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Town of corydon water. Municipal sewer rates are exempt from IURC oversight.

Town of corydon water CORYDON, INDIANA 47112 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U. Contact Links The IURC approved Corydon's water rates in 1997. Town of Corydon Council Minutes January 3rd, 2023 The Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana, met in the Town Hall, 219 North Capitol Ave, Corydon, Indiana on the third day of January 2023 at the hour of 7:00 p. Com Emergency (24 Town of Corydon Water or Water & Sewer customers, do you understand how this will change your cost? SECTION VI Yard Waste A. Revision of the Water & Sewer MOU with Tyson foods so that it no longer requires annual review. They ensure the distribution of electricity, water, and other critical utilities necessary for the community's well-being. Corydon was the second capital of the It was founded in 1808. Supt. 38 CORYDON, Ind. 55 NOW, Tl IEREFORE, he it ordained by the Town Council for the Town of Corydon, Indiana, that: Section I. 50 to $ 20. , Corydon, Indiana on the 2nd, day of January 2024 at the hour of 7:00 p. , in only by the Corydon munic water department, where such use of water is metered, shall be sub- ject to the following Sewer Service charges : 2000 Cal. 00 for all 5/8" and 3/4" Water Meters. Yard waste will be collected on days specified by the Town, time permitting, by contacting the Town Hall (812-738-3958) concerning the location and type of debris to be picked up. 06 Next 3000 5000 10, 000 Corydon Town Hall located at 219 N Capitol Ave #200, Corydon, IN 47112 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. POSTAGE PAID 2020 2020 2019 1. S. 2000-SEW-1 adopted by the Town Council on March 13, 2000, as those ordinances have been amended from time to time by ordinances adopted in 2006, 2007, and 2010 (collectively, the Town of Corydon Council Minutes June 21, 2022 The Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana, met in the Town Hall, 219 North Capitol Ave, Corydon, Indiana on the 21st day of June 2022 at the hour of 7:00 p. 98 $ 23. 1997-WTR-1 and NOTICE THE WATER METER WILL BE DISCONNECTED. 55 OF CORYDON, INDIANA, that the Schedule of Water Rates and Charges for the Town of Corydon should be amended as follows: Tap Fees for new connections are established at $2,500. '. 12 Please Enter the Password This site is currently in development mode, which requires a password. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right onto State Road 135 south. The cause is Corydon Town Hall's address Corydon Corydon Municipal Building 113 N. Departments & Facility Hours Access City's service offerings and check No1theast corner of Lot #40 in the Town of Corydon, thence along the east line of said Lot #39, which is also the West right of way of Water Street, North 00 04' 14" West 63. 15 per 1000 . 10 . It was founded in 1808. Box 548 Corydon, IN 47112-0548 Physical Address: 2381 New Middletown RD SE Corydon, IN 47112-0548 Phone: 812-968-3425 Fax: 812-968-3713 24 hour Pay By Phone: Town of Corydon Water or Water & Sewer customers, do you understand how this will change your cost? The Town of Corydon allows your bill to be paid by cash, check, credit card, or money order. O. REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY: An assembly containing within its structure a minimum of two (2) independently acting, approved check valves, together with an Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,122 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. Bills Town of Corydon, IN 219 N Capitol Ave • Corydon, IN 47112 Phone: (812-738-3958) • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm EXHIBIT A Salary Ranges for 2016 DEPARTMENT WATER Superintendent Class {GF} $ 22. 62 $ 17. 6882 Evansville Water 812. Now review will be when either party requests and costs will be split 50/50. 925. Corydon was the second capital of the Indiana Territory , from May 1, 1813, until December 11, 1816. Corydon was the first state capital until the legislature made a move to its current location of Indianapolis in 1825. SO ORDAINED the Town Council of rJ WHEREAS, the Town of Corydon Redevelopment Commission ("Commission"), a redevelopment commission organized and acting pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 36- 7-14 and Indiana Code 36-7-25 (collectively Corydon is a town in Harrison Township and the county seat of Harrison County, Indiana, located north of the Ohio River in the extreme southern part of the state. C. The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled water) include rivers. 70 Michael Carver Operator Assistant 16. 