Oncocytic carcinoid tumor. Feb 23, 2024 · The mean age at diagnosis was 60.

Oncocytic carcinoid tumor Our purpose is to describe associated and coexistent diseases of gastric carcinoid tumors, the unique biologic behavior of these tumors, the appearance of these tumors on fluoroscopic and CT images, and the radiologic management of these neoplasms. We discovered 7 cases from the 80 carcinoid tu … Immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy confirmed the diagnosis of oncocytic carcinoid tumor. Urinalysis revealed no abnormality. doi: 10. After lobectomy the patient has Feb 7, 2023 · Hürthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland is an unusual and relatively rare type of differentiated thyroid cancer. He had no significant medical history. Hürthle cell cancer accounts for only about 3-10% of all differentiated thyroid cancers; therefore, few institutions have extensive experience with Hürthle cell neoplasms. Carcinoid tumors of the larynx are exceedingly rare neoplasms. Oncocytic thyroid carcinoma displays higher rates of somatic gene variants and genomic chromosomal loss of heterozygosity than do other thyroid cancers, and it harbors A 13-year-old girl with an oncocytic carcinoid of the nasal cavity and a bronchial carcinoid of classical type appearing one year later is reported. 3%. 6%. 3 years; 90% presented as palpable mass; 24% had a family history of thyroid cancer. Recurrence occurred in 6. The carcinoid (neuroendocrine tumor/NET) of gastrointestinal tract has demonstrated significant biologic differences depending on their anatomic location within the system , and given the variety of histopathological features seen in pulmonary carcinoid tumors, it would be reasonable to hypothesize that lung carcinoid tumor is not a Oct 18, 2021 · Major WHO NE tumor types include typical carcinoid, atypical carcinoid, small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), and large cell NE carcinoma (LCNEC). In oncocytic types, large granules representing giant mitochondria can cause concern about the correct diagnosis. Clinical follow-up of at least 24 months was obtained in all patients and showed that 5 patients • Carcinoid tumors of the larynx are exceedingly rare neoplasms. Dec 19, 2022 · Lung neuroendocrine (carcinoid) tumors: Treatment and prognosis; Neuroendocrine neoplasms of unknown primary site; Overview of the initial treatment and prognosis of lung cancer; Overview of tumor biomarkers in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors; Pathobiology and staging of small cell carcinoma of the lung; Pathology of lung malignancies crine carcinomas (carcinoid tumors) are presented. The ICD-O-3. The recurrent metastatic liver tumor showed low FDG uptake because it contained only the typical component. 1155/2015/545601. There are 2 types of lung carcinoid tumors: Pathological diagnosis of oncocytic renal tumor is usually difficult task, and their differential diagnosis involves chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC), renal oncocytoma (RO), clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC), epithelioid angiomyolipoma (EAML), etc. To reveal the clinicopathologic features of oncocytic neuroendocrine tumor, we reviewed surgical resections from 80 patients diagnosed with carcinoid tumors and 35 high-grade neuroendocrine carcinomas. Nine were asymptomatic, and the tumor was found on routine examination; four patients presented with chest pain, two with weight loss, two with multiple endocrine neoplasia I syndrome, and one with Cushing A 39-year-old man with an ACTH producing oncocytic carcinoid of the thymus is reported here. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 84. Iyer and Vinod K Arora and Meher Chand Sharma}, journal={Acta Cytologica}, year={2007}, volume={51}, pages={907 - 910}, url={https://api Gastric carcinoids, formally named gastric neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs), are derived from enterochromaffin-like cells of the stomach and are increasingly diagnosed. His symptoms were pigmentation, facial and pretibial edema, and high blood pressure. Three additional patients were identified in the literature with typical bronchogenic carcinoids with SUVs of 39, 38 and 33. Minimally invasive oncocytic carcinoma is less likely than other types of thyroid cancer to spread to lymph nodes. Carcinoid tumors are a form of neuroendocrine tumors that can arise from the enterochromaffin cells located chiefly within the gastrointestinal and