Do betta fish sleep upside down reddit Explain Like I'm Five is the best forum and archive on the internet for layperson-friendly… Stress is messing with your sleep schedule. For Bettas, the best way to prevent constipation is to feed them live or frozen daphnia or brine shrimp. For anything truly interesting as fuck Oct 25, 2023 路 Columnaris usually starts with white or gray like patches around the head, gills, and mouth, and then progresses on to form sploches or lesions on the body by the dorsal fin and go down on either side of the body from the dorsal fin like a small saddle (this is why it is sometimes called saddle back disease), and then down the entire body. Usually he's lively and would often make bubble nests. 207K subscribers in the bettafish community. People blame this behavior on three major factors May 10, 2023 路 How Do Betta Fish Sleep? Betta fish sleep in all sorts of unusual ways which can often catch out a new betta owner who may think their new betta fish has died suddenly. To decrease the likelihood of that, you keep your betta fed, you let the shrimp get established before adding the betta, and you provide the shrimp with hiding places. Move your wake-up time up an hour or two each week. Bottom of the Tank Mar 10, 2021 路 Keep reading to learn more about how fish sleep and what to do if your fish is laying upside down. Being in the ground makes eating grubs easier. This may be surprising to hear, as many people assume that fish are constantly swimming around. He is being lazy like bettas are and he swimming around his tank. Yeah bettas sleep. 馃ズ The bettas do get frightened and try to fight it the best they can. Bettas love to sleep in tight spaces, such as behind the filter. You mentioned he's lethargic though so I would make sure the water parameters are good too and keep an eye on him in case he was getting sick. Most commonly the word "bioactive" is used to describe terrariums and vivariums that include natural substrate and a clean up crew. Some hang by thumbhooks on the ends of their wings. Day 2: No sign of the bloating going down and his belly got bigger, so I assume he didn't poop the pea out. In the upside down case, the tendons attaching the feet/toes to the body are tightened by the gravity/weight of the bat, "clamping" the toes. So, they hang themselves upside down, if they need to fly anytime, they can just leave their hands gripping a branch and fly away. One of my betta girls just loves to sleep head first sticking out of my hairgrass carpet like a flower lol. Do Bettas Sleep? Yes, bettas do sleep. Consistently of wake up time is the key! Blue dragon scale betta swimming upside down on its back. Affected fish will face difficulties maintaining their floating balance, as the swim bladder is located in the lower half of the body. 3 days ago 路 When things go beyond the recommended range, your Betta fish will grow stressed and become more susceptible to disease. 75 gallons) filled it with warm water and the required amount of betta water conditioner (about a tablespoon) and now my betta fish is swimming sideways and upside down at the top of the tank and keeps floating back up. But usually my parameters are normal and my other fish, my mollies, are healthy. Remember your bettas natural diet consists of insects and larvae, which have a higher moisture content. Nov 16, 2024 路 Do Betta Fish Sleep Upside Down? This is a question that often arises among betta fish enthusiasts. 12M subscribers in the interestingasfuck community. Catfish are Opportunistic,, a Adult will likely try to eat the Betta and either injure or (succeed and) kill it in the process. 211K subscribers in the bettafish community. She liked to sleep upside-down too 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ unfortunately she passed in If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our caresheet and wiki. Some bettas curl up and sleep in that position. some people say they need some type of light or the gills won't be healthy and colourful. Of the collies past and present, slightly more liked/likes to sleep belly up (Silka, Zeffie, Pablo, Banana, Lucy and Spotty). How Betta Fish Sleep: The Basics. I took this opportunity to get him in a net and remove him from the tank. Betta Fish Sleeping Schedule. Jul 20, 2023 路 Alright, let’s clear the air: Yes, betta fish do sleep! It may look a little different from our human snoozing, but it is, in essence, their version of rest. Hope this helps! The other side is that people think that betta fish are sick when they are just sleeping. Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Beside the catfish, I also have a snail and a betta fish in my fish tank. My tanks are all on a timer, off 11pm - 8am. reReddit: Top posts Do bettas usually sleep on their heaters? I bought it with his tank and it keeps the water warm like they like it, but he likes to sleep on it. The most common mistakes people do with this method is: My little seems to like to stay at the bottom of her tank and almost "sleep" upside down. The never-belly-uppers camp includes Dino, Fawkes, Hazel and Alfie. and i also heard the overhead light is blinding. Betta fish sleep in the darkness, that is, at night, just like humans. 