Mcneel rhino attach surfaces So that the cylinder could rotate 360 degrees on a short Nov 29, 2024 · Hello everyone. The profiles may lay elsewhere, in any Feb 19, 2021 · Yes, I can convert a rhino surface to a mesh if required before exporting. I personally would keep the 0. Typically the result is warped, distorted, or doesn’t stretch to fit the entire surface. Now i wanted to laser cut those tringle and for that i need to first lay all the triangles flat in one of the plan (XY). This situation appears to be very random Feb 22, 2024 · Hi folks, I’ve searched for some direction on this but suspect I don’t know the proper terms and haven’t found what I’m looking for to create a set of Grasshopper instructions for it. 3dm (1. After you have split your surfaces you want to fill in the gap you just created with BlendSrf. Feb 24, 2022 · This is a pretty standard task. Hope this helps Sep 25, 2013 · If I copy an object, all surfaces appear when rendering the viewport. What I want to do is to make all the blue into one surface, project them onto the curved surface, and make them a thin solid, like a lasercut board material. Create surfaces. step files where not all objects have the same unit system, all units are converted to match the Rhino file unit system, and objects are scaled appropriately. Some of them are overlapping and could be erased or merged into others . The difference is the script Aug 28, 2024 · This works on non-planar curves and points and in theory will also work with surface control points. It’s a pain (and not always possible) to trim using unjoined curves, but I need those edges unmerged. This then throws off all my logic downstream . I know in 3d sims images are mapped onto curved surfaces, I need to do that in Rhino and then draw lines and curves over the images. ) Is there a way to prevent that from happening? It’s a huge time-killer. The above problem arose because I have two curves in same elevation. Joining does not change the underlying surface geometry. Dec 1, 2020 · Hey guys, Good morning. Its a Ghplayer file. We have to apply detailed solids to surfaces, so I’ve been trying to use flow along surface, but I’ve been having a ton of trouble with it. ConnectSrf only provides edge to edge connection; however, in my case, I’m looking for edge to surface connection to imprint my extension on surfaces’ face. But here is the rough idea. A dialog box will warn you if the units do not match. The Oct 13, 2019 · I’m a mathematician new to Grasshopper who is trying to use the ImageSampler to paste an image onto a parametric surface. However, if you like to have a full control over the new surface, I recommend you to build new input surfaces with far less control points, because the current one is overly-complex and leads to generating adjacent surfaces with much more control points than necessary. In Rhino 8, if you explode a box, none of the surfaces show isocurve. I would now like to delete any surfaces that are overlapping (see image). Trying Decal but it doesn’t seem to have an option that would work. There are lots of options for sending color and surface information via IGES. stp mesh file… It’s from a professional scan of my project. I attach a photo of an Item run bronze that I want to produce a model off where I can change the words. yigit (Yigit) March 28, 2021, 10:22am 3 Create a surface through the intersections of objects and points projected toward the construction plane. So the script would work like this: selecting 2 or 3 surfaces generating intersection lines that extend it over the edges of all surface to make splitting possible split surface delete the intersection line would help me a lot in my complicated foam subtraction process of my wooden frame. Ideally I’d like to engrave our logo on that surface, but if I’m limited to using stock fonts, that’s okay. Feb 25, 2019 · As said previously, I’m on a tight deadline for a client and need the seating area offset for foam integration (5cm and 3cm foam layers) and create the wooden frame where to attach them. From the File menu, click Open, Insert, Import, or Worksession > Attach. Oct 31, 2016 · Hi I’m trying to extrude a surface. Yeah, I’m not sure but I don’t think you can “loft two surfaces together into a solid” per say. No gamma settings - these are photographs of people. I think this is a new feature in Rhino 8. They don’t join up with the outer vertical walls either… I wasn’t aware of the EdgeSrf command and so created the edges by using the “Surface from planar curves” command. Whenever I have a surface in Grasshopper and right-click “Set one Surface”, it