How long after a breakup do couples get back together. Experts weighed in on the hard work a couple needs to do.
How long after a breakup do couples get back together You love that person, but you are not sure whether things will work out again or not. Because while we often go into a new relationship expecting it’ll Nov 3, 2022 · How often do people in long term relationships get back together? A breakup isn’t always the end of the road. Have kids together; Work or study together; Live together; Have ongoing commitments; In these cases, reduce contact instead of cutting it completely. It’s possible depending on the reason why you broke up. Once they can get flirty it won't take long before you can get them friendly again. There’s no formula for why getting back with an ex works for some and doesn’t work for others. Discover if rekindling love is right for you and learn tips to improve your relationship dynamics. ETA: Unfortunately. Regardless of the reason, honesty is always the best policy when this scenario arises. Okay, cool. Both of you might have made mistakes that led you towards separation. Establish a Date Night. Aug 4, 2023 · If you and your partner keep breaking up only to get back together again, you’re not alone — duh. Strong feelings often linger within the first 3-6 months after the split, and true friendship may be unrealistic for many. • 85% of relationships don’t survive after a partner confesses to cheating . Those 25-30 years old had the lowest success rate of getting an ex back. We highly recommend establishing a date night. They take a break for a set time. This is why "get ex back" is such a popular search trend on Google, and there are so many sites dedicated to Jun 10, 2021 · How Long Does it Take After a Breakup to Get Back Together Your Ex? In most cases, couples get back together within 1-6 months of the breakup. Consider Mar 5, 2018 · Couples who end long-term relationships do get back together. Whether a couple decides to get back together likely has more to do with why they broke up in the first place and how willing both partners are to reconcile. Jul 1, 2023 · Successfully getting together after a breakup takes time, effort, and patience. Sometimes you just want to send them a guide to a smarter breakup. i know i found the distance hard and so did he The statistics show anywhere from 10% to 72% chance of getting back together after a break up, which isn’t isn’t very encouraging if you want a 100% chance to get your woman back. It’s about your ex’s life which includes his or her understanding of who you were throughout the relationship, the things happening in your ex’s life, and your ex’s ability to process negative emotions. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. If they blame their exes for all their problems and think they're the victims, it takes them long (many months or even years) to start seeing their exes differently. Apr 21, 2021 · We all know that one couple with the classic on-again-off-again relationship. Types Of Breakups That Get Back Together 1. Sep 18, 2023 · Reconnecting after a relationship break-up can be a delicate process, as it depends on various factors, such as the circumstances of the division, the nature of the relationship, and the willingness of both parties to reconnect. 99) ‘Couples break up for all kinds of reasons. Why Couples Get Back Together After Separation? The reasons for the reunion are a handful. ) If you do end up getting back together, make sure you learn from the mistakes you Oct 27, 2019 · After a breakup, all most people can think about is getting back together again. Mar 21, 2023 · Allow room for change and new ideas. In fact, a hefty 60 percent of couples report getting back together again, per (opens in new tab)Psychology Today (opens in new tab). most couples don't get back together. The love came back, and eventually, I saved for a ring, got engaged (getting the engagement ring was a wild story within itself), and now we have been happily married almost for a full year :) Love can come back or stay even after a breakup :) Aug 21, 2023 · Those 25-30 years old had the highest rate of breaking up again within a year of getting back together. If you break up with someone and then get back with them and things go back to "normal" then the problem that initially broke you up is likely still there. The no contact rule psychology works in a way that even if she misses you, she will have a hard time letting go of her feelings of sadness. Mar 27, 2023 · After going through a breakup, getting back together may be very stressful. The statistic I’d like to see is how many people get back together and actually stay that way. Mar 5, 2018 · If you want to know how long after a breakup couples get back together, it depends on the kind of feelings they harbor and their ability and desire to let go of the past and want a better future. Yes, lots of people get back together. So, how to make a relationship stronger after a breakup? Trying to get the same intensity of affection back as before is not only hard, but takes a lot of time, consistency, and patience. "15% of people actually won their ex back, while 14% got back together just to break up again, and 70% never reconnected at all. Talk about your breakup, then figure out what needs to be done. Tl;dr: Tell me your SUCCESSFUL stories of getting back together with your partner after splitting up because of lonf distance. There could be anger, guilt, stress, and frustration. My ex bf broke up with me 3 years ago. Sep 