Administrative office of the courts phoenix az. Feb 22, 2024 · Arizona Judicial Branch.

Administrative office of the courts phoenix az 2 Arizona Judicial Branch. Arizona Supreme Court Clerk's Office contact information: Phone: 602 - 452 - 3396: Location: 1501 W. The Center for Forensic Science & Psychology was established as a unit of the Court Services Division in October 2022. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Judge Pro-Tem. ADMINISTRATION. , Suite 100, Phoenix, AZ 85016-6288 Unless the Notice of Hearing in a case provides otherwise or the administrative law judge otherwise orders, hearings will be held in-person at the Office of Administrative Hearings in Phoenix. Phoenix, AZ 85007-3231 Parking Map. Statewide Policies; Site Map Clerk of Superior Court 601 W. [email protected] (602) 452-3469 : Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Court 1501 W. Applicability R2-19-103. These include that full-time judges shall complete at least 16 credit hours of judicial education each calendar year, including ethics and computer and network security training, and attend [email protected] (602) 452-3358: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 402, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3232 : Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a. Among the charges of the committee are: Advise the Arizona Judicial Council on matters related to the implementation, evaluation, and ethical use of AI technologies within the state’s judicial system. Notice of Appearance; Notice of Action in Judicial Appeals) Phoenix Office; I. , Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 [email protected] Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. The Honorable Maria Elena Cruz is currently accepting applications for a Judicial Assistant with the Arizona Supreme Court. Summary . Motions R2-19-107 [email protected] Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Program Manager at AZ Administrative Office of the Courts · Experience: AZ Supreme Court - Administrative Office of the Courts · Location: Phoenix · 55 connections on LinkedIn. , Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ 85007 [email protected] (602) 452-3378: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Forms; Administrative Office of the Courts – Includes legislative information, Guide to Arizona Courts, and other court publications. AZ Courts Locator; Court of Appeals. gov The Alternative Business Structures Task Force was established by Chief Justice Robert Brutinel on March 18, 2024, by the entry of Administrative Order No. Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3232: If a major issue remains unresolved after speaking with our staff, please call: Director Aaron Nash at (602) 452-3362. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602 Office. , Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 The mission of the Arizona Judicial Branch is to provide Arizona citizens with an independent, accessible, and integrated judicial system that maintains a high degree of public trust and confidence; serves as an asset by dispensing justice, resolving human disputes, and conducting its administrative functions in a fair, equitable, and just As part of that staff, the Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state legislature on behalf of the judicial branch, supervising eight operating and service divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. JJSD is engaged in continuous efforts to realign our strategies with evidence based practices and the current research. Home; AZ Courts. Ex Parte Communications R2-19-106. , Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 The Committee on the Impact of Domestic Violence and the Courts (CIDVC) was established by Administrative Order 94-14 and codified in ACJA § 1-110. Phoenix, AZ 85007: For troubleshooting assistance, contact [email protected] Jan 27, 2025 · ACM AZ Plus ADR/ Specialty Court February 21, 2025 (3-hr class following the Caseflow class) Registration will be open from December 20, 2024 - February 7, 2025 ARIZONA STATE BAR ADMISSION OFFICE. Washington, Suite 337 . [email protected] (602) 452-3378: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602 The continuing education requirements for Arizona state court judicial officers are provided by the Arizona Code of Judicial Administration Section 1-302. Phoenix, AZ 85007: For troubleshooting assistance, contact [email protected] As part of that staff, the Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state legislature on behalf of the judicial branch, supervising eight operating and service divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative Clerk of Superior Court 601 W. Washington St. Washington, Suite 410 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 (602) 452-3358 / Fax (602) 452-3659 . Request for Hearing R2-19-104. Article 1 Prehearing and Hearing Procedures. The Selection Process may include a telephone interview, one or two interviews with an interview panel, and job-related skills assessments. The order directs this task force to evaluate the program allowing for the creation of Alternative Business Structures (ABSs) and propose amendments to the Administrative Code of Judicial Administration and court rules as appropriate. The program was developed in 2003 to assist Arizona courts with the compliance of monetary court orders. The Juvenile Justice Services Division (JJSD), Administrative Office of the Courts of the Arizona Supreme Court, has statutory responsibility for the administration of effective juvenile justice programming. Get information about the Judicial Branch of Maricopa County. The initiative to “develop and adopt Supreme Court Guidelines Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Raymond L Mailing Address: Information - 201 W. Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452-3460 The division is comprised of six units including: Automation Services/Training, Center for Forensic Science and Psychology, Consolidated Collections, Court Operations, Court Programs and eCourt Services. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602 The Arizona Judiciary is committed to providing meaningful access to justice for all people. Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 ARIZONA STATE BAR ADMISSION OFFICE. The IRC program was Inmate Release Court (IRC) Program: The Inmate Release Court (IRC) Program is a collaborative partnership between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry’s (ADCRR) Second Chance Program (a pro-social program designed to prepare inmates for release). The Task Force on Fair Justice established a subcommittee to examine those that are mentally ill and involved in the justice system. Current Meeting: April 17, 2025 - 10:00am -12:00pm: Location . Home > Court Admin/AOC > Certification & Licensing > Arizona Lawyer Apprentice Program. This is a popular alternative for people who choose to represent themselves in court but would like to have an attorney review their court paperwork or who need guidance on a specific aspect of their case. Shanda Breed. #309 Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-372-2537. R2-19-101. , Suite 411 Phoenix, AZ 85007 602-452-3300. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Evaluating and improving dependency case processing in the juvenile court Recruiting and training community-based volunteers who advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children Acting as a referral source to the community for information regarding foster care, adoption, parent assistance, volunteer opportunities, volunteer ARIZONA STATE BAR ADMISSION OFFICE. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2002-2006 . APSD Division Director . Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-372-5375. " The Supreme Court adopts policies and procedures to guide municipal, justice of the peace, superior court and appellate courts throughout Arizona in conducting their administrative functions in a fair, efficient and fiscally responsible way. The Arizona Steering Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts (AISC) was established by Administrative Order No. Welty Presiding Judge of the Judicial Branch in Maricopa County Old Courthouse 125 W Washington St. 2020 - 10 )) _____ ) To protect courthouse safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chief Justice issued Supreme Court Administrative Order No. Arizona Lawyer Apprentice Program Are you passionate about making a difference in underserved communities and looking for a unique path to becoming a licensed attorney in Ariz Representatives include Tribal judges, state court judges, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Attorney General, Department of Child Safety, Inter Tribal Counsel of Arizona, Administrative Office of the Courts, Tribal attorneys, Casey Family Programs, University of Arizona and Arizona State University, Phoenix Indian Center and private ICWA attorneys. , except State recognized holidays [email protected] Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Courts are given the ability to assign outstanding debt associated to civil traffic, criminal traffic and criminal violations. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS _____ In the Matter of: )) HEALTH SCREENING PROTOCOLS ) Administrative Directive) No. 20209-7 on May 20, 2020. , 5th Floor, Phoenix, AZ, 85012. Legal Advocates. The Order also directs the Task Force to integrate into these rules the principles of recent Feb 3, 1999 · TITLE 2. Aug 3, 2022 · Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. AO - Administrative Office of the Courts. Innovation for Justice (i4J), the Arizona Supreme Court, and Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts have partnered to train, certify and empower non-lawyer legal advocates to provide limited-scope legal advice in two practice areas; Housing Stability and [email protected] (602) 452-3584 : Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Court 1501 W. Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Main Line: Code of Judicial Administration; Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. In 2015, the Arizona Judiciary issued an administrative order establishing the Court Interpreter Program Advisory Committee. 2024-33. Raymond L IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA . Staff . gov [email protected] (602) 452-3486 : Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Court 1501 W. What do we do? The Administrative Services Division is responsible for the day-to-day operational and administrative functions of the Arizona State Courts Building. az. R2-19-102. Hearings may also be conducted by either video conference or telephone. , Suite 410 | Phoenix, AZ 85007 602. Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Please see below for a listing of all Arizona Superior Courts' contact information. A first of its kind in the nation, the Center demonstrates the Arizona Supreme Court's commitment for continued innovation and leadership by addressing timely issues to help improve the judicial system and criminal justice practices in Arizona. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Jan 5, 2022 · Amending Arizona Code of Judicial Administration § 5-306: Firearms: 11/02/2022: 2022-138: Amending Arizona Code of Judicial Administration § 6-207: Uniform Conditions of Supervised Probation: 11/02/2022: 2022-139: Adopting Arizona Code of Judicial Administration § 7-301: Continuing Education Requirements for Credentialed Interpreters: 11/02 Court Admin/AOC. Navigation Links; The Court Operations Unit supports the mission of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and the Court Services Division by providing administrative supervision and assistance in the form of structured evaluations and technical support services to Arizona courts. All meetings to be held at the Supreme Court of Arizona: Arizona State Courts Building 1501 W. Meetings Calendar; Jury Service; Strategic Agenda; eFiling; eAccess; Digital Evidence; Judicial Performance Review; Court Filing Fees Welcome to the Administrative Office of the Courts' Administrative Services Division. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602) 452-3971 Text Telephone (TTY/TTD) for the County Administration 9. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS. 1501 W. Conference Room 101 Phoenix, AZ 85007 The Commission on Technology (COT) is a standing committee of the Arizona Judicial Council (AJC). The IRC program was The Arizona Judicial Branch is pleased to offer Public Access to Court Case Information, a valuable online service providing a resource for information about court cases from 153 out of 180 courts in Arizona. Amy M. Wood was appointed as Clerk of the Court in 2016. The Division is made up of four departments; financial, legal, human resources, and facilities The Administrative Directives are policies and procedures for the administration of all Arizona courts as delegated to the administrative director by the supreme court. , Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. The position is responsible for . County Probation Departments . Presiding Judges; Justice Courts; City Courts; News & Info; Our Courts AZ; Guide to AZ Courts; Committees & Commissions. 2023-128 to restyle the current Rules of Procedure for Special Actions based on styling conventions employed in other recent rule restyling projects. Wood worked in the Arizona Judiciary for the Administrative Office of the Courts managing staff specializing in a wide variety of duties including case process re-engineering, statistics, performance measures, interpreter credentialing and electronic filing amongst a variety of COJET MEETING NOTICE. 5th Floor. The mission of the Arizona Judicial Branch is to provide Arizona citizens with an independent, accessible, and integrated judicial system that maintains a high degree of public trust and confidence; serves as an asset by dispensing justice, resolving human disputes, and conducting its administrative functions in a fair, equitable, and just pursuant to section 32-4302, arizona revised statutes, a person shall be granted an occupational or professional license or certificate if the person has been licensed or certified in another state for at least twelve months, the license or certificate is in the same discipline and at the same practice level as the license or certificate for which the person is applying in this state and the Arizona Judicial Branch. Part 5: Court Operations . Phoenix, AZ 85007-3232 32 Clerk of Court jobs available in Phoenix, AZ on Indeed. Jan 9, 2025 · [email protected] (602) 452-3378: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. The Juvenile Justice Services Division staff can be reached at (602) 452-3443 or at 1501 W. Contact Cristina Blankenship by email or (602) 452-3024 for registration and program information. 3615 . Reinkensmeyer is the Deputy Director for the Administrative Office of the Courts, Supreme Court of Arizona, in Phoenix, Arizona, having previously served as the DIrector or Court Services. The Committee on Probation Education (COPE) is comprised of four chief probation officers and four directors of juvenile court services plus members from the Adult Probation Services and Juvenile Justice Services Divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts, and members-at-large from the community and the judiciary. The Fines/Fees and Restitution Enforcement (FARE) Program is a statewide initiative of the Arizona Judicial branch. ARIZONA CODE OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION . Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007: TDD (for the Hearing Impaired): 602-452-3545 : AZ Courts : Court Locator : Administrative Office of the Courts: Executive Office: 602-452-3301: Legislative Office: 602-452-3361: Communications Office: 602-452-3656: Administrative Services: 602-452-3500: Adult Probation Services: 602 Dec 18, 2024 · Court Admin/AOC. Bus: (602) 452-3441 . 2. The COJET standards and requirements are outlined specifically in Arizona Code of Judicial Administration Section 1-302 . , except State recognized holidays The Task Force on Rules of Procedure for Special Actions was established by Administrative Order No. Position Summary: The Arizona Supreme Court, Judicial Assistant position is an exempt salaried position that provides organizational support for a supreme court justice. 452. Clerk of the Court. Division I; Division II; Superior Court. Under the direction of the CSD Director, the division provides support to the courts in many areas: They are also available for public review by appointment at the Administrative Office of the Courts, Human Resources Department, 1501 West Washington Street, Suite 221, Phoenix, AZ, 85007. Chapter 3: Court Security . 