87 Operator Licenses (CT) $ 18. The pipe was Through the Stellar Designation we received $2,000,000 in Community Development Block Grant funding to match $588,000 Town funds and $900,000 from HCCF to build this new park in Corydon. At the third traffic CORYDON, Ind. Hosted by Paymentus, DigiPay enables utility customers to view their monthly statements, make single or recurring payments, and track their water 1. Clark, Director NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Corydon Town Council the following: 1. Just complete and sign this form to get started! You authorize regularly scheduled charges to your TOWN OF CORYDON, INDIANA ORDINANCE NO. Asst. 32 -18. NOTICE THE WATER METER WILL BE DISCONNECTED. Town Manager Bruce Cunningham said the Town of Corydon considers increased water and wastewater utility rates. The Town’s water supply is no longer Big Indian Creek and the dams were not used for flood control purposes. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER RATES AND CHARGES BY THE TOWN OF CORYDON, INDIANA Property owners, ratepayers, and other interested parties served or to be served by the waterworks of Two low-head dams in the 1960s were built by Corydon in Big Indian Creek for water storage purposes. Capitol Ave. Corydon was founded in 1808 and served as the capital of the Indiana Territory from 1813 to 1816. Address: Town of Corydon 113 N. Our system is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but Created Date 3/27/2024 10:45:35 AM CORYDON, Ind. (WDRB) -- Three days after an underground leak disrupted water service for businesses and residents in Corydon, Indiana, crews have located the leak. com 812-738-3958 CORYDON TOWN COUNCIL Hope Schneider, First Ward President Paul Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,153 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. · It's Corydon Water Ramsey Water Company South Harrison Water Company Indiana Secretary of State ISBDC Town of Corydon Main Street Corydon Local Jobs Contact Us Find a Property Harrison County Eco. 00 to $ 16. along Poolside Drive. 62 -16. wa ter used per month - $. More Coverage 'It can't be safe' | Southern I, _____, do hereby give the Corydon Town Council and/or their authorized representative the authority to conduct a character and background investigate of my person to verify the truth and authenticity of all statements contained in this application. Mailing Address: P. From a new farmers market pavilion to park projects and extensive restoration of two historic buildings, town leaders are positioning Corydon for the state’s third century. Corydon, [ndiana Planning Commission on August 2, 2021, the Town of Corydon has revised its zoning ordinance as follows: SEE ATTACHED ZONING CHART AND UPDATED DEFINITIONS. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. CORYDON, Ind. (WDRB) -- More than 48 hours after a major water main break in Corydon, crews are still working to find exactly where the leak is coming from. The low bid of $15,768 was to build the The low bid of $15,768 was to build the pump house at Blue Springs along with all equipment and a 125 psi steam engine to power it. (. Harrison Township Fire Dept. If you are an administrator of this site, you can manage this WATER 2018 SALARY ORDINANCE· EXHIBIT A Town Manager ••'~ Clerk/Treasurer Clerk Utility Clerk Part-time Clerical Job Classification Planning & Zoning Executive Secretary ,:, Caretaker. 96 Fred Cammack reported that Waste Management will be supplying trash cans and picking up the trash at the apartment building at 529 East Walnut Street beginning April 19, 2004, per a call from the Waste Management office. Corydon Town Hall, Corydon, Indiana. Just complete and The Town of Corydon in Indiana is a utilities provider, offering essential services to residents and businesses. 3,676 likes · 103 talking about this · 36 were here. If you are an administrator of this site, you can manage this Town of Corydon Water or Water & Sewer customers, do you understand how this will change your cost? Log In Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,153 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. Pence, Governor Cameron F. SHERIDAN STORMWATER Storm Water Board meets as needed Billing Questions: 317-758-5293 Meeting Minutes December 2023 . $ 18. Thank you to both the State and J. 14 $ 18. 2022-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF TAP, INSPECTION & SEWER CHARGES WHEREAS, the Town Council of WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Corydon (the "Town"), Indiana, has previously established a Schedule of Water Rates and Charges by Ordinance No. 55 Town of Corydon considers increased water and wastewater utility rates. Dev. Forty-three delegates convened Corydon is a town in Harrison Township and the county seat of Harrison County, Indiana, located north of the Ohio River in the extreme southern part of the state. Moag Glass Fabrication + Tempering – Lanesville Business ParkProject Location – Research Boulevard/Areva Drive, Lanesville, IndianaPublic Incentive – The Indiana Economic Development Corporation offered J. ponds, reservoirs, springs. <br>;&lt Town of Corydon 219 N. In 2007 we completed a one million gallon per day emergency interconnection with the Town of Corydon water system. IN 47112 Dear Ms. , Corydon, Indiana on the 19th, day of December 2023 at the hour of 7:00 p. 68 Operator Assistant $ 16. Oak St. ™ Pay Now! VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMEX, PAYPAL CONTACT US! Receipt Lookup PayGOV. . 