Hcg protocol steroids. Oct 4, 2015 · recovery window.

Hcg protocol steroids Nov 19, 2021 · This post aims to be an easy guide to HPTA restart. Both quantity and quality (motility) recuded during hCG treatment but still good enough to count as normal fertility. So it’s not at all the ideal time to use it. I've decided to take off for 4 months or so and I was wondering about hcg. Proper Administration of HCG During Steroid Cycles. HCG and Clomid. Some common side effects and risks of hCG include: * abdominal discomfort May 24, 2014 · STEROIDS FORUM; PCT (POST CYCLE THERAPY) Possible HCG Post-Cycle Protocol? Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Therefore most guys that find dealing with HCG as a pain in the ass prefer the oral route of using clomid/Nolvadex. All was fine. Aug 2, 2020 · On average, hCG increases pregnancy rate by 15 percent per a cycle. If you prefer to minimize injections, you can combine your steroid compounds with hCG into the same syringe and inject. It would be a huge mistake to take it solo after you come off steroids. Ran HCG on my first test 500mg/week cycle, 500IU 2x a week, so for a 5000iu vial it was good for 5 weeks. Jun 26, 2017 · Now I've heard several different protocols about when to implement hcg. TRT kind of muted my sexual satisfaction and HCG gave it back. hCG is a hormone comprising of an α and a β-subunit. I cruise on 250-300 mg of test per week, sometimes with 200 mg of EQ added in to aid in collagen synthesis. This leads me to a few thoughts: I did 50 MG clomid everyday and 2000iu HcG every other day for three months. Any more than 500IU of HCG per day causes too much aromatase activity. Have seen by Nov 25, 2009 · STEROIDS FORUM; HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY- Low T, Anti-Aging; Started My HCG Protocol; Page 2 of 2 First 1 2. Advanced protocols include additional components to provide comprehensive hormonal recovery, essential for complex cycles. But this percentage increases with the use of the artificial insemination procedure:IUI. Ideally you can start again once your bloods are all back in healthy range for a few weeks (note it takes time to ge them back into range and your cortisol and myostatin and other reactionary hormones we usually don’t test to get back into range so that doesn’t mean you stop wait 4 weeks have Oct 1, 2023 · What HCG protocol are you running to preserve fertility whilst blasting and cruising ? Home. Just one person has helped cover our server/development costs - please consider contributing to help us keep this site free-of-charge. If this fails, add HMG to the protocol, 75 iu's 2-3pw for 3 weeks, with the HCG protocol, and the number is closer to >90% of patients will achieve pregnancies. Yep, that’s why these odd methods are not mentioned in the dermatology protocol for acne vulgaris. Test can make you have high E2. hCG differs from LH in that its β-subunit has a highly glycosylated 24 amino acid tail. too much can hurt your testes. The only real way to destroy hCG is by freezing and thawing pre-loaded/premixed syringes, as the ice crystals tend to destroy the proteins. On a test only cycle right in the beginning to do 250iu twice a week until pct. Sep 1, 2013 · hCG is not as "fragile" as most of us are led to believe. com News, my friend Eric Potratz will show you in his article HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Use After Anabolic Steroid Cycles for Bodybuilding the most effective way to recover from an anabolic steroid cycle. 250iu 2x per week is the standard protocol. Jan 21, 2025 · A guide that will teach you everything you need to know about using hcg for pct. When taking steroids, the steroid molecules block the cortisone receptors so that the cortisone produced by the adrenal gland cannot attach to the receptors, thus remaining for the most part deactivated. Do you know how you react to test already? Both combined may put you in a situation where you need AI. Long-term use of HCG can lead to desensitization of the testicles to the hormone, which may reduce its effectiveness over time. Throughout the cruise, and possibly a few weeks into the next cycle, I plan on running HcG @ 250iu 2x/week. In short, Enclomiphene boosts your endogenous LH levels, while HCG provides an exogenous replacement of LH. HCG fixed that, it will make your body produce Neuro steroids in the