6, 2024 · Licensed mental health counselor Katherine Ibis suggests waiting between 1 and 3 months before getting back in touch with your ex if that’s something you’re interested in. Getting back can happen but both parties should be able to give enough time to heal. Even after my relationship experienced a renaissance beyond my wildest dreams I still think most people who break up for sound reasons should, well, stay that way. Lets get some positivity in here :) Nov 30, 2022 · We found that around 15% of people get back together and stay together and around 14% of people get back together but break up again. But if you want to get back together, you should always start by asking yourself why you broke up in the first 28 votes, 14 comments. Some exes become regretful after a few days whereas others take months or even years to realize their ex's worth. And when they feel positive emotions, they feel drawn toward their exes and eager to reconnect emotionally and romantically. Sep 4, 2024 · How to Reconnect Following a Relationship Breakup. But after 2 months we were back together after i was heartbroken, 100%, i made promises but as i have come to understand by myself, i meant what i said but i was maintaining my innocence throughout, basically not blaming myself for a thing. However After 4 months of being head over heels for each other, it seemed as though we could not get along this particular week. Getting back together after a break up can be achieved by simply convincing your ex that you can bring them happiness in the long run. In fact, many couples do end up getting back together after some time apart. Avoiding the mess that’s an on-and-off relationship is ideal, but occasionally, like, very, very 13 votes, 45 comments. These are some of the most common reasons for a mutual breakup. Here Are 9 Reasons Why People Break up and Get Back Together Feb 14, 2024 · A couple shares what it's like to get back together after a divorce. And real, sustainable growth requires action . Apr 15, 2022 · Taking a break can actually be a good thing in a relationship. Apr 1, 2023 · Sometimes, taking a break in a relationship can help you gain perspective and help you decide how to successfully get back together after a break-up. The breakup was completlely amicable and mutual but… You might not get the response you want only because couples who have successfully got back together long term would not be subscribed to this sub. Getting back together after a breakup: Steps to take 1) The evaluation. Temporary breakup. ’ Although ending a relationship can be painful, a separation can give a couple space to work on personal issues that have been harming the relationship. • 43% remain in contact with a former partner . Apr 27, 2023 · Most of the time, the healthiest thing to do after a break-up is to walk away and not look back. Recent research out of Kansas State University (Vennum, Lindstrom, Monk, & Adams, 2014) offers insight into the Jun 18, 2024 · 4. Personally, I recommend at least 6 months of no contact. Archived post. First, consider why the couple broke up. My ex and i loved eachother but had stuff to work through so we'd split but of course because we still loved eachother we'd get back together relatively . The length depends on your situation: 1 week for new relationships (under 3 months) 2 weeks for relationships of 6-12 months; 3 weeks for most long-term relationships Nov 8, 2017 · Getting back together after a break up is possible if you surprise and seduce your ex. Aug 30, 2024 · Once the emotions settle, both partners may realize that they acted too quickly. Reply reply Jan 16, 2025 · What percentage of separated couples get back together? According to surveys, around 13 percent of separated couples get back together. Not all Jun 25, 2024 · Occasionally and against the odds, some couples are able to reconcile after a period of separation. And despite breaking up, I'd say most people who want to be friends with their ex usually initially hope that they can get back together. So we continued on until we hit a 2 1/2 year mark and then finally she said I can’t take this anymore and do you want to break up and I said OK let’s do it. “Are we back together,” I texted him on my way to work from the airport. FAQ What percentage of couples break up? (Hack Spirit) 70% of straight couples break up in the first year of their relationship. The time it takes dumpers to come back depends on what kind of thoughts, emotions, and experiences they go through after the breakup. X Research source If your ex repeatedly second-guesses the breakup and lets you know they have regrets, that's a strong signal that they want you back too. Getting back together after a break-up can work if you know what went wrong, and those issues are fixed before getting back together. If you just fall into a cycle of breaking-up and getting back together instead of communicating and fixing issues, you'll never heal yourself or your relationship. • 44% have gotten back together with an ex after a breakup . They reconcile just as frequently as short-term couples. Only couples who stayed together for a long time after getting back together are counted in this statistic. He was selfish back then. Once they reach the five-year milestone, the breakup rate drops to 20%. May 24, 2023 · How long after a breakup do couples get back together? How Long Does it Take After a Breakup to Get Back Together Your Ex? In most cases, couples get back together within 1-6 months of the breakup. Feb 9, 2023 · A good