11 votes, 10 comments. I have had the betta fish for over half year now. Just upside down for some reason on the bottom of the tank. However, it’s not uncommon for them to take short naps throughout the day as well. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss all topics related to dogs. On average, they tend to sleep for about 6-8 hours a day, usually during the night. None of my other loaches have ever done this. It is by no means normal for a betta fish to swim upside down. If you are police officer or soldier you would be less likely to damage watch, and you could easier check a time while holding a gun, while when you are office worker you will instantly scratch glass in your watch on desk. My betta looks exactly like that when he sleeps actually. The water parameters are normal. Guppy grass is another fast growing easy plant. Betta fish sleep at night when it is dark, mimicking their natural rest pattern, and may occasionally Depends on the betta, but it will likely eat some shrimp from time to time. The leaves provide a little bit of comfort and security. “The moment that the Upside Down was created inadvertently by Eleven, the set dressing and the world of the Upside Down is frozen in that moment”. Here is the answer. Your betta is probably being fed a lot more pellet food which is going to be drier and bloat up inside them. It could also have to do with the structure of their legs; perhaps their legs make it difficult to sleep upside down. A subreddit for all things related to our colorful finned friends. Betta fish often enjoy laying on their sides while resting. Buy clove oil (it's an essential oil that you can find in pharmacies and other places selling oils), make sure it is 100% pure clove oil. Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness. 8. Pet Questions Swim bladder disease is also known as Swim Bladder Disorder or Flip-over and most commonly affects betta fish and fancy goldfish. i dont think fish can live in the darkness. In r/bioactive we want to use the broader idea of setting up any sort of enclosure in order to mimic the animal's natural environment. It’s actually quite hard to figure out (they’re sneaky when it comes to sleep). For fish like Goldfish, supplying roughage is easy because I just give them crushed peas once a week, but Betta fish won’t eat peas. The fish isn’t conscious these are just some strong involuntary final muscle contractions from the cold. Just there are to ways and both had advantages and disadvantages. And was wondering how the big be completely comfortable to sleep while hanging vertically on a wall? Does it not feel the same urge to lay down and stretch? Does it not need to focus on clinging to the wall so can not truly switch off and go to sleep? Floating plants will do wonders. Hes done it since the day we brought him home, which is about 5 months and he has never been sick. They don't enjoy being upside down and don't want to do it. She is eating fine and the water is good (tested today). You might see some squirming/wiggling but don’t be alarmed. that's just the way the morphology cookie crumbles. A Betta fish laying at the bottom of the tank isn’t always a cause for concern. The vast majority lift comes from the angle of the wings rather than from the shape of the wings. A subreddit dedicated to facts about bats! Also, if you notice, when you sleep in a different location (even just flipping upside down in your bed), you tend to have more dreams Reply reply caidynx They sleep/rests in this manner because it is easy for them to lift off into air. Never sick. His tank was cycled before I had went on vacation for thanksgiving and when I came back home both of his end twin tails were clamped. So, you must have wondered whether these fish sleep or not. This benefit could outweigh the downsides of upright sleep. In some cases, the fish will lie upside down or sideways on the bottom and be unable to swim upwards. Right now he likes to sleep upside down on a plant, or on a sloped rock. I recommend doing some extra research online (girl talks fish and aquarium co-op are great resources) to learn how to best care for your fishy. Duration Of Betta Fish Sleep: How Long Do They Typically Sleep For? Betta fish, much like humans, have their own unique sleep patterns. Whenever I can't sleep I turn upside down and fall right to sleep. She checked on him this evening, and he is laying on the bottom of the tank UPSIDE DOWN!!! He is still breathing, and he occasionally tries to swim around, but he is swimming upside down and lays back down. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: Do Betta Fish Sleep? Yes, betta fish sleep just like most living creatures. Pets & Vets Menu Toggle Menu Toggle Looking at a bug on my wall while I’m very comfortable (horizontally) ok my bed. This flair is for those who are clearly not promoting betta fish fighting and aren't trying to troll the subreddit, but still have their bettas in dangerous conditions and aren't asking for help. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our caresheet and wiki. And when it is sick or aged, Betta fish can lie on its sides most of the time. They need a day/night cycle just like us. . thanks for the tip on the sunlight! but i still have to do more research on that for a more definitive answer. I've had him for 2 years now and this is the first time he acted this way. Many betta owners often find themselves questioning why their aquatic pets spend so much time at the bottom of the tank or resting in their favorite hideouts. They are often referred to as Siamese fighting fish or simply bettas. Haven't had her long and is still very young, about 3 inches long. This keeps them from needing to actively clench and waste energy. So if you’re wondering that yourself, don’t feel silly. Tank is 135L. 23M subscribers in the explainlikeimfive community. with anger. The first time I saw him like this, I thought he was dead. So my question to you all, do bettas really sleep or do they just take swimming breaks? The difference between Jeffrey sleeping and taking a break is very different, as when he takes a break he’s usually been actively swimming around and will then just rest slightly on his side on one of the decorations for a moment or two before swimming again. Unlike humans, bettas are light sleepers due to their natural instinct to stay alert to potential threats, even in the safe confines of a home aquarium. Apr 23, 2019 路 Do betta fish sleep upside down? While it is more common for bettas to sleep on their bellies or on their sides, they may occasionally rest upside down. I use guppy grass in all my betta tanks and it gives them plenty of choices to sleep on. Is it normal for a garg to sleep out in the open near the bottom of his cage? He used to sleep on the back wall or in one of the "plants. Lately he's taken to a game where he turns upside down, THEN swims into the grass to sleep like a freaken loach. I'm planning on doing something similar, I've got 9 ember tetras in so far (20long) and a fuck load of shrimp, maybe 25 or so and a good almost 200$ of plants that I'm waiting for them to grow out and the carpet to establish, wondering what your process was to adding your bettas, I e never owned fish other than bettas so I'm not sure how to go about adding one into a community tank, I know Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Most species of bat have trouble getting off the ground into flight, so starting and ending your flight like that helps immensely. What to do when Betta is swimming upside down and - Reddit true Jun 13, 2016 路 She said he has been eating. Gravity would still be pulling at your skin, just at a different direction than usual Lots of animals don’t get the pronounced wrinkles that humans do. When I got home, he perked up in his tank and started swimming. He's done it since he was a baby. Maybe that’s what he’s doing? Mar 10, 2023 路 Some betta fish prefer to sleep vertically with their heads uppermost or even upside down! Many betta fish wedge themselves between an aquarium filter box and the tank glass. This could offer other benefits though. I don't know what to do for her. My lab lays on her back all the time (11 yo) and my dad has a retriever 30 years ago he called "the upside-down dog" because she was always upside-down. Nevertheless, the following video helped to understand the causes and solutions to betta fish staying at the bottom. Like most fish, they swim right side up. People shouldn't sleep upside down for obvious reasons Like digging himself into the bedding and sleeping upside down with his legs sticking out! Why do betta fish sleep so weirdly?! Reddit . He’s then awake for a few seconds, flapping his fins and then falls back to sleep, like being paralysed. So I did a 100% water change since I also seen green algae forming on the rocks and water heater. Plus, the leaves are situated near the surface, it also gets them closer to oxygen in the air, which they sometimes breathe in. /r/axolotls is a place for owners to discuss, expand their knowledge, and share pictures of all topics related to axolotls. It's probably a good idea to add spots closer to the surface where he can sleep, I forgot exactly why but I know it helps the fish I don't know how well you can tell from this photo but my betta fish likes to sleep upside down, is it normal? He's alive I checked right after I… My betta will get himself wedged upside down in his anemone sometimes. Related Betta Fish Pet fish Animal Pet Nature Animals & Pets Outdoors and Nature Internet Culture Internet Culture and Memes forward back r/bettafish A subreddit for all things