adrenals and those are essential for libido. Jan 28, 2025 · Human chorionic gonadotropin (or HCG for short) has a medical use for stimulating the testicles to produce testosterone. #4 - Paxil, Testosterone & Sexual Function; Sleep as a Regulator of Testosterone; Sleep Apnea and Abnormalities in Nov 16, 2009 · STEROIDS FORUM; HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY- Low T, Anti-Aging; Started My HCG Protocol; Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. In […] Nov 9, 2024 · A common HCG-testosterone protocol involves injecting 250 to 500 IU of HCG two to three times per week alongside regular testosterone injections. The recommended dosage is 1500iu three times per week over a 3-week cycle. Preserves/restores fertility if you’re planning for a kiddo. 5 mg nolvadex ED. Jan 3, 2025 · HCG is used in PCT to help restore natural testosterone production post-steroid use. HCG is often used in preference to Clomid or Nolvadex following a heavy, prolonged steroid cycle. Sahmoo , I just had one question , did you start the protocol the day after your last pin or did you wait a couple of weeks from your last pin to take your first hcg shot , I was very stupid , and started taking gear without ever thinking of the consequences, got some tren and test from my really ripped and huge boss and all I thought was I wanna get big like that , felt how amazing it felt to Oct 9, 2011 · All administer their HCG subcutaneously, and dosage may be adjusted as necessary (I have yet to see more than 350IU per dose required). It's basically the standard on-cycle hCG protocol nowadays. Correct timing and dosage are vital in ensuring the best possible outcome. my goal is to no fap 1 week with 2 HCG injections per week. Bodybuilders and weight lifting enthusiasts in gyms around the world will hop on a cycle of steroids without even knowing what the word Anti-estrogen means (although more and more Dec 9, 2013 · Further, HCG use during post-cycle therapy can impair recovery of LH production. It is crucial to adhere to a well-planned protocol to use HCG effectively during a steroid cycle. D. HCG Protocols. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks; Protocol for HCG It brought back my libido, I had the initial period on trt of feeling great crazy erections and libido then that went away and I was not feeling optimized anymore. In today's EliteFitness. studied a cohort of 282 men with hypogonadism, separating them into 3 arms - CC alone, hCG alone and a combination of hCG and CC. However, it’s essential to tailor the protocol to individual needs, considering factors like the steroid cycle’s length, the types of anabolic steroids used, and personal health HCG may not work for men in this situation, and that’s when HMG comes into play. May 9, 2013 · As we know, steroids have a highly anticatabolic effect by reducing the catabolic effect of the body's own hormone, cortisone. Sep 16, 2022 · HCG has been used for post steroid cycle PCT for bodybuilders and other users for decades. My nuts are really small so I figured some hcg would help jump start them. So, HCG should always be used with or followed by a SERM for PCT. I get high estrogen sides (can’t sleep and night sweats specifically) on this much HCG, so an AI is needed. Sep 24, 2020 · Blasting and Cruising protocol, basically, means that you do not come off steroids. He wanted to see how I responded to T Cypionate alone first. I know nova and clomid is nessacry for a PCT, but what are the benefits or effects of using hcg in a PCT? I see multiple sources of you "CAN" use it but not necessary, And then I see the "YOU SHOULD USE IT". Higher doses of HCG cause LH desensitization in the leydig cells. 250iu hCG SC EOD or 12. I made this change after realizing that the previous HCG protocol was boosting serum testosterone levels too much, as the test cyp serum concentrations rise, approaching its peak at roughly the 72 hour mark. Using HCG in PCT helps to reverse testicular atrophy that can occur after a prolonged use of steroids. I used HCG for about a month, and then I kept using Tamoxifen for another month at 10mg every day. This approach allows users to benefit from exogenous testosterone while minimizing complete suppression. I ran hcg at 500iu a week split into two doses everyday before my test cyp injection (250mg 2x a week) following Swale's HCG protocol. Plot graphs and calculate levels for Anabolic Steroids, TRT & Peptides based on dosage & half-life. Never more than 500iu at a time (even that is pretty high). The HPTA protocol uses the medications human chorionic gonadotropin -hCG, clomiphene citrate, and tamoxifen. If you follow the proper hCG protocol, then it will be much easier to recover for PCT, and the TRS alone will be sufficient for recovery. 