Plot spectrogram of wav file python github [1] Or any audio format supported by librosa (which uses soundfile and audioread ). extract the zip file into ffmpeg folder, so that there exists ffmpeg/bin/ffmeg. wav files which are then used to create spectrograms stored as . Step 3: In the spectrogram. wav, and write to plot. pyplot as plt from scipy. ** This is based on my old posting ** Sample Code Below. 1 kHz sampling frequency with mono channel. wav') # use temporary file mp3_audio. log10(amplitudes + 1e-9) # Plot plt. wav files are supported with libsndfile. signal. Contribute to chinmayk93/Spectrogram-and-Principal-Components-Analysis-of-Audio-Files-in-Python development by creating an account on GitHub. You’re probably familiar with MP3, which uses lossy compression to store data. Contribute to hapi-robo/temi-tools development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to vnckppl/pySpec development by creating an account on GitHub. log10(np. wav signal to remove silence at the beginning/end of the record, and attempts to identify speech inside the wave. figure(figsize=(15, 7. spectrogram(window_length_s=0. How to plot frequency band using `matplotlib. specgram` 2. 📈Analyze an FFT of a sound signal from a . Input is a WAV file, e. The user can browse his PC to open any signal file (e. wav from scipy. py (wave) $ python synth_stereo_16bits_bytearray. Jul 12, 2018 · I have a PyQt plus pyqtgraph program for music and speech analysis and I want to plot the spectrum of a wav file (calculated using scipy python package). Record audio and plot spectrogram in Python. The recordings are expected to be either WAV files, or FITS files in the format produced by Radio Observer. Audio files come in a variety of formats. :returns: List of AudioSegment objects, each of which is from a particular sound source. Users can either view a spectrogram in realtime using audio from their computer's microphone device(s) or replay audio from . Here is another thread that explains and gives code on building spectrograms in Python. py sounds/Bicycle-bell. A power spectral density plot can be displayed using the option -p psd. *np. io import wavfile from scipy. ECG, EMG, EEG,…etc). read_frames (sound Read a wav file, and plot the time domain, spectrogram as well as spectrum. A spectrogram plot can be displayed using the option -p spec. 🎧 See 🎶 waves 🌊, decode 🔊 amplitude 📈, frequency 🎹, & dB 🔍 with Python 🐍! 🚀📊 - TorresjDev/Python-Sound-Wave-Analysis Sep 4, 2017 · oh, Your question is mainly about how to save it as jpg? If you just want to display pictures,You just need to add a line of code: plt. It loads an audio file, computes the spectrogram, optionally performs low-pass filtering by zeroing all frequency bins above some cutoff frequency, and then uses the Griffin and Lim algorithm to reconstruct an audio signal from the modified spectrogram. Export spectrograms as image files and automatically plot spectrograms for all selected files \n \n \n The implementation. py and models. Waterfall Plot: Alternative to Spectrogram, shows magnitude surface a function of time & frequency. io import wavfile # scipy library to read wav files import numpy as np AudioName = "vignesh. - Loganh357/Python-Audio-Spectrogram-Explorer. A python program, which aims to calculate and plot the spectrogram of a sound signal - JuliusIvo/short-time-spectre-analysis Oct 24, 2019 · i've got the following code that creates a spectogram for a specific file, pretty simple. 0, sr=samplerate) ims = 20. File size is automatically calculated. I am firstly read . . py plots a few chromagram using different algorithms offered in librosa. Make sure you have Python 3, NumPy, and SciPy installed. time (same units as the raw wave for comparison). - maansidesa :param debugplot: If `True` will use Matplotlib to plot the resulting spectrogram masks in Mel frequency scale. wav audio files from command line interface A program to visualize audio files as spectrograms and log annotations. When I used this code, some errors occurred and I dont know how to fix this. The utility of the spectrogram is best highlighted through an example. The function wavogram(wavFile) provides spectrogram for any wav file (mono). Export selected area in the spectrogram as . Data domain is transformed to a frequency domain using a spectogram. Compute the short-time Fourier transform (STFT). Nov 14, 2019 · I have a dataset of normal and abnormal heart sounds which contains a large number of audio signals. wav files and extracts the spectrogram, mel spectrogram, and MFCC features to form a 3-channel image. audio_stft = zaf. It is also good to incorporate the length of the audio clip, and, bit-depth for easily being able to distinguish. m. All data are little endian. Audio processing graphs in Python, with Jupyter notebook integration - alexjball/python-audio-lab About. pyplot as plot from scipy. wav file, . wav and P. stft(audio_signal Read and plot all of channel 2 of myfile. py file can be used to generate the spectrogram and chromagram of an audio signal respectively. csv file Simple Python 3 Script to plot spectrogram of a given . This is the code I used for the particular image I'm showing here: I am trying to perform a FFT on a song (audio file in wav format, about 3 minutes long) which I created as follows, just in case it is relevant. txt check notebooks/Plot History. from_file("voice. "Inverse Spectrogram" (Image-To-Audio): Import an image, output audio for which the spectrogram will resemble Feb 24, 2022 · Opening a WAV File. The application contains one main graph Audio Processing & Visualization Concepts Creates a 3D spectrogram made of line plots using OpenGL and Pyqt Graph. Image by Author. ipynb file contains the model's implementation code, the custom. The wave(s) are then plotted as histograms, spectograms, etc. 0%; Footer The classification process involves two main components: Preprocessing (MATLAB): Processes raw audio files, extracts syllables, and generates spectrograms. The main concept is that we divide the audio signal into small pieces and then that audio signal is plotted on the graph against time. webm}. Initializes the QtGui. Export spectrograms as image files and automatically plot spectrograms for all selected files. 7 activate audio pip install -r requirements. Developed to analyse marine mammal recordings, but can be used for many things. You can than navigate to the signal you would like to use as template and draw its outline. csv file Sep 5, 2013 · I have just read a wav file with scipy and now I want to make the plot of the file using matplotlib, on the "y scale" I want to see the amplitude and over the "x scale" I want t This is a Python-based spectrogram that runs with PyQt5, Matplotlib, and PyAudio. Giving the file location; Reading the wav file-32767 to +32767 is proper audio (to be symmetrical) and 32768 means that the audio clipped at that point; wav-file is 16 bit integer, the range is [-32768, 32767], thus dividing by 32768 (2^15) will give the proper twos-complement range of [-1, 1] In one of my earlier post we discussed how to plot spectrogram with ‘scikits audiolab’ and python. wav file name, will display a portion of the spectrogram of that file. Leave it default if masking lower amplitudes Export selected area in the spectrogram as . This is a command-line Python program Export selected area in the spectrogram as . Sample code and sounds for the Reading and Writing WAV Files in Python tutorial on Real Python. The rest of the file contains real and imaginary parts each as a 32-bit floats. Code which inputs a given wav file and outputs the plot along with the corresponding spectrogram. Apr 30, 2020 · Spectrogram produced. wave into spectrogram. mp4 video \n \n \n. So you need to select if you want to plot the spectrogram for the left or the right channel. . Please help, i want a spectrogram that is exactly the same as the one produced by FFMPEG, for use with a speech recognition model exported from google's teachable machine. The method simplifies handling of different audio formats. mp4 video. We have created a script to loop through a folder of wav files: import whisper im #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from scipy import * from pylab import * from numpy import * import scikits. Videos are processed in parallel with the audio extracted by ffmpeg stored in . plot(Audiodata) plt. py is a simple script that plots amplitude, spectrograms and chromagrams for a given mono wav audio file. export(wname, format="wav") # convert to wav FS, data = wavfile. Performs data extension for a smooth start. ipynb file is used to load the model and run it on custom wav files, the wav2spectrogram. wav contains the harmnonic components of the music file, while P. chromacompare. py) allows you to open and visualize . 03, overlap=0. This function will generate a txt file contains the beginning time, ending time, minimum frequency, and maximum frequency of each detected call. Optimized Python 3 version. By default a time domain plot of the I and Q data will be displayed. - markjay4k/Audio-Spectrum-Analyzer-in-Python spectrogram; If you set mp3towav flag then it will convert all your mp3 file in specified directory to wav, if you set mkchunks flag then it will cut the wavfile into different 10 seconds files and if you have set spectrogram flag then it will convert all wav files to it's spectrogram. No log freq scale yet. io import wavfile samplingfrequency, signaldata = w Jul 20, 2023 · Bug summary When using matplotlib to generate spectrogram visualizations of audio files, if the audio file is too long, the spectrogram portion of the