related to our colorful finned friends. Not sure what to flair this as. For the few that do acknowledge their fish’s fatigue, they are left wondering how their fish sleeps and what behaviors should be considered normal. However, this is the less likely option, since your fish seemed to be able to swim just fine after he got out of the current. I feed him 3 diff. Some bettas do seem to like to rest near the intakes but ripped fins could get infected. Make your wake-up time non-negotiable. Main Menu. He's a super vibrant asshole and I love him as much as my dogs. A day/night cycle is important to bettas' health. First thing first Jul 4, 2019 路 Betta fish can sleep in various funny positions such as wedging itself beneath the rock and eventually turning itself upside down. Sep 25, 2024 路 I have had the same problem with photographing my Betta, he likes to greet me. Unlike birds, they do not have enough strength in wings to lift them off a branch. Last night he was upside down against the wall so when he would scratch at his side, sounded like the whole house was coming down lol Reply darknight_247 • My betta fish kept on falling down and stay at the bottom. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our caresheet and wiki. Aug 14, 2021 路 How Do I Ensure My Betta Fish Has A Good And Quality Sleep? If you want to take proper care of Betta fish – the best and easiest way is to establish a sleep rhythm. If there are no plants in the tank the light in the room will be enough light for the fish to have a day/night cycle Both bettas I've had would almost always sleep like this and gave me mini heart attacks every 2-3 days one preferred sleeping at the surface on top of her floating plants and the other one usually slept wedged between the filter and the glass or upside down in the hornwort I had an incredibly friendly pleco who I loved so so very much. If you see them hold completely still and not react to you moving around for a while, they're probably asleep. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Posted by u/twtmi - 59 votes and 38 comments Why does my yoyo loach do this? He's perfectly fine, he just likes to lay upside down or sideways. If not they become sluggish and can get sick. Cayman sleeps upside down, in the middle of the water. They do this by closing their eyes and resting in a stationary position for several minutes at a time, rather than by sleeping deeply as humans do. I tried nudging him gently with my fish net and he just flopped down to the ground. Apart from that, it can tuck and lounge itself in what looks like an L-shape position when taking an afternoon nap. And by upside down, I mean once in a while I simply can't sleep until I lay where my head is at the foot of the bed. It happens once in a while, and oddly runs in my family. I have learned over the years that Betta fish need roughage to prevent constipation. My personal theory is that she's trying to kill you, because it's just too adorable and you're in serious danger of dying of cute. I'm not really worried, just curious. My great grandma did it, and so does my mother. unfortunately there's not really a more specific answer. He will also sleep on his leaf hammock with his fins pointed straight out like he’s T-Posing. Jun 14, 2011 路 i just cleaned my betta tank (2. Mar 10, 2023 路 Some betta fish prefer to sleep vertically with their heads uppermost or even upside down! Many betta fish wedge themselves between an aquarium filter box and the tank glass. Then there is silence, natural darkness and they rest and regenerate best. While the image of a betta fish resting on its side or even upside down might seem peculiar, it’s actually a common sight and a natural behavior for these fascinating creatures. They are pretty healthy. All my bettas sleep on their guppy grass near the surface every night. The Upside Down is frozen on Nov. " Temp and humidity are in rec. I use that method because it’s the most humane one that I can stomach (I couldn’t decapitate or crush the head— that’d make me sick to my stomach), but it can be tough to watch. . I wondered if he was dead. I can't remember because he was hiding alot I would just see him upside down all the time in the plants then one day he wasn't moving. Is it swim bladder disease? Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. We believe it is essential to provide care advice that exceeds bare minimum standards, in order to enrich the lives of our beloved pets. Sometimes, your fish is just taking things easy! Take a look at their behavior. Reddit . They get more then double the size of a "standard" Betta (Bettas get about 7cm big and these Catfish get ~20cm long), Upside-down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) are not part of the Corydoras family. Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. I was holding him in a 1 1/2 gallon bucket with a heater and plant for the last few hours while I gathered a bunch of things to set up a new 5 gallon tank for him. Just Taking it Easy. On a secondary note N’s coat can ignore the laws of physics and gravity. This is because they are warm-blooded and active during the day. Ever since then he hasn’t been the same and he’s been just hiding in the plants upside down. Betta fish will sleep on their sides, backs, or bellies, either floating around the tank or lying on the substrate. Also note that not all bats sleep inverted. The key is Apr 15, 2024 路 FAQ 1: Do Betta Fish Sleep? Answer: Yes, betta fish require sleep to maintain their health. what do i do? 3 days ago 路 “Do Betta fish sleep” is actually one of the most common questions we get from new Betta owners. She would also follow my finger, and was very social. Please check out our guide to the nitrogen cycle to learn more. For bats, being on the ground at night could be dangerous. Has given me a heart attack more times than I can count. Pets & Vets Menu Toggle. He also especially likes the suction cups attaching the heater to the side of the tank. reReddit: Top posts of June 8, 2016. This is not including help posts where bettas are in inadequately sized tanks and the OP is looking for help with their betta. XD Sep 6, 2009 路 20 gallon long: 3 adult Neolamprologus similis + about 11 fry of various ages; low light planted tank 20 gallon long:2 freshwater dwarf puffers (Puff Puff and Poofer); medium-light planted tank That was only in batman 89. Some common causes include: Swim Bladder Disease; Constipation; Internal Parasites; Water Quality Issues; Infection; Overfeeding ## Why Is My Betta Fish Upside Down? Finding your beautiful betta fish swimming upside down can be a distressing sight. Jan 18, 2022 路 Do betta fish sleep upside down? Betta fish are freshwater fish belonging to the genus Betta, they are native to the rice paddies of Thailand. Betta fish sleep at night. Do other Bettas sleep like this? First picture is from tonight and the second is from yesterday. Now why do bats not just sleep on the floor? The fish will fall unconscious within a few seconds and then die because its breathing and muscle movements will slow down and stop. It's normal. I love it so much. No fin rot, no sign of bacterial infection. This is normal behavior. Why some and not others? Because cat. A betta will only assume an upside-down posture when internal or external factors compromise the creature’s swimming ability. Posted by u/canigetauhhhusername - 1 vote and 4 comments Dec 26, 2023 路 Why do betta fish sleep so much? Understanding the sleeping habits of betta fish is crucial for their health and well-being. She never hid. This is very useful in fanfics like “ wake up protocols” which I highly recommend reading. I ran to grab some clove oil to put him down on my lunch break, but didn’t intend to do it until after school. I have bettas of my own, and I have never seen this. Otherwise, this fish is completely normal. Daphnia and brine 'cause they evolved to. *witty titles regarding Day 1: I fed him a bit of pea, which he ate happily, and waited to see if the bloating would go down. Even an hour a day will be met with 12-16 hours upright. This was months ago. If there are plants in the tank run the light on the tank for 6-8 hours a day. Very curious. They can continue fighting unless one fish retreats. In fact, they are specially bred for fighting. Substrate is eco earth coco. The reason I bring this up is that my first betta fish, Benji, past away a couple of months ago. She would greet me every night when it came to feeding time. We have them stored upside down because it’s easy to store and pull them out unless you’re short like me, also because ants like to climb in them if they’re right side up so we store them like that to keep ants out of our cups. Many do not realize fish even sleep at all. Betta fish sleep mostly during the night, aligning their sleep patterns with the day-night cycle, much like many other diurnal creatures. Where Do Betta Fish Like to Sleep? Bettas can sleep anywhere in the tank as far as the conditions are right. Do what you can to address these factors. You can fly upside down as long as you tilt the wings up a little more than usual Most stunt planes have symmetric wings rather than a flat bottom and curved to because being symmetric makes it a bit easier to stay upside down does your cat look like the avatar for this community? when looking at the posts here do you say "that Looks Just like My cat!" Then congrats, you have a Standard Issue Cat™! (if you need it spelled out: they are brown mackerel tabbies) Leave a picture of your SIC™ along with make and model year and a review here. I don’t know. Fish with Swim Bladder Disease often float upside down, struggle to remain at the water surface, or sink to the bottom of their tank once they stop swimming. Pangeas on a rotation, his weight isn't going down. Find and strengthen your best habits and help others… 114 votes, 31 comments. You wouldn’t be able to hang upside down long enough to really counteract anything. Sometimes he will curl up like a cat. I'm pretty sure bettas commonly sleep on their side. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Your phone, tablet, and gaming are also messing with your sleep schedule. She is not floating or behaving differently. They are excellent fighters. Jun 21, 2022 路 Now that you know how betta fish sleep, let’s see where betta fish like to sleep in the aquarium. How Long do Betta Fish Sleep? Betta fish can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day. The following are their most favored sleeping areas: 1. 6, 1983, so it´s basically confirmed that it´s creation occurred on this day, when El touched the Demogorgon. Betta fish usually need a heater set to around 78-79 degrees Fahrenheit. Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. He had a little shell at the bottom of the tank that he'd curl up in. He's come to the theory that they do this to relieve pressure on the paws/ legs and back. Hornwort is usually fast growing and easy to keep but sadly I killed that too. They can take quick naps during daytime, but they will sleep mostly during the night, because they are diurnal fish. ranges through the day. Healthy Fish Sleep Rightside Up. Hey not to worry, we can still salvage this setup! Though you're gonna need to be vigilant You can still keep the betta in the tank but you're gonna need to do an immediate 50% water change then get a water test kit (the most important things we wanna know are ammonia, nitrate & nitrite concentrations) and check daily. Bettas really like to sleep in large flat leaves, such as stick-on betta leaf hammocks commonly available at most pet stores. But understanding how Betta fish sleep is something every owner should learn. If your fish still can’t swim properly after getting a sponge filter or lowering the filter flow, like he swims upside down or is cartwheeling through the water, then it might be a swim bladder issue. Why Is My Betta Fish Upside Down? Betta fish are intelligent. Feb 27, 2023 路 Often a betta fish will float upside down as a result of overeating. He looks healthy. Some do it occasionally, some do it a lot. Lots of cats do this. I change the water once per week, around 20% - 25% every time. Aug 27, 2023 路 Do Betta fish sleep on leaves? Sometimes, Betta fish will sleep on aquarium plants, like leaves. also i dont have an overhead light since im paranoid about the lightbulb exploding over the water. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! Clove oil puts them to sleep and the goal is to OD them on that, so your betta will fall asleep then stop breathing and die without suffering. This can be extremely disconcerting for the fishkeeper, but treat it as you would any other time he appears to be resting. looking at their ancient ancestry can give you ideas about why certain adaptations had an advantage which led the bats we see today to evolve, but there's not one specific reason. Or check it out in the app stores Dogs only sleep upside down when they feel safe enough to do so in 571K subscribers in the sleep community. Nov 16, 2024 路 Several factors can contribute to a betta fish swimming upside down. I got some epsom salt yesterday and gave him two 10-15min baths several hours apart. 23K subscribers in the BatFacts community. :shock: The next morning, he was upside down, and in a U shape. Until today, I found him swimming upside down, and there was once he jumped from the surface of water to catch air then sink down. Jun 27, 2019 路 Bettas are amazing Mine never slept upside down, but he did go and lay down like that. He does have a small tumor (growth) on his left side, the side that is covered due to his curl. :shock: Nov 18, 2021 路 Sleeping fishes may wedge themselves in a crevice or a cave, or if they are a betta, find a calm, flat sleeping spot, such as a leaf or décor item. May 12, 2024 路 They will float uncontrollably to the top of the aquarium, turned upside down, while still being alive. I did a water change earlier today and he came out of hiding and was upside down in a plant, panting very hard. "This-side-up dogs" - my friends have joked these dogs have powerful self-righting systems. There's also a lot less predators on the ceiling of a cave than on the floor, or in a tree (birds of prey are daytime predators, most bats sleep during the day). How often do Betta fish sleep? Do all huskies sleep upside down? Related Topics Husky Dog Pet Animals and Pets comments sorted Reddit . They also need rest. They are fun to watch and interact with. She was my baby. She always was out and about doing something. It was super cute Apr 20, 2013 路 Filbert sleeps the way my bettas have in the past in the upright in the corner of the tank or on a leaf. XD But I recently put a pot in his aquairum (a small one) so that he could sleep in it, but I have yet to see him go in it.
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