Philosophical approach to social work. 1 The philosophical approach.
Philosophical approach to social work Back to top. The translation of the word . She found that such discrimination occurred to some degree, though machine-learning, expert systems, and language-processing may impact their livelihoods. Jan 1, 2019 · Request PDF | Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social Work: Critical and Philosophical Perspectives | This book offers a much-needed critical overview of the concept of social justice and Dec 2, 2020 · Why is Theory Important in Social Work? As any social work professor can tell you, understanding clinical theories are an essential part of a social worker’s job. The only academic social work entity entirely devoted to furthering Martha Nussbaum, a senior member of the philosophy faculty at the University of Chicago, and Nobel Prize–winning economist Amartya Sen developed and use the capabilities approach “to provide the philosophical underpinning for an account of core human entitlements that should be respected and implemented by the governments of all nations, as two very different ontological approaches regarding the theory of existence. For the purpose of this study, I will focus on social 242 Philosophical Underpinning and Phenomenology Approach lived experiences, by employing the cognitive process to build the meanings through social process. There is a historical tension in social work between the clinical and social reform perspectives. Aymer and Okitikpi (2000) advocate for a move from surface level theory to the philosophical level to explicate social work philosophy in Jan 10, 2019 · Request PDF | On Jan 10, 2019, Rodreck Mupedziswa and others published Ubuntu as a Pan-African Philosophical Framework for Social Work in Africa | Find, read and cite all the research you need on Nov 17, 2016 · Garrett, P. Understanding philosophy is important because social science research can only be meaningfully interpreted when there is clarity about the decisions that were taken that affect the research outcomes. The existential and spiritual philosophies from which sociometry and psychodrama emerged are comprehensively depicted including his theory of human nature, the encounter, the Godhead, the autonomous healing center within, spontaneity–creativity theory, the here-and-now, action theory, role Debating a Post-Work Future: Perspectives from Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Sep 23, 2020 · Critical realism and its approach to social relations are based on Weber's and Durkhein's ideas. "Correspondence to Carolyn Oliver, School of Social Work, 2080 West Mall, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada. issn 0737-5778 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NACSW, PO Box 121; Botsford, CT 06404. If you would like to become a social worker, but are not sure what degree options are available for you, explore our list of accredited masters in social worker online programs. While the client side of social welfare focuses more on avoiding negative consequences and generating viable alternatives, the professional side of social work is more ambiguous as to whether the appropriate course of action is Amazon KDP, 2023. Oct 25, 2016 · Debates regarding theory and practice in social work have often avoided detailed discussion regarding the nature of knowledge itself and the various ways this can be created. Social constructionism and 2021. Epistemology and social workpragmatism 1 Social Work & Social Sciences Review 18(1) pp. This chapter reviews some of the major overarching philosophical approaches to qualitative inquiry and includes some historical background for each approach. 15, No. Theories and Approaches in Social Work Practice Research – challenges and possibilities Public lecture NUS October 18th 2019 Lars Uggerhøj S R Nathan Professor National University of Singapore and Professor of Social Work Aalborg University Denmark Apr 1, 2012 · These arrangements include the history of professional imperialism and white saviorism in social work (Del-Villar, 2021), a medical model rooted in positivism (Bell, 2012), and current neoliberal Dec 5, 2020 · This document discusses various philosophical foundations and theories relevant to social work. A historical novel is likely to be more meaningful when either its milieu or that of its author is understood. M. Skamp and Preston highlight how there might be overlap between the personal and social constructivist approaches and how in some cases it is good to look at both. N1 - / PY - 2023/6. that phenomenological approach or strategy of inquiry is one of the best approaches in the qualitative research study. Philosophy of Social Work. This philosophy encourages social workers to adopt a positive, empowering outlook, focusing on the potential for growth rather than limitations. com Abstract This second edition of The Philosophical Foundations of Social Work is revised and updated throughout to address contemporary challenges. Emergency Services. It outlines several key thinkers and their theories, including Immanuel Kant's view on treating humanity as an end in itself. E-mail: carolyn@carolynoliver. Mercantilism was then the dominant economic doctrine in Great Britain and other European nations. This approach is also the oldest of the different approaches, tracing its origins back to the ancient Greeks. As a result, positivistic conceptions of knowledge are still assumed by many to be axiomatic, such that context-dependent and practitioner-oriented approaches to knowledge creation and use are assumed to lack Because of this focus on social change, the critical paradigm is a natural home for social work research. 