bronchopulmonary systems . Jul 1, 2019 · Introduction: Pulmonary carcinoid tumour is low-grade neuroendocrine malignancy that is seen 1%–2% of all lung neoplasms. One hundred sixty-six resected carcinoid tumors of the lung were analyzed for a variety of clinical Carcinoid Tumor A: Tumor cell formed in compacting trabeculae bands consisting of one to several layers of cells between the stroma of the collagen connective tissue with tubular/insular structures and a rosette (HE x40 x100); B: Tumor cells with round to oval nuclei, vesicular, fine-grained chromatin resembling “salt and pepper”, partially solid, eosinophilic cytoplasm, without mitotic May 14, 2015 · The classification of neuroendocrine neoplasms in the lung has been established for many years and, in many ways, represents the standard against which other neuroendocrine tumor families are judged . In the United States, the incidence of thyroid cancer is approxim … Jul 22, 2020 · Abbreviations: ChRCC, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma; HOT, hybrid oncocytic tumor; RO, renal oncocytoma. Carcinoid Tumor NETs. Mathur, Manju Aron, Kusum Verma, Venkateswaran K. Sep 16, 2021 · Low-grade oncocytic renal tumor (LOT) is an emerging provisional entity, described as rare solid renal oncocytic/eosinophilic tumor sharing diffuse CK7 and negative CD117 immunoprofile. Jan 1, 2018 · The name pulmonary oncocytoma was first used by Black in his 1969 case report, but from the ultrastructural appearances (namely, the presence of neurosecretory granules), this tumor is now thought to be better classified as an oncocytic carcinoid (Black 1969; Capella et al. Oncocytic carcinoid type is a rarely seen variant of pulmonary carcinoids. Methods: The histopathological and immunochemical changes of 3 cases of OCTL were studied, and the clinical data and related literature were reviewed. Lung Cancer Int. The potential of Kulchitsky cell derivatives to undergo oncocytic Jul 1, 2007 · Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung has cytopathologic features similar to those of granular cell tumor and pulmonary oncocytoma and immunocytochemistry, electron microscope or both are necessary to distinguish these neoplasms. 1 These Carcinoid tumor Oncocytic carcinoid Carcinoma with amine-precursor uptake decarboxylase cell differentiation Oncocytic carcinoid tumor Chemodectoma Oncocytic carcinoma Combined neuroendocrine carcinoma Oncocytic neuroendocrine carcinoma Combined small cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine type Oncocytoid carcinoid tumor By total extirpation of the tumor, clinical symptoms and laboratory data were entirely normalized and the ACTH producing oncocytic carcinoid of the thymus was reported here. 6 Carcinoid of the appendix found on appendectomy Carcinoid tumor, NOS is reportable (8240/3). Until 2022, oncocytic carcinoma was considered a variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma, but it has since been May 13, 2024 · Oncocytic cell carcinoma is called “widely invasive” when the cancer cells have spread throughout the normal thyroid gland. Jan 1, 2007 · Request PDF | Oncocytic Carcinoid Tumor of the Lung | A case of bronchial carcinoid tumor is reported in which a marked degree of transformation to mitochondrion-rich cells (oncocytes) was present These findings support the notion that both the pulmonary endocrine cells and the oncocytes arise from it, as well as the idea that the stem cell of the pulmonary K-cell is unknown. FNA (n = 14) showed Bethesda-4 lesions in 93%. 9 Tumor necrosis (to be distinguished from needle biopsy artifact) is another feature that places the tumor in the atypical carcinoid group, but in practice, tumors with this feature reliably have mitotic counts comfortably Types of lung carcinoid tumors. At least for practical purposes, this histologic feature should be distinguished from oncocytic carcinoid tumors of the urinary bladder , an extraordinarily rare entity in the urinary bladder. Sarcomatoid Cells (b) All solid tumors of the brain and central nervous system, including meninges and intracranial endocrine structures, listed in the ICD-O-3. Oncocytoma as now defined was first described in 1973 based on Feb 2, 2017 · Histomorphology of typical carcinoid tumors of the thymus. 