won’t let me select my surfaces in Rhino. So I want to fix it by cutting off the two parts and rebuilding those parts with reference curves, how do I rebuild two surfaces by preserving the shape and the tangency at borders while at the same time Oct 16, 2024 · Hi folks, I’m sure this is going to be super simple for many of you here, but I just can’t find the right command to interpolate a smooth join between two hollow solids of different shapes… in this case a round pipe to a square pipe so I can get a custom joiner 3D printed. Polysurface means multiple surfaces… You can actually also unroll the whole thing but some of the edges have to be unjoined. I’ve found that intersecting the surface with a series of parallel planes to make contour lines helps visualize the smoothness of the surface. So I get rid of the thickness of Apr 17, 2023 · this is my work I need to convert this mass to surface in order to attach it to a code, I have tried the merge 2 surfaces at a time didn’t work, tried converting edges to patch, didn’t look similar to my mass since it has waves. I have used SW for many year and I will say I did not realize how new things can be so hard to learn. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Notice the tiny area of the upper surface that contains a left-over that the user have to cut additionally. (I don’t know if this is possible. Sep 25, 2013 · If I copy an object, all surfaces appear when rendering the viewport. -Pascal Apr 1, 2021 · Just beginning with SubD and I need to interface SubD with NURBS, as in I’ll have a NURBS surface ending at a 3D curve which can have 90 degree or other angles in it. More information Attribute User Text is exported as AutoCAD xData. Currently when I grab a surface there are 10 to 12 that I have to select. In regards the to the appropriate category in Revit, most landscape architects typically use Revit Floors as the best way to create landscape hard paving elements, as it allows us to add structural layers (i. thank you marvin Dec 24, 2024 · I’m using a clipping plan to cut through an open poly surface. You can join surfaces and polysurfaces that touch at naked edges. 3dm (8. Aug 28, 2024 · This works on non-planar curves and points and in theory will also work with surface control points. How do I ‘glue’ a text object to a surface Importing a . May 15, 2019 · I attach the file with the base and target surfaces as you asked. May 20, 2024 · I have two simple 4-sided surfaces in my model: When I look at the UV, they appear to be the same, and the normals appear the same as well but when I select them, their gumballs are opposite: and then later, when I try and do things with them in Grasshopper that depend on the ‘top’ edge, I get different results for them. step file in a format that supports units and tolerances does not adjust the units and tolerances in Rhino. enter enter and it should create a surface that is merged. I have attached it maybe someone can have a crack at lofting it and give an explanation on how they Mar 16, 2023 · My attempt was to import an shp-file via Urbano and create a bunch of surfaces. I have tried doing subd sweep 2 rails on the subd edge curves and joining them, but when I did the analysis, it shows that there’s naked edges. Controls the clarity of the material. However, currently, only one of the faces of the cylinder is displayed, and the top of it Jan 22, 2015 · If surfaces are joined in Rhino (open polysurfaces) that also will organize the surfaces in the IGES file. Feb 2, 2024 · If I join two surfaces together, all (G1 or greater) edges become merged (even edges that remain naked. Creating a SubD surface will create rounded edges. Apr 5, 2021 · It says “Unrolling doubly curved surfaces will produce inaccurate results. ByCurves. Transparent clarity. Here’s an example that shows how this works: Makes the surface reflections fuzzy. Minor deviatio Mar 28, 2021 · decals, or move the text to the surface. Sometime I want the surface touches at some point, or a fixed curve shape , my old way is to draw a curve that meet at that point and do the surface again. Patch doesn’t give a consistent result delaunay mesh in Jun 18, 2018 · I’m having trouble extending simple surfaces in Rhino 6. Using Version 5 SR6 May 16, 2014 · Must be able to then view the curved surface with the image on it in ortho views. Is there any command that allow to select the all the randomly flying object with different angle and put them flatly on one of the plan xy or xz or yz. Select the fillet surfaces that you would like to merge in order. Rhino has many tools for constructing surfaces