Reddit aita father. The test says my husband isn’t the father.

I was kicked out of my parent's house the day after my 18th birthday. AITA for not letting my children's father live with us? Not the A-hole. He’s had a couple other girlfriends since then and is still with one of them currently, but he still did go BeeCoolMan. ) Reply reply. I have two children. We have a daughter together Hannah 3 and my step daughter Ashley (his daughter from a precious relationship) is 10. Donating bone marrow is a low-risk, mild discomfort procedure. The man who had been raising me as my father (54m) found out I was not his biological child (my two older brothers are) when I was 7 and promptly abandoned me Your father should have discussed this with you privately just like he did with you brothers (which is obvious since they already knew). AITA For forgetting what I did for my husband for Father's Day last year. My mother refused and divorced him. Mood Spoiler: complicated and messy, but OOP will be ok. He can live his life the way he wants. You should simply talk to him privately (the way he should have for you) and list your boundaries. It sound bad so let me give some context. I've spent my life having you cancel because there's always something more important than me. Your father is a major AH and is trying to manipulate you into doing his will, rather than leading your own life. putyerphonedown. PS: This is the first time I reply to one of these AITA. Tell them they have to communicate in writing. Her not trusting her husband isn’t your issue. Let them know you are only informing them because asshole and his family have been acting irrational and you want to cover your bases. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. Multiple times, my husband has asked him to call first and he always says “okay” or “I will. You should go NC with him and LC with your mother if she keeps saying that you need to apologize to your "father". We separated 4 years ago after he said he was tired of seeing my old face every day and wanted to find someone younger (his words to my face when asking for divorce). We're in our early 20s. Yesterday was Mother's day and my husband is notoriously bad at gift-giving and that sort of thing. In his apartment is a severe hoarding condition. AITA for "forcing" my father to pay child support. None of those were opinions, just objective facts as opposed to Sasha’s horrible comments. My three other siblings are my dad's. They had a daughter together, Alice (16f), who was Rachel’s entire world. Get the dinosaur plate and plastic cutlery, put a tiny portion of each thing on his plate and carefully cut it into bite-sized pieces. So in October, 3. You don't have to believe your father or believe in him. His dad is in his 50s (M). AITA for refusing to pay for my father's funeral. Aita for not having my “father” walk me down the aisle. I (39M) have a son (17 M) who recently got a girlfriend. That's not what closure looks like. I (16F) live with my dad (48M) and his fiancée (37F) and her son (17F). •. Stay away no matter the narrative he feeds, the guys a full on AH, and with no real morality underpinning his attempts further makes this narcissistic and insidious too. It's different for everyone. Didn’t. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1)I want to live with my father instead of my mother (2)My father cheated on my mother. He lied to my mom about being single, they dated, he got my mom pregnant, she was given a heads up about dad’s shadiness by one of her coworkers, my mom confronted him, and that was that. but eventually we rekindled and were on good terms in my mid teens, once I graduated my father asked if I would like to come and live with him, My Step Mother (28) and my older sister (24) to make up I was told a biological parent will always get custody over an aunt or uncle who has no legal rights to the child. We were supposed to spend the whole day together in the park. Dinner ends. My father…. My wife said we need to respect her father and abide by his rules when we are in his house. AITA My Friends think my foster father is creepy. My dad moved like an hour away a few years ago with my stepmom, step-sibling, and half-siblings, so now I only see him every other weekend. That was my dad's condition to stay with m AITA FOR LAUGHING AT MY STEPSISTER. The man who had been raising me as my father (54m) found out I was not his biological child (my two older brothers are) when I was 7 and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Commercial-Grand-552. The divorce was a mess, he tried in every If she continues pregnancy you should also ask for paternity test as you were actively trying to prevent pregnancy. But this man that you call your father really pissed me off. AITA for telling a dad that I thought he was just weird? My 7yo is going to a summer camp and has made a good friend with another boy who apparently just moved into the area. AITA for telling my dad I don't want to live with him anymore. My MIL was just jokingly being like "Honestly, him in High school, I’d never thought he Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. This is her first year performing at a recital Literally the only way to serve him after that. I said “ok. Original Post: May 24, 2023. She either accepts you as you are the r you will go no contact with them both. OOP didn't "embarrass Sasha in front of the whole family", she did that herself. She left me a few months after Hayes was born and ended up getting back together with her high school ex Sam. I'm done waiting, I'm done having you show me how little I actually mean to you. Hi Back story I (18F) was taken in by M (54M) and D (65F) after my bio mother went crazy on meth. You’ve only been together 3 months. You who was totally right in this situation. A place to satirize, crosspost from, poke fun at, and hold meta discussions on the never-ending ridiculous stories