5d, 0. Just wacky. Jump to page: Results 1 to 40 of 52 Jan 24, 2024 · - HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): HCG is a glycoprotein hormone composed of alpha and beta subunits. I’ve since had the snip. A typical HCG protocol involves using it for a period of 3-6 weeks, followed by a break of equal duration to allow the body to reset. but I just cant man, after 16 hours no fap the elevated test levels just keep me walking around with a torpedo in my Mar 5, 2024 · Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a crucial step following the use of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), Anabolic Steroids, or SARMs. Nov 21, 2011 · Anabolic Steroids; Advanced Search; Forum; STEROIDS FORUM; HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY- Low T, Anti-Aging; HCG Protocols; Results 1 to 38 of 38 Thread: HCG Protocols Jan 17, 2020 · A couple of papers have been published to show that around 1000 IU in split doses is Optimal for getting intratesticular testosterone (ITT) levels back to normal after a fairly hefty 200mg/week dose of T-eth. if I inject HCG in the morning and fap at night, my load is bigger than my natty 3 day no fap load. You can supplement those with DHEA and Preg or you can just take HCG. HCG as a PCT with Paradigm Peptides Jan 23, 2025 · But there’s a catch with HCG: You can’t use it alone in PCT because it will cause suppression of LH levels. This Apr 19, 2023 · Get the facts about hCG for men, such as its benefits and warnings. Best you can do is get a spermcount and then decide if you want to freeze some. hCG and gynecomastia. The direct and indirect influence of LH / HCG on the testis has a significant effect on the majority of the cells within the testis 19. If you really want to get things up and running quickly, add hMG. Alternatively, you could run a fertility protocol involving a ton of HMG, HCG, & Clomid. He is doing HRT/TRT which is Testosterone Replacement Therapy/Hormone Replacement Therapy. The other protocol is a 4-6 weeks right before the start of PCT with 500iu 2x a week. HCG protocol, 2-2500 ius's 3x per week for 6 weeks + (consult with endo on the + naturally). Higher doses may be necessary for some individuals, but st no point should exceed 500 IU per injection. Yes, there are some users out there who do not fully come off steroids, this is what a blast and cruise is. It's why many test protocols are now every 5 days or splitting your T dose and injecting twice weekly. In PCT, HCG is used to simulate the effects of LH, thereby encouraging the testes to produce testosterone. Better safe than sorry is the general consensus. It can help give your body what it needs in order keep you going. I can also use it to bump up my e2 if I crash it. HCG is an injectable PCT. Sep 5, 2024 · Ever wondered how HCG plays a crucial role in post cycle therapy (PCT) after anabolic steroid cycles, promoting hormonal recovery and natural hormone production? This process is particularly important for restoring sex hormones depleted by steroids. Injecting the HCG both 2 and 1 day prior to injection gives a bump to your test production which is rapidly declined at that point due to it's half life. Do your homework, be cautious, and use proven protocols for AI's and hCG and you should be able to maximize safety and tip the balance of risk-reward in your favor. This therapy is essential to prevent side effects such as chronic hypogonadism and hcg is great bro it will help a lot and it will get your testes to a good size once again, hcg is also cheap, if you dont have a good source pm me and ill hook you up. Oct 18, 2016 · That HCG injection protocol is based on a once per week Test injection. Aromasin May 4, 2009 · As I mentioned above, hCG should be used for any cycle longer than 6 weeks. Going on Testosterone is NOT steroids. This serves to maintain testicular form and function. take anabolic steroids such as testosterone also sometimes use hCG to help prevent