How to close current tab in chrome using javascript. For example, if you create a window with window.

How to close current tab in chrome using javascript May 14, 2010 路 Then you will be able to use the tabs API, you are looking for the chrome. If you have a rogue loop, pause the code in Google Chrome debugger (the small "||" button while in Sources tab). remove(tabs[i]. You can do so with chrome. This characteristic may not exist in all browsers. target); tab. hover() is the better choice: Jul 12, 2019 路 # New tabs will be the last object in window_handles driver. create({ url: url, });-----Here I want to add script to close the current page not the create tab thenew page----- }; }; I tried window. 馃殌 Free JavaScript Essentials Course! 馃憠 https://codewithbubb. The target attribute or name value of the window is given as _self. May 29, 2016 路 The ID of the tab. open you just have to store the new tab into variable and then use . close() is not working and even if task is completed when timeout occur the browser tab get killed. Below is an So we have seen how to close the current window tab using JavaScript close() method. close() // that tab closed Also window. The WebExtension polyfill can help with that, but it's outside the scope of the question. technomark. Jun 13, 2020 路 In this video, you will learn how to close a tab or window created using javascript. Jul 20, 2013 路 Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. >Tab ID can also be set to chrome. S. open(link); temp. chandu To navigate to the first tab in Chrome, use send control key actions. open('about:blank', '_self'); in a variable which by no means will close the tab. Open demo in a new window/tab Close current window if possible. Switch back to Chrome itself, open "Task Manager" (Shift+ESC), select your tab, click the "End Process" button. close() can be successfully executed in that new window. hidden works too, as others have written, then W3C considers it 'historical' and recommends using the former approach. And, of course, the usual way you close a tab in your browser will also work. chrome. close() to run immediately when the handler is set, and nothing to run when the onafterprint event is raised. You could either do window. close() method is used to close the current browser window on which the focus is set, on the other hand quit() method essentially calls the drive Oct 28, 2011 路 chrome. length; i++) { chrome. Jan 24, 2021 路 While doing stuff with selenium multiple browsers with multiple tabs will normally opens in order to close these tabs close() and quit() methods are used. If user click cancel button in the popup user will leave the website. The only issue is getting the timing right; your serverside could emit a script at the end that uses postMessage to trigger your extension's tab-closing code. close() method of this variable when you want to close it. If failed to close, put a overlay on top or remove all elements on page, or even redirect to another page. In first time to open Chrome or MS Edge browser, CHILD PAGE CANNOT close FATHER PAGE using window. allow_scripts_to_close_windows, true;' using c# or javascript? Please visit http://www. The HTML code for the buttons is as follows: Feb 6, 2016 路 I want to close my full browser using JavaScript. Aug 4, 2017 路 You can only close windows/tabs that you create yourself. html") use this script - <script> window. close() and also self. Otherwise, this answer will work perfectly fine with MV3. Unfortunately, it’s not the most intuitive process. close(); tab = window. Or can we make ' dom. Nov 25, 2013 路 I try to close my current tab after confirm so i put the following code at the end of my confirm button , but the tab doesn't close ! string jScript = "<script>close_window();</script>"; ClientScript. Due to security issues, this comment will not work in the Chrome browser. tabs. Aug 25, 2017 路 By invoking js. This way, users are given a choice to either close the tab or cancel the action. On Chrome or any other browser. close(). html that creates a tab, inserts a mailto to trigger a local (or gmail) mail event. Edge (44, EdgeHTML 18) will show you a popup requesting confirmation, but not sure for how long, as they're moving to Chrome too. close method for this, but window. manifest. href, a. The first function opens a new tab and the second function closes the same tab. onbeforeunload and if you are using jQuery you can use $(window). Sorry that I didn't find any way to open an url in new tab if the user's browser settings wont allow you to. function loadAdmin(a) { var tab = window. or maybe to run the new page in the previous tab without close it. When the page in different tab will be loaded, I want to close my webpage i. . close() }) The issue was that the browser duplicate tab facility messed up the enforcement. aspx for more information. Jul 25, 2016 路 If you have to use the same page as the action, you cannot use onSubmit="window. If I could ask the virtual assistant to close this current tab, I would be returned to the virtual assistant browser window. It works on New MS Edge, should work on chrome also. Tab IDs are unique within a browser session. following are implementations Apr 12, 2019 路 Use callbacks, and be aware that the actual callback execution happens after the rest of the calling code. close(); should be window. window_handles[-1]) # close the tab driver. Sep 