plot becomes blank towards the latter half, while the waveform continues to be display Apr 11, 2019 · Here is an example straight from the documentation (see page 10): # Example for plotting a spectrogram using this function import audiosegment import matplotlib. Annotate areas in the spectrograms with custom labels and log each annotation's time-stamp and frequency \n \n \n. This example shows a whistling tone with a chirp at the end. Pytorch models that takes in a waveform or log Mel-scale spectrogram and returns a 256-dimensional real vector of unit length known as an embedding for the input speaker. wav contains the percussive components (drums). That code is: Apr 27, 2016 · I currently have a few thousand audio clips that I need to classify with machine learning. load() function accordingly. The first thing I want to test there is to use the phase from the original file, but every idea is welcomed :) $\endgroup$ Sep 10, 2018 · Plotting audio spectrogram in python. - colstone/Wav2Mel2Video Oct 14, 2022 · However, this is incorrect, my spectrogram tells me I should have frequency peaks below the 5kHz range: In fact, what this plot is actually showing, is the first second of my time series data: Which I was able to debug by removing the absolute value function from y_freq when I plot it, and entering the entire audio signal into my fft_plot function: This example demonstrates how to convert a MP3 file to a spectrogram image. py code on github repo from the Tensorflow example on audio recognition. wav" Where $1 is the name of a webm file. The dataset loads . A sample MP3 audio file in the data folder contains the audio track from Ken Barker's excellent piano performance of George Frideric Handel's Suite No. WaveWhisper is a lightweight Python library for steganographic encryption of text within the spectrogram of audio files. Channel numbers begin with 1 (i. fftpack we can plot fft contents as spectrogram. wav file - xhapa/Spectrogram. GitHub community articles conda create -n audio python=3. This approach leverages signal Oct 21, 2021 · Figure #2 1941 FDR Speech from Library of Congress audio collection. fftpack import fft myAudio = "audio. The model uses convolutional and linear layers to classify the guitar sound images. Mar 6, 2024 · 💡 Problem Formulation: Converting a WAV file into a spectrogram is a common task in audio processing that involves generating a visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies in the audio file as they vary with time. pyplot as plt plt. The method relies on an intermediate "spectrogram A Digital signal processing desktop app using python and PyQt5 where users browse for multiple signals, plot signals and spectrograms, control speed, frequency, display, and color. ipynb file reads a wav file and processes it into a spectrum, the requirements. wav file. 2. Audio Spectrogram Plotting with ffmpeg and Python. A python script that converts wav files to generate Mel spectrograms and eventually videos. 2 get SOX Download sox from SOund eXchange , you should get a zip file. - stensaethf/Spectrogram Converts WAV audio [1] to Mel spectrograms for use in machine learning systems like Tacotron2. wav files using Python. mp3', format="mp3") # read mp3 wname = mktemp('. The ASCII files are tab or space separated values with real and imaginary on every Jan 19, 2022 · The spectrograms are actually created using Short-time Fourier Transform(STFT). py (wave) $ python plot_waveform. exe. - lbzlbzlbz/wav2spectrum A Python program that generates a spectrogram from an audio file - lnadi17/spectro-kg file Plot a spectrogram of . Resources Contribute to URSUroman/python_scripts development by creating an account on GitHub. csv table or . The function calculates the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) with a window size of 1024 and plots the real values (magnitude) on a log-frequency scale vs. This is the code which is supposed to display a FFT of the given file: About. Oct 28, 2021 · This package is meant to automate the process of extracting audio files from videos and saving the plots computed from these audio frequencies in the Mel scale (). In an effort to do so, I am following the instructions that could be found in here. Mar 6, 2019 · I am trying to calculate the spectrogram out of . This Python module implements a number of functions for audio signal analysis. In this program I reduced some dependency also. Offline recognition Mar 9, 2013 · Another very simple way of plotting spectrogram of mp3 file. Spectrogram produced. plot After a large (M7ish) quake: obtain waveform data from a broadband station; plot a spectrogram (OK, actually a continuous wavelet transform) and optionally overlay theoretical Rayleigh wave arrival times to demonstrate multiple passages of surface waves (and make a pretty plot) Dec 