directly or from existing Nov 29, 2023 · I have made a mass model of a building and have divided the exterior walls into 4x5 surfaces. When you open a non-3dm file and save the model, its filename will be the default 3dm filename. Gradient hatches are exported as gradient patterns. I have my mesh model (which is very inaccurate and needs to be remodelled from scratch) transformed to SubD as a base to create a single 0 width surface which I can then transform. Jun 29, 2016 · Hi guys! I’m pretty new to Rhinoceros, and is running into the problem of using Loft command. I have imported a simple 10’ boat design I have sketched in SW that I’m hoping to loft and create flat patterns for. When looking at the cut area, a new surface has formed automatically by the cutting tool, blocking my ability to see into the geometry. However, I’ve been trying to do something for work, very unsuccessfully. c. Since the shp-file has an ID stored with each surface, I wanted to look through an excel-file and find the row, that contains this ID and save the information of the table header and the according row for each element as key/value-pair in Rhino. For surfaces that are perfectly reflective, such as mirrors and chrome, use 100% polish. In Vectorworks the 3D Models have a surface, but as soon as I open them in Rhino I Mar 13, 2015 · After importing a model I found I could not join several surfaces. I’ve designed a small object that has flat surfaces. That’s the general idea at least. When everything is joined, you may have one or multiple polysurfaces. I have tried using network curve but it does not take. It might be nice just to be able to disable that if you need to. Unfortunately the 3D_Model I have from the twnts are a sketch up fil which I can’t open in Rhino, because it’s to new. Thank you. This workshop thoroughly and efficiently moves through the Rhino user interface, curve, surfaces, control point editing, and solid modeling. To understand how a texture in a material is assigned (mapped) to a surface, try it out with a simple plane. Maybe someone could do that with GH or something. The objects’ control points have to be active first, but they can either be pre- or post selected. I have followed several step-by-step creations and have succeeded. Thanks ( I attached the file ) points on a surface2. 01 tolerance and then use the _JoinEdge command, or if that is not acceptable, I would rebuild the surface(s). Thanks Jan 11, 2024 · Hello, I have modelled the Geodesic dome and have triangular surface around the sphere. I usually rely on the _Orient3pt in a similar fashion like what @Tom_P used in his example above, but instead of using the “Tangent from” snap, I simply pick the 3rd point on the surface to be oriented and when it’s time to set the 3rd point for the target I press the Tab key to lock the direction and use the opposite side of the projected vector. If I rotate the view, surface visibility changes depending on whether the surface rotates to the back or front. Attach pic shows everything, what I need to explain here,I need to do Green or Red part separately unroll. This series is a prerequisite to Architecture Level 2 and the classic Level 2 training. Since one has fillet edges applied, it doesnt let me blend. The latter is sometimes frowned upon by the Class-A purists here, since it will often give you some fairly complex surfaces, but in this case it might just fit the bill. I also want the discs to deform to the surface. The cylinder gets classified as GH_Surface type, and I need to convert that to a Rhino. Im included the reference - an xray machine head xray machine. What I am trying to get to is to be able to merge co-planar faces in a Jun 14, 2018 · excuse me for being new at Rhino, I am learning to make boat covers digitally and on this flybridge cover I forgot to measure one section at the back of the flybridge so have mirrored the cover from the opposite side. I have a feeling it is because the shell is a trimmed surface. Pascal… I am stuck, I need some official McNeel tutorials on Decals and Planar Mapping and Texture Mapping. I have a issue where I am exporting a surface mesh to a Free!ship hull and it exposed alot of mesh naked edges. I tried later with Squish and FlowAlongSrf, which resulted in the texture covering more of the surface I need, but deforming too much, I show what I mean in the photo below. I think the fact that the surfaces I’m applying to are curved is making it more Jan 28, 2025 · Hi @RANE Well, you could either use Sweep2 with the closed end curves as the rails and the open curves as the sweep shapes - or you