344. View Amy Stuart The Administrative Office of the Courts is charged with assisting the Chief Justice in discharging his/her administrative duties. Phoenix, AZ 85007: For troubleshooting assistance, contact [email protected] Home > Court Admin/AOC > Certification & Licensing > Legal Service Innovations > Our Programs > Legal Advocates. Remote Access. Apply to Administrative Assistant, Judges Clerk, Operations Lead and more! ** seating is restricted to Arizona Superior Court Probation and Surveillance Officers ** Registration information is emailed to department safety training coordinators for dissemination. Jefferson St. Ct. The JCA is governed by a Board and is staffed by the Education Services Division of the Inmate Release Court (IRC) Program: The Inmate Release Court (IRC) Program is a collaborative partnership between the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation & Reentry’s (ADCRR) Second Chance Program (a pro-social program designed to prepare inmates for release). Administrative Office of the Courts . The JCA is governed by a Board and is staffed by the Education Services Division of the Arizona Judicial Branch. Honorable Joseph C. R. Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts . , Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602 [email protected] (602) 452-3378 opt # 2: TTY/TTD: (602) 452-3545: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Juvenile Justice Services Division . Byers Attorney Discipline Office of Lawyer Regulation State Bar of Arizona 4201N. Welcome to the Arizona Judicial Branch. Program Manager Charlie Gray (602) 452. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 AZ Courts. Washington, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3327 (602) 452-3300; Fax: (602) 452-3484 Administrative Dir. to 5:00 p. 2: Application Review: Applicants whose backgrounds most closely meet the needs of the position may be invited to interview. 1501 West Washington, Suite 128 Phoenix, AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 452. Assignment of Administrative Law Judge; Setting the Hearing R2-19-105. Marcus W. A. Oct 15, 2024 · Court Forms and Administration. Washington, Suite 337, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Apr 29, 2022 · Administrative Office of the Courts Phoenix, Arizona 85282 Tel: 602-452-3453 Email: [email protected] Pursuant to Rule 28(a), Ariz. Executive Office; Administrative Services; Arizona Supreme Court 1501 W. Official copies of Administrative Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts Education Services Division 602-452-3060 . Introduction Goal One in The Strategic Agenda for Arizona’s Courts 2005-2010 is to provide access to swift, fair justice. 3357 [email protected] The statewide Fines, Fees and Restitution The Court directed the Oversight Committee to study and recommend measures to facilitate capital case reduction efforts, make recommendations for adequate notice to the Supreme Court to assist the Court in making the necessary modifications to its staffing levels and judicial assignments to ensure the timely processing of appeals, and develop The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is coordinating with the state health department and other governmental agencies to ensure we are consistent with their guidance in the appropriate response while maintaining individual’s rights to justice. 4th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003; Tax Filing Counter - Central Court Building, Clerk of the Superior Court, 201 W. com. The Administrative Office of the Courts Court Services Division 1501 W. Administrative Directive Index. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602) 452-3971 Text Telephone (TTY/TTD) for the Jun 21, 2023 · I agree with the proposed changes the ASPA is proposing in regard to the proposed amendment being set forth in the ARIZONA CODE OF JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Part 7: Administrative Office of the Courts Chapter 2: Certification and Licensing Programs Section 7-204: Private Process Server. Phoenix, AZ 85007 . 24th St. 00. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602 The Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state Legislature on behalf of the Judicial Branch, supervising the divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative activities of the Arizona Judicial Council and Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. A small section of each application containing personal, family, and reference information is kept confidential for use only by the commission and the Governor. Prior to her appointment as Clerk, Ms. , Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Court 1501 W. , Ste. AZ Courts Locator Executive Office; Administrative Services ; Adult Probation Services ; Certification & Licensing ; [email protected] (602) 452-3358: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. As a standing committee of the Arizona Judicial Council, CIDVC assists the Council with development and implementation of policies that: Jan 27, 2025 · ACM AZ Plus ADR/ Specialty Court February 21, 2025 (3-hr class following the Caseflow class) Registration will be open from December 20, 2024 - February 7, 2025 Code of Judicial Administration; Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Sup. The mission of the Arizona Judicial Branch is to provide Arizona citizens with an independent, accessible, and integrated judicial system that maintains a high degree of public trust and confidence; serves as an asset by dispensing justice, resolving human disputes, and conducting its administrative functions in a fair, equitable, and just Deputy Counsel, Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts · Litigation attorney experienced