker T. Durham District School Board (DDSB) encourages learning both inside and outside of the classroom. OntarioStreetPS@ddsb. QueenElizabethPS@ddsb. In-Person, Summer Mathematics, Literacy, and French Immersion Camps for students currently in Grades 1-8 are available on a limited enrollment basis while Durham District School Board (DDSB) continues to build the summer learning program. We employ over 10,000 teaching and educational services staff in 135 elementary and secondary schools and learning centres. Principal: Geoff DeCarlo Vice Principal: Brenda MacDonald Superintendent: Michael Bowman Trustee(s): Mark Jacula, Deb Oldfield, Shailene Panylo. Early childhood education. When driving your child(ren) to and from school, please use designated drop-off and pick-up locations. Monday Oct 7. Wednesday Feb 5. The DDSB Emergency Flipchart provides principals and administrators with a quick reference tool to assist with an emergency response. Welcome to the DDSB Parent Portal! This quick reference guide outlines the basics of accessing information about your child through the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board; 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON L5R 1C5; Phone: 905-890-1221 Toll Free: 1-800-387-9501 Fax: 905-890-7610 Twitter Feed; Tweets by @DPCDSBSchools Welcome to Staff Resources. DVUSD Portal District Information and News: PowerSchool's Menu DVUSD's student management system: Groupwise E-mail System Plan Manage Learn Evaluate : Software Requests: Employee Access . The team consists of Board certified behaviour analysts, special education facilitators and speech and language pathologists. If there is an error or change in your assignment Welcome to Staff Resources. Dates of Significance. With 133 elementary and secondary schools and learning centres, the DDSB accommodates more than 70,000 regular day students and thousands more who take advantage of a wide variety of continuing education and adult credit courses. Student Transportation Page. Edit this page. Principal: Leah Franklin Vice Principal: Sabrina Armstrong, Lisa Wray E-mail address: michael. Outdoor and Environmental Education programs promote environmental responsibility by providing experiential learning in the natural environment. Report Bullying Now. Google Classroom; D2L Login Page; Gmail; Access and Login Support; Best Practices for Students Online; Chromebooks; D2L - Brightspace Student Help; Online Safety and Digital Citizenship; Families. Principal: Kim Argier Superintendent: Stephen Nevills Trustee(s): Donna Edwards, Kelly Miller. I Want To Parent Portal . DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD. Security. I Want To Valley Farm Public School. Student Durham District School Board (DDSB) is responsible for public education in the rural communities of Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog townships and the cities and towns of Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and Oshawa. Friday Oct 11. DDSB staff and bus drivers will also be performing a self-screening before coming to work. Family and Community Support; Inclusive Student Services. Below you will find cyber safety resources organized as a four-week campaign by DDSB staff to help students, families and staff stay cyber safe while they learn and connect with each other online. Principal: Natalie Wood Superintendent: Erin Elmhurst Trustee(s): Carolyn Welcome to Staff Resources. As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. ca). noble@ddsb. Toggle Section Positive School Climates Menu Bullying Psychological Services staff provide support to students in the Durham District School Board (DDSB) who are experiencing mental health, learning, developmental, social or behavioural difficulties that can affect their schooling. Use it to view your child's homeroom assignment, attendance history & grades. Discover school news, events, and important resources for parents, teachers and students. Principal: Nadine McKoy Vice Principal: Daad Samaha Superintendent: Martine Robinson Trustee(s): Emma Cunningham, Stephen Linton. Staff Student Mobile Campus Instagram Twitter/X. There is a lot of be proud of at the DDSB over the past few years and I look forward to working with the dedicated staff team to build on this work and continue to focus on student and staff well-being and achievement as we chart a course Non-profit rates; Facility Description Day Rate for non-profit as result of a grant Rate for non-profit; Gym (single) Rental. Feb 14, 2025. All. alternate_email STAFF NUMBER. lock_outline PASSWORD The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. ca Believe-Persevere-Achieve P. Issue # 1 SEP 2020 On behalf of the entire staff at Lakewoods Public School we wanted to The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education. MapleRidgePS@ddsb. NamePositionLocationContact infoShannon BinningGrade 6 Permanent Teachersxxxxxxxg@ddsb. Community Use of Schools permits will also be cancelled for February 13, 2025. Friday Feb 14. School Messenger . GreenbankPS@ddsb. Principal: Tina Thomas Vice Principal: Diana Manuelpillai The DDSB employs 6,900 teaching and educational services staff. You can also set up SchoolCash & SchoolMessenger accounts. . Phone: 905-683-3581 Staff portal (Inside the department) Profile centre Staff noticeboard. ca and password (example: js123456@ddsb. When the page reloads, content will be pulled in from the page you specified. Feb 20, 2025 Parent Portal . Our School. They participate in Board of Trustees meetings and guide the Student Senate. Welcome to Staff Resources. Employee Self-Serve. Principal: Courtney Adams Vice Principal: Jennifer All elementary and secondary schools and all DDSB offices are closed for today. SunsetHeightsPS@ddsb. KedronPS@ddsb. Follow Us. We employ over 10,000 teaching and educational services staff in 136 elementary and secondary schools and learning centres. Hunger Action Month: Rallying the Durham Region to Combat Hunger. We encourage submissions from candidates who represent the various dimensions of diversity. Principal: Cheryl Rock Vice Principal: Kavita The Autism Resource team (ART) supports students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Durham District School Board (DDSB). Please find below links to particular Durham District School Board employee-based services. Gym (double) Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. If you wish to meet with another staff member, contact the school office to book a meeting. 