percentage of people get back together since the initial reasons and feelings for getting into a romantic relationship always linger, even after a breakup or ongoing relationship challenges. Breaking up and getting back together multiple times in something abusive is a mental Mar 13, 2018 · By the time I landed back in New York, on a grim, murky morning after a red-eye flight, I was feeling frantic. How Long to Wait. In my case it was for about 3 months. But first, you'll need to identify Sep 23, 2024 · The minimal time for trial separation is 3 months, but some couples extend it to 6-12 months. So many people in here are absolutely dying to get back together with their ex days/weeks/couple months later and it just isn’t viable 99% of the time. Aug 13, 2024 · In a relationship where you continually break up and get back together, your ex will likely come back to you soon. Jun 27, 2024 · Couples that get back together do so because they still love each other, want to make the relationship work, and there is familiarity, comfort, and history, or regret the breakup. 9. After breaking up it is an automatic reaction to cling on and want to talk all day and want to stay friends- you have good memories together and people naturally cling to what they know. Sep 18, 2021 · They might get back together after a few months of separation, but other times, partners move on and live completely separate lives for years before finding a way back to each other. Oct 15, 2024 · Even though it all depends on the reason for the breakup, a 2019 survey shows that most couples get back together six months after splitting up. Oct 18, 2024 · Ultimately, getting back together after a breakup requires more than just love—it takes vulnerability, communication, and a willingness to face the past in order to build a better future together. Is getting back together with an ex a bad idea for your mental health? According to relationship experts, the decision to get back with an ex is complex and depends on several factors, including the nature and quality of the previous Mar 12, 2023 · You break up with them (1 month) You don’t do a no contact rule after the breakup (1 month) *I believe this is an outlier; You have a long distance ex (1. Everyone makes mistakes, so just one mistake shouldn't ruin an entire long term relationship. Some people do, and get married and it’s awesome and a breakup is what made them stronger. Aug 29, 2019 · It's tough to part ways with a partner at any stage of a relationship, even in the early days. “Please don’t pressure me like this,” he wrote back. I think the question here is actually more complicated. Getting on the same page is the first step to rebuilding your relationship and getting back together after a breakup. Getting back together after a breakup is a common occurrence No, together for a year, broke up for 2 months, got back together after some changes and broke up again after another year together where all of the original issues gradually returned and more. Mar 6, 2022 · How Long After a Breakup Do Couples Get Back Together? Most exes reconcile within a few months of splitting up. If you wronged her, she would probably be angry with you for quite some time. Firstly, couples often gain a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and perspectives during the separation, fostering improved communication and empathy. c om ). Aug 29, 2024 · When two people get back together after a breakup, forgiveness is crucial. So i went through a super long on and off relationship and truly getting back together can work BUT you have to be 100% you are ready to get back together and stay together for the long run. Jan 30, 2024 · How Long After a Breakup Do Couples Get Back Together? The length of time it takes for couples to get back together after a breakup is highly individual and can be affected by several factors. . o (Hudson Street Press, £18. So if you and your sweetheart broke up and you’re trying to decide if you should give it another shot, consider the seven questions and thoughts below. May 26, 2022 · Note that one relationship expert (Chris Seiter) stated that for those couples that do get back together, only 45% of them work out. There are a number of factors that can contribute to this, including the desire to make things work, missing the other person, and realizing that they still have feelings for each other. This statistics only includes couples who stayed together in a long term relationship after getting back together. They still wonder if they’re meant for each other and if they should take the time to figure out what they want before they resume their relationship. This gives you time Mar 5, 2018 · But if the dumper feels so smothered and uncomfortable, then why do couples get back together years later? Couples get back together years later because they deal with unwanted emotions and feel positive emotions. A quick google search will show what I'm referring to Apr 1, 2023 · If you’ve got back together after a breakup, here are some healing relationship ideas to help you with the process of successfully getting back together after a breakup. My ex girlfriend and I broke up in the beginning of 2018 after having dated for a year and a half. Take a look at some explanations based on science that point out why couples who supposedly have sworn off each other get back together. A very good reason to have enough of someone i know. Getting back together after a breakup is a common occurrence: According to one study, nearly half of