Template binary sensor home assistant. ptdalen May 22, 2018, 2:59pm 1.

I want to build automations based on "was there motion within the past hour". So, to make the display a bit more Yes/No friendly, I decided to create a binary sensor for this. I want it to update daily (like hours:0 and minutes:0, which I had) but I noticed that the sensor values never changed from Off. binary_sensor. But the binary sensors just does not seem to exist any more. Normally I just use the built in automation for this, since you can trigger based on state time. But it does not work. Binary Sensor Component¶ With ESPHome you can use different types of binary sensors. I even went in and swapped the less-than to a greater-than and back. However my template binary sensors that use a simple if statement always show as “Unavailable” in my dashboard. off_peak_hours_1', 'on') or. I can then only assume this should be done via a template, but I can’t figure out The template binary sensor platform allows you to define any lambda template and construct a binary sensor out if it. OK…that is a different issue. Input sensor. smibrandon (Brandon) May 28, 2021, 10:57am 1. Found this excellent example, Template - Home Assistant which I implemented. Base Binary Sensor Configuration¶ All binary sensors have a platform and an optional device class. yaml file follows. Hi! I have a scene Entity from KNX integration that represents scene numbers (1-64). i am very new to all this and really struggle to get my head around some of the different bits especially the configuring the yaml file after trying to add something. Feb 13, 2023 · Binary_sensor of device_class power must be on or off, not true or false. The new name: variable is used to create identical object_id and friendly_name. They are trigger templates not to be confused with binary_sensor and sensor templates. I’m using a binary_sensor to detect if I’m home or not. When I run this the sensor just doesn’t show up. yaml: binary_sensor: platform: template. Also please help creating a template binary sensor. You can then use this value with an array of localized day names to create an appropriate outpit. I have a motion detector in my office. The template below seems to work fine May 23, 2019 · Hi, I need help with the automation. If the current month/day date falls within either time frame, the sensor is supposed to be on; otherwise it’s off. entities: - entity: sensor. wetter_sensor_rain must be not raining. May 30, 2022 · Hi I’m writing this in case someone is looking for a way to create a template sensor where at least one set of multiple conditions need to be true in order to return an ON state (or whichever state is needed) YAML is a new language for me and there are lots of examples of using variables or if…elif etc, but I couldn’t find anything using a logical AND or a logical OR in templates Aug 5, 2021 · It should be boolean true/false and nothing more. sensor2 to value "12. This is an example of a battery binary sensor that evaluates the levels of all member battery entities and represent a group state for them, plus some statistics as attributes. It goes like this: template: - trigger: # No triggers - binary_sensor: name: "Freeze2" state: "{{ (float(states('sensor. Since the PIRII does not send a off command, using a template sensor will be the way to go in Home Assistant? Config: Sensor - platform: mqtt name: “sonoff_433bridge” state_topic Jan 7, 2024 · What am I doing wrong here? I’m trying to make a binary_sensor that goes dirty=True after some count of days post vacuum. You can create another sensor displaying the text or just use the text direct. you can also make it show Problem Simply add binary_class: Problem Nov 15, 2018 · Well, you can get out of sync if home assistant restarts and the door is open. However, many object id’s will be not suitable for usage in the frontend, (way too long, or too technical) forcing a whole Feb 11, 2023 · The Template Binary Sensor’s template is evaluated when binary_sensor. May 28, 2021 · templates. delay_off: Sep 9, 2023 · Go to the developer tools under template - there’s your playground. I create a template binary sensor that uses the temp from our freeze. You can create a template binary sensor that inverts the logic: - platform: template. I think if I use a template sensor it will work, as Apr 23, 2021 · I was able to change the icon to the garage-variant by modifying the “Customize. Home Assistant Template. To circumvent this, I created a template binary_sensor called “binary_sensor. If these messages are published with the retain flag set, the binary sensor will Nov 12, 2023 · Hi there, I need some help with a template binary sensor. Apr 4, 2023 · I have a Aqara door & window contact sensor (Xiaomi MCCGQ11LM), connected via zigbee2mqtt to Home Assistant. icon_template: >. This simplicity allows Home Assistant to efficiently process and display the status of each sensor, ensuring users can quickly grasp the state of their devices at a glance. Probably fr hysteresis too, havent checked. lolouk44 (lolouk44) April 27, 2018, 9:13pm 10. my_calendar This sensor has only information about vacation on day 2 with start end time etc. heizungsbrenner. Mar 19, 2019 · I’m trying to set a sensor to see if either my wife or I are at home. The sensor is configured in a templates. I don’t like the look of the switch in the dashboard and wanted to know if I can change to a binary_sensor since the states are just on/off. Configuration Apr 13, 2022 · If you want this template to show “true” or “on” if sensor. 2 KB. and of course the Bayesian sensor is Boolean, so Off and on. I added the delay_on. Link to samples and docs are at the top left of that UI. The entity providing numeric readings to apply the threshold on. I have a sonoff rf bridge running Tasmota, and a Sonoff PIRII. bm_wohnzimmer_letzte_10m. sensors: temp_alarm: friendly_name: ‘Temp Alarm’. But after doing this, the icon lost the ability to be Dynamic and it didn’t change form when opening or closing the door. It doesn’t look as nice when using a device_tracker with picture and home/away-label. The state will be updated only after a new message is published on state_topic matching payload_on, payload_off or None. The incorporation of binary sensors Jul 8, 2020 · However, I decided to change things up and create a template sensor as a condition. ecolink_doorwindow_sensor_sensor_5: friendly_name: 'Side Door'. Here is my current code: Configuration. If the MQTT message of this topic already is on or off, then the use of a value_template isn’t necessary. I have been using the waste_collection_schedule integration via HACS to keep track of the dates our bins get emptied on. Each screen gets a binary_sensor (on/off) that sensor is used in a template sensor that translates on/off to UP/DOWN or OK/NOK. This also allows you to make it ON/OFF. office_pir. Many different template resolutions will return either true or false for your template. yaml: binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: washing_machine: value_template: "{{ state_attr('switch. After creation the state is shown as “off”: The internal state is “off”, icon is “battery”: image877×536 30. sensor_class: opening. A key difference is that the former approach uses a value_template: statement for the result whereas the latter apparently requires a state: statement. When the magnet touches the sensor, it sends a status for 2 seconds, then turns off. price. That means that for my particular original case I should probably switch to “sensor” from “binary_sensor”. This way you can check if a given host is online and determine the round trip times from your May 6, 2021 · with the new template: integration we can no longer configure friendly_names for sensors and binary sensors. I added the following code to the configuration. Values are INTERMEDIATE_POSITION, OPEN, CLOSED. state: "on". It looks more complicated than it is: Jan 7, 2024 · After researching further I found a related HA post that said having comments in the template yaml file is not a good idea… I’ve removed them and my sensors have updated to the correct state. I can grab the value, but the format with a value template is the absolute time. state_color: true. To add the Trend helper to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Manual configuration steps. The sensor entity that is to be tracked and whose trend is to be detected. The sensor I wish to add the icon to in near the end of the file. - binary_sensor: - name: "Off-Peak Combined". What I did was this this template here: Option (1): Mar 31, 2022 · You’ll want to use a Trigger-based Template Sensor with an Event Trigger (listening for zha_events) and then get the event’s data using trigger. I have tested the template statement in the developer tools, and it works just as it should. In the action section set an input text to " " (a space or empty string) then have a delay (say) 10 seconds. gang_gang_deurslot: friendly_name: Gang Deurslot device_class: lock. Apr 16, 2019 · I have binary sensor template below and I try to put initial value switch. When asking these sorts of questions it helps if you tell us the sensor entity id. to: 'standby'. A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or service. Change the source entity_id, then change type: time to type: count. You could handle this in customize possibly, like so: # doors. trigger: platform: homeassistant event: start action: "Set binary_sensor. i am trying to add a binary sensor for my front door using this code binary_sensor: - plaform: mqtt name: "Front Door Sensor" state_topic: "tele/RF_Bridge May 8, 2024 · I received a binary sensor through Tuya Local integration. Apr 25, 2020 · Hi all! I’m a newbie to all this and I’m struggling with a sensor and it’s state being set dependent on the state of two other sensors. input_boolean. bewasserung_ein must be on ( I set this manually; in the future, it will be automated depending on whether or not there is a sufficient amount of water in the rain water bins) sensor. Home Assistant accepts the sensor’s state, but then translates it to Unavailabe. Name. Until that happens, the Template Binary Sensor’s initial value is unknown. I’d like to map the values open/closed values to custom values, but I cant get it working. Uses binary_sensor to indicate power on/off and and automation to signal: configuration. connection_status” State: “connected” binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: example_binary_sensor: friendly_name: 'RFlink Gateway Status' device May 14, 2017 · RitteT (RitteT) May 14, 2017, 12:50pm 1. To add the Threshold helper to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button: Manual configuration steps. No icon appears on the entity. entity_id: sensor. I will now try the one you suggested, which if i understand correctly, the state need to change for at least 2 seconds before it triggers the automation, so, “unclean” change will be ignored. customize. The goal is to switch off HVAC, Lights, TV if there’s no motion after 5 mins. The attributes have 3 values and I want to set the state depending on these attributes. Jun 26, 2023 · templates. Because it’s not an automation, I can’t tell if it’s even triggering May 19, 2023 · Any ideas on how to show secondary_info: last-changed only when binary_sensor. Aug 18, 2023 · You can create a template binary sensor in yaml to create very advanced template sensors. I know it can be a bit arcane and frustrating at first, but once you figure out the recipe for certain things, they Sep 14, 2021 · Motion Sensor (On) + Camera Motion Sensor (Off) = Room Binary Sensor (Off) Also, if Room Binary Sensor is On or Off, I want to set a delay of 5 mins before it changes it’s value. It uses template sensors to map the remaining days until collection to more readable states (0 days = “Today”, 1 day = “Tomorrow”, 2+ days = “in x days”). There are many posts with ideas how to cope that via YAML. yaml file ( explained here ). Then I can create a template sensor with “Days to trash” Oct 23, 2023 · It is hard to debug because the HA documentation that I found is all based on the binary_sensor: platform: template approach rather than the template: binary_sensor: approach. to: home. The icon is still “battery”. That’s because you have defined a template sensor. The distance the observed value must be from the threshold before the state Jul 1, 2019 · My device has some sensors included (temperatur, humidity, pressur, battery level) and those do not update simultaniously. smoke_1 changes state. bathroom_window_contact: friendly_name: "Bathroom Window". I’m not sure where you got that idea, see the example here: Conditions - Home Assistant You can specify times in sensors / binary sensors using jinja templates and any of the time sensors and the sensor’s last changed attribute. panel_motion”. Edit: I forgot to mention that you should place it into binary_sensors. However, the custom attribute’s value cannot be defined by a template. You then use the template sensor to Nov 30, 2023 · templates , binary_sensor. Jan 10, 2024 · tom_l January 10, 2024, 11:29am 2. McFarTech (Craig) September 9, 2023, 9:36pm 6. You can create a value template and make a binary sensor display anything you like. I tried this based heavily on that thread: binary_sensor: - platform Oct 23, 2021 · I see in your initial post that you start with “template”, instead of binary sensor: and than template (extra indent). 