and creative writing exercises from AITA and AITA-adjacent subs, including classic tales of your local reddit heroes seeking validation. He was never a father to you. Maybe ask him is he wants milk (bonus if you have a sippy cup. I (F) was dating my ex (M) for about 2 years. My mom took out a restraining order against my ADMIN MOD. She asks me what I think of everything. I said no and he told me he needed to make me aware of a situation, a few hours before his father called him and shared with him screenshots of a dating app profile containing my name and photos. My dad had weekend visitation with Taylor at our house until I was 8, and it was the worst. She can take a blood test while pregnant with no risk for baby. My step-father said that that's what I deserved for disrespecting his rule, my mom did tell him that she gave Mike a pass, but my step ADMIN MOD. AITA for kicking my baby’s father out of the hospital room? Not the A-hole POO Mode. Emily (30f) and Hayes (26m) with my ex-wife. The two cities mentioned here are close by, and I travel Also, note I actually did go through the loss of my father 5 years ago. Not only is your father a shitty parent, but telling your husband to "fix your attitude" is just beyond words. This might sound bad, but I do have my reasons. If he gets snarky about his name, he gets less visitation with your son since he is so adamant about using his name. Your FIL only cares about his 'legacy'. I think that the age difference is a bit much but she is nearly 40 so it's not like he's robbing the cradle. I noticed this when I went door to door to meet with each tenant to inform them of MembersOnline. Stop. I am curious though - you do no give your age, but I have to assume you no longer live with mom and Adam. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. That has to be done before you are on birth certificate. 5 weeks after I met him for the first time, I moved to another state to live with my father and his family. The German version, "Arbeit macht frei", was inscribed on or over the entrance gates of Auschwitz, Dachau, and various other Nazi death camps. When I talked to my father, he asked me to greet and talk to his wife. I tell her to come in. My Father (48) was never present in my early life as he and my mother divorced when I was very young and he moved 6 hours away for work. Your stepsister is an adult, and she needs to take responsibility for her actions. AITA for leaving the table after what my FIL’s said? Not the A-hole. My ex-husband and I had 3 children (25F, 23F and 22M). The step monster sounds unbearable to be around and the father is spineless. My dad never apologized for his abuse to me, but as he got older and I was no longer living in his house, he did change for the better. She bullied me really badly any time I saw her, to the point that I would scream every time my dad even mentioned her coming over. Her, their house, her kids. My parents divorced nearly 2 decades ago and my dad was single when he passed away. He had been married to his widow, Penny, for about 7 years before. So a little back story my mom 55 and dad 57 got a divorce when me 30m and my twin brother 30 were 13 due to our dad having an affair with our stepmom 47 and got her pregnant with our half sister. He said that under his roof he would insist upon his way of doing things. She has We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I’ve been living with my dad since I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This guy will never do anything but harm to you. No A-holes here. He immediately accused me of Your father was concerned about you because he was aware of what you had gone through. Im an only child and don’t have any family beyond my mother as they disowned her when she fell pregnant with me when she was 17. You and SO are the ONLY ones who have the right to name your children. I’m “Sophie” (22f) and I have two older half brothers (25m) and (27m). And frankly it’s insulting that she would ask you. ADMIN. I 30 female am married to my husband Jack 37 male for 3 years. However, I would go to the police instead of having your father pay. The situation is kind of a mess. I have rather specific taste so I pretty much have to coach him on what I want for AITA for threatening eviction to my girlfriends father. She clearly needs to learn a lesson. My husband (38M) and I (36F) have been married for 10 years and have 3 kids (8, 6, & 3). Recently I, 35M had a disagreement with my father, 70M regarding a project that falls in the category of the profession he retired in. I’ve breastfed there’s noting sexy about it. The other two languages I speak are French and Italian. My sister Rachel was married to Daniel (40m) for 8 years. 19. Karma is a bitch. AITA for telling my husband he’s being a bad father? Not the A-hole. My dad's nearest relative (legally speaking) is his mother, who I have met once in my life at a wedding. A few things that tipped him off. Edit: Spelling r/AmItheAsshole. My friends have only seen my foster father once and after they said he was creepy (Now I cannot judge if a man is being creepy or not bc I was isolated by my mother as a child and other horrible Not the A-hole. I don't talk to them, I don't visit them, to be honest, I rather never see them again in my life. I have met her and invited her for dinner and family events plenty of times and she’s a joy to be around. NTA - not at all. You probably should have a conversation with your maybe BF. (Cheesy I know. My father in law insisted everyone in the house needs to participate, but I said no, that he needed to unpack and settle in. Nightmare_Gerbil. I (24F) have a half-sister (27F), we'll call her Taylor. AITA for walking out of the babyshower my InLaws threw for me? Not the A-hole. She will continue to do shit like this if your father is always there to bail her out. My (F31) mom passed away last year. Hannah started dance classes this year. As usual my mother brought food and games , about I get angry and tell my father “you need to knock her ass up when you can’t even be here for us”. What kind of crazy person thinks they have ANY room to talk when THAT'S how I (32F) have an overprotective single father. To which she responds with “be honest. Also the line “my body looks like it’s melting” just remember queen you just gave life to a beautiful baby you are perfect we women put our selfs down a lot even when our bodies have been threw the hell with pregnancy and child birth so remember you’re beautiful Everyone Sucks. Messy af because I’m on mobile. So, a little background: I (F23) have always had a difficult relationship with my father (M58). Eventually, I responded “Well, I do, given the two degrees and all!”