4 There have been sporadic attempts to examine directly the philosophy of social work most notably addressed by Herbert Social Work: School of Social Work Faculty 82 Philosophical Approaches to Qualitative Research devoted to introducing researchers to these issues. His Approach for Social Work Research Carolyn Oliver* Carolyn Oliver is a social worker who researches and teaches in the child welfare field in Vancouver, Canada. advancing this critical perspective in social work. These new models of care promote the deployment of ‘strengths’ including personal philosophy and context, as well as the institutional and personal missions. Gehlert, S (2015): Social Work and Science. Philosophy of social science deals with the generalized meaning of the thing and centred on the sharing of experience about the social world in which people's perspective differs from one another. The author discusses how over time, the philosophy of social work writ large shifted from the notion of differentiating On the micro level, moral philosophy connects with social work practice around specific issues, such as coercion. This social work practice model is used when someone is experiencing an acute crisis — and is commonly used with clients who are expressing suicidal intent. ) - 2024 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge. 4 There have been sporadic attempts to examine directly the philosophy of social work most notably addressed by Herbert Dec 18, 2024 · Here we present a philosophical guide for scientists to assist in the production of effective social science (adapted from Moon and Blackman, 2014). The original goal for this dissertation was to offer pragmatism as a philosophical orientation that … Expand Feb 21, 2015 · Social work as a discipline focuses on theoretical and philosophical positions such as social justice, equality, and empowerment. Sep 6, 2019 · In recent years, social work scholars have drawn on the epistemology of pragmatism to present a case for its value in the creation of knowledge for social work and other social justice-oriented In social work, various theories guide to practice and provide a framework for understanding and interpreting situations and behaviors. N2 - Work is a subject with a long philosophical pedigree. This is the 6 days ago · This study critically examines the philosophical underpinnings of social justice through an analysis of John Rawls’ and Robert Nozick’s contrasting theories and the contributions of contemporary perspectives. More prevalent are the discussions around the ways by which social work knowledge is obtained. 1177/1049731515570138. European Journal of Social Work, 10(2), 225-243. First, we review the major elements of the generalist social work perspective that are central to our generalist-eclectic approach to direct practice. It focuses especially on newer thinking about the role of non-Western philosophical perspectives and the relevance of philosophy to social workers’ commitments to multiculturalism, feminism, and antiracism. yields “love of wisdom,” indicating the philoso-pher’s concern with knowledge and understanding the universe. Finally, we discuss in some detail the issue of eclecticism Jul 18, 2019 · Debates around the issues of knowledge of, and for, social work and other social justice–oriented professions are not uncommon. Keywords: Philosophical underpinning, Phenomenology approach, Social science research, Epistemology, Ontology. Dec 27, 2024 · Philosophical practice applies philosophical insights and methods to help individuals explore and resolve intellectual, emotional, and existential dilemmas, enhancing self-understanding and mental 4 social work 5) Appreciate the impact of time on human beings, the varying influences that shape one’s relationship to time, and the challenges to social workers’ use of time in practice in a managed care environment. He has narrated the philosophic tenets of social work in 4 areas, such as: The nature of an individual, The relation between groups, groups, and individuals and between individuals, The function and methods of social work, and Sep 6, 2022 · Social work rests on complex philosophical assumptions that should be central to practice, education, and training. , 2021) [43] when deciding on a theoretical framework for their research project that addresses Jan 1, 2021 · Since the late 1980s, a number of innovative practice approaches have appeared on the social work scene informed by postmodern thought. When poor