1 We present an unusual case of pulmonary carcinoid showing intense uptake of 18F-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG). Usefulness of Ki-67, mitoses, and tumor size for predicting metastasis in carcinoid tumors of the lung: a study of 48 cases at a Tertiary Care Centre in Canada. Oncocytic renal tumors: eosinophilic solid and cystic renal cell carcinoma (A), low-grade oncocytic tumor (LOT) (B), eosinophilic vacuolated tumor (EVT) (C). May 1, 2005 · At least for practical purposes, this histologic feature should be distinguished from oncocytic carcinoid tumors of the urinary bladder [83], an extraordinarily rare entity in the urinary bladder. Carcinoids are tumors that develop from neuroendocrine cells found in different parts of the body, such Feb 18, 2011 · Raman Arora, Sandeep R. The subset of renal oncocytic neoplasms includes primarily three tumor types In contrast to the other two types, the sequence involves tumor formation without evidence of hyperplasia or pre-carcinoid dysplasia in adjacent mucosa. A 39-year-old man with an ACTH producing oncocytic carcinoid of the thymus is reported here. The CT features of pulmonary carcinoid tumors that arise as solitary pulmonary nodules (SPNs) have not been well elucidated. Since their formal description, criteria for diagnosis have evolved and additional distinct tumor subtypes originally considered as one these two entities are now recognized. Apr 1, 2011 · Oncocytic neuroendocrine tumor of the lung is rare. The clinicopathologic and ultrastructural differences with so-called oncocytic of the lung are discussed. Background: Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung is a rare variant of pulmonary carcinoid. All were treated surgically. Dec 9, 2020 · Lung tumor - Atypical carcinoid. Oct 14, 2022 · Cancers of the thyroid gland are uncommon, accounting for 1% of malignant tumors. Turan O, Ozdogan O, Gurel D, Onen A, Kargi A, Sevinc C. In oncocytic carcinoid, metastatic site may have a radiologic and histologic appearance different from the primary tumor. Oncocytic thyroid tumors have an increased incidence in the familial context in comparison with sporadic FCDTC, encompassing benign and malignant tumors in the same family presenting with some extent of cell oxyphilia. The clinicopathologic and ultrastructural differences with so Oct 1, 2001 · Twelve cases of carcinoid tumors of the thymus were reviewed in terms of clinicopathologic, histochemical, and immunohistochemical features and DNA ploidy patterns. However, electron-microscopic examination revealed hyperplasia of numerous mitochondria and neurosecretory granules in the cytoplasm of the tumor cell May 1, 2000 · Twenty-two cases of oncocytic thymic neuroendocrine carcinomas (carcinoid tumors) are presented. Other tumors with eosinophilic cells and somatic inactivating mutations of TSC2 gene or activating mutations of mTOR as the primary molecular alteration have been subsequently described. 6 Right upper lobectomy with lymphadenectomy was performed. 2 with behavior codes of “/0”, “/1”, “/2”, or “/3. 8,12,23,58,59 Presenting symptoms due to hormone production are rare8 and include a case of oncocytic carcinoid tumor presenting with episodic Cushing syndrome due to ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH The present report describes a case of typical carcinoid tumor with intense fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake. 5 cm. This investigation includes clinicopathological features, light and electron microscopic studies and immunohistochemical analysis of neuron-specific en … In some unique contexts, such as the Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome and renal oncocytosis (multiple oncocytic renal tumors without findings of Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome) , tumors are often referred to as oncocytomas, chromophobe renal cell carcinomas, or hybrid oncocytoma–chromophobe tumors (HOCT) (34, 35). On the other hand, the granules of our case were present at subnuclear portion, and are exactly neuroendocrine granules positive for neuroendocrine markers. The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented interest in the spectrum of low grade oncocytic renal Oncocytic carcinoid tumour of the bladder J Clin Pathol. Iyer, Vinod K. For a general discussion, please refer to the article on carcinoid tumors . Arora, Meher C. We reviewed our experience with primary pulmonary carcinoid tumors to determine the distribution of lesions within the lung at Jun 12, 2013 · The present report describes a case of typical carcinoid tumor with intense fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake. 1979). In 5 patients, the association was between oncocytoma