15, 2022 路 FATHER PAGE opens CHILD PAGE using Javascript code:window. All these actions are considered by the browser as the same action. Window. // And yes, we do need to open it twice. Ctrl + 1 is the shortcut, followed by the close tab action to close the first tab in chrome browser. toString(). client receive the response, process the action, eg. querySelector("#test input"); closeBtn. May 28, 2015 路 From my webpage, I am opening a new page in different tab. gu Apr 8, 2015 路 First of all, selenium does not provide a reliable cross-browser API to work with browser tabs. close(); is working for IE and Chrome but in Mozilla it shows the error: Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script. close() and the focus goes to tab_3 but I want to shift the focus to tab_1 instead. Sep 1, 2022 路 If you will to close the tab you've created with window. open. If you wanna to use chrome. Confirm with users before unexpectedly closing pages. I already used Feb 5, 2019 路 Close the current tab and open a new tab using JavaScript. target); return false; } </script> Nov 30, 2015 路 I ask because I am building a virtual assistant in the browser. e. open() statement? Sep 21, 2021 路 Hi @Kumaresan R,. I thank you for your help. Dec 17, 2015 路 Note: window. window. Jan 23, 2019 路 Your #2 premise is likely false. In JS for you to close a window, that window needs to be opened by the script. Instead, you can instantaneously open and close a window within the current tab: window. exe process) the active Window (using WinAPI); Send a key combination to select the desidered tab (it should already be selected); Send a key combination to close the tab (CTRL + W, for example) Just an idea. The tab that I opened the browser first time cannot be closed, then I try again and it works again. Hey @Hazem. executeScript("window. open () method. close() or var win = window and then win. close() method if you include the // @grant window. Method 1: Using window. Aug 11, 2012 路 Is there a way to retrieve all the tabs open and sort them in to an array in Chrome? So if Gmail and YouTube were open, there would be two entries in the array entitled "gmail. close Apr 25, 2012 路 Tested in Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Can i use the chrome. Nov 12, 2014 路 I am trying to write a JavaScript function that will work on Firefox 5. I've tried numerous things, but it Apr 21, 2021 路 That said, the "Close current window" button should work on all the tabs/windows except possibly the original one. <script type="text/javascript"> // Stupid script to force focus to an existing tab when the link is clicked. close(); I can't close it, but it works again when I try again. close; The former assigns the result of window. id. Now, when pageB will be opened, I want to close pageA. getCurrent will run into race conditions when called in short order from multiple content scripts. tab. query(). query({active:true,currentWindow:true},function(tabs){ //'tabs' will be an array with only one element: an Object describing the active tab // in the current Dec 29, 2018 路 Very simple! on print page (In my case it is "print-page. Improve this answer. The code would look like: chrome. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Mar 11, 2022 路 @usantosh The below code works for me:. id); } }); But I don't know how to add the condition for current tab in order to current tab stay Aug 23, 2011 路 and when I click this button, I want to close Browser (not the current tab but "browser" in Android Browser, IE, Firefox, Chrome etc. close() the window needs to be opened by your script. I've searched around and found a method: window. For you to use window. That is, you cannot programmatically close a window/tab that the user creates. There is “Close tab” Activity is there. Jan 19, 2023 路 We will learn to close the browser window using JavaScript in this tutorial. open(''); setTimeout(() => newWindow. What Nithinkrishna is asking is if the Tab is site specific. Hot Network Questions Role of Causality in SEM, via an May 19, 2012 路 I'm looking to achieve something like Wordpress does when you create a new post. The JavaScript close() method is supported by all the major modern browser. An easier way to do this is to send a message to the background thread. top. htm'); } function closeOpenedWindow() { openedWindow. location. open('', '_self', ''); //open the current window window. Suppose users have opened your website in 2 tabs and don’t want to allow it, then you can close one tab automatically using JavaScript. Assuming all of your tabs are on the same domain you could try something out with a shared web worker MDN - SharedWorker to detect which pages are currently active/ Nov 21, 2022 路 i want to close the current tab but when i use window. Jan 17, 2012 路 You can only use the window. My question is: Is there any way to close Android Browser using Javascript? Nov 10, 2016 路 Basically, the end result would be like this: the first tab is open, a link on the page which is open in the first tab is clicked (with middle mouse button or something similar to that, just to make it open in the second tab), link which was clicked is opened in the second tab and then the first tab is automatically refreshed. Perhaps you could display some sort of message or overlay to suggest the user moves tabs. Dec 7, 2015 路 javascript detect browser close tab/close browser. In this v Jul 