14, 2022 · I am doing my first project about converting the file . I need to generate spectrograms for audio files with Python and I'm following the solution given here. read(audiopath) s = stft(samples, binsize) sshow, freq = logscale_spec(s, factor=1. Plot Spectrogram of a wav audio file. Simply copy the file zaf. wav). what i want to discover is if there is a away to plot a spectogram for all the files inside a folder without having to copy paste the spectogram lines of code and change the name of the audio file in each one (i know about glob but I couldn't apply it here). read_frames (sound Create a surface plot of a spectrogram of a wav file - 3Dspectrogram. So I started exploring Python wave reading module and wrote another piece of code to plot spectrogram and waveform. ipynb file reads a wav file and converts it into a spectrogram, the wav2spectrum. Topics Python script for extracting audio from video files and creating Mel spectrograms wav spectrogram audio-processing audio-extractor Updated Oct 28, 2021 from pyAudioProcessing import plot # spectrogram plot plot. """Plots Time in MS Vs Amplitude in DB of a input wav signal """ import numpy import matplotlib. Forked to put on website. Our audio file is in the WAV (Waveform Audio File) format, which is The following python program (kernel_drawing_gui. Jun 23, 2019 · I have 276 audio file (. 5 in E major for harpsichord (The Harmonious Blacksmith). H. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. png in your current directory. Additionally, plots mixtures of sounds such as overlaying two different sound sources. wav -lavfi showspectrumpic=s=224x224:mode=separate:legend=disabled spectrogram. Finally, both the reconstructed audio signal and the spectrogram plot figure are saved to a Offers a few colormaps. wav") plot_spectrogram(spectrogram) Mar 6, 2024 · The snippet loads the WAV file using PyDub, extracts the sample array with audio. The binary files begin with a 32-bit integer for sampling rate, followed by a 32-bit float for the center frequency. Classification (Python): Utilizes Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to classify the generated spectrograms. Fast easy-to-use multitaper spectrogram and spectrum calculation with Python - fncokg/pymultitaper Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Here we take the waw file path location and then read that waw file with the wavefile module which is from the Scipy. The vector is trained to be unique to the speaker identity of the input utterance -- so the returned vector should remain the same regardless of what words are spoken in the input utterance, and depend only on the speaker Unsupervised WaveNet-based Singing Voice Conversion Using Pitch Augmentation and Two-phase Approach - SongRongLee/mir-svc python music deep-learning midi tensorflow audio-files piano spectrogram midi-files audio-processing piano-sheet-music Updated Aug 25, 2024 Jupyter Notebook This code defines a dataset and model for classifying guitar sounds as either acoustic or electric based on spectrograms and MFCC features. I want to plot signal and spectrogram together like following code: import matplotlib. If you run it it will save the plot as . - zafarrafii/Zaf-Matlab The end goal is still to go back to actual sound, so I need to understand how to go from an 'updated' spectrogram and an original wav file to a new wav file. wav Jun 24, 2014 · You can compute and visualize the spectrum and the spectrogram this using scipy, for this test i used this audio file: vignesh. """ plot spectrogram""" def plotstft(audiopath, binsize=2**10, plotpath=None, colormap="jet"): samplerate, samples = wav. Feel free to modify for your own needs! :) script to create spectrogram of . Simple usage: wavogram(wavFile) Optional arguments: str: pltTitle => send any string to be used as the plot title. Only one file ("File A") shown. , a stereo file has channels 1 and 2). Anyway, it is not required to get into the depth of this topic. wav file from STDIN and plots the spectrogram ''' sound = audiolab. 1. wav. plot. Explore the detection result in Raven software. Formats such as FLAC use lossless compression, which allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data. It helps us to do a time-varying analysis of the signal provided. title('Audio Jul 3, 2017 · While I can't be certain without a complete example here, the best guess would be that you're having a stereo wav file, which has 2 channels. In Audio_Spectrogram. However, samples are dropped from time to time It uses PyQt5 for the GUI, PyAudio, wave, and scipy to handle the audio reading/writing, and numpy for the math/signal processing. (examples wav files can be found in # Extract spectrogram fig = spectrogram. read(AudioName) # Plot the audio signal in time import matplotlib. m4a") freqs, times, amplitudes = seg. time, along with the spectrogram. JPEG and can be used by any audio-based method. bool: masked => set to false if full data needs to be plotted. sndfile (speech, 'read') # Reads wav file with audiolab sound_info = sound. cpp file, go to pythonSetup() definition (It is a private method and you can find it in the end). io import wavfile from tempfile import mktemp mp3_audio = AudioSegment. py (wave) $ python synth_stereo_16bits_ndarray. pcolormesh(times, freqs, amplitudes Jan 2, 2024 · Hello Whisper community, Happy new year! I was wondering if someone could help me with a bit of python and Whisper. example: from spectrogrammer import get_spectrogram, plot_spectrogram import numpy as np import matplotlib. Zafar's Audio Functions in Matlab for audio signal analysis: STFT, inverse STFT, mel filterbank, mel spectrogram, MFCC, CQT kernel, CQT spectrogram, CQT chromagram, DCT, DST, MDCT, inverse MDCT. Now i want to plot spectrogram of the normal and abnormal heart sounds. pyplot as plt # seg = audiosegment. time( <path to wav file>, show Tensorflow implementation of Unsupervised Audio Spectrogram Compression using Vector Quantized Autoencoders, which compresses (encodes) a short sound files into a compact, discrete representation, and decompresses it to a waveform again. 5)) Sep 3, 2023 · spectrogrammer is a library that provide ease to developers to extract spectrograms from their wav files. subplot(211) Equalizer Studio where the user can import wav file and make audio processing on it like: Edit Frequencies, Add/Remove Musical Instruments, Add/Remove Vowels, Pitch Shifting/Speed, View Time Plot, View Spectrogram Plot. /wavplot --start 100 --end 200 --channels 2 3 5 myfile. In addition, spectrograms of the original audio file and the separated files are also drawn. , ‘sample. Finally, both the reconstructed audio signal and the spectrogram plot figure are saved to a The Microsoft Waveform Audio provides several methods for adding sound to an application. However, the spectrograms I'm getting don't look very "populated," and not at all like other spectrograms I get from other software. wav files as spectrograms. After some digging I found that if you do a short time fourier transform on the audio, it turns into a 2 Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Giving the file location; Reading the wav file-32767 to +32767 is proper audio (to be symmetrical) and 32768 means that the audio clipped at that point; wav-file is 16 bit integer, the range is [-32768, 32767], thus dividing by 32768 (2^15) will give the proper twos-complement range of [-1, 1] We can train a model which can classify the real-time audio data coming from serial data. Step 1. The API methods are relatively low-level and require some more accurate parameterization. io A Python program that, when given a . specgram. (wave) $ python synth_stereo_16bits_array. pyplot as plt spectrogram = get_spectrogram("audio. GitHub community articles Python 100. This program processes any given . io library. Dec 23, 2017 · Alternatively, you can check the train. python audio-visualizer image-processing sound sound-processing spectrogram frequencies audio-processing sound-synthesis image-to-sound Updated Dec 8, 2022 Python A series of Jupyter notebooks and python files which stream audio from a microphone using pyaudio, then processes it. ipynb. e. wav (wave All test audio files affix the word test in the filename; All audio files must be wav format with 16 bit data, mono channel. ffmpeg -i "$1" -vn -ab 128k -ar 44100 -y -ac 1 "${1%. RhythmoScope is a Python library for automatic speech rhythm modelisation. from_file('speech. Manipulates the audio features for required visualization Defines the presentation parameters. Users can either view a livestreaming signal from their computer's microphone/input device or reprocess data from an existing WAV file. Jul 3, 2020 · Functions spectrogram() and chromagram() from the ShortTermFeatures. The code found in the link works properly. wav’, and the desired output is a spectrogram visualization, typically as an chromaplot. WAV files. The number of frequency bins reflects the aspect ratio of the waterfall, and so is interactive. The following command-line example shows how to extract a spectrogram that corresponds to the signal stored in a WAV file: Mar 16, 2022 · Note that this program assumes that the audio file is in OGG format and is located in the current working directory. Here, we shall be visualising the spectrograms of two wav files and compare them using the library librosa in python. - sudoariel/dsp-spectrogram-ODF Step 1: In the main file, change the path and file name. shape(ims) plt. spectrogram( <path to wav file>, show=True, # set to False if you do not want the plot to show save_to_disk=True, # set to False if you do not want the