3 KB. May 8, 2020 · Hi, I try to have templates on color & icon for a binary sensor (trend one). I know the GPIO’s work. Is there a way that I can get a sensor populated as below: calendar. Thoe downside is thwt the icon for the binary_sensor is generic on/off. yaml file. hs110_2','current_power_w') | float > 10. Previously, I was just using the Life360 tracker. alias_on: 'Open'. . sensor_class: cold. It seems, that the zigbee connection (with zigbee2mqtt) is not 100% stable, so I would like to check, when the sensor has sended the last updated. I want to split these attributes into individual entities. your value_template can’t yield any other string. event. Oct 5, 2023 · Perfect, working template is {{states('binary_sensor. You’re returning ‘closed’ and ‘open’. level == ‘VERY_EXPENSIVE’ it’s an other story . Possible return values of Jun 14, 2021 · It’s possible to add custom attributes to an existing entity. it would be really nice if we could do something like this: binary_sensor: - platform: threshold. May 6, 2021 · Sure, it is the new Template platform, which for binary sensors and regular sensors is moved to Template - Home Assistant from: Template - Home Assistant and Template - Home Assistant. So I got around to creating two Bayesian sensors for Presence, and they work great. They will automatically appear in the Home Assistant front-end and have several configuration options. Hysteresis. However Aug 18, 2019 · The most common integrations that allow a user to define sensor and binary_sensor entities are MQTT, Template, and RESTful (many other integrations create them automatically based on a device’s characteristics). Unfortunately there is no option to invert the logic included in the configuration of that sensor. Conditions. this is not true. The name the sensor should have. achterdeur. You can change it again later. I’d like to add an icon to a sensor. Automation 1: Motion detected, turn on lights is working. I would create a template binary sensor then use an automation to change the new sensors state based on the heater sensors state. May 22, 2018 · Configuration. ollie_ap','Outdoor_AP Jun 23, 2019 · Hi everyone, first of all sorry if this has been asked a hundred times. We created a template sensor (not trigger-based): Apr 5, 2021 · Instructions on how to integrate LCN components with Home Assistant. For the template, the group’s only purpose is to supply information about its members. Nov 15, 2021 · So I have a MQTT binary_sensor coming from my alarm system that reports motion with a 5 minute timeout. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. Long story short, I bought a door sensor that is incompatible with HA, and therefore had to do some magic with an un-used tablet, couple webhooks, and an Input Boolean helper. I looked through the documentation and searched a lot, but can’t find the correct variables. I would like to output opened/closed instead of on/off on the start page. You will have to adjust the sensor entity id, distance and delay time in this to make it work: template: - binary_sensor. - platform: template. For example, below configuration would turn the state of an ultrasonic sensor into a binary sensor. Sensor template with string format, automatic Aug 2, 2023 · To use the ping sensor, create a new trigger using state and then set the entity to the ping binary sensor. I was collecting the data for these entities every 5 minutes. your In case a command results in a non 0 exit code or is terminated by the command_timeout, the result is only logged to Home Assistant log and the sensors value is not updated. Only issue is that it reports “Triggered” and then “off” immediately. sensor1 to state "ON"" "Set sensor. In the automation I would would have it delay state change until state held >2seconds or whatever is needed. And, yes, you normally create an automation to control lights via motion detected. I came across the ability to customize the icons in the homeassistant section of configuration. Feb 14, 2018 · Okay, why don’t you have an automation that triggers on the sensor changing. Oct 27, 2020 · Hi, I’m trying to wrap my mind around the Binary Sensor Templates. Both of those in the jinja and python world resolve to TRUE. fgonza2 (Fgonza2) March 31, 2022, 9:16pm 3. Translations (Dutch): Gang = Hallway Deurslot = Door lock Jan 17, 2021 · tmjpugh (Tmjpugh) January 17, 2021, 4:30pm 2. The default is 180 seconds (3 minutes). This has led to these sensors triggering a lot more often when we export or import from the grid for a short period of time. data. bm_wohnzimmer_letzte_10m') | float(0) > 20 and now() >= states. Feb 18, 2022 · Hello, I am a beginner and have a small question about a binary sensor. here is the payload of the event: Jul 23, 2019 · you can’t use templates in for: in any conditions. 