or reverse some of the side effects Feb 16, 2024 · Additionally, the duration of HCG therapy should be carefully considered. If you follow the protocol for PCT that puts the last day of HCG administration when synthetic Test levels are at about 240. Period without hCG was 0. Drop the Nolvadex and add hCG to your protocol. How to Run a Successful PCT Protocol Oct 30, 2024 · Post-cycle therapy is a specific protocol that bodybuilders and other athletes use after they stop using anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. I never liked AI because I would just yo yo from high to low, even with aromasin. Apr 6, 2010 · Can anyone point me in the direction for the most updated protocol for HCG use? There was debate on whether or not it was best to use during cycle to keep the boys there or wait till the test is out of the system before taking the first shot. A typical HCG protocol involves taking HCG injections for a few weeks after the steroid cycle ends, often alongside SERMs. The latter is expensive though, so most just stick with hCG. hcg is better if you take it every day vs 2x500iu per week. Atrophy started to occur 3 months later. 5mg aromasin twice a week. Mar 18, 2024 · Current protocols for the use of hCG in this manner involve administering 250 IU subcutaneously every 3rd or 4th day throughout the length of the steroid cycle. Jan 9, 2018 · Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) essentially holds only one valid major use within the anabolic steroid using community, and that is for the purpose of maintaining, increasing, or restoring proper endogenous Testosterone production. I will then be dropping down to 200mg test e for 10-15 weeks or until I have recovered and bloods are normal. Sure these protocols are expensive, but so are kids after all. Keep in mind I will be using sarms s4 and clomid Anyone have advice on a fertility protocol I could run to help achieve this? Currently I plan on staying on TRT while continuing to blast steroids occasionally. Instead, HCG should be used in the middle or late part of the cycle, and no later than the last steroid injection of the cycle. you shoot out a lot more. Enclomiphene vs. Its not an anabolic by any means and is used now more than ever to treat primary and secondary hypogonadism. I'm currently injecting 100mg test cyp EW, with 250iu hCG 2x/wk. Studies also show that 250-300 IU EOD is the sweet spot to keep your testes active at full capacity. Run hCG throughout and take maximum a week or two off hCG every 3 months or 2, and before a year run a hMG course like I did and get a spermcount before/after. Mar 16, 2013 · OP; the answer is yes but there are several means of decreasing the atrophy by varied HCG "protocols". The period of HCG use will typically be about 4 weeks. The HCG was stopped about the time the esters cleared so that estrogenic activity from the HCG would be reduced. " I Aug 7, 2011 · My guess is the study you're referring to is dated, and wouldn't be surprised if it was Crisler's protocol 10 years ago. It Jan 24, 2019 · Post Steroid Cycle Clomid, Nolvadex, Arimidex, Femera , HCG MuscleChemistry Post Steroid Cycle Guidelines for Keeping Your hard Earned Muscle Gains With Proper PCT Protocol. The purpose of this is to encourage your testicles to begin producing testosterone again avoiding unnecessary negative symptoms of low testosterone and low estradiol when you stop administering exogenous testosterone in the There are so many different opinions on hCG protocols out there, it's difficult to determine which one is correct. Generally, HCG is administered in doses ranging from 250-500 IU every 3-4 days, with individual needs determining the Mar 25, 2009 · The results indicate that hCG injections can be given every 6-7 days due to the prolonged steroidogenic response. There is lots of different views on this. The good: Increases total test and preserves testicular function/size. However that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re making sperm yet. It's become a trend in the online community to take hcg during cycle about 500-1000 mg per week. Aug 2, 2010 · If there was a successful stimulation of testicular T levels by hCG but an inadequate or no response in LH production than the patient has hypogonadotropic, secondary, hypogonadism. HCG is known to help you increase Testosterone levels. You do not