. Trigger Warnings: death; child abandonment. My father gets angry and yells at me to go up to my room. Even if we were kept apart, she would break my AITA for calling my dad’s fiancés a brainless whore and making her cry. My husband is the only father my daughter has ever known and until now, he has made no distinction about our children, Alyssa's mother is still very involved in her life and she spends half the month with us while my daughter lives with us full time, my FIL recently passed away and left him their house (a VERY nice house), we're actually so OP's father should have left it 51/49% so that he gets to make decisions, and she gets an income (accounts might say this is a nightmare though). AITA for refusing to help my daughter honor her stepfather at her wedding? Not the A-hole. Anyways I realized that my dad is a We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We broke up about a 8 months ago. . About four weeks ago, my (M17) older sister, Sarah (F21), had to empty out her apartment and move all her things back home. Before I could say anything my husband reassured me he knew it was fake. No_Sundae3526. I promised to visit him every weekend after moving out to live on my own. This is the first grandchild in the family (InLaws) and they said that if the baby's a boy then we'll give him my father InLaw's name (he's dead due to cancer). To be completely clear: it's not just "bosses" or even "capitalist bosses" who say "work will make you free". For context I am 26F and my father has never been in the picture he left the same day I was born leaving my mother to take care of me. NTA. I was not close with my father, we spoke regularly and enjoyed each other's company, but I can't say either of us knew each other well, for many years AITA for Refusing to Acknowledge My Father's Wife on My Sister's Wedding Ceremony. Her rent had increased a lot, and her landlord was slow in making repairs. So for that effort at least, I will silently forgive him. I (19F) just had a baby 1 day ago. He was understanding and didn't harbour any negative emotions towards me (or at least i think he didn't). ” That might last for a couple of weeks, but then he just shows up unannounced again. My father in law was very insistent. I then look at Nicole and tell her she is a disgusting piece of trash and to get out of our lives. NTA fuck that guy. That’s the limit for siblings too young to consent for themselves, and even minor siblings old enough to consent for themselves generally aren’t allowed to donate kidneys or liver lobes until they’re 18. The kids turned 2M a couple of days ago and he hosted a small party, so my uncle started asking about my brother (as the kids’ father since no one in the family knew what happened) so my dad started talking sh*t about my brother saying that he was an ungrateful son and a terrible father for leaving two kids behind (I think my dad is angry at I've spent my life hearing you say you'll be there for something important to me. I have absolutely no contact with my parents. This was the first time I met his wife since they got married. Our parents (M53 and F52) offered to store most of her belongings in our basement until she ADMIN MOD. AITA for not accepting my dad's bribe? Asshole. Later, my grandpa unexpectedly came over to pick me up. [deleted] AITA for not being the nicest about my not father having cancer? Not the A-hole. AITA for refusing to go to my father's funeral? I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I have three kids of my own and can’t imagine ever saying anything like this to them. When he got my mother pregnant he wanted her to quit her job and just stay home to "be a good little wife and mother. This week, I found that he planted an Airtag, a location tracking device, on my car without telling me. I (16F) went out with my mother (49F) , little brother (12M) ,and some of my father's siblings and their kids (which is my 3 aunts, 1 uncle and his wife, and 11 cousins). I’m guessing his father is a bully who bullies his way into getting his own way. He is very well off due to a trust fund and he doesn't really need to work. I'm a child of infidelity. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. NTA - absolutely nothing of value can come from any level of letting him back into your life. Edit": typos, autocorrect r/AmItheAsshole. (Father was absolutely fine the week before or so it seemed, and dead the next due to his intestines dying so also an abrupt loss of father). My mom was cheating on my dad and I'm the result. Our break up was decent. But he has moved out for the time being and I’m worried this is the end of our marriage. Here is some background context before I (20) go further. He is still an ass sometimes, but he no longer tries to control or abuse me. My (26F) husband (29M) and I were invited at my ILs for dinner yesterday. My (33F) father died recently. AITA for being “racist” to my son’s girlfriend? Asshole. I go up to the guest room they prepped for me. Help keep the sub engaging! Sometimes parents change. Whenever my parents went away I would We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My father is a dick. My dad (56) married a woman (37) with a son (16) about six months later. Background. I've spent my life hearing your lies. Over the weekend we attended to one of them kids' birthday party. 