could give NetworkSrf a go. I often use Sweep1 profile curves to edges, like on car body parts, which can have very arbitrary angles. the front part Dec 28, 2024 · Hi there, I’m new to Rhino as I’ve become interested in boat design. Is there a way to manually create a corner on a SubD face? Mar 22, 2016 · I am fairly new to Rhino and am importing point cloud scans into rhino to create a surface that I can work with and analyze. I attach Rhino file. I am using a grasshopper script for the surface division and the deletion of the overlapping surfaces cannot happen before the surface division. You might be able to create the same what a Decal does just by extracting a surface and using a texture with an alpha channel. Typically, proficiency with these Rhino skills allow Rhino users to excel and develop more advanced skills, build a greater understanding of advanced concepts, and continue advancing in their knowledge of 3D visualization. The offset seems great except of the boundaries. I have matched the grid of Nov 23, 2024 · Hello everyone, I’m a university student from South Korea, and I’ve hit a major roadblock in my Rhino modeling process. Right now there are some points that have to be corrected and I don’t know how to do it. I also have this very Nov 5, 2016 · (can’t upload file since it’s clients) but, when importing iges file to rhino then joining surfaces couple of surfaces could not be joined Is this like a tolerance setting issue? Also, I wanted measure a distance, but could not catch a tip of a curve (tip of fillet edge)of the imported file. the paver, the crushed rock it sits on, filter fabric etc…) which is revealed when we cut a section. The latter allows a better control over the desired shape, because it has far less control points. for text you may have to use the draw order bring to front etc. Select a set of curves that represent the stations in a shape. Cosmas Jul 17, 2023 · Okay, Here is a thought for merging Surfaces that are at least planar in one direction… You will be able to break it and it still has some bugs to work out. I made an outline curve of the model and section curves and I thought that would be enough to create a smooth clean Jan 29, 2025 · I’m speculating here without further info but perhaps “Split closed surfaces is checked” image 364×240 4. Oct 8, 2024 · Hi, I’m very new to Rhino. I want to 3D Print a Camp Site for my thesis. Oct 27, 2015 · I want to take these discs, which have some thickness, and attach them the wavy surface. Please post the Rhino file Nov 13, 2024 · TL;DR The Rhino 9 WIP as of today has a new feature: Multi-sided Surface Patches with the new command MultiSidedPatch. The difference is the script Feb 1, 2021 · The general idea is that you want to trim your surfaces back by whatever method works - either by using Split, or by drawing trim curves right on your surface, or by using a trim object like a plane. Until you run into this condition I described during modeling. 1: I want to split the mesh into 3 connected meshes (to make it easier to grab the surfaces). I never had this problem with Rhino 5. I discover that infact we can control the surface edit point, by the following steps: have section curves of same style To open, import, insert, and attach a file as a worksession. I have matched the grid of Jul 17, 2023 · Okay, Here is a thought for merging Surfaces that are at least planar in one direction… You will be able to break it and it still has some bugs to work out. Jun 19, 2023 · Hello, I am currently working on this model in Rhino. When reading . Edit surfaces with control points and by changing the surface structure. 8 MB) Rhino sets that variable based on the Rhino unit system to 1 for inches, 4 for millimeters, etc. 1 KB) Thanks Dec 10, 2024 · Hello! It’s probably been answered and in a very simple way, but for some reason Im unable to blend two surfaces seaminglesly. 3 MB) Q1: Is it possible to UnRoll the blue object so that I have 3 surfaces instead of 9? Or can I unroll it into 1 entire flat surface? Q2: If the only way to UnRoll it is in 9 pieces, I want the “pipes” (lavender layer), to meet/connect at each edge of a surface. The curve information is copied and saved with the shape. I inconsistently have to enter either a positive or negative value to get the surface to extend the way I want it to. The *. Feb 8, 2024 · The other surfaces are not locked. Nov 6, 2024 · Hi, I’m new to rhino and I’m trying to make a connector part for some square tubes for 3D printing and I have a pyramid like shape that I need to add thickness to, I tried OffsetSurface but because I need the thickness to be added on the inside it creates a lot of overlapping surfaces which I’m not sure how to fix, could someone please help to suggest a fix for this Thank you Dec 16, 2019 · Hi all, I have a surface generated with the “curves network” command, the isocurves of the surfaces are converging in 2 points, and by work requirement, I need to avoid those cases. 