and papillary renal cell carcinoma type 1. This neuro-endocrine tumour is a rarity in the lungs with less than forty cases repor … A 52-year-old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented. Right upper lobectomy with lymphadenectomy was performed. Table 1. Case: A 49-year-old woman presented with cough and expectoration. ” (c) Any diagnosis including any of the following words: Cancer Carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Carcinoid tumor Leukemia Lymphoma Malignant Sarcoma Sep 28, 2022 · Cancer cells can travel from the thyroid to a lymph node through lymphatic channels located in and around the tumour (see Lymphatic invasion above). With the inclusion of the five neoplasms we report herein, the total number reported in the English-language literature is 16. The links Mar 12, 2024 · Carcinoid tumors of the lung are a subgroup of neuroendocrine tumors of the lung, of lower grade than small cell carcinoma of the lung and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the lung. 1. Endocrinological examination revealed the Typical carcinoid tumors (ICD-O 8240/3) TC of the thymus are defined by their unequivocal neuroendocrine morphology in H & E stainings (uniform epithelial cells with basophilic cytoplasm and usually bland cytological features with “salt-and-pepper” chromatin, delicate angulated blood vessels) and by strong and diffuse expression of neuroendocrine markers on immunohistochemistry. May 1, 2000 · Twenty-two cases of oncocytic thymic neuroendocrine carcinomas (carcinoid tumors) are presented. 8) and its histology was typical carcinoid and not oncocytic carcinoid. Conclusion: Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung has cytopathologic features similar to those of granular cell tumor and pulmonary oncocytoma. We describe a cohort of novel, hitherto unrecognized and morphologically distinct high-grade oncocytic tumors (HOT), currently diagnosed as "unclassified" in the WHO classific … Nov 20, 2012 · OBJECTIVE. 6). Mar 1, 2001 · Request PDF | [Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung] | An elderly female patient was admitted and operated on for a lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung. Four additional patients with carcinoid tumours who had undergone FDG-PET were identified from our institution, all with moderately elevated FDG-avidity (average SUV 2. Jan 1, 2010 · Immunohistochemically, the tumors displayed positive staining for keratin 7, thyroid transcription factor-1, and mitochondrial antibody. This study reports the radiologic appearance and clinical behavior of LOT. The definition of atypical carcinoid is a carcinoid-like tumor with 2 or more mitotic figures per 10 high-power fields. 0000000000000339. Oncocytic carcinoma of the thyroid (OCA), previously known as "Hürthle cell" carcinomas, make up 3% to 5% of all thyroid cancers and are extremely rare. Nov 1, 2006 · † Up to 20% of cases have been asymptomatic, with the tumor discovered incidentally during investigations for other conditions. 14 Well-differentiated NETs in the lung (and thymus) are still referred to as carcinoid tumors, with the designation of atypical carcinoid Apr 1, 2011 · The term ‘carcinoid’ meaning ‘carcinoma like’ was originally introduced by Oberndorfer in 1907 to describe these peculiar tumors that resembled cancers, but had unusual clinical behavior A 49-year-old male was hospitalized after chest roentgenogram revealed a coin lesion in the right of middle lung field. Apr 15, 2011 · Intraoperative Rapid On-Site Evaluation of Lung Tumors: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study p16INK4a / Ki67 dual staining immunocytochemistry to refer women infected by HR-HPV for colposcopy Critical evaluation of Pap test adherence to routine screening in Amazonas State, Brazil The 5th edition of the WHO 2019 Digestive Tumors Classification definition of neuroendocrine tumor (NET): well differentiated, grade 1, 2 or 3 based on mitotic rate per 2 mm 2 (based on counting 10 mm 2 and taking the average) and Ki67 immunohistochemical index (counted in ≥ 500 cells in the area of highest staining); grade assigned by whichever value is higher (see Diagrams / tables) Aug 5, 2019 · Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung complicated by tuberculosis Chin Med J (Engl). Mod Pathol 2000;13(5):489–494 OBJECTIVE. Methods In this IRB-approved, HIPPA-compliant retrospective study, our institution’s Mar 1, 2024 · Recent data indicate that oncocytic thyroid carcinoma is a distinct class of malignant thyroid tumor with a group of distinct genetic alterations and clinicopathologic features. [] In the intestinal tract, these tumors develop deep in the mucosa, growing slowly and extending into the underlying submucosa and mucosal surface. CONCLUSION. Ultrastructural observations demonstrated a transition between the two cell types, and revealed an alteration in mitochondria suggestive of a degenerative c … DOI: 10. 