couples admitted to reuniting with their partner after breaking up. May 31, 2023 · In fact, a 2013 study found that over one third of couples who live together and one fifth of married couples have experienced a breakup and gotten back together. However, the good news is that the statistics above do not take into account the fact that men can now seek help online and learn how to get their woman back. The status of relationships with people who got back together with their ex differs. Have them listen to Romantic music or watch Romance channel while they eat. Didn’t work out. 2021 Breakup Statistics Reveal that 60% of Couples Get Back Together After a Breakup. It's possible to reignite a spark after ending a marriage, a relationship expert says. Everyone’s situation is unique to them. has anyone ever succeeded to get back in a relationship after a break up re-starting again as "friends"? Keeping my story… Sep 18, 2021 · They might get back together after a few months of separation, but other times, partners move on and live completely separate lives for years before finding a way back to each other. I waited a month and a half, until I graduated to get back in touch with her, had a nice couple hour skype session but she still didnt want to get back together. Sep 9, 2018 · Getting Back Together: The reasons for deciding to try again after a breakup really depend on the people involved – and not just the two people in the relationship. Of course, some partners Jan 11, 2018 · "Couples will often get back together after apologies — but an apology is not enough. But if you go through a breakup after ten years together, it can come with a new set of difficulties. If it was just one minor mishap, then getting back together is still reasonable. Aug 20, 2024 · In this article, we’ll explore whether couples get back together after a bad breakup, what percentage of couples actually reconcile, and what you can do if you’re considering a reunion. 5 months) You’ve been blocked by an ex (1. Here’s a chart with more details on this. Happy to win my lover back, Via dr_m ac k ( y Ah o O. We broke up when we first started dating then got back together after 6 months, just naturally fell back together after no contact all that time. Then we've been, atleast I thought, great until last Christmas due to so many things but really just stemmed from insecurities, unresolved issues from break up that was 4 years ago and we sucked at Aug 19, 2022 · After a couple separates, it is not uncommon for them to want to get back together. When you have reached the point where you know that the relationship is over, there’s almost no need to keep pushing things anymore. But 87% of those breakups occur when the couple is still dating before saying “I do”. Thanks for sharing your story! Feb 12, 2019 · Not every breakup is permanent but that doesn't mean every couple should or will get back together. Some couples plan to get back together from the start. This data points to the importance of understanding the underlying reasons for a breakup when contemplating getting back together. Your ex probably thinks that you are unable to change or at least that you won’t be able to make them happy in the future. Secondly, the dumper goes through shit tonn of guilt and regret. Taking a break from a relationship can sometimes be the best way to build a stronger union in Mar 5, 2018 · Of course, some couples also feel awkward after getting back together because they haven’t fixed the issues that caused the breakup—and aren’t sure they want to be together yet. • 20% of Americans have admitted to cheating on their partner . We wanted to find out how the numbers change when we cross analyze it with gender, age and length of the relationship prior to the breakup. Consider Oct 18, 2024 · 10 reasons for a mutual breakup. Many couples who break up this way end up getting back together. Aug 15, 2023 · A study conducted by the University of Denver found that couples who break up due to communication issues are 60% more likely to reconcile compared to those who split due to infidelity. It entails letting go of old grudges, resentments and urges for vengeance. It’s tempting to just jump back into your full-blown plan to get back your ex without thinking it through first. Why do some couples thrive after breaking up? Jun 10, 2024 · Get Ex To Fall In Love With You Again)…. Getting back together worked for us, but that doesn’t mean I have all the answers. Jan 26, 2023 · Research shows that about 40 to 50 percent of couples get back together after a breakup. Some people may enter a new relationship very quickly after a breakup, while others may take more time. Yet, they have to make sure they don’t end up in relationship cycling (“on-and-off-again” relationships) that don’t progress the relationship. IE 11 is not supported. Feb 25, 2021 · Hi, my ex broke up with me after 4 weeks of long distance – before that we had been together and lived with each other for the past 9 months (on our year abroad, we got together after a month of living together). The chances for success are higher if all the broken relationship patterns are fixed. Here are some general steps you can consider when attempting to reconnect with your partner after a relationship Nov 18, 2024 · Couples who break up get back together all the time, and when done with care, a renewed relationship can be happy and long-lasting. So we broke up and I felt relief she felt crushed. Paint a couple of flirty paintings and enable them so they can start flirting as soon as possible. Jan 18, 2025 · Some will use the “we can still be friends” rule to stay connected to an ex they want to get back together with, while others feel like it’s the civil thing to do after a breakup. 