people are unable to help themselves through the market, usually by working, or get help from family, friends or other social ties, then and only then should the government step in with aid Sep 2, 2024 · Despite their diversity, they share a common theme: they tackle an organizational research topic by drawing on the work of a particular philosopher or philosophical approach. that "philosophy is largely absent from social work discussion and literature," a fact he attributes to the general irrelevance of current schools of philosophy to the urgent matters with which social work is concerned. T1 - Philosophical approaches to work and labor. Nov 2, 2018 · The residual model of social work and social welfare essentially sees government support for people's well-being as a safety net of last resort. Rawls’ theory of "justice as fairness" emphasizes equality and the redistribution of resources, using the veil of ignorance to ensure impartiality in societal structures. Historical approach is divided into two approaches. We approach this research challenge from the perspective of several philosophical theories of Social Contract, Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Phenomenology to better understand how each approach affects the Jul 17, 2020 · In an increasingly fragmented and regulated world, the authors of Ethical Practice in Social Work argue that social work has become detached from its ethical roots. C. Towle (1930) discussed the nature of those identified as “adequate” providing care for societal members considered “inadequate” and therefore, paternal. One approach relates to social practices and people as social actors; the other is biological, suggesting that what‘drives’ our being in the world is inherited and located within the individual. A central social worker's philosophy of social work. Moreover, there is a historical evolution to both approaches—with the quanti - tative approaches dominating the forms of research in the social sciences from the late 19th century until the mid-20th century. How does postmodern thinking affect the increasing technological thrust of social work practice? To respond to this question, the authors emphasize the relationship of language to the development of postmodern culture, including the impact of this culture on For example, and within another field of social work, namely, palliative care, Beresford et al. Y1 - 2023/6. The philosophical approach draws heavily on writings from Socrates, Aristotle and many others placing a lot of emphasis on disposition and the character of the critical thinker as opposed to the behaviours and processes associated with critical thought. Aug 4, 2014 · Keywords: Philosophical approaches, post-positivism, social constructivism, phenomenology, critical theory, rigor Subject Research Methods in Psychology Psychology Social Constructionism The tenets of the discipline throughout the twentieth century tended to place social constructionism at the opposite pole of experimental social psychology (Jost & Kruglanski 2002), with the idea being that work in social psychology should fall on either end of the spectrum: you either do quantitative experiments or you theory underpinning social work needs further articulation. Let the Church Say…: One Congregation’s Views on PUBLICATIONS Nov 23, 2023 · Since the beginning of the profession, social work has claimed social justice as an organizing value and guide for practice (Marsh, 2005). Email: Sep 2, 2020 · Abstract. Their aim is to reinstate ethics as the driving force of good social work and welfare practice. 5), qualitative research cuts across disciplines and is represented in many areas of scholarship. Divided into eight parts, the forty chapters address key topics in the field such as approaches to qualitative research (philosophical perspectives), narrative inquiry, field research, and interview methods, text, arts-based, and internet Mar 5, 2020 · The capability approach was framed as congruent with the aims of social work, and as a call for action for social workers to promote social justice, human dignity and well-being. , to make the learner understand the nature of Social Work. Topics include: sensemaking, freedom at work, social enterprises, organizational change and time, organizational becoming and practice-driven institutionalism. g. In order to practice effectively in today’s complex and changing environment, social workers need to have an understanding of how contemporary cultural and philosophical concepts relate to the people they work with and the fields they practice in. As such strengths-based approaches not only inform face-to-face practice (e. Jul 13, 2022 · The Steiner approach to education was formed by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher with an interest in social reforms and philosophy, but also religion, architecture, and science. SOCIAL WORK & CHRISTIANITY Social Work & Christianity is published quarterly by the North American Association of Christians in Social Work, Sandy Hook, Connecticut 06482. Philos Pract J APPA 14(1):2258–2271. Dec 8, 2021 · Context: There is substantial policy support for strengths-based approaches to social work and social care. This chapter reviews some of the major overarching philosophical approaches to qualitative inquiry and includes some historical background for each. Exploring the ideas of philosophers, including Nietzsche, Gadamer, Taylor, Adorno, MacIntyre, Zizek and Derrida, this text demonstrates An interview study with seven self-described “devout Christians” (six social workers and one social work student) by Thaller (Citation 2011) explores previously reported claims about discrimination against Christians in schools of social work and social work practice. In recent years, social work scholars have drawn on the epistemology of pragmatism to present a case for its value in the creation of knowledge for social work and other Nov 5, 2024 · Overview: The philosophical foundations of social work explore core concepts, values, and principles that guide the social work profession. Core Morenean philosophy is covered in this chapter as it relates to social work philosophy. Conceptual Distinctions: Work, Labor, Employment, Leisure. He developed a spiritual movement that he called anthroposophy, which is based on the idea that a child’s moral, spiritual, and creative sides need as much Jul 18, 2018 · His research and scholarly publications focus on social work practice with children and families, mental health, risk, social policy, research methodology and the functional application of philosophy, with a particular interest in pragmatism and the history of the philosophy of science. assessments) but are ‘a golden thread that runs Nov 27, 2024 · Matchett NJ (2019) A philosophical counseling approach to moral distress. Philosophy as a formal Aug 16, 2008 · Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that – very broadly – understands knowing the world as inseparable from agency within it. This general idea has attracted a remarkably rich and at times contrary range of interpretations, including: that all philosophical concepts should be tested via scientific experimentation, that a claim is true if and only if it is useful (relatedly: if a Jun 24, 2019 · The authors critique hope theories, emotional and cognitive, from its philosophical roots through to psychology and social work. Social Work and Social Science Review 5. Skinner’s operant conditioning, with their focus on antecedents and reinforcers of behavior and an empirical approach to evaluating behavior; Albert Bandura’s social-learning theory and social-cognitive theory, with a religious needs differ from the social worker. This unit studies the nature of social work, scope of social work, functions of social work, the goals of social work, the ideologies of social work, and the spiritual nature of social work. The social worker should identify the client’s strengths to provide some guidance for the planned-change process. F. (1995) ‘Social Work, Social Science and Practice Wisdom’, British Journal of Social Work 25(3): 265-293 . 3. Foundational information about this initial phase of articulating a teaching philosophy by writing a philosophy statement is accessible online and from other resources. May 6, 2019 · Identifies and explores the core philosophical issues in social work, such as political, moral, and logical issues and speculates about their relevance to practice. (1998) ‘Practice Validity, Reflexivity and Knowledge for Social Work’, British Journal of Social Work 28(5): 763-781 . Apply the topic and your understanding of this topic to a client or a client system. The chapter focuses on psychology, but recognizes the substantial work done in related fields such as sociology, anthropology, social work, social policy, humanities, and the health sciences, in particular, nursing Given the privileged position that the social work curriculum places on theories developed by white men, students may want to explore Afrocentricity as a social work practice theory (Pellebon, 2007) [42] or abolitionist social work (Jacobs et al. The philosophy of social work is a fundamental aspect of the profession, as it defines the values, principles, and goals that guide social workers in their practice. This edition comprises, brings together, incorporates, synthesizes some of the author's works, books, articles, chapters, ideas, fragments, in print and electronic form, with themes, topics, ideas that address the relation between philosophy and social work/ welfare/ policy, with emphasis on the humanistic paradigm/ approach, published in academic format, between 2011 and 2023. Oct 24, 2023 · Theorising from Ubuntu can influence and be the foundation for African social work theory and knowledge, social work values and ethics, social work research and policy, and Ubuntu informing different fields of social work practice like social work with older people, children and young people, ubuntu and poverty alleviation, ubuntu and the The aim of this unit is to provide a basic understanding of the Philosophy of Social Work i. Even before social work became a profession, the prominence of social justice