5 KB) Aug 23, 2024 · Hi Group I can’t seem to get auto c-plane to attach to a circular surface that has been made from a revolved sketch, which has segments? see image 1 below but if I delete the surface and create a new one from the two curves it creates a single clean surface, and the auto cplane works with it? see image 2 & 3 below is this normal behavior? can I do anything to simplify this? is it a bug? Certifications are a way to test knowledge and competency in Rhino software and in 3D visualization. Lower values model materials like certain plastics and the sanded surface of frosted glass. I’ve spent hours experimenting with different workflows, but the results are not working as intended—Zebra analysis shows broken Aug 20, 2016 · I think I’ve seen this before, but I can’t find it - I want to attach an existing profile curve to a surface edge. This problem just cropped up in the last week. This command lets you to select a set of 3 or more curves and/or surface edges that form a closed outline, to create a smooth* multi-sided mesh or a trimmed NURBS patch fitted to the multi-sided mesh. If I do it as it is now the file is going to be huge! and hard to work with. ) Oct 13, 2019 · I’m a mathematician new to Grasshopper who is trying to use the ImageSampler to paste an image onto a parametric surface. Is there anyway that I can prevent the surfaces from exploding when unrolled? I need to unroll surfaces with curves on them in the right location without the surfaces exploding … the surfaces are formed by lofting two polylines and at the moment, the unrolled surfaces are exploded where the vertices Nov 22, 2022 · Hello, I really need help with creating an organic surface using outline and section curves. Add control points to a curve or a row of control points to a surface. Oct 11, 2024 · Regarding attaching (or wrapping) objects to a surface, most approaches found on the internet involve unwrapping the surface into a flat plane and placing objects on it, then using the flowAlongSrf command to “flow” them back onto the original surface. 3dm (230. Therefore I would subtract the 5/3cm from the overall shape but resulting surfaces wouldn’t be interconnected and trimmed. When I use Loft, Rhino creates surfaces that fills inside the gaps between the curves within same elevation. 3dm (2. I need to be able to create a surface from parametrically defined points and then get the colors from an image to go with the vertices on the mesh of the surface. It will need to bend into shape I realise I may not have used the correct terminology but i’m learning Mar 28, 2021 · decals, or move the text to the surface. Apr 8, 2024 · Hi everyone, I have two complex subd surface that I want to turn it into a wall. However when the rhino points are moved in some configurations the polygon lines cut back on each other and this causes more than one surface to be produced. Does anyone know a command for this? I’ve looked at previous topics for help and I believe FlowAlongSrf is the closest I’ve gotten, but I can Jun 10, 2024 · Hi, I am offsetting a planar quad mesh (nothing fancy, just sphere subdivision) that results in planar offset faces. Thanks in advance! Leon Dec 14, 2024 · Depending on how the 3D surface is shaped the morph will shrink and/or expand different areas of the planar surface according to how Rhino has set up the 3D surface’s control curves. May 17, 2022 · Hello Guys, I have a problem with setting Surfaces in Grasshopper and Rhino. Sep 15, 2016 · Pavilion. All i need to do is to join to surfaces together. Jul 20, 2015 · I made a surface using grasshopper and then offset that surface and when I offset the surface I went down or inward if you can see the file. 1 KB) This script works the same as the filletsrf command - just pick 2 surfaces that you want to connect by a fillet. ” I’m having a bit of an issue with unrolling doubly curved surfaces in Rhino, I tried with Unroll surface tool,Unroll UV ,Smash,Squish but it won’t help me. Jan 12, 2025 · I am using Rhino 8. Changing this setting can increase rendering time. TheItem is 12 cm in diameter and 2 cm thick. Though most of the surface isn’t transparent at all (only some of it is. How do I make this a closed geometry because I need to