want high doses as you want the testes to be functioning on normal LH receptor stimulation. After you come off the HCG your nuts will produce less testosterone than they would at the same LH levels. John Crisler’s “Crisler Protocol”: If taking testosterone twice a week, inject 500 IU’s hCG on the day before each testosterone injection. S and use Q3-4 days intervals to decrease the likelihood of testicular insensitivity from occurring with more frequent scheduling. Oct 4, 2015 · recovery window. Incorporating HCG into PCT protocols can prevent adverse effects associated with suppressed natural hormone levels, such as hypogonadism and depression symptoms. I've have noticed your repeated mentioning that a _SERM_ "as sole TRT does not provide the subjective benefits of TRT. It consists of: Anastrozole Weeks 1-14 @ . Nov 11, 2024 · 1a) get testes physically recovered with 4-6 weeks of hCG or SERM [suggest nolvadex, not clomid]. A properly structured PCT protocol is vital for hormonal balance and maintaining muscle gains. HCG protocols are all over the damn place I've seen 500 a wk I've heard of people get 5k at once. If you are using HCG mono therapy, as in HCG and nothing else then you can get bloods done on your testosterone levels. However, most of the Apr 26, 2024 · Use our steroid plotter to plan and plot your cycle or protocol and share it with friends. For the purpose of on cycle use, standard male HCG doses will normally be 250-350iu every 4-5 days throughout the duration of the cycle. Thread starter FuarkAll; Start date Oct 15, 2021; Oct 15, 2021 #1 FuarkAll Member. Semen analysis before going on were from 90 to 150x10 6, SA on 2x500 iu per week were at 20 to 25x10 6. I cruise whenever I'm not prepping for a meet, usually for 8-16 weeks. Jun 6, 2006 · HCG 1500iu after the last test injection eod for 3 weeks with nolva 20mg ed then 3 days later last hcg jump in pct with nolva 20mg for 6 weeks and clomid for 4 weeks first 2 weeks at 100mg then 50mg ED or: 3 weeks after last test cyp shot HCG 1500iu EoD nolva 20mg ED clomid 100mg ED for 3 weeks then only nolva & clomid to the end of pct An additional benefit of HCG is that it acts directly on the testicle, provoking a prompt response relative to indirect medications like CC that rely on pituitary synthesis of LH. 5mg/day DBol Weeks 1-4 @ 40mg/day Test E Weeks 1-10 @ 500mg/week Tren E Weeks 1-10 @ 300mg/week PCT will start on Week 13: Clomid - 150/100/50/50 Nolva - 40/40/20/20/10/10 Now my question is that I also have one amp (5000iu) of HCG. It involves a combination of HCG injections and other medications to help restore the body’s natural testosterone production. Have read up on this topic quite a bit, was wondering everyone's opinion on the use of hcg on cycle. hCG and LH share an identical α-subunit. Jump to page: Results 41 to 52 of 52 Steroids with Michael Scally, M. Jump to page: Results 1 to 40 of 41 Thread: Possible HCG Post-Cycle Apr 14, 2010 · The research of Michael Scally focuses on returning individuals to normal physiology after the discontinuation of anabolic steroids. When it comes to steroid use, HCG is used in post-cycle therapy to perform the same task due to the reduction in normal testosterone production activity. What's new the thing is hcg can not restore it 100% (in mos6 cases it can restore it enough for a baby) but it can prevent your loss in fertility if you use it from the start. The blood work was a month after stopping clomid and HcG. Signs That You May Need an Advanced PCT Protocol. Dr. hCG kicks in pretty quick, so you may see some improvement in your levels, but 6 - 8 weeks is usually better for blood work as levels due to injected Testosterone take longer to settle. Jun 19, 2019 · My urologist discussed HCg in case of testicular atrophy but he didn’t want to start my protocol right away including HCG. You are then inducing primary hypogonadism (which is permanent) while treating steroid-induced secondary (hypogonadotrophic) hypogonadism (which is temporary--hopefully). No one can assure anything. Oct 15, 2021 · Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment. In the simplest terms, the second half of the protocol is to determine hypothalamo-pituitary production and reserve with clomiphene and tamoxifen. So, whether you decide to take your HCG compound in conjunction with your steroids or for the two weeks