in insurance defense (professional liability and D&O), land use law, constitutional Code of Judicial Administration; Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Suite 104 ARIZONA STATE BAR ADMISSION OFFICE. dherst@courts. Judicial Education Center (JEC) & Remote 3003 N Central Ave. , Petitioner respectfully requests this Court to amend the Arizona Rules of Supreme Court related to diversion to remedy an unintended amendment caused by Rule Petition R-20-0034. AZ Courts Locator Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Section: 5-301: Court Security Standards. Suite 912, Phoenix, AZ 85003 Southeast Regional Court Center; Office Organization; 620 West Jackson Street Phoenix, AZ 85003. The Subcommittee’s report recommended the Court convene a broad array of justice and mental health stakeholders to identify best practices and cross-agency protocols for those justice-involved individuals who have behavioral health care needs. In general, each member of the Arizona Judicial branch must complete a minimum of 16 hours of COJET-accredited continuing education each year, including at least one ethics program. In this section, unless otherwise specified, the following definitions apply: “Administrator” means superior court administrator, justice court administrator, or municipal court The Judicial College of Arizona (JCA) is responsible for the development, implementation, and administrative oversight of the training of Arizona’s judicial officers, as well additional educational programs which support Arizona’s judicial branch. Arizona Supreme Court, City of Phoenix Public Defender’s Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Meeting Details: Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts 1501 W. Arizona Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Court 1501 W. 2024-51. For members only, if lunch is provided, the lunch fee is $5. Suite 104 Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 Mar 10, 2015 · Administrative Office of the Courts Administrative Office of the Courts Arizona State Courts Bldg. Phone: (602) 372-5375 or AZ Clerk of Superior Court. , Suite 102 Phoenix, AZ 85007 : To file a new complaint against an attorney, call the State Bar of Arizona at (602) 340-7280 or visit the Attorney Discipline site for more information. The Commission is charged with providing strategic leadership for the successful application of information technology to improve access, efficiency and the quality of justice of the Arizona Court System, consistent with the strategic initiatives and priorities of the Judiciary. CHAPTER 19. 1. of the Courts: David K. Phoenix, AZ 85007-3232 Marcus W. The targeted start date for this position is March 3, 2025 or sooner. Arizona Office of Administrative Hearings. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85007: TDD (for the Hearing Impaired): 602-452-3545 : AZ Courts : Court Locator : Administrative Office of the Courts: Executive Office: 602-452-3301: Legislative Office: 602-452-3361: Communications Office: 602-452-3656: Administrative Services: 602-452-3500: Adult Probation Services: 602 As part of that staff, the Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state legislature on behalf of the judicial branch, supervising eight operating and service divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative Course Location: Classes are held in person at the Judicial Education Center (JEC) at 3003 N. It is the goal of the Arizona Judiciary to increase the availability and quality of court interpreters and interpreter services. Special Projects Consultant at the Arizona Supreme Court · Experience: Arizona Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts · Education: Cleveland State University College See our counties: AZ County Map. Class Enrollment: Once admitted to the program, participants will receive the passwords to enroll in classes. Case ARIZONA STATE BAR ADMISSION OFFICE. Footer Nav. m. 3583 cgray@courts. The Executive Office is responsible for liaison with executive and legislative branch officials and agencies, submitting a budget to the state Legislature on behalf of the Judicial Branch, supervising the divisions of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), supporting the administrative activities of the Arizona Judicial Council and Arizona Supreme Court 1501 W. 1st Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003; Physical Address - East Court Building, 101 W. Definitions. Validation of Arizona's Statewide Detention Screening Instrument Caldwell JSAB Review Arizona Supreme Court 1501 W. Washington, Suite 104, Phoenix, AZ 85007-3222 General Inquiries Call: (602) 452-3971 Text Telephone (TTY/TTD) for the The Judicial College of Arizona (JCA) is responsible for the development, implementation, and administrative oversight of the training of Arizona’s judicial officers, as well additional educational programs which support Arizona’s judicial branch. Central Ave. AJC was created in 1990 and, in accordance with Arizona Code of Judicial Administration §1-104, assists the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the administration of all courts, uniformity in court operations, and coordination of court services that will improve the Feb 22, 2024 · Arizona Judicial Branch. Suggest an edit to this page Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 452-3200. Joannie Collins: Division Director: 602-452-3025: Dorcas Caesar: The Arizona Constitution states, "The supreme court shall have administrative supervision over all the courts of the state. bwxfxtzcg bqtky tkskivsd ueiqpvr huvoeea fjxafk ftmszr elut ldsth aefrq ngu ltsj eyip fqsr fctkd