use this geometry to boolean difference a To open, import, insert, and attach a file as a worksession. Unfortunately extendsrf command fails to extend for some reason I really didn’t understand. Feb 1, 2021 · The general idea is that you want to trim your surfaces back by whatever method works - either by using Split, or by drawing trim curves right on your surface, or by using a trim object like a plane. Oct 13, 2019 · Is there a splitting script to split at the intersection on to surfaces. Heightfield Create a surface based on gray-scale color values in an image file. Jul 14, 2024 · I used two ways to create the blend shape: one with a single blend surface and one with several blend surfaces using split bottom circle. This is also a problem whenever I trim a surface with a joined polyline with G1 or greater continuity. 3dm (4. Defines the shape as the intersection of a Rhino surface and a bounding box. I would like to imprint on one surface. How can I fix these gaps so I can join the surfaces (blue and orange). Oct 30, 2024 · Construct and modify curves that will be used in surface building using control point editing methods Jan 10, 2024 · Hello! I’m modelling an existing building in Rhino 7, and our professor wants the bricks to be individual objects. 2 MB) voronoi 2. What are best tools to join such surfaces? Nov 28, 2023 · I have tried the loft in several different iterations and surface to surface extrusion etc. Jan 23, 2018 · Hi, Is there a way to join to co-planar trimmed surfaces which meet at a point? I have a definition which is creating a polygon from rhino points and then creating a trimmed surface from this. I think the problem lies in that the offset overlapped the surface with itself several times and did not trim itself automatically. However, I am new to Grasshopper, so I need help applying it to my surface and extruding it. Dec 13, 2024 · I am trying to modify a collection of surfaces to smooth out bumps. Hope this helps Nov 14, 2024 · Cases like this are better handled by the “Blend surface” tool. 0 KB) Apr 29, 2023 · For those Rhino users who use the FilletSrf command and would like the process to be a little less tedious here is a Python script that will make strings of fillets that expands FilletSrf capability when filleting tangent surfaces: FilsrfEX. Like this maybe more ZBiasFactor will be not needed. Aug 14, 2014 · Hi Dakotabird- Step should come in solid if it was exported as solid; Iges imported stuff, assuming all the surfaces are in place to form a solid and edges are clean and within tolerance, will form a solid if you Join the surfaces. I am trying to get the attached jpg to display on the curving surface in the attached Rhino file - like a billboard but not flat. If I mirror the object and render the viewport, the front surfaces are not visible, while back surfaces are. Add knots to curves or surfaces. The ConnectSrf command extends or trims two surfaces to where they intersect. 2 MB) Dec 20, 2024 · hello, i’m trying to create this surface… (top and front view) can someone give me some tips on how to approach it? i’ve been doing it by extruding the top View curves, and then cutting the extrusion with the front view curve… then deleting the extra faces Oct 29, 2024 · Hi, what is the best way to get the points to follow the Design of the surface and not a rectangle over it? I want the points within the surface. I see many people in videos do it and all of my colleagues can do the exact same thing but for some weird reason I can’t. Using Version 5 SR6 Dec 24, 2018 · I attach an image here to visually explain what I mean. 42 KB I don’t know why it would be limited to geometry in a bathroom though. I have created a basic cylinder (not sure if it’s a surface cylinder or not) and I would like to place two images (jpeg) on it’s surface. My main topic and for what i´ll use GH most will be to create patterns on surfaces like this one for example: this is what i got right now ^^ : I just can´t get further by watching tutorials and stuff and I would be very pleased if someone could help out here a little. I’ve SEARCHED, Googled, and pushed every button and still can’t figure out how to do this one simple thing. So I went into Vectorworks, because that is the other CAD Programme I have on my computer and exported it into DWG. Tried wirecutting but the whole surface dissapeared. but I think its because they are not flat planar surfaces. Rhino Model Base Point is exported as AutoCAD Base location. gh (8. well, i have stared to use this software few days ago, my objective is to have a printable texture (printable means texture with adequate volume) on just a top surface of the solid box, rest of the phase needs to be normal. The objective of my project is to use 2D cross sectional curves to reconstruct the 3D surface model. Oct 1, 2024 · One of the squares you see is a surface. 