after. All injection were subq, and balls were back to their size around week 2 of HCG. Part 1- Pre-restart (6-8 week duration) This stage is only required if HCG is not currently part of your TRT protocol. I just wanted some insight on people who have experience PCT with and without hcg. Scally has presented his medical protocol for the treatment of Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism before the Endocrine Society, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American College of Sports Medicine, and International Workshop on Adverse Aug 9, 2018 · And to be honest, HCG is superior to Clomid and Nolvadex in PCT but it has to be reconstituted and injected. Jul 25, 2024 · Incorporating an HMG/HCG protocol for bodybuilding can be beneficial for those looking to enhance their muscle growth and maintain hormonal balance. Hey guys I've been blasting and cruising for about a year. On the test only protocol, my total T was 970 at trough, with a 34 on the sensitive estradiol test. 5mg test prop per day 500 IU HCG MWF Week four: 5mg test prop per day 500 IU HCG MWF Week 5-8 0 test 25mg enclomid EOD Not sure if this is dumb or not but I’m trying for harm reduction here Jan 8, 2010 · Swales HCG protocol Swale's HCG advice by swale (MD / hrt specailist). Every month, 20,000 people like you use this site completely free. for some reason, bigger loads feel better. Some say EOD, others say 2 days & 1 day before test injection, some people like 2x/wk. You will see HCG being used a lot by experienced steroid users. FUTURE ADDITION :- 1/3 IU HGH x3 /week. HCG mimics luteinising hormone (LH), which is a natural hormone involved in testosterone production. This kept the atrophy away the whole cycle and kept the nati test running. It is advisable to start this protocol around week 2-3 in the cycle and continue till the start of PCT. HCG PCT Dosage. The successful ones involved 75 mg HMG/EOD, 2000-5000 IU HCG/EOD, & 50-100 mg Clomid/ED. No, Donut Op is NOT on steroids. This is especially the case for those that have had a lack of success following popular advice. He kept an eye on my estradiol levels. You may or may not have issues. Some feel aromatase is actually toxic to the Leydig cells of the testes. I have plenty of Nolva and clomid but haven't ordered any hcg yet. Jan 19, 2024 · The Interplay Between Testosterone, LH, FSH, and HCG Testosterone and sperm production are regulated by the pituitary hormones – Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). 1b)) If you start on hCG, time to switch to SERM [nolvadex]. Jan 29, 2025 · HCG can make you have high E2. Side Effects and Risks of hCG. Jan 13, 2005 · ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS; Protocol for HCG; Results 1 to 3 of 3 Thread: Protocol for HCG. Should I just add in the hcg to the standard pct protocol. I read this might have contributed to the revival of my sperm. Using multiple anabolic steroids or prolonged cycles. Current protocols for the use of hCG in this manner involve administering 250 IU subcutaneously every 3rd or 4th day throughout the length of the steroid cycle. For example, if the cycle ended with any long ester gear we will wait approximately 10-14 days before hCG therapy begins; if it ends will all short ester based steroids your hCG therapy will begin approximately 3-4 days after your final anabolic steroid administration. Antibiotics worked for me but then it came back with a vengeance and accurane was the only thing that worked. A week after I stopped the testosterone, I started HCG 1000IU 3 times a week, 20mg Tamoxifen every day, and 12. HCG and/or hMG are the gold standard for fertility while on TRT, so my advice would be to go with something that’s proven, rather than a SERM. PCT was a breeze, no mood swing, and strength continued to Anecdotally, hCG seems to help recovery, but there is no science behind it. Learn about the benefits, dosages, and side effects of his powerful steroid. Just stop hCG and start SERM. Using HCG supplement bodybuilding can also support your overall performance and recovery. Clomifene mainly just took it every fucking day until we conceived - but also HCG. 25 mg adex eod and 250 IU hCG eod. Luckily got the old lady prego at the fourth month after dropping the juice, then went to get blood work. Sep 14, 2020 · Regulating your hormones either during or after your cycle