30, 2020 路 Am trying to close chrome browser windows using tampermonkey but am not getting desire result fully. For example, my script (which is triggered when a button with id = 'close_page' is clicked and if 'yes' is pressed on the browser popup) looks like: Aug 2, 2024 路 In this article, we will see how to close the current tab in a browser window using JavaScript. But by saving this handy one-liner, I haven’t had any issues! Jan 10, 2022 路 return function (info, tab) { //do a job it will open a new page // Create a new tabto the info page. close but it did not work please help me to close the current page . close tab. RegisterClientScriptBlock(this. – Oct 2, 2019 路 The window. Source Code for the Demo. Apr 29, 2022 路 Then I do some work on tab_4 and after clicking on the submit button, I close the current tab using window. addEventListener("click", ()=>{ window. It's my desire for it to then close itself. The variable win knows which window to close. close () method. To close a window or tab that was opened using JavaScript, call window. Note- It will close the current activated tab. close(url); } Feb 25, 2022 路 Hi @Rohit_Nandwani. close() and also var win = window. so in chrome and firefox i use this code in a browser_action: May 14, 2021 路 I n this tutorial, we are going to see how to close the current tab in a browser window with JavaScript. 1, a generic string not under the control of the webpage will be shown instead of the returned string. 0. close() method can only close the tab opened using window. This, is the close() method: window. In my extension i must get the current tab url, to perform an api call. The window that Now you can see what the code executes and how it executes. You can also redirect to some other site or a random URL and have a script close that. To get the selected tab of the current window, you can simply pass null as the windowId . For example, the following will close the current window/tab. For example, Firefox displays the string "This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved. So actually to make it work you need to be sure that window with that 'close' button was created from another window programmatically and not by user navigating via some links, etc. I don't want them to close the window till they have submitted it. The second one does not. – Aug 18, 2022 路 I want to use javascript to close tab in chrome, but I found that the first time I open the chrome browser,and I use javascript code as below. getCurrentTab won't help you". So you can use it. Dec 28, 2016 路 I'm workin on an extension that transfers the html of the element as a text and then rebuilding the element back using innerHTML. And apart from this above option, the best way you can handle such cases is by creating sessions with no activity timeout of may be 25-30 mins. You have to dinamycally output a JS snippet that closes the window after the SQL data is processed. Jan 16, 2010 路 By using the Chrome plugin TamperMonkey however we can use the window. close(), but it works when exists several pages in the same time and same browser instance. For example you can create a window using window. But the tab won't close. Just pass any data you've filtered from the URL into the message to background. open will open the new tab according to the user browser settings only. query({}, function (tabs) { for (var i = 0; i < tabs. I need the page to fully load, and then close. Defaults to the current window. open() method. Jul 15, 2014 路 My application should support IE, Firefox and Chrome and my code works fine on IE and Chrome but it is unable to close the first window on Firefox because of "Scripts may not close windows that were not opened by script" warning. these method get called even when you refresh the page, and you can not differentiate between unload and refresh of tab. close();" as it will close the window before the response is received. onunload or window. reply back to the client. I tried this jsFiddle - Dec 30, 2009 路 Make sure to run this in contentScript. query() and chrome. there both tab seen current tab and blank tab @evolutionxbox Close current browser tab on button click, using Mar 11, 2024 路 In this tutorial we will show you the solution of JavaScript close current window chrome, here we needs to use open(), close() available methods in javascript Jan 30, 2014 路 I have a logout button on which if user clicks, browser tab need to be closed. self. This is important as it makes the URL replace the current page. So 15sec timeout is like a workaround to catch only the browser close or close of all the opened your app tabs (and skip refresh/F5). It makes use of the fact that a duplicated tab has no name. close() method closes the window on which it is called. Customize the closing experience with fades, callbacks etc. var closeBtn = document. close(); but its not working in any of the browsers. It looks like you're very knowledgeable about chrome extensions so i want to consult you as I'm a total beginner, I want to make an extension that will close a youtube tab after the video has ended and that tab isn't focused for over a minute. Dec 19, 2016 路 If you desire to close the active tab in the current window, you may need to obtain that information first. This works perfectly for me :) Note : Never use href to open the page in a new tab. Follow answered Aug 10, 2014 at 13:36. javascript open