5. I just turned 15. Tell your father that you can’t not be yourself to appease his new wife. My father in law has a tendency to show up unannounced at my house, which really bothers me. I would strongly suggest going NC and if enlists any flying monkeys, they can join him in NC land. Dull-Handle-7586. Two of his friends married their college girlfriends, whom were/are friends with his bio daughter's mother. I (f27) am expecting my first baby with my husband. Minutes later my father’s wife comes up and knocks on the door. Memes allowed, shitposts only on weekends. His father (21M) and I have not been together since November due to him cheating. I am one of 5 siblings. Sam and my ex ended up marrying seven months later. Especially when my original guardians (my grandparents) sent me to my father instead. While it is shitty, it still wouldn't have been something I would have just looked over. I think I might be the asshole because she is family and maybe I should have helped her regardless. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Just be sure before you sign anything. I'm the oldest and I try to help but really there's only so much I can do while my dad just gets home at the end of the day and literally complains about everything. They were highschool sweethearts and they tied the knot shortly after their graduation. For context, I (30F) am a product of my dad’s infidelity. He will be going to the same school as my son so they might be in the same class. His girlfriend is black and a very nice, kind and beautiful young lady. I fully plan on giving the customer my opinion and working things out for better or for worse. The news came out about 6 months ago and I've been staying with my grandparents ever since. He asked my father instead of me. Everything’s was going great until my MIL brought up my husband’s "player" phase in high school. like how the carpet isn't clean or OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: Asking AITA after I refused to help my sister when her father kicked her out of his house. ”. In between this, Mike cried and hugged me, resting his head in my chest and that's how my step-father found us, there was a lot of yelling, I left with Mike for 15 minutes and when I came back, my door was gone. I feel so ashamed to lose my friend but I thought my husband would slightly understand since even he sees the obvious resemblance between him and this kid. I recently inherited an apartment complex from a deceased family member. AITA for selling my father's house even though his widow lives there? No A-holes here. After the divorce my dad married his wife ( who was horrible to our mom and it got worse when she We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In now three occasions in conversations where I said my husband is a wonderful father, one of them said something snarky and mean like "Yeah, to only one of his children". He doesn't even respect you enough to consider you as a person and see you as property. I say that everything is cool. Show them the proof of what your saying as well so they don't have any room for doubt. r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for not meeting my dying father? Not the A-hole. NTA-I don't think you're an AH for not speaking to him. The two dates were the anniversary of when we had started dating and the anniversary of when we said I love you for the first time. At first, I tried to ignore it, but it just. She handles everything around the house like cooking, mopping, washing, laundry, etc. The test says my husband isn’t the father. You owe him nothing, but you owe yourself the option of having no regrets pertaining to your father. To be fair, my husband dragged his feet to marry me because he lost his mom to cancer at 6 years old and his dad married out of convenience because he had a drinking problem, was military, and couldn’t handle two sons. disclaimer: I’m not very good at telling things from any point of view so I apologize the lack of plot compared to the other stories on here. AITA for calling my BIL "a joke of a father" in front of his wife and kids? Not the A-hole. the AITA was meant to be specific to the interaction between me and my father. In my personal opinion, you can't call yourself my dad if you see me 8 days a month. Taking the posts seriously is heavily discouraged. I usually read them and there are already tons of comments. In one of the two buildings, (small world) is my girlfriend's father. AITA for suing my father for the damage done to my house by his dogs. Possibly he could have left it as a trust so that when she dies he inherits the remaining portion. Deal with me) my father knew the significance of the dates because of the way my uncle worded his message. I know he means no harm but he’s severely draining my energy. My f16 father m46 is the "breadwinner" while mom is a sahm. AITA for informing my father about his siblings abandoning us. His actions as a step-father for 3 years do not erase your dad’s contributions as a father for your whole life. I responded in a light, playful tone, but he did not take it well at all. If you’re not in the bridal party there is absolutely no reason for you to cut your hair. I (30M) went to my sister's (32F) wedding ceremony where my father (58M) came with his wife (45F). Finally do not discuss things over the phone. My father (M60) would respond to almost everything I said with “hmm, I don’t know about that…”. Not the A-hole. AITA for insisting on that test? NTA - This is a fair solution. The conversation should be brief: forget it, it’s over, I’m done. NTA - truth hurts. ADMIN MOD. This is so awful and your bf is so awful not to stand by you. xr fy qy ad qr dt ez io yx sk