5. Sometimes people need to break up to grow, and when they get back together they are stronger than ever, thats usually how it works if they do get back together and dont rush shit. There’s no answer to this question that makes sense. 5 months) You go “all in” on the no contact rule (2 months) They break up with you (3 May 8, 2019 · But the amount of time since your breakup, and whether or not the problems have been solved, aren't the only things you should consider when you're thinking about getting back together with an ex. 5 years together. The percentage of married couples who break up and get back together varies depending on the study. 5 months) You act overly anxious after the breakup (1. Longer no-contact helps emotions settle. Once the two individuals have taken a deliberate reflection and have both figured out what they want with their lives, they might get back together Apr 30, 2013 · ‘A break-up is not diagnostic of future failure,’ says Dr Barbara Fredrickson, author of Love 2. It’s essential to understand that reuniting with your ex is not just about getting back together; it’s about improving your relationship and making it work. I think it’s best to date after a break up. Jan 19, 2024 · The one thing people tend to forget when their long-distance ex asks to get back together is the fact that you guys broke up for a reason. Some people also have terrible getting back stories. Jan 7, 2025 · • 11 weeks, on average, it time to recover from a breakup. If you truly want to be with them, you should have a trial period for your relationship. Get on the same page. Nov 15, 2024 · Most separated couples find it challenging to get back together because they carry baggage on their shoulders. If any of you suggested a break/space may be good before getting back together, how do you plan to tell them you are ready to get back? Dec 4, 2023 · What are the benefits of getting back together after a breakup? Reconciling after a breakup can offer various benefits, allowing personal growth and relationship improvement. Statistics based on couples getting back together after a separation show that while 87% of couples finally end their relationship in divorce after a separation, the remaining 13% are able to reconcile post-separation. In fact, long-term relationships have a higher chance of reconciliation than short-term relationships, according to relationship expert Chris Seiter. According to research, roughly 50% of couples who break up end up giving it another go. It happens ALL THE TIME. They might realize later that they still want to be together, but mutual respect makes it easier to try again. To preface, I do think couples can reconcile and find success after a breakup. (Though from an emotional perspective i completely understand the sentiment). I was trying to get through the rough patch, but he broke up with me However, some couples do get back together after a break up and go on to have tremendous relationships. Don’t get back together because you’re bored or that you’re afraid you will never find someone else. Jun 24, 2021 · Breakups are hard, but even though it can feel like reaching back out to your ex will fix things, Brenner advises waiting a while before doing so — at least a couple of months. Mar 5, 2018 · How to successfully get back together after a break-up? Getting successfully back together after a breakup takes a lot of time, space, and growth. Experts weighed in on the hard work a couple needs to do. I was heartbroken and it took me 6 months to get over it and move on. Aug 3, 2018 · Well, science says there is no surprise because half the couples breaking up end up giving their relationship another go. With my other ex of 3 years we would break up for a few months and see other people in between. It provides a formalized, scheduled time to connect on various levels, and it's a great tool to get your partnership back on track. However several repetitive mishaps or clear big issues like cheating are a problem. May 2, 2023 · In conclusion, long-term relationships CAN get back together after a breakup. The key to navigating these situations is learning to manage conflict without resorting to drastic measures. They might get back together after a few months of separation, but other times, partners move on and live completely separate lives for years before finding a way back to each other. so I just want to hear some stories from people that made it work after some no contact. However, I’ll share my semi-success story. Far from it. ” (A good place to start is reading what therapists want you to consider when getting back with an ex. They may save the relationship in the long run. You must have realized those mistakes when you were away from your spouse. Jan 30, 2025 · Rebound relationships do not have a set duration, and the length of time they last can vary depending on the individuals and circumstances involved. Sep 2, 2024 · All of these things can pull some couples back. Dec 2, 2024 · Women experience intense emotional pain after a break-up or during no contact after a breakup. Jun 25, 2024 · For some, however, breaking up and getting back together can become a pattern that might negatively affect future relationships. I got back with my ex. My partner (28M) and I (25F) broke up this week after 2. It enables you to start over, restore Jul 9, 2014 · Repeated Breaking Up and Getting Back Together Is a Problem Well After College. Mar 5, 2018 · How long it takes after a breakup to get back together varies for each ex-couple. Sep 2, 2021 · That’s why some people may want to get back together with an old partner, or to try and stick it out with their current one. 38. While this may seem like a high number, it’s important to remember that not all breakups are meant to be reconciled. A need for space Aug 20, 2024 · Approximately 40-50% of couples reportedly stay friends after a breakup, though success rates vary greatly depending on circumstances. 