as a concern and impetus for social work can be traced to the settlement house movement in the late 1800s and early 20th century, one of the forebearers of the profession. Schaff, Michael Cholbi, Jean-Phillipe Deranty & Denise Celentano (eds. . Kory P. Hence, Samuel Clark: by work I mean the familiar things we do in fields, factories, offices, schools, shops, building sites, call centres, homes, and so on, to make a life and a living. Reamer examines major themes across the domains of moral and political philosophy, logic Mar 12, 2019 · As the editors of the International Social Work journal, it is our duty to look into the nature of social work, or at least encourage the discussion and debate on it. Whereas these can be described as “philosophies of social work,” we should ask ourselves, “What is our philosophy of social work?” This paper provides a personal interpretation of a personal philosophy of social work, how it was constructed, and why social Aug 10, 2022 · For example, Neuman (2011) lists three approaches to social science (positivist, interpretive, and critical social science), each with its own set of philosophical assumptions and principles as Mar 1, 2018 · In his book, Interpretation and Social Knowledge, Reed describes interpretivism as an epistemological approach aimed at harnessing the potential of social explanations developed in ethnography's Apr 28, 2023 · Social work has developed approach(es) of reflexivity in practice formed through divergent interpretations of the concept originating from social science research. This special issue provides information on both philosophical and conceptual thinking about African-cen-tered social work to respond to the current challenges facing these commu-nities. AU - Cholbi, Michael. Journalism Ethics: A Philosophical Approach, PRAC PROF ETHIC (New York, 2010; online edn, Aug 7, 2023 · As illustrated in Figure 1, strengths-based approaches can be understood as a philosophical position on social work and social care practices that translates into a practice or organisational ‘methodology’. Then, we provide an overview of the distinctive aspects of our generalist-eclectic approach. Plus, the founder of transcendental realism, Roy Bhaskar (on whose philosophical theory Archer, Lawson and others try to build their social ontology) used Kant's and Hume ideas to synthesize his own theory. According to E. However, we fall far short of adopting this approach widely in our profession’s research efforts. , 2018: 533; Kouamé and Langley, 2018) is laudable, it is still predicated on a Substantialist metaphysics that misses the wider import of the practice turn in social philosophy and theory. Herbert Bisno has described the philosophy of social work in details in his book ‘The philosophy of Social Work’. These theories assist in pinpointing the roots of the problems faced by clients, designing effective interventions, and enhancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. , 2007b. It is, thus, fitting that we begin our tour here. completed research that countermanded the perception of social work as being too bureaucratic in term of practices and emphasized the importance of relationships and humanity as core aspects of the social work profession. Abstract. 1 - page 37 Pursuing Social Work's Mission: The Philosophical Foundations of Social Justice which have been viewed differently by the Obama and Trump administrations). It examines the ontological, epistemological and methodological similarities and differences of Positivism and Critical Realism; highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of these philosophical approaches in Jul 18, 2018 · These rifts are embedded in the larger philosophical debate in social work contrasting post This study investigates the application of an experimental approach to social work knowledge Jun 20, 2020 · Second, while the case for a complementary approach between the SAP and SP traditions in a SAPP perspective (Burgelman et al. 14) Articulate the religious and spiritual values in social justice and how they relate to the practice of social work. This chapter provides an overview of our generalist-eclectic approach to direct practice. Frederic G. This involves understanding key philosophical terms, theories, and values that shape social work practices, such as humanitarianism, democracy, individual dignity, and the holistic approach to human problems. 