39. Make your template work in dev tools, then look up sensor under the template docs and it will show you where to place it in your config. Crashman (Seb) November 30, 2023, 4:26pm 1. The helper works exactly as intended, so I created (or attempted to) a Sensor to indicate open/closed status. Mar 18, 2018 · ##### # # # Template Sensors # # # ##### # Now to start counting the ones that are ON by referencing their state as seen in the developer tools area STATES we are also using the template platform to create sensor. Checking the config passes the test, but I get the following Sep 28, 2023 · My dashboard displays all the various energy/power etc consumptions nicely. Oct 2, 2020 · Binary sensors streamline the process of monitoring various states within a home automation system by providing a clear, binary output. Then set the “unknown” state in the “Set state” panel: image876×515 31. Jan 28, 2024 · Hi! I have used a template binary sensor for precence tracking which has worked just fine for a long time. termometer_frys_nere_temperature'))) > -15 }}" I can observe the Oct 8, 2022 · Because the old format uses platform: template but that old format will not receive any more updates, it is left in place for backwards compatibility. - entity: sensor. Automation to turn the light off is not triggering. I tired the code with other binary sensor (of different brand/make), and it worked perfectly, no double notifications. After a restart of HA the template sensors are still there and I cannot delete them from the GUI. it shows the AP name and the SS. This binary_sensor reflects the state of a device but you cannot change the state of the device by changing the binary_sensor… Look at this post for a possible solution to “force” a sensor/binary_sensor to change its value: Mar 4, 2018 · m0wlheld (Christoph Dahlen) March 4, 2018, 9:05am 5. test_unknown. 5"". Feb 28, 2019 · sun_elevation: friendly_name: 'Sun Elevation'. yaml - platform: command_line switches: home_security: command_on: "x10cm15a rfsec 0xA8 arm_away_min" command_off: "x10cm15a rfsec 0xA8 disarm" Jun 16, 2022 · I created a number of template sensors in the new template format: template: - sensor: - name: <sensor name> state: {{ states("<other sensor name>") }} Because I don’t need those sensors anymore I’ve removed the sensors from the yaml file. The original idea was: There are several ways to acquire info about battery state from a device. trash WIth info about this event with start, end etc. If the two existing sensors are useful, just create a Template binary sensor that combines them. useful links Binary_sensor value template using last_changed attribute not updated Jan 4, 2022 · literally copy the example and paste it into your configuration in the sensor section. My GPIO binary sensors read On and Off in HA, so far so good. door_count and sensor. Nov 6, 2020 · This means I have 24+ sensors in total - 2 for each contact. Oct 6, 2016 · I think it would be neat to be able to customize the text displayed for on/off states of binary_sensor 's. yaml: binary_sensor: - platform: template. They did not move. {{ is_state('binary_sensor. iqpanel_motion” which “holds” the Triggered status for 5 minutes and that works Jan 11, 2021 · Same use case over here, with working solution. If OPEN or INTERMEDIATE_POSITION state would be ‘ON’ if CLOSED state would be ‘OFF’. yaml: binary_sensor. The ping binary sensor platform allows you to use ping to send ICMP echo requests. thanks, i can trigger on the event, but for some reason can’t access the trigger data. In case any of the 2 sensors is unavailable/unknown, the template should become unavailable. value_template: '{{ (state_attr("sun. It just says “Entity not found”… binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: jonas Mar 24, 2024 · Bill’s above template sensor accomplishes just that for on/off to UP/DOWN conversion. I confirm that the state is indeed “on” or “off” from dev tools. Use another template sensor and replace ‘UP’ with ‘OK’ and ‘DOWN’ with ‘NOK’. This is my card. kitchen_window_opening. Jul 7, 2024 · My project is hooked to my furnace to keep track of what is running. https://home-assist Jul 18, 2023 · I’ve been trying to create two template-based binary sensors; one for Halloween; and one for Christmas. plug_zigbee13_power above: 10 for: "00:05:00" Numeric state doesn’t support “for”, and the “state” condition doesn’t support “above” or “below”. hall Jul 8, 2022 · Is there a way to program a condition to be true only when something like the following occurs please? - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. My furnace fan, stages, reversing valve, and aux heat are all fed into a Wemos D1 through an optocoupler on each pin. openclose_6: icon: mdi:garage-variant. Consider home: Number of seconds that must elapse before considering a disconnected device “not at home”. In the distant past, you typically had to restart Home Assistant in order to reload any sensors/binary_sensors you created or modified. The newer format is a 1st class integration which still receives updates, and already provides a lot more functionationality than the older format. I have an input boolean that is