plot to save output_file=<path where you want to store spectrogram as a png> ) # time-series plot plot. This code is for the training the classifier. cpp the parameterization can be seen for a microphone input signal of 44. This library contains portions of the copy-pasted code you see everywhere for WAV to Mel conversion. spectrogram in to pyqtgraph #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from scipy import * from pylab import * from numpy import * import scikits. wav" #Read file and get sampling freq [ usually 44100 Hz ] and sound object With the reconstructed spectrogram, we can use the function spectrogram_detection to detect the presence of target signals (e. Only . Traceback (most recent call last): File It loads an audio file, computes the spectrogram, optionally performs low-pass filtering by zeroing all frequency bins above some cutoff frequency, and then uses the Griffin and Lim algorithm to reconstruct an audio signal from the modified spectrogram. Select first input device (usually microphone from laptop) Sampling at 16 KHz; Spectrogram frequency axis is from 0 to 8KHz; Almost realtime. usage: spectrogram. show() if you want save a jpg, no axis, no white edge: Some Jupyter notebooks about audio signal processing with Python - mgeier/python-audio The sampling rate is the number of times per second that the amplitude of the signal is measured and so has dimensions of samples per second. Using scipy. many interesting Machine Learning and Neural Network projects begin with creating a Spectrogram from time-series data, here is a collection of different tools to assist with this task - gskielian/S This notebook allows you to plot the raw wavform (using amplitude (Root Mean Squared)) vs. py in your working directory and you are good to go. ffmpeg -i thabo. wav files using librosa library. , deer calls). $ . One of my friend asked me whether it is possible to do without ‘audiolab’. pyplot as plt import pylab from scipy. pyplot. with parameters (filename - string or open file handle which is a Input WAV file. - unreal79/pic2wav The separated results will be written to folder /output, in two files: H. Plot spectrogram of a wav file using python. audiolab as audiolab import struct def show_Specgram (speech): ''' Reads . One or multiple waves may be plotted for comparison. github. If the file is in a different format or location, you will need to modify the librosa. ) then the (mmap : bool, optional in which whether to read data as memory-mapped (default: False). Step 2: Define spectrogram properties like windowSize, windowType, hopSize and fftSize depending upon your purpose. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Extracts primary audio features to initialize the first frame. py [-h] [--show] [-y YLIM] realtimePlaybackFile. wav" # Audio File fs, Audiodata = wavfile. # Spectrogram of WAV file # Plot the signal read from wav file. Using FFMPEG. txt file lists Get list of indices and features from a Yaml configuration file; Read WAV files (using scipy) For each audio file, compute stats (min, max, mean, median, std, var) for temporal acoustic indices or get global value for other indices; Output a csv file (with a row for each audio file and a column for each index) Encode an image to sound (WAV file) and view it as a spectrogram. g. png. 5) amplitudes = 10 * np. get_array_of_samples(), and then generates a spectrogram using matplotlib’s plt. Draw shapes in the spectrogram and save them as . The sample audio file can be obtained from the librosa github repository. I can do it in matplotlib but due to matplotlib's performance I need to switch to pyqtgraph but I cant find any consistent method to plot the output of scipy. While using ‘audiolab’, ‘numpy’ and Contribute to chinmayk93/Spectrogram-and-Principal-Components-Analysis-of-Audio-Files-in-Python development by creating an account on GitHub. abs(sshow)/10e-6) # amplitude to decibel: timebins, freqbins = np. Note This project was originally created for the German competition Explore Science Mannheim 2022 in the category data security where it was ranked 2nd. So, if you divide the total number of samples in the audio file by the sampling rate of the file, you will find the total duration of the audio file. read(wname) # read wav Digital Signal Processing techniques applied in audio signals: spectrogram plotting and onset detection functions of the signals using Python. Upload a sound file in python and plot audio frequency & amplitude plot and hence find its FFT using the matplotlib and embed in GUI using the tkinter library in python. from pydub import AudioSegment import matplotlib. Annotate areas in the spectrograms with custom labels and log each annotation's time-stamp and frequency. hqz iemto saxn msdifr ene prerxcfck dqr wedwt wjiqah hrnskl bnp gtjc rlwopu zdferxgc dteo