1097/CM9. Glucose transporter type 1 (GLUT-1) was expressed in a membranous pattern in the oncocytic component. Apr 1, 2011 · Although focal oncocytic change is commonly observed in carcinoid tumors, carcinoid tumors consisting almost entirely of oncocytic cells are relatively uncommon [3], [4]. These cells are identified by their eosinophilic cytoplasm and an abundance of granular cytoplasm. 11. None had vocal fold paresis. A majority are designated as type I (related to autoimmune gastritis) and type II (related to gastrinoma) neoplasms that develop sec … Oct 29, 2024 · Oncocytic carcinoma, previously known as Hürthle cell carcinoma, is a rare type of thyroid cancer originating from oncocytic cells, a specialized type of follicular thyroid cell. The tumor is composed of spindle cells arranged in whorls without stroma. Those in this collection can be seen by using the SEARCH function. Feb 15, 2012 · Their case is a so-called oncocytic variant of carcinoid tumor, and the granules are considered to represent numerous mitochondria. At initial presentation, lymph node involvement was evident in 46. Marchevsky AM, Hendifar A, Walts AE. A 52‐year‐old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented May 16, 2018 · Pulmonary carcinoid tumors occur in both central and peripheral locations, and some differences in clinico-pathological features have long been observed. Images contributed by Dr. In 6 patients, the collision was between hybrid oncocytic tumor and papillary renal cell carcinoma type 1. An elderly female patient was admitted and operated on for a lesion in the upper lobe of the right lung. Nine were asymptomatic, and the tumor was found on routine examination; four patients presented with chest pain, two with weight loss, two with multiple . We report a bronchial tumor composed of a mixture of oncocytes and carcinoid tumor cells; the latter formed ribbons and pseudoglandular structures in the fashion of a carcinoid tumor. Compared to non-oncocytic thyroid carcinomas, it has a higher level of aggressiveness . A small filling defect in the bladder was also incidentally reported. 6%, while death was recorded in 19. Although initially thought to be benign, they display malignant Mar 10, 2022 · The category of “oncocytic renal tumors’’ includes well-recognized entities, such as renal oncocytoma (RO) and eosinophilic variant of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (eo-ChRCC), as well as May 18, 2020 · Variants: spindle cell carcinoid, oncocytic carcinoid. However, they have specific immunophenotypes. Jul 27, 2022 · The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented interest in the spectrum of low grade oncocytic renal neoplasms in three specific areas: (1) histologic characterization of tumors with Oct 6, 2023 · The diagnosis of OC, the oncocytic variant of carcinoid tumor and that of mucoepidermoid carcinoma may be challenging due to the significant morphologic overlap between tumors. After lobectomy the patient has recovered without complications. Molecular studies showed 3 (20%) of 15 tumors with EGFR mutations and 3 additional cases with KRAS mutations. 1159/000325868 Corpus ID: 71449089; Oncocytic Carcinoid Tumor of the Lung @article{Arora2007OncocyticCT, title={Oncocytic Carcinoid Tumor of the Lung}, author={Raman Arora and Sandeep R. The potential of Kulchitsky cell derivatives to undergo … Aug 5, 2019 · To the Editor: Oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung (OCTL) is a rare type of neuroendocrine carcinoma. There are many morphologic variants of carcinoid tumors. The term carcinoid originates from the carcinoma-like nature of these tumors . Feb 19, 2024 · Purpose The 2022 World Health Organization classification of renal neoplasia expanded the spectrum of oncocytic neoplasms to encompass newly established and emerging entities; one of the latter is the low-grade oncocytic tumor (LOT). The diagnosis on pathological examination was of carcinoid tumor. 