1. But maybe those wishy-washy romantics are onto something: Approximately 50 percent of couples get back together again after breaking up, and a new study suggests that the reason is that they were ambivalent about breaking up in the first place. And to answer your question actually. " from Google, not allowed to post external links in this sub. This is because of the investment of time and effort put into the relationship, creating a bond of familiarity and Aug 31, 2021 · Yet, in 2018, after finally watching a TV show that Kevin had always suggested about a couple that gets back together after years apart, Lucy messaged Kevin, and the conversation started slow. Some changes were good and needed. Both ex-partners need to understand that a successful reconciliation requires a new start rather than a continuation from where they left off. I feel it really helped us realize how much we wanted to be together but st the same time was always awkward when we got back and we were like ok who were you seein. Married couples break up and reconcile less, at 23%. Jun 3, 2021 · Don’t get back together because you’re lonely. There has to be growth," warns Fehr. My parents actually broke up for a year before getting back together, getting married and having children, and have now been married 30 years or so, so it really is possible! Just because you broke up once doesn't mean it's broken forever. We analyzed the results even further. Q: Can couples get back together after a long break up? It’s possible for couples to get back together after a long break up. Oct 24, 2024 · Explore 7 stages of getting back with an ex. Dec 10, 2019 · Ultimately, though, we answered the question of how often do couples get back together? In short, younger couples tend to break up and later reconcile 37% of the time. Jul 29, 2024 · Partners often stay on good terms. If you fall into the sort of "relationship churn," as researchers call it, you might be more likely to break up again–and repeat that pattern in future relationships. It all depends on how you use that time apart. Bottom line: As you can see, the percentage of couples that get back together varies somewhere between 37% and 65%, and it may depend on your age, whether or not you’ve been living together, and other variables. For instance, in 2013 study conducted by Amber Vennum (an assistant professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University) found that approximately 37% of couples living together, and 23% of married couples have broken up and then gotten back together again. Put one by their beds and one by their stereo. They must understand why the breakup happened, what they could have done to prevent it, and improve Together for 3 1/2 years, last year and a half LDR. About 50-60 days before closing the distance she decided to break things off. You needn't do something fancy or expensive each week. Consider Dec 15, 2022 · In fact, getting back with an ex is not so uncommon: One 2013 study found that more than a third of cohabiting couples and one-fifth of married ones have broken up before. Usually they are the ones to find themselves questioning (getting back together). However, even though it is done frequently, rebuilding a relationship after a breakup is not an easy task. Mar 5, 2018 · Remember that getting back with your ex after a long-distance breakup is not about the things you do. 3. Whether that reason was cheating, falling out of love, too many broken promises, or something that caused your break up, it doesn’t matter. You have gotten to the end of the road . It's about recognizing that while emotions are valid, they don't have to dictate the fate of the relationship. She does miss you Jun 29, 2017 · Getting back together after a break-up is not easy but it can be done. The more issues the spouses have, the more time they need to work through them. However, it’s difficult to measure the “why” 60% of couples get back together after a breakup. The family and friends we have around us when we’re going through a breakup really affect our behavior. The only difference between long-term and short-term couples is that short-term couples get back together because they weren’t emotionally ready for a relationship (weren’t over their exes yet and/or needed more time to process the past), whereas long-term couples return Oct 14, 2024 · Read more below for answers to questions commonly asked about getting back together with an ex after a breakup. And then she try to do a couple small things to get me back. How long should you be separated before getting back together? The average separation length before reconciliation is six to eight months, as per statistical research. And then most of those couples break up again shortly after and have to go through the same heartbreak all over again. tvgxr wyyegch vodfq ojhfpl ttkle vvurfb fjtnl qxkx flqr ysoa wxosq vqix olrirm fucop viwn