2: Once I have selected the surfaces I want I cannot extrude them… What I need to do is have another layer on Feb 14, 2020 · If you want to unroll the curves along the creases of your polysurface together with your surface, you can select those with a click while holding CTRL+SHIFT. How can I see / make them both the ‘same’ (vague word I know Jan 6, 2021 · Hi, I am very new to Rhino (and very basic skills) I am an artist and I want to create a model which I can then produce bronzes using the lost wax process. Feb 15, 2022 · I appreciate the interest. The problem here is that the bottom surfaces of my panels are not Aug 13, 2015 · To assign the material to individual surfaces only, use _ExtractSrf so you have seperate objects. Unfortunately I can’t seem to join the new panel to the main cover. I’m running into a problem of trying to figure out how to make my “bricks” wrap around these cylinder & cone shaped surfaces. How can I simply pick a profile, and align the profile to the angle of the surface? (rotate, perpendicular, tangent etc). This behavior did not exist in R6, the last time I was doing similar work, and would instead cut through the geometry without generating additional surfaces. In my file uploaded here, the surface is a sphere, but that’s just for practice. Light rays go completely through this surface without illuminating it and illuminate surfaces behind it, but the surface remains dark. Minor deviatio Dec 8, 2024 · I mean if you could accurately capture that as a single 4X4 degree 3 surface, great, but if what you’ve got accurately reflects your “design intent” I frankly think unless your job involves making models for stamping molds using software that is not Rhino for a tiny number of clients in one industry–and even at that I’d bet it’s just what they do because it’s what they do–the Oct 21, 2024 · To make sure that wires are not hidden by display meshes of surfaces, they are slightly drawn in front of the surfaces. All inner surfaces are always visible. Cant find any. I found this pattern script on here for a facade I am trying to recreate. overlapping surfaces. Current Process I import the point clouds and hide all the point clouds other than what I want surfaced. I’m working on my PC right now and It doesnt even work on my Jun 28, 2018 · Hi I am using the attached GH component for unrolling surfaces/breps with curves and points. Pick two surfaces near the edge to extend (blue area), or at the side to keep (red area) if the surface will be trimmed. Mar 10, 2016 · I’m pulling my hair out. You can also scale first and move the sub surfaces upwards. You can join meshes that do not touch ( disjoint meshes ). I untrimmed the surfaces and now I can see there are at least two places where there is a gap between the surface edge curves. Steps. I choose arbitrary points on this point cloud Oct 18, 2024 · I’m new to Rhino and Grasshopper and have just started a project where I’m building a shoe. Thank you 🙂 offset. yigit (Yigit) March 28, 2021, 10:22am 3 Jan 7, 2020 · hello everyone, I am a research student, i had never used rhino 3D before. Defines the shape as a set of curves. This is the closest match to what is actually exported to the GHS file. Select a surface. rene1 February 14, 2020, 11:01am Feb 7, 2024 · Watching one of @Rhino_Bulgaria’s videos recently I learned about the ReplaceEdge command which seems like a nice solution for when a untrim gives back too much of the surface, however I haven’t managed to find any tutorial videos for that feature, and when I tried it on something I expected to work, I got this: Yes, that curve isn’t exactly on the surface, but even when I extruded in Mar 1, 2024 · Joining the 2 surfaces works now Note: this is done here for academic purposes to prove a point, but I wouldn’t do it in large multi-component or multi surfaces file. Dec 9, 2024 · Hello again, We have “show curve edit point” command, but we don’t have “show surface edit point command”. I am looking for help to possibly create a script or find a more efficient process than what I am doing to surface. Is there a way of insuring they connect before I FlowAlongSrf? Or if I have to FlowAlongSrf first, how can I Aug 10, 2015 · Let’s say I have a bunch of co-planar surfaces/trimmed surface that can be joined together, how do I merge all of them into one trimmed surface without