2. Research on Social Work Practice DOI: 10. Google Scholar Sheppard, M. Reamer explores how these issues bear on the purpose, methods, and perspectives of social work and their far-reaching implications. Mar 8, 2023 · The African philosophy of Ubuntu has emerged as a counterweight strategy to the pervasive consequences of long-term individualism entrenched in 116 African social work because of its western origins. It also summarizes three major conceptual views in social work - positivism, constructivism, and pragmatism. Philosophical forces acting on social work during its development resulted in a schism between the values and knowledge that were accepted as the foundation of the profession. This second edition is revised and updated throughout to address contemporary challenges. Yet the esoteric nature of postmodern theories often creates difficulties in accessibility for social work students and practitioners, which commonly result in the misapplication and misunderstanding of key elements to these approaches. Discover the world's research 25+ million members Described by Denzin and Lincoln (2013) as "a field of inquiry in its own right" (p. It allows social workers to explore certain origins of behavior with evidence-based approaches. During the latter half of the 20th century, interest in qualitative research increased and mixed methods research developed. He re-introduced the study of language in terms of the Mar 10, 2023 · Interpretivists seek understanding of the world in multiple realities and often these subjective meanings are negotiated socially and historically while critical theorists aim to criticize social Ubuntu as a Pan-African Philosophical Framework for Social Work in Africa Download; XML; Culturally Relevant Curriculum for Social Work:: An Ethical Imperative for our Time Download; XML; A Social Work Analysis of Home-grown Solutions and Poverty Reduction in Rwanda:: The Traditional Approach of Ubudehe Download; XML Historical-Biographical Approach The historical- biographical approach sees a literary work chiefly, if not exclusively, as a reflection of its author’s life and times or the life and times of the characters in the work. Second, theoretical argument Nov 23, 2023 · Since the beginning of the profession, social work has claimed social justice as an organizing value and guide for practice (Marsh, 2005). Jan 1, 2016 · This paper applies an interdisciplinary approach to considering the impact of urgency on practice, by drawing together social work research with the tools of classical rhetoric and philosophy, in Jan 1, 2020 · The paper argues that phenomenological approach or strategy of inquiry is one of the best approaches in the qualitative research study. The profession has formed specific meanings or interpretations of the term (Houston, 2015). Jun 27, 2018 · The historical influences of CBT can be found in the behavioral approaches: John Watson’s classical conditioning and B. Jun 28, 2022 · Request PDF | The Strengths Based Approach in Social Work Historical and philosophical background | Strengths perspective in practice has been advocated as consistent with social work values (Bogo Oct 19, 2023 · Then, during social work, it is important to develop a philosophical conceptual apparatus, philosophical methodology, and the choice of valuable sociocultural traditions because, during social work, only humanistic philosophy gives the possibility of deep analysis of human existence, its universality and uniqueness, and social and spiritual Nov 28, 2023 · Unpacking this approach in this chapter may assist readers in understanding the teaching approaches in the case study. Nov 6, 2024 · 3. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, Spring 2018, Vol. Aug 21, 2020 · The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, Second Edition presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of the field of qualitative research. Sep 6, 2022 · Social work rests on complex philosophical assumptions that should be central to practice, education, and training. The crucial role social workers play in engendering and supporting hope in people who are often in dire and seemingly hopeless situations is emphasised. It is not difficult to enumerate examples of work. This field is constantly evolving, with new theories and approaches emerging to address the changing needs of society and the individuals it serves. In this book, Frederic G. Jan 11, 2022 · 1. 1 The philosophical approach. This work was supported by the National Social Science Funds (Grant Nos Linked bibliography for the SEP article "Philosophical Approaches to Work and Labor" by Michael Cholbi This is an automatically generated and experimental page If everything goes well, this page should display the bibliography of the aforementioned article as it appears in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, but with links added to Philosophy is an important ‘feeder discipline’ for health services policy, practice and research, but there is a need to sustain an open two‐way conversation between philosophy and healthcare to avoid any conceptual resources that are adopted from the discipline becoming separated from the lively debates surrounding them as work within Feb 1, 2011 · working, his work returned – with modifications – to the work of the eighteenth centur y linguists (Cull er, 1985: 69-70). He is also passionate about the music of Ludwig van Beethoven. This chapter provides preliminary examples of resources and instructions Aug 10, 2022 · For example, Neuman (2011) lists three approaches to social science (positivist, interpretive, and critical social science), each with its own set of philosophical assumptions and principles as 6 days ago · This study critically examines the philosophical underpinnings of social justice through an analysis of John Rawls’ and Robert Nozick’s contrasting theories and the contributions of contemporary perspectives. The social worker, together with the client, should prioritize the problems so that the most critical ones are addressed first. Document its relevance to social work values and ethics using the NASW Code of Ethics; how social work understands with this topic, and social work interventions that may apply to the topic. Reamer explores how these issues bear on the purpose, methods, and perspectives of social work and their far-reaching implications for practice and scholarship. *Assistant Professor, Institute of Gender Studies, University of Sindh. philosophy. 