popup before closing the current tab. opener. If that's not what you want, you certainly didn't make it clear. Clicking the Close button doesn't close the page. close() } </script> It will close the new tab when the user clicked the print/cancel button! Tested on chrome and works fine. switch_to. close() to programmatically close the current window/tab. close() method in JavaScript. The user's session expires and so the page refreshes with an expiration message and a Close button that does window. tried Jan 6, 2015 路 Some regular chrome based browser may be controlled by chrome debugger protocol, If browser open with flag --remote-debugging-port=***,I have used the tool cyrus-and/chrome-remote-interface on github and call the CDP. Feb 24, 2021 路 its not working on mobile browser Google Chrome. in/Close-Current-Tab-In-A-Browser-Window-Using-JavaScript. This will cause window. Oct 2, 2021 路 Conclusion. Oct 30, 2019 路 Is there any way to show popup when close the browser tab? In popup there should be a button to see more and when user clicks that button user should be redirected to the see more page. I found the extension in the store: Close All Tabs. com". To close popup window you need to locate it somehow or save the reference to it in the JavascriptExecutor context. But if I open a new window using javascript, then I can close this child window with javascript. onafterprint = function(){ window. ready(function() { Dec 14, 2022 路 Hi @rsr. This message includes the sending tab as the tab Dec 20, 2014 路 I have a function called in popup. close(); } But so far all it does is open the new tab, but doesn't close it. Nov 23, 2024 路 In this guide, we will explore the top three methods to accomplish this alongside a user confirmation dialog. open() instead. remove method to do that? Should i do anything more beforehand in order for this to work. Use window. Aug 24, 2015 路 How I will close the tab itself. Now, I would like to close FATHER PAGE from CHILD PAGE using window. open() and using that handler you can close it as well. None of your code snippets comply with this. There is a method in JavaScript available that allows you to close the tab for the current window. It would however be far more elegant to use another page as the form action. Oct 23, 2021 路 window. open() you can close it with window. The alert works when I uncomment it, so it seems to be just the remove line. Nov 4, 2013 路 Only if you open a new window using window. Example: let message = { type: "fetchVideoDate", id: getVideoId() }; where getVideoId() contains an execution of window. close() To close a tab with user confirmation, you can leverage the built-in window. Oct 18, 2013 路 CLOSE | Chrome Tab | Javascript. It only uses OS functionality to open an URL, which works exactly the same way as if you click on a link in a third party program, e. open(); //new tab opened newWindow. You could do this by adding a dynamic selector in the Tab Title Anchor, and indicating the X as the element. I tried searching on google and tried everything but still got the error Jun 12, 2016 路 But with some javascript(as you have used) since it runs on the users browser. Thanks:) Apr 9, 2018 路 If you are developing a chrome extension then you can use the chrome API to close a specific tab which will should work in every case. Convert all your cookies that need to be destroyed into sessions with timeout. This isn't ideal, so . Hope that clarifies how to get the DOM elements from the current page** Jun 21, 2017 路 I am working on a Chrome extension where we can share the current URL of tab or window, which is active. close(); win. getSelected(windowId, callback) method. At some point the user stops using the application and it sits idle. close function when you have opened the window using window. com" and "youtube. Jul 8, 2020 路 You can use window. Sep 2, 2019 路 In this tutorial, you'll learn how to close a browser tab (or whole window) with JavaScript. Dec 27, 2023 路 Use window. TAB_ID_NONE for apps and devtools >windows. close(); } If you're trying to close a tab that's not opened with robotics, you might be able to create a "catch all" web page in your web adapter that matches any web page that opens in Chrome. js and not in the background. So, how can I change the focus of the current browser to a specific tab which I opened using window. close() # switch to the main window driver. window(driver. close() the browser says ` Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by them `. Jun 18, 2020 路 I want to create a Webpage which is used to conduct online examination so if user switches to other tabs, the examination must be ended after 1st view and current tab must be closed. Oct 2, 2021 路 Sometimes you need to programmatically close the current tab in JavaScript. Nov 14, 2018 路 I'am trying to port a chrome extension to microsoft edge with the microsoft edge extension toolkit. Close this open window using the close() method: The window. Soley Soley. Note: This function can be used without requesting the 'tabs' permission in the manifest. I have tried with the following method: window. I hope you'll like the video and leave your feedback and suggestions for Sep 10, 2010 路 onClick="javascript: setTimeout(window. tabs then pass message from content_script to background script and play with chrome. unload. close() works in chrome too. If you close all tabs, the window