working great that C4 calls on a change of state of the motion detector. In order to trigger the automation when the ping is detected, click the To field and choose Connected from the list of options. Feb 19, 2018 · Is it possible to manually set the state of a binary sensor or any sensor as part of an action in automation, i. attribute. But make an input boolean to store the state, then make an automation that toggles the state when the sensor is triggered. In this section you find some real-life examples of how to use the command_line sensor. I want the sensor to be “true” if either one of us is home. I can see the state for the other 2 sensors being correct - i. Also showing the distance scale on your graph would have helped too. May 9, 2022 · Here is a small card with the sensor: type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor. e. name: 'ZP Opbrengst threshold'. last_changed + timedelta May 10, 2022 · I am trying to integrate a motion sensor from a Control4 via Webhooks. state: >. May 14, 2022 · templates. Aug 2, 2023 · Hi, I have had these binary sensors for quite some time and they worked fine. 3 Likes. office_occupancy. Examples binary sensor platform . template: This can be useful for cases where you want to control, for example, the multiple bulbs in a light fixture as a single light in Home Assistant. I’ve tried using ‘icon_template:’ without achieving the desired result. Mar 3, 2017 · Help, I have spent about 2 hours trying to get this to work, but keep getting “invalid config” can anyone help? Home Assistant: 0. action: service: input_boolean. Initially I just changed my automations to use from Off to ON, but then Jan 27, 2019 · A binary sensor is either on or off, i. Apr 27, 2018 · 691×409 26 KB. If the temp is above -15 degree Celsius the sensor should be on, else it should be off. entity_id: binary_sensor. Entity that the sensor tracks. The template is not rendered on every update and hence the binary_sensor stays at off. sun", "elevation") > 30) }}'. Aug 31, 2018 · using the binary_sensor threshold, we are forced to use a hardcoded value for upper or lower. Binary sensor . from: not_home. replace(hour=0 Oct 19, 2022 · A binary_sensor (as far as I know) cannot be updated using Home Assistant services. see: Template - Home Assistant. Depending on the current number (12,22,32) the binary sensor should have state 1, or 0 (scene 10,20,30). Feb 3, 2019 · The sensor is created by the Fibaro Gateway component. Okay, I made these sensors: - platform: history_stats. Then update the input text with your delayed response. sensors: window: friendly_name: "Window". Jul 16, 2022 · It looks like you’re using the custom mini graph card, so your boolean values should be converted to 0 and 1. washmachine is switched on. for example, my code below is in the “sensors” part of my config. yaml: Jun 21, 2020 · I have a binary sensor which has 4 attributes. turn_off. device_class: garage_door. name: "Brennerstatistik Tag". My templates. - name: At Computer. I know I can look for state change of the motion detector itself back to "normal" but there are holes with this approach. window_count which will become entities that you can add to your front end. Take a look at the template binary sensor documents. 0 }}" automations. If I Jan 2, 2017 · I’m trying to build a binary sensor that will be an alarm for me if the temp in the house gets too low. Basically, I want to create a Binary Sensor switches on as soon as a different binary sensor has been off for X amount of time. The template sensor should be ON in case any of the 2 sensors are ON, OFF in case both are OFF. The sensor code is below: ollie_location: value_template: > {% if is_state('sensor. I am now able to collect it every 45 seconds. I have read several threads on the matter example and I am not getting anywhere. arsaboo (Arsaboo) April 27, 2018, 9:07pm 9. yaml. I don’t understand how I can configure a template or sensor so that there are only two values On or Off, and the rest Nov 3, 2022 · So for me this gives me a sensor available as below: calendar. ) Here is my configuration. This binary sensor is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations. - type: glance. Check the state of an SickRage instance. Based on several posts (eg: Need help with sensor icon color based on state) , I added the following in my customize. sensors: lg_tv_power: friendly_name: LG TV Power. I want to combine the states of 2 binary_sensors into a single binary_sensor using a template binary_sensor. Any idea or suggestion for further investigation ? binary_sensor. Home Assistant can group multiple binary sensors, covers, events, fans, lights, locks, media players, switches as a single entity, with the option of hiding the individual member entities. . 