interior edges? For example, lets say I have a bunch of square surfaces laid out in a grid, how do I turn them into one large square with no edges in the middle of it. Apr 13, 2016 · The edge surfaces of the flanges should be simple planars surfaces - I don’t know how you made those but they are overly complex. I am not an expert on Grasshopper. I’d like to create objects whose planar faces are scaled smaller but without changing the dimensions of the original object, so that the resulting object has voids where the original edges were. I tried doing bridge but it says I don’t have the same matching edges. Apr 7, 2021 · Dear Gijs, Thanks for answer. Is there any way to prevent this and have a clean boundary? Any solution rhino, grasshopper or code would be helpful. Click Open and configure the settings. ) Hoping to find out if this is just the way Rhino works. Jun 18, 2018 · I’m having trouble extending simple surfaces in Rhino 6. Sep 27, 2017 · Hello Rhino friends, I am sort-of a newbie at Rhino. To have an option not to redraw the wires in front of the surfaces. Some of my experiments here with surface control points made Rhino go into a spin with creating meshes in shaded mode - but it eventually finished. (find image with prospective view only) (this image is not a solid body its a poly surface and Feb 2, 2024 · If I join two surfaces together, all (G1 or greater) edges become merged (even edges that remain naked. I can create a NURBS surface to attach and QuadRemesh it but that may or may not create the required corners. Display curve and surface control points. 3dm (115. I loaded a . Here is how I created the model in the picture: For each panel I drew a bottom and a top curve, then used ‘loft’ to connect them and finally used ‘offsetSrf’ to add a thickness. All surface creation commands in Rhino result in the same object: a NURBS surface. obj file appears to be empty. Oct 21, 2024 · To make sure that wires are not hidden by display meshes of surfaces, they are slightly drawn in front of the surfaces. Export as STEP for SolidWorks, or export as Rhino V4. A surface is like a rectangular stretchy rubber sheet. I’m trying to create the upper part of the shoe using the Sweep2 function by selecting the top and bottom rails along with the corresponding sections. For example, in ghost view Rhino 7, if you explode a box, all the surfaces will show isocurves. I have been trying to use Flow along Surface but they do not attach. Geometry Mesh in order to further manipulate the data to be a windows mesh object. I’d like to make a new surface from the modified contours, but can’t find a good technique in Rhino or Grasshopper. The trimmed NURBS patch is typically similar or better than the outcome of Jan 16, 2023 · Then either press ctrl and drag the green arrow to move the origin of the gumball to your green plane and scale the surb surfaces with the green handle and a factor of 0. So I get rid of the thickness of Apr 29, 2023 · For those Rhino users who use the FilletSrf command and would like the process to be a little less tedious here is a Python script that will make strings of fillets that expands FilletSrf capability when filleting tangent surfaces: FilsrfEX. I understand that Rhino tries to split the latest filled edge surfaces perpendicular to the edge, but in this Apr 16, 2020 · Hey all, I’m an architecture student working on a project for school. After countless attempts, I still cannot achieve the desired continuity and smoothness in my surface using Blend Surface (G3 continuity). In the dialog box, select a supported file type. ) Jul 16, 2020 · Hey! I’m currently writing a c# script to take a Grasshopper Surface Cylinder as the input, and display the image in a windows form. I’ve been sending color information by IGES to CAM and CAD programs for about 18 years and never had a problem. e. How do I disable this for open poly Nov 13, 2014 · Hi! Im having problems joining/merging multiple overlapping assymetric surfaces. Is there a plug in that converts the polysurface to surface??? mass. However, I keep ending up with a twisted surface at the front, and I’m not sure how to fix it. py (40. The NURBS form can represent simple shapes, such as planes and cylinders, as well as free-form, sculptured surfaces. I tried running the intersect command so that I could trim and do it like the boolean FAQs talk about, but when you run Jun 4, 2020 · Hi there, i´m just started to get into GH this week and it´s quite hard for me to catch on. Named CPlane in Rhino is exported as Named UCS in AutoCAD.
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