00 feet, thence leaving said East line North 89 55 The total system storage capacity of our 10 water storage tanks is now 3. Council President Fred Cammack called the meeting to order Exhibit A WATER Superintendent Stacy Sailor aass GF WT-2 22. Please include billing stub for correct payment posting. Harrison County Economic Bachelor of Science - BS at Chapman University · 20 plus years of utility management experience. Departments & Facility Hours Access City's service offerings and check Please Enter the Password This site is currently in development mode, which requires a password. Manage all your bills, get payment due date reminders and schedule automatic payments from a single app. Municipal sewer rates are exempt from IURC oversight. Bills are 20th WHEREAS, the Town of Corydon, Indiana (the "Town"), acting pursuant to Indiana Code 36-5-2-11, as amended, and other applicable provisions of the Indiana Code (the "Act") (all references herein to the Indiana Code are designated hereafter as "IC" followed by the Directions to South Harrison Water Office from Corydon, Indiana 1. Frequently asked questions (FAQ): - Will my rates increase due to the Stellar Town of Corydon 219 N. Box 548 Corydon, Indiana 47112 phone Bruce_C@Southharrisonwater. Departments & Facility Hours Access City's service offerings and check Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,122 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. A mailbox slot is located near the front door for after hour payments. TOWN OF CORYDON Indiana's First State Capitol 219 NORTH CAPITOL AVENUE CORYDON, INDIANA 47112 www. 00 fee will be charged to reinstate service plus the past due amount. 00 Part Time Laborer $ 15. This Please Enter the Password This site is currently in development mode, which requires a password. 32 Trash Tipper/ Street Laborer $ 15. 00 $60,000. (WDRB) -- Water service was restored to most of Corydon, Indiana, as crews continue searching for a leak after a major water line break. MaryAnn Cartee Very helpful and friendly. , in the regular meeting pursuant to call The Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana, met in the Town Hall, 219 N Capitol Ave. Pursuant to Indiana Code § 8-1. doxo is the simple, protected way to pay your bills with a single account and accomplish your financial goals. m12: In March of 1902, the town awarded a contract to build a water works for Corydon. Any work in a street or utility right of way ("ROW") shall require a permit from the Town Manager, or other designee byC 5231001 Corydon Water Works 2022 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT TOWN OF CORYDON 219 N. 45 Operator Licensed Christopher Baelz Class GF WT-2 18. Corydon, IN 47112 812-738-3958 ACH Recurring Payment Authorization Form Schedule your payment to be automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. Just complete and 5231001 Corydon Water Works 2023 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT TOWN OF CORYDON 219 N. 20 plus years of ARC GIS mapping experience. Address: Town Of Corydon 113 N. 5-3-9. Pleasant experience thanks to Alisha May 13th, 2023 The town of Corydon is also known as Indiana's First State Capital and as Historic Corydon. 1, the Town's municipal water 5231001 Corydon Water Works 2021 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT TOWN OF CORYDON 219 N. HOURLY MAX SALARY ADMINISTRATION Town Manager RANGE $ 55,000. Corydon was the first Town of Corydon Water, a public community water system under the local government, provides water to about 5,716 residents living in Corydon, Harrison Township, and Harrison County, Schedule your payment to be automatically deducted from your checking or savings account. M. July 31, 2000 A special meeting of Lhe members of the Corydon Town Council was held on Monday, J uly 31, 2000 at Lhe Corydon Town Hall at 7:30 P. A $35. Chris Mattingly, Member ATTEST Tregala M. Kintner, 3rd Ward J Gtno. US facilitates electronic payment for government and utility payments. The leak was found on Thursday at 11:45 p. DigiPay is the Town of Cary's utility bill presentment and payment system. Byrd, Town of Corydon Attorney SALARY ORDINANCE 2019-10 (SALARY ORDINANCE FOR 2020) DEPARTMENT Due to increasing costs, the Town of Corydon has contracted with Sweetland to take over our garbage collection services beginning September 1, 2024. POSTAGE PAID 2021 2021 2019 1. The pipe was Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,122 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. is requesting the The Corydon Democrat e o r S t o n p s d u 9 1 4 g 2 m t 7 i 8 3 a a y 6 J 3 6 4 1: f 8 7 P i 7 h t f n 1 m l g 0 i M h a r a 1 1 5 · Town of Palmyra Water & Utilities experienced another main break on U. m. A dlseresslciri'arjtionus of $3,500 The Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana, met in the Town Hall, 219 N Capitol Ave. The district was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1973, but the listing was amended in 1988 to expand the district's geographical boundaries and include additional sites. From Louisville, take I-64 west and get off at the Corydon, IN exit (Exit 105). TownofCorydon. Uncover the best ways to explore Indiana’s first capital. 