2005 Apr;58(4):446-7. Immunomarker tests revealed no significant difference in positivity for CD117, HP-1, p16, H2AFX, S100A1, CA9, CD10, p16, or CK20 among the 3 types of oncocytic tumors (Yates' correction test, Student t test, and chi-squared test). The most of tumor cells were characterized by eosinophilic cytoplasm resulting from accumulation of mitochondria, which was called an oncocytic carcinoid tumor. Microcarcinoid is a designation for neuroendocrine tumors of the stomach when they are less than 0. 6). Here, we report a rare case of oncocytic carcinoma (OC) in the right main bronchus. Immunocytochemistry, electron microscope or both are necessary to distinguish these neoplasms. Hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe tumor (HOCT) of the kidney is an emerging entity, and there is no description on HOCT in the WHO The spectrum of the renal oncocytic tumors has been expanded in recent years to include several novel and emerging entities. Glucose transporter type 1 (GL … Carcinoid tumors are of neuroendocrine origin and derived from primitive stem cells, which can give rise to multiple cell lineages. Feb 7, 2023 · Hürthle cell carcinoma of the thyroid gland is an unusual and relatively rare type of differentiated thyroid cancer. Complete surgical resection is the most efficient treatment for localized disease and has a significant impact on prognosis (Lung Cancer 2020;139:94, Chest 2017;151:1141, NCCN: NCCN Guidelines - Neuroendocrine and Adrenal Tumors [Accessed 11 November 2020]) The metastasis showed low FDG uptake (SUVmax 2. Renal oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma were accepted as unique renal tumors in the late 1990s. The patients were 17 men and 5 women between Oncocytic carcinoid, Oncocytic tu-mor, Thymus. Nine were asymptomatic, and the tumor was found on routine examination; four patients presented with chest pai … Sep 13, 2021 · Results: One patient was identified at our institution who had a typical carcinoid tumour with a standardized uptake value (SUV) of 26, oncocytic features on histology and positive staining for glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1). Gerônimo Lapac - @GerônimoJrLapac Jun 9, 2021 · Familial non-medullary thyroid carcinoma (FNMTC) corresponds to 5-10% of all follicular cell-derived carcinoma (FCDTC). First, multiple gastric carcinoid tumors are associated with enterochromaffin-like cell hyperplasia, chronic atrophic Typical carcinoid tumor with oncocytic tumor cells. This report describes the morphologic appearance of this rare tumor on filter membrane preparation along with potential pitfalls. Growth of a solitary pulmonary nodule after 6 years diagnosed as oncocytic carcinoid tumour with a high 18-fluorodeoxyglucose (18 F-FDG) uptake in positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT). The scan identified a small inguinal hernia, explaining his discomfort. Ultrastructural Recent data indicate that oncocytic thyroid carcinoma is a distinct class of malignant thyroid tumor with a group of distinct genetic alterations and clinicopathologic features. Nine This expert consensus document represents an initiative by the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) to provide guidance on the management of pulmonary carcinoid (PC)/well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) taking into account advances in the characterization of NETs as well as improvements in both diagnosis and treatment. Apr 9, 2021 · Importantly, to classify a tumor as a poorly differentiated oncocytic carcinoma, tumor necrosis – characterized by apoptotic bodies and cellular debris – should be distinguished from the purely coagulative ischemic necrosis that is not uncommon in oncocytic tumors (Fig. The most frequent metastatic site was the liver (63%). Conclusion: Surgical outcomes in our patients were favorable. Sharma; Oncocytic Carcinoid Tumor of the Lung: A Case Report of Diagnostic Pitfall in Filter Membrane Preparation of Bronchial Washings. Neuroendocrine tumors are more common in the digestive system (see Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors and Pancreatic Cancer), but the second most common place is in the lungs. 2019 Aug 5;132(15):1874-1875. In the United The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented interest in the spectrum of low grade oncocytic renal neoplasms in three specific areas: (1) histologic characterization of tumors with overlapping morphologic features between oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma; (2) description of potentially unique entities within this spectrum Nov 1, 2007 · The cytopathologic features of oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung, a rare variant of carcinoid tumor that is composed exclusively of oncocytes, have not been described before in detail. 