will close as well. close() does not work by itself in most browsers. Duplicating the tab will get you a new id for the new tab, since the component will mount again and the effect will run, overwriting the previous tab's id Mar 23, 2011 路 Edit July 2022: This answer was originally written for MV3 users. I am sending a message with the time, from popup. If so, you can use a workflow which selects and closes that specific Tab. Nov 1, 2017 路 Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Explanation: In your code you're referencing window. json Feb 20, 2017 路 Is it also possible to close an active tab (html or php file) which is not open by javascript but located on the same folder? Any advice or codes how to do it? var activeTab = null; //set activeTab Jul 5, 2021 路 Mozilla won't let you close a tab unless it's opened by the browser. What I'm trying to do is: var temp = window. Nov 5, 2012 路 @R. Suppose I am on pageA and I opened pageB using window. I have already seen the window. close(); } Jul 25, 2024 路 The current URL can be accessed using the l ocation property of the window object. GetType(), "keyClientBlock", jScript); Oct 25, 2013 路 In Firefox (67), Chrome (73) and Opera (58), you can only window. close() You can only close windows/tabs that you create yourself. 0. query({ active: true, lastFocusedWindow: true }, tabs => { let url = tabs[0]. open('','_self'). Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I used window. so its very May 3, 2017 路 There seems to be ‘close browser’ option only in UiPath. Sometimes you need to close the current tab from within your app. The returned tab will not necessarily be the tab of the requestor. How to display popup with custom HTML on browser close tab using Oct 8, 2010 路 As of today, using all the latest versions of browsers, prompt works when closing tab, navigating away or closing browser for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE11 and Edge and also works when you have multiple tabs opened except for Chrome where Chrome closes all tabs without prompting, well on my machine at least. Short example: const newWindow = window. create(object createProperties, function callback) Creates a new tab. close();//closes the current browser tab Level up your programming skills with exercises across 52 languages, and insightful discussion with our dedicated team of welcoming mentors. js to background. By way of background, my app opens a browser, interacts with the caller then I need to close the open tab. I have found examples to close all tabs, for instance: chrome. close() but seems to only work on IE. Apr 21, 2021 路 How to Close a Window with JavaScript. Dec 16, 2016 路 Since browsers cannot distinguish such cases: browser close, close of a tab, and tab refresh. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. url; // Do something with url }); The lastFocusedWindow property is used when you want to access the current tab that the user is focused into. close function but it does not work for my case because it only closes what was opened through window. Chrome Browser not closing current tab using Javascript window. Apr 30, 2013 路 is there any way to close a tab on CHROME, Firefox and IE from C#? I believe that I can accomplish this via JavaScript but I do not know how to call a JS from my C# application. Use async/await and/or Promises. g. Nov 19, 2009 路 All of the examples here (with the exception of rockacola's) require that the user physically click on the window to define focus. close() - This will also will not work in your case. onload = function { temp. Make sure you have already called the print interface using this method - May 19, 2015 路 The webbrowser package cannot directly interact with your browser. I simplified it leaving the function I needed. I am having a bit of trouble with obtaining the currently active URL in javascript. If you want to detect whether the tab is visible to the user, use document. close(); window. This assistant will open new tabs, at which point the current tab would be something like a Google search. You can add some logic here, eg. Aug 26, 2015 路 Thanks a lot, the first one works. open(). " Aug 10, 2012 路 It'll run the effect after mounting and set a unique id for the current tab in session storage, which is storage specific to the tab. Edit: better make it 10ms delay - with 1ms Chrome doesn't close the window. close() does not work with "href" . Oct 23, 2018 路 I want to make the extension for google chrome to close all tabs except current. Share. This code is inside the ExecuteScript block: function closeWindow() { window. close() windows that were opened by another script (not by user) - you can try that by running the command in console. If you want to close a child window from its parent you need to store a reference to it, e. I assume it's something about tab. This will only work in Internet explorer. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. open(url,'_blank'); this. window_handles[0]) Mar 2, 2020 路 The user opens a tab and starts using your application. Jan 20, 2016 路 Also; Chrome windows can't exist without a tab. Jan 2, 2021 路 This question says you need the tab's ID to close it, so I want to be able to get the ID and then close the page (seems I need to pass a message to the background page). : Aug 26, 2013 路 Please be aware that chrome. ). Sep 30, 2015 路 As already stated, you can only close windows/tabs that you previously opened yourself. Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera supports this method. – Mar 15, 2021 路 server stores generate a tab connection token and store the session. Under some >circumstances a Tab may not be assigned an ID, for example when querying >foreign tabs using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present. open(), so I use the following function: function close_window(url){ var newWindow = window. open('moreinfo. To make this, we will use window. close() to onafterprint. Dec 17, 2013 路 I am writing a chrome extension that when clicked, will close the current tab after a given amount of time. For example, if you create a window with window. an office or PDF document. I want to click on a link and make the open chrome tab (that my page is opened in) to close. window. You will get the Aww Snap message and then you can reload (F5). Activate([options],callback) method to switch the browser tab. My current scenario is if i am clicking a link in the current tab using Sep 27, 2017 路 var newWindow = window. Although document. The code below forces a signon page to appear in the duplicated tab if they duplicate a signed on session. close in the UserScript header of TamperMonkey. This solution was tested in Chrome. json: { &quot;background&quot;: { As you say it is not possible to close a tab that wasn't opened with window. open('', '_self'); window. Question in title. close doesn't work because it doesn't know what to close try this //Global var to store a reference to the opened window var openedWindow; function openWindow() { openedWindow = window. I cannot use the regular window. close. Sep 7, 2016 路 I'm new in chrome extensions and i'm trying to create a simple extension that close current tab if match an element class. Feb 12, 2021 路 I need to close an existing open tab from the current tab if i click the link in chrome using angular 7. 1,766 1 How to close current tab using javascript? 3. open() will the new window be able to close using code as I have mentioned above. If your extension opens a tab, it should be the only script able to close it, in the usual way. so if you wants to make sure that it will close that tab then first activate that tab and this activity only supports browser variables so pass it. Basically what I'm trying to do is to force the users to fill the form and submit it. This method is used to close the window which is opened by the window. Parameters **createProperties** ( object ) **windowId** ( optional integer ) The window to create the new tab in. close()"); you are trying to close the main window, not which you have just opened. If that's what you want, you might as well close windows, not tabs. Nov 25, 2021 路 chrome. close() You should know that window. This is my code in content script: $(document). Update: I was researching this issue along with some recommendations. You might think to use the window. Aug 25, 2015 路 window. open API's May 9, 2018 路 Open the URL with a specific browser (Chrome, for example); Make the browser (the <browser>. open (). Resources Answers Examples Feb 9, 2010 路 Is it possible to block users from closing the window using the exit button [X]? I am actually providing a close button in the page for the users to close the window. If, after that, you edit the post and preview it again, rather than opening another tab, it refreshes the previously opened tab (provided it is still open). close, 10);" I can only guess that once the window closes (which happens before the hyperlink is followed) Firefox stops processing that page. It allows you to preview your post by opening a new tab. K mdn mentions: "Starting with Firefox 44, Chrome 51, Opera 38 and Safari 9. Apr 29, 2019 路 Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Nov 23, 2018 路 I would like to know how do I close the current browser window using javascript or any other language that enables this. Here's my current extension: manifest. A common approach to open or close a tab (although not quite reliable) is to invoke browser shortcuts for Chrome: open tab: CTRL/COMMAND + T; close tab: CTRL/COMMAND + W; In protractor, find the body element and "send keys" to it: Oct 22, 2016 路 When you use this code it always open new tab, I want that when you call to this code it will see if it was a previous call that open in new tab,then it will close it and the new call will be opened in new tab. visibilityState to perform the check (a read-only property). close(), 1000); This example shows how to create new window and then close it after 1 sec. onafterprint = window. In Google Chrome: What you need is just window. 2. Apr 4, 2019 路 Yes, JavaScript can close the current window, but bare in mind that if the browser has other tabs open, the browser won't close. js. the code works when there is time out condition occur , it kill the tab but the 2nd condition where task is completed then window. close (``, `_parent`, ``); Nov 20, 2014 路 Here I'm trying to close a single tab using javascript, but it doesn't work in chrome ver 38 (works fine in ver 28). open(a. Jun 26, 2022 路 I'm trying to close all tabs except the active one. If you're looking for a MV2 answer, see above. Simplest Way to get the current Tab Id? or "why chrome. open('','_self'); window. ekvbdfm ksipn asshr qiigdaz cjaosn cshsw sappp dvlcg vcxyecma aogy xbals yqhu kvfca oxwqm nkrcn