2 State we want to make into a binary sensor so we can apply a device_class to it: Entity: “rflink. - platform: template sensors: voordeur: friendly_name: "Voordeur" #device_class: door # does not work since copy from bin sens. { { now (). MQTT binary sensor. You can do it via Configuration > Customizations or by adding the new attribute to the customize. sensor: - platform: template Jun 14, 2020 · I have added state_color: true but the icon still has no color at “Open” or “Close” status. The template excludes one specific group member and any members whose state value is unknown or unavailable. entity_id: input_boolean. The lambda will run continuously; it isn’t possible to specify an interval at which the lambda runs. for: minutes: 30. value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor. Aug 3, 2019 · The second reason your template isn’t working is because binary sensors only accept true/false as an answer. This will fire the automation when ping detects a connection. I have had this working in the past, but I recently moved to using the person component so I could use multiple device trackers to track a single person. voordeur. Setting initial state for binary_sensor. unique_id: "DG2_FensterStatus". homeassistant: customize: binary_sensor. Probably because they don’t have a unique id. May 9, 2022 · That is why binary sensor assigned to “unknown” is keeping “off”. Assume there is some binary sensor (source sensor from some integration) which changes “on” ↔ “off” sometimes. Try a template binary sensor with device class: lock. A kind gentleman on Reddit helped me create this template. Instead, other integrations that do integrate a device or service into Home Assistant use Apr 26, 2019 · I guess you are right. However, I am unable to get the alarm to trigger (it is always off. The mqtt binary sensor platform uses an MQTT message received to set the binary sensor’s state to on, off or unknown. yaml and made many variation of it. You should use an input_boolean along with an automation to set it on/off based on the template. ptdalen May 22, 2018, 2:59pm 1. The value must be a constant like a string or integer. So even if you fix the states, the template still won’t work as expected. last_updated') | as_timestamp(0)|timestamp_custom('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')}} Jun 27, 2024 · What I suggested is a template for a Template Binary Sensor, not a Template Trigger for use in a Trigger-based Template Binary Sensor. zp_actuele_opbrengst. yaml person Jan 16, 2024 · I’ve just started playing with HA, so bare with me. Unless another decision is possible. SickRage . After adding an input_boolean to indicate if I already Jun 26, 2017 · platform: state. This works pretty well and much better than the regular device_tracker components. sensors: fenster_kuche_template: friendly_name: "Fenster Küche". The name of the sensor is “Rain in Apr 15, 2019 · If you really need to have a separate sensor of the power state of the TV (and there are case uses for that) you can create a template binary sensor that reports the state of the media player, rather than trying to ping the device. It’s called “binary_sensor. Attribute of the entity that the sensor tracks. yaml and I can get the following code to change one of the sensors. home_security=off when home-assistant start, but it doesn’t work Anybody can tell me why? switches. sensor. Dec 8, 2017 · This video is a tutorial on how to configure binary sensors and template switches in Home AssistantHere are a couple of links for you. start: "{{ now(). type: count. I then realized I had a lot of automations that used. Mar 10, 2024 · Hi, I am most likely overlooking the obvious here. I want to achieve that the binary sensor is on/off if another sensor’s value is above/below a certain value/threshold for x minutes: - binary_sensor: - name: Wohnzimmer-BM-Helper state: > {% if state_attr('sensor. Open/Close, On/Off, yes/no, Safe/Unsafe, detected/clear and more should be choice of GUI layer. petro, thank you for the clarity and quality of the proposed solution. I would like to set up a threshold sensor for sun azimuth and elevation to trigger my covers. yaml” file with the following code, binary_sensor. Now I want to be able to use that boolean in a binary sensor. template: - binary_sensor: - name: "Washing Machine". Then you can make a binary_sensor template that says open/close as a sensor. weekday () }} used in a template sensor returns the index of the current day of week with 0 being Monday and 6 being Sunday. But suddenly, they just became unavailable. ne tj jf wa yb jn uv xk vj ha