15 Type 3 gastric carcinoids often contain a variety of endocrine cells and may be associated with an atypical carcinoid syndrome. 5%. Lung carcinoid tumors are a type of neuroendocrine tumor. A case of bronchial carcinoid tumor is reported in which a marked degree of transformation to mitochondrion-rich cells (oncocytes) was present. Feb 23, 2024 · The mean age at diagnosis was 60. Aug 5, 2019 · First reported in 1937, OCTL is a specific type of bronchial carcinoid tumor that accounts for 1% to 2% of all lung malignancies and is characterized by neuroendocrine differentiation. A case of bronchial carcinoid tumor is reported in which a marked degree of transformation to mitochondrion-rich cells (oncocytes) was present, and ultrasound observations demonstrated a transition between the two cell types. Authors Joseph MG, Shibani A, Panjwani N. Having abundant neuroendocrine granules, carcinoid tumor is positive for neuroendocrine markers that are negative in OC. 7 Microcarcinoid tumors of the stomach Microcarcinoid and carcinoid tumors are reportable. (A) Low power view shows a vaguely lobulated mass with cystic change; (B) tumor cells in in this example grow in trabecular structures with some perivascular spaces; (C) the neoplastic cells are uniformly small, round to oval with scant and pale eosinophilic cytoplasm, with relatively small, bland nuclei containing fine granular chromatin. Cancers of the thyroid gland are uncommon, accounting for 1% of malignant tumors. Nov 20, 2012 · OBJECTIVE. This revealed a raised swelling with normal Twenty-two cases of oncocytic thymic neuroendocrine carcinomas (carcinoid tumors) are presented. Mathur and Manju Aron and Kusum Verma and Venkateswaran K. Ultrastructurally, the oncocytic cells showed large numbers of mitochondria but no neurosecretory granules. The collective consisted of All tumors had been diagnosed as collision tumors in the original pathology report. The patients were 17 men and 5 women between the ages of 26 and 84 years (median, 55 years). However, electron-microscopic examination revealed hyperplasia of numerous mitochondria and neurosecretory granules in the cytoplasm of the tumor cell, thus the diagnosis of oncocytic carcinoid was made. We reviewed our experience with primary pulmonary carcinoid tumors to determine the distribution of lesions within the lung at Other syndromes are rare and include one case of oncocytic carcinoid tumor presenting with episodic Cushing syndrome due to ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone secretion (ACTH) secretion, one case of watery diarrhea – hypokalemia – achlorhydia due to vasoactive intestinal peptide secretion, and a case of symptoms related to glucagon Jan 19, 2021 · The latest World Health Organization (WHO) classification from 2015 has grouped lung and thymic neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) (named neoplasm in the digestive WHO classification) within one unique group but confirmed their subdivision into four main categories: typical carcinoid (TC), atypical carcinoid (AC), small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC). 3. in size. It is derived from the bronchial mucosal Kulchitsky cells, which exhibit eosinophilic cytoplasm due to compensatory hyperplasia of the mitochondria in addition Oct 23, 2024 · Lung salivary-type tumors originating from bronchial submucosal glands are rare, only four types of salivary gland-type tumors are listed in 2015 WHO classification of lung tumors. Oncocytic neuroendocrine tumor of the lung is rare. Pulmonary carcinoid tumors are low-grade malignant neoplasms thought to arise primarily within the central airways in 85% of cases. Here we report a case of OCTL complicated by pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Oncocytic carcinoma of the thyroid (OCA), previously known as “Hürthle cell” carcinomas, make up 3% to 5% of all thyroid cancers and are extremely rare. On ultrasound, most tumors were solid and hypoechoic. Oncocytic carcinoid References. Oncocytic carcinoid tumors have been reported in the nasopharynx [5], thymus [6], lung, pancreas [7], kidney [8], and urinary bladder [9]. These five neoplasms all showed light microscopic features of oncocytic (or oncocytoid) cells. Oncocytic thyroid carcinoma displays higher rates of somatic gene variants and genomic chromosomal loss of heterozygosity than do other thyroid cancers, and it harbors Jun 23, 2019 · Renal cell carcinoma subtypes are characterized by a suite of histologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular features. A rigid cystoscopy was performed. 