2: 113–123. They also note that post-traditional times require more than a rational -technical, tra-ditional approach to social work. This paper emphasises the importance for researchers to explicitly locate their work within a philosophical framework. Sheppard, M. 15-30 Epistemology and social work: Integrating theory, research and practice through philosophical pragmatism Steve Hothersall1 Abstract: Debates regarding theory and practice in social work have often avoided detailed that "philosophy is largely absent from social work discussion and literature," a fact he attributes to the general irrelevance of current schools of philosophy to the urgent matters with which social work is concerned. Mar 21, 2024 · However, if we accept the ontological grounding of social work as a moral practical endeavor, then there is a need to look beyond recourse to attempts to apply the old favorites of psychology and sociology to social work practice and to bring in philosophical and other perspectives from the humanities (Kreber, Citation 2016) and the arts 2. Perspectives in Social Work, Talking About Welfare: Readings in Philosophy and Social Policy, People Not Cases: A Philosophical Approach to Social Work and Short-Term Contracts in Social Work - 24 Hours access May 25, 2011 · Social work and postmodernism. 13) Identify what personal values are informed by the student's own religious/ethnic group, and compare those values with those of social work. Social workers also lean on these theories and practices to address client problems social workʹs goals and values in historical perspective download; xml; 1920 to 1930:: community processes and the individualʹs role in them download; xml; 1930 to 1940:: the development of social group work, social research, and welfare planning download; xml; 1940 to 1953:: democratic propositions and social work methods download; xml Jan 18, 2025 · The strength-based approach to social work is deeply aligned with the principles of the strengths perspective social work philosophy, championed by Dennis Saleebey. Making social work more Bourdieusian: Why the social professions should critically engage with the work of Pierre Bourdieu. Some of the most influential philosophical systems devote considerable attention to questions concerning who should work, how they should work, and why. By attending to the value base as embellished by current developments in other fields, a richer, more unified philosophical context is produced. Lindeman, which philosophy is fundamental to social work? A) Democratic philosophy; B) Utilitarian philosophy; C) Humanitarian philosophy; D) Religious philosophy; Answer: C) Humanitarian philosophy; Explanation: Lindeman emphasized humanitarian philosophy as it aligns with social work's core mission of promoting human welfare. Taking a “big picture” view, the chapter discusses post-positivism, constructivism, critical theory, feminism, and queer theory and offers a brief history of these approaches; considers the ontological, epistemological, and axiological Jan 1, 2019 · However, most social work philosophical theories and workplace approaches in Nigeria are based on Western paradigms that do not resonate with indigenous African values, beliefs, Philosophy Feb 16, 2010 · Direct Practice and Clinical Social Work. Another finding was that empowerment, mostly viewed as a tool for social workers to promote strength in individuals, was closely connected to using a capability approach. Social research boils down to a struggle over the legitimate study through philosophical approaches. e. In this chapter we (a) review the early development of the problem-solving model for social work practice; (b) discuss the later development of the problem solving model in terms of its extension to and further elaboration by generalist models of social work practice; (c) provide an overview of how the problem-solving model allows for the integration of the scientific and artistic elements of The social worker should work with the client, not dictate to the client, to create the treatment plan. Is the critical paradigm right for your project? Every social work research project impacts social justice in some way. When we explore the nature of social work, we need to identify and clarify the concept, content, context and construction of the meaning of social work practice locally and globally.