is a pivotal point of maintaining your gains. Injectable L-Carnitine• to upregulate androgen receptor density ( Dosage not yet decided ) but with similar pinning frequency. HCG gives me back my balls, my loads, and more importantly my dick sensitivity. LinkBack. One common dosage pattern is a 500 IU HCG injection on days 5 and 6, used concomitantly with a weekly 100 mg testosterone injection on day 7. However, if hCG was not used, then you will likely benefit from stacking one of the above listed SERM’s with the TRS. Had been using hCG since starting blast & cruise. However, HCG is effective when used with other compounds rather than alone. Once a week is a bad protocol for HCG. 6 days ago · Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a powerful, naturally occurring hormone that steroid users value for its ability to help increase, maintain, or restore normal testosterone production. You can include anabolic steroids, peptides, and pharmaceuticals. Current protocol includes 200 mg/week test c e3. The first phase of the HPTA protocol examines the functionality of the testicles by the direct action of hCG. I personally do better on maybe 5-600 a week. 94 patients from this study received hCG monotherapy with 5000 IU hCG twice weekly and experienced statistically significant increases in T levels at 1 and 3 months . Aug 31, 2006 · Pheezer: "You want to end the hcg the same time the Test clears your system" At what point is this? When does suppression end? I put Pheezer's cycle #1 in the attached spreadsheet. Now, I’m on HCG but he’s waiting to see if I will need an AI. Become a supporter today . If your test levels are within range (again, only using HCG) then that’s an indication that your testes are working/making testosterone. Jul 12, 2016 · Dr. originally posted at steroidology I advise my AAS patients to use small amounts of HCG (250IU to 500IU) two days each week, right from the beginning of the cycle. HERE is a good source for HMG, HCG, PCTS, and other Peptides. When I first read about this, I thought there must something wrong, I mean, lots of questions popped into my mind. I’m not sure if I mentioned this on the post. 500IU HCG* x3 / week ( MWF ) 50mg Clomiphene Citrate• x3 / week ( MWF ) Both injectables administered together in a single pin using a 31G insulin needle. Steroids SARMS eBooks. Videos. Dude STEROIDS shut down your lh and fsh production! Hcg mimics lh in the testes and keeps them active. . A high dose can send my libido surging for a bit. But in all honesty blasting right before pct dr scally style has worked wonders for me. You all know HCG is a pain with e2 management though. It was tested on numerous TRT and blast/cruise patients of a TRT specialist Dr. The only safe protocols for HCG are very low doses eod or moderate dosages twice a week. Started Nolva 20mg ED. Studies show the half-life is only 32-34 hours, so you really need EOD or ED dosing to keep levels stable. Does this seem right? My goals with HcG are mostly to avoid Leydig cell death and keep open the possibility of family for the However, please note; for 80% of HCG users, they will regain fertility. Like all other popular TV dietary compounds for bored housewives, HCG is a victim of marketing «experts». Pretty much all recommendations are either topical or oral accutane Dec 30, 2019 · Irrespective of whether your family is complete, or you do not wish to preserve fertility using HCG alongside TRT, HCG will help preserve testicular size and function 18. Forums. Protocols change as we learn things. Based on John Crisler's protocol below, it appears the best option is to do the 250 IU (and no more than 350 IU per dose) 2 days before and then the day before your TRT injection: In my previous report I recommended 250IU of HCG twice per week for all TRT patients, taken the day of, along with the day before, the weekly test cyp injection. I'm just curious as to the correct protocol to take HCG and when during Aug 10, 2020 · The famous “HCG diet” is based on just one study and works only on an extreme calorie deficit. The main things I've been wondering about are if I run HCG, should I run it during my blast or my cruise? And how often should I run it and for how long? Mar 11, 2012 · hey fm2002, good to hear you read that stickey, dude you need to really see about changing that every 10 day shot cycle,I'm sure if you