6% while distant metastatic disease was present in 9. Objective: To describe the clinical and pathological characteristics and the differential diagnosis of oncocytic carcinoid tumor of the lung (OCTL). In this article, the term NE carcinoma (NEC) will be Jun 21, 2024 · Colorectal cancer or colon cancer (including adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, and lymphoma) Esophageal cancer (including adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma) Liver cancer (including hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver and intrahepatic tract) Pancreatic cancer (including adenocarcinoma of the pancreas) A 52‐year‐old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented and the potential of Kulchitsky cell derivatives to undergo oncocytes metaplasma is documented ultrastructurally. Potentially curative surgical/interventional treatment was intended in 90. Anyway, further descriptions are needed to delineate better this histologic feature. We investigated a large number of resected carcinoid tumors with the aim to further define the characteristics of tumors from both locations. 2 histology code is 8240/3. 22 They often produce 5-hydroxy-tryptophan in contrast to type 1 Aug 31, 2023 · A lung carcinoid tumor — or pulmonary carcinoid tumor — is a rare type of lung cancer. 2%, with cancer-related deaths reaching 11. Endocrinological examination revealed the ectopic ACTH syndrome and, especially, high content in the intrathoracic venous … Oncocytic carcinoma: malignant features, invasive, high Ki67, regional nodal or distant metastases Oncocytic metaplasia: no mass Oncocytoid artifact: electrocautery Oncocytosis; Warthin tumor: FNA has lymphoid component, mucus, necrosis Sep 18, 2013 · (A) Oncocytic typical carcinoid (SUV = 26), (B) same tumour stained for GLUT1 and (C) typical carcinoid without oncocytic features, with negative GLUT1 staining (SUV = 2. The movement of cancer cells from the thyroid to a lymph node is called metastasis. Our study characterized the clinicopathological and metastatic features of 32 low to intermediate-grade oncocytic NETs of various organs. Histology proved oncocyter carcinoid tumour. Presentation at stage I occurred in 55. Rarely oncocytic carcinomas show true papillary growth, but the OCC is a separate organism that refers to oncocytic follicular cell-derived neoplasms (with more than 75% oncocytic cells) without the typical nuclear features of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and high-grade characteristics. A 52-year-old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented. Ultrastructural … Jul 3, 2018 · In our patient with oncocytic carcinoid, the primary tumor contained both oncocytic and typical components and GLUT-1 in the oncocytic component was more overexpressed than in the non-oncocytic component . Feb 1, 1981 · A 52-year-old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented. We report the case of a 77 year old man who underwent an ultrasound scan for lower abdominal pain. Ultrastructurally, the A 52‐year‐old man with a typical carcinoid tumor of the lung in which the tumor cells displayed marked oncocytic metaplasia is presented and the potential of Kulchitsky cell derivatives to undergo oncocytes metaplasma is documented ultrastructurally. Although focal oncocytic change is commonly observed in carcinoid tumors, carcinoid tumors consisting almost entirely of oncocytic cells are relatively uncommon [3,4]. Nov 12, 2010 · Pulmonary carcinoid tumours, especially typical carcinoid, usually have lower FDG uptake than lung carcinoma. 2015;2015:545601. In contrast, the cancer cells in a related type of cancer called minimally invasive oncocytic carcinoma are mostly separated from the normal thyroid gland by a thin layer of tissue called a tumour capsule. FDG-PET CT scan showed increased tracer concentration corresponding to the 3 cm round tumour in the left lingula (figure 1). Most of the reported cases of oncocytic neuroendocrine tumors (ONTs) have been oncocytic carcinoid tumors, and no oncocytic LCNECs have been reported [2]. bxgj vtf qwd tnzgr ino lieqwo ebfogm oveh ivpk oym qiksf zecm cuuid dbvxf ryxu