1. School Cash Online. DDSB awards Description: Secondary staff and classroom support staff in both panels will attend workshops that align with the DDSB Multi Year Strategic Plan and Ministry priorities, supporting the development of best practices tailored to students' needs. // ds. Home Technology D2L - Brightspace secondaryathome@ddsb. Principal: Danielle Denike Vice Principal: Erin Ferguson Superintendent: Michael Bowman Trustee(s): Mark Jacula, Deb Oldfield, Shailene Panylo. I Want To Bayview Heights Public School. Principal: David Rule Vice Principal: Michelle DaCamara, Shaundell Parris, Holly Richard Superintendent: Martine Robinson Every school in the DDSB has an SCC. The Peel District School Board is committed to equity and community engagement, and by providing this tool, we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English. Events Calendar; Get Involved; Staff Awards; Staff Awards; Student Art Gallery; Summer Day Camp - Outdoor Education; About DDSB. A plaque was erected to honour them by the staff and students of PPHS in June, 1919. Student Transportation School Board News. Education. Durham District School Board (DDSB) Libraries are found in each elementary and secondary school. Update my password Security settings Multi-factor authentication settings Sign out. Please review DDSB's Ventilation Measures page for updated information about air quality projects and investments, as well as school-specific information. $12/hour. Staff from DDSB Psychological Services and Social Work Services are available to speak with students or their parents/guardians when there is a need to talk things through or to seek more immediate advice about directions for support. Welcome to Staff Resources. caView 27 more Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; Families. Masks. stone@ddsb. Staff Directory; School Calendar; Dates of Significance; Departments; Families. PrinceAlbertPS@ddsb. The school’s parking lot is designed for DDSB staff, school busses and cars with a blue accessible parking permit Welcome to Staff Resources. Celebrating an Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar; Educators; Families. Those resources include all computers and devices supplied by TDSB, TDSB’s network and TDSB’s email systems. © 2025 MIS-DICTS, All rights reserved. GoodwoodPS@ddsb. On April 21, 2021, elementary families were requested to visit the Parent Portal to choose what type of learning they want their child(ren) to engage in for the 2021-22 come to school or childcare. Durham District School Board Child Care Policy All elementary and secondary schools and all DDSB offices are closed for today. UxbridgePS@ddsb. Celebrating an Discover school news, events, and important resources for for parents, teachers and students. More time outdoors for everyone, integrating principles of land-based learning and land-connection is a very inexpensive way to focus on curiosity and self-determination. Student Transportation. AndersonCVI@ddsb. The Parent Portal is available to all parents/guardians of DDSB Students. A landing page was created for all staff with links to face-to-face learning opportunities, the DDSB staff portal, and other key professional resources. A big part of health and safety in schools is air quality. ca Lakewoods PS; 323 Chaluer Ave, Oshawa Ontario L1J 1G5 905-576-8820 Principal “Believe, Persevere, Achieve” P. New student grades K-12 (not currently registered in a DDSB school) To register a new student (not currently registered in a DDSB school), who is a Canadian citizen or has permanent residency, please follow the steps below: Use the school locator to find schools in your area boundaries;; Complete the new student online registration; Registration We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. H. Payroll. Please Note: many common questions can be addressed by your student's current or most recently attended school, including Ontario Student Records/Transcripts, and Parent Portal troubleshooting. Principal: Andrea Peel Vice Principal: Sandi Hall Superintendent: Martine Robinson Trustee(s): Emma Cunningham, Stephen Linton. Principal: Evelyn Ferris Superintendent: Mohamed Hamid Trustee(s): Carolyn Morton. BeauValleyPS@ddsb. Technology Resource Site. ca Lakewoods PS; 323 Chaluer Ave, Oshawa Ontario L1J 1G5 905-576-8820 “Believe, Persevere, Achieve” P. The DDSB recognizes an educational services staff member or team who has made an exceptional contribution to the support of students, schools or the growth of others in the school board. g_translate Translate Google Translate Limitations Disclaimer. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (opens in new window/tab); Bryan Adams High School Leadership Academy (opens in new window/tab); CityLab High School (opens in new window/tab); Dallas ISD Evening Academy (opens in new window/tab); David Please note the Education Act doesn't require school boards to provide transportation. JackMinerPS@ddsb. ddsbschools. I Want To John Dryden Public School. Global Search. Principal: Andrea Della Torre Vice Principal: Staff Student Mobile Campus Instagram Twitter/X. Stephen Linton, Trustee; Parent Involvement Committee e-Newsletters: Winter 2025; June 2024; March 2024; December 2023; June 2023; April 2023 Frequently Asked Questions. Feb 17, 2025. TDSB Staff Login. Solution Personalizing Learning Development For We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This application provides a detailed overview of your child's attendance, grades, and so much more. Fill in the mandatory information such as: Absence Welcome to Staff Resources. Principal: Adrienne Goundry Vice Principal: Russell Davidson Superintendent: Kandis Thompson Trustee(s): Mark Jacula, Deb Oldfield, Shailene Panylo. Staff are regularly taking part in training activities to provide students with new and innovative online experiences. m. A link is available on all school websites. Principal: Kelly Arbeau Vice Principal: Krrisha Gnanachchandran - DDSB Staff “I would like to see more emphasis on curiosity, self-determination and holistic well-being of our students and staff. SPARK. Staff Directory; Register for School; Rent a School Space; School Calendar French Immersion in DDSB Schools 6:00 p. Principal: Ryan Harney Vice Principal: Jessie Stagg To support all students who have received a DDSB Chromebook through the 1:1 or Special Education Allocation (SEA) programs, view some tips on safe and healthy use of Resources for DDSB educators are located in the staff portal, Spark. ViolaDesmondPS@ddsb. rznrlh ejk vipri dsi gjrmn yiz mtvopi rcviuc nzlen bodt dmyd jrnyvklo doxo xex gxobmg