have had a chance to hang out in this forum or read all the stickies you know you need to consider a more frequent dose schedule, others more knowledgeable than I could take a stab at a workable hcg regimen but really you need to work on that 10 day cycle TL;DR: No, hes on TRT which is NOT Steroids. Jul 14, 2024 · Krom--You have not noticed all the times I have stated that HCG as sole TRT does not provide the subjective benefits of TRT? I must confess that I've missed that point. I also ran 24 hour salivary cortisol test kits the day before each test, and the results were in range and not noticeably different. hpta will shut down if you use exogenouse test and no logner make the hormones that tells your balls to make test & sperm but hcg will do that instead, also if you take enough HCG Jan 4, 2012 · Hey guys, started my PCT of nolva 40/40/20/20 on Sunday. Reading some clinical Plot graphs and calculate levels for Anabolic Steroids, TRT & Peptides based on dosage & half-life. Started HCG 3 weeks before my last pin and continue until I used it all up. There are a number of protocols currently favoured in the medical community. Its structure is similar to the luteinizing hormone (LH), and it mimics LH's action in the body. hCG raises sex hormone levels directly through the stimulation of testis and secondarily decreases the production and level of Similarly, Habous et al. Some of the most popular post-cycle therapy products include nolvadex, clomid, and HCG injections . I read before this is a waste of HCG but he stated this method is more effective( at least for test C & 19nor which is in this case) Third-during those 16 days of HCG treatment 2 SERMs drugs were also used, clomid and nolvadex. You can start from scratch or get started by using one of our preset examples in the list below. Under normal circumstances, these hormones stimulate the testes to produce testosterone. Week one : 10mg test prop per day 250 IU hcg MWF Week two: 10mg test prop per day 250 IU hcg MWF Week three: 7. Nov 15, 2024 · Standard PCT protocols are often insufficient for longer cycles or higher doses of anabolic steroids. HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin aka Pregnyl) is a peptide hormone primarily found in the urine of pregnant women (although men also produce it in the pituitary gland) which acts as an analogue of LH (Luteinizing Hormone). At the three month mark I dropped clomid and HCG. John Mar 5, 2019 · HCG Levels and Testosterone Dosing Schedules. The first recognition of hCG as a gonadotropin was observed when human placental tissue was transplanted in rabbits and induced ovulation (7-9). These on-cycle hCG protocols were developed by Dr. Log in Register. The numbers are subjective because it depends on multiple variables and acceptable risk levels. You are off base here in my opinion. It is for this reason that HCG therapy has become a cornerstone in male fertility treatment. I had issues after a year. #3 - TRT and Polycythemia, Definition of Androgen Deficiency and the Role of SHBG, Injecting hCG, HPTA Normalization Protocol After Androgen Treatment Steroids with Michael Scally, M. The integration of HCG with PCT is crucial for long-term health and fertility. HCG is not suitable for traditional PCT at all. Like most fertility treatments, hCG may cause you to experience some side effects. For the second child who we conceived while I was on steroids I took Arimidex during the period we conceived. This protocol helps men experience the cosmetic effect of their testicles increasing in size and feeling fuller. The pituitary and hypothalamus actually respond and recover relatively quickly considering how long we keep them shut down, but the testes take the longest to come back to full production. Besides nice nuts, HCG serves a big role in helping the testes recover from a longer duration cycle of steroids, in that instead of taking weeks to build up in your bloodstream like nolva and clomid, it hits hard within 2-3 days (and is pretty much mostly gone at 4 days) and will get those nuts pumping a little bit of testosterone. With HCG, my trough was 1218, with a 68 on the sensitive estradiol. The difference between HCG and HMG. This will keep the testicles full throughout the cycle and may promote an easier recovery in the end. I agree with Dr. While some use every day scheduling others use QOD dosing.