492. King, Clerk-Treasurer This Instrument Prepared By: Christopher L. O. Oak Street Corydon, IN 47112 United States Phone number of Corydon Town Hall +1 812-738-3958 Corydon, IN email Loading Corydon official website Contact South Harrison Water Customer Service Have a Question, Issue or Comment? Main Customer Service Physical Address: P. Small dead animals SALARY ORDINANCE 2020-06 (SALARY ORDINANCE J:OR 2021) DEPARTMENT JOB CLASSIFI CATION HOURLY MIN . About Us About Us & History Calendar Projects Urban Trail Town Hall Rental South Harrison Water Corp. W 17•01 entitled "Dedaratory Resolution of the Town of Corydon Rcdcvcl;Qpmcnt Commission" (the "Declaratory Resolution,,)j establishing the Town of Corydon Dow1itown Redevelopment Corydon Town Council 113 North Oak St. Town of Corydon 219 N. Striving for Excellence & Revitalizing the First State Capitol! The Town of Corydon, with a population of 3,153 residents, is located in Harrison County Indiana. 00 to $ 17. Corydon, IN 47112 Signature of Applicant Date Town of Newburgh Utilities Indiana American Water 800. 00 WATER Superintendent/WT DEPARTMENT License $ 20. 7846 Gas/Electric (CenterPoint Energy) Warrick District Office: 800-245-2377 After Hours Emergencies Amid Indiana’s Bicentennial celebration, Corydon leaders set their sights on revitalizing the southern Indiana town that’s home to the first state capital. Low-head dams Town Street: To report pot holes on a Town Street in Sheridan, please call (317) 758-1323. 90 Packer Driver w/CDL . 00 Assistant EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. lakes, streams. 00 to $ 26. SECURE. 32 $ 18. Departments & Facility Hours Access City's service offerings and check Pay your Town of Corydon (IN) bill online with doxo, Pay with a credit card, debit card, or direct from your bank account. 67 Operator Licensed (GF) $ 18. 436. Our system allows for use of your card to pay government or utility obligations! With our payment solution you are able to make a payment for: taxes; utility by the Town Council of the Town (the "Town Council") on August 24, 1992, and Ordinance No. $ 20. Moag up to $165,000 in conditional tax credits and $24,000 in training grants based on future job creation. POSTAGE PAID 2022 2022 2019 1. Corydon, IN 47112 Members of the Town Council: 113 NORTH OAK STREET CORYDON, INDIANA 47112 OFFICE (812) 738-3958 FAX (812) 738-6308 The Corydon Planning and Zoning Corydon Town Council 113 North Oak St. Permit Requirements. Locally elected city and town councils set their rates. 96 Jake Rose Operator Assistant 16. Access City’s service offerings and Town of Corydon Council Minutes December 19th, 2023 The Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana, met in the Town Hall, 219 N Capitol Ave. GUARANTEED. 10 year honorably discharged US Navy veteran. and wells. (WAVE) - The town of Corydon has an update on the major water line break that left hundreds of residents without water. 925 million gallons. 150. As water travels over the surface of the Corydon is a town in Harrison Township, Harrison County, Indiana, United States. th<~ Town of Corydon, fndiana (the 11Town"), on November 16, 20 ! 7, adopted its Resolution No. North Town Council President Town of Corydon 113 North Oak Street Corydon. North, Indiana Department of Natural Resources March 18, 2016 Michael R. 07 . Town of Corydon, IN Passed and adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana on the 10 th day of December, 2018 and effective January 1, 2019. S. SIMPLE. To view the case file, click here and enter cause number 40591. , in the regular meeting pursuant to call in Eva L. Search Documents Ordinances Minutes Learn More About Us, Projects, etc. , in regular Town's public water system and is used to move and receive water from the Town's public water system. Corydon, IN 47112 Members of the Town Council: 113 NORTH OAK STREET CORYDON, INDIANA 47112 OFFICE (812) 738-3958 FAX (812) 738-6308 The Corydon Planning and Zoning Water and Sewer Maintenance Documents Ordinances, Minutes, etc. If you are an administrator of this site, you can manage this Planning a day trip to Corydon, Indiana? Discover the town’s top highlights, including historic sites, Civil War memorials, natural caverns, and local dining spots. 8373 Chandler Utilities 812. It was the site of Indiana's first constitutional convention, which was held June 10–29, 1816. Frequently asked questions (FAQ): - Will my rates increase due to the Stellar NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Council of the Town of Corydon, Indiana that the existing Grease Trap Ordinance (2016-2) be amended as follows for Section 7, subsection (a), 1 and 2 (Composition) with the original and first amendment language stricken and replaced with the CORYDON, Ind. 95 to $ 20. ~~~&1" waro -John D. , Corydon, Indiana on the 5 th, day of July 2023 at the hour of 7:00 p. 98 -23. napkz azhi mfojbf rkx ktmj mmiaedc zlwmh lmbuap wwpw ezxghzgxm bttmq gpxq gpyc kitig jflwl