Do attractive guys get approached Men find so many women attractive, but only approach a tiny number for fear of rejection, causing offense, being creepy etc. I'm not sure if it counts, but I get approached regularly at my job. I don’t really get approached by guys on the regular. I'm quite shy though so it may be different for others. That said, you will have to make an effort if you want to get approached by guys. Inexperienced seducers have opined on all the reasons women are not interested in men like them. Guys approaching you out of nowhere is kind of rare (unless you broaden the definition of The attractive girls get approached/hit on far less, which is very possible because they are more intimidating to guys, especially younger guys. My friends say it's my animal magnetism ;D but I think to be honest I just hold myself in an approachable way. When I get the nerve to approach the guys I do find attractive, I don’t get turned down. Gals not approaching you doesn't equate to gals never approach guys. I only stop being responsive when I'm not attracted to the guy. How To Approach Or Get Approached By A Guy At A Bar; 47. They might signal interest to men, but it will be on men to do the actual approach. I just want to have fun with my friends and guys approaching me really kill So, if you figure that the average guy has a 2-10% chance of cheating when a female approaches them and (essentially) propositions them. However, if your minimum standard is 9 or 10, you may never get asked. Dude drop the "nice guy" bullshit, women don't find it attractive and they can smell it as bullshit from a mile away. I've never had a guy ask me out, confess a crush, never had a friend find out that someone had feelings for me, never been called pretty by a guy who wasn't related to me, nobody asked me to dance at school dances, thankfully haven't been catcalled (at least that's a perk). Reply reply kidkvlt People tell me I'm attractive, but guys literally NEVER approach me. In some cases, he will get average looking women approaching him and In theory, you don't get matched with someone unless they already find you attractive. Like approaching at a club is a given since it's a public interactive place but don't do it when they are in line at a bathroom or something like that. Some guys see beautiful girls in a negative light without even knowing them like, she's stuck up, a gold-digger, or high maintenance. 0 Report Best bet is to say something to them because the way men are treated when approaching a woman is like a box of Valentines chocolates you never know what your going to get. Sometimes VERY attractive women. Copy a link to the You leave at the end of the evening wondering, “Why do I never get hit on?” After all, you feel attractive, you've worked on your self-care, and your close friends tell you all the time how amazing you look. Do attractive women get approached a lot or less than people think? Purge Week! Guys assume she gets hit on all the time. I rarely get approached and when I do it’s from fuck boys or drunks. But guys do not approach me at all. Apparently, I have a more "friendly face" compared to I approached a stunner and got her number. Women sort regular guys into stereotyped boxes to know what to do with them. ) The only instances of attractive dudes being approached by attractive women really involves guys at the . I'm 16, but with my glasses and a good A lot of women HATE male attention too & can be brutal towards men they don't find attractive , also with all these " street harassment " videos put up by angry , man hating women plus corporate sexual harassment seminars, the message And if we’re being honest the majority of men fall into the less attractive category altogether. I’ve had women approach me but they were below the level of women that I could attract if I approached women myself. I like guys who are confident enough to approach me. But it's not like women are approaching men all that much either. But is that really true? In this article, we’ll explore the realities Here’s the answer: Very few women will approach men, no matter how attractive they are. Every single guy on that list was conventionally attractive, handsome, tall, and very popular amongst women based on the stories that the victims shared. I see him on the bus every so often and he just stares at me, then smiles. And a lot of times just because you think someone looks beautiful in your eyes, doesn't make them attractive in others. There are different theories that tall and / or hot / beautiful women intimidate guys from approaching but the counter theory is that in cultures where cold approach is more prevalent the Honestly, a lot of getting approached by men isn't about attractiveness - it's about sociability, approachability, and even location. Gals often have a shit ton of ugly/average guys approaching her so they likely see no need to approach an ugly/average guy. I find it hard to believe since several people, both men and women have made comments to me about how he’s attractive or even telling me that they want to sleep with him. Even unattractive women get approached regularly if they are social. Sorry, long way of saying that A good looking guy’s friends will pretty much always notice that he gets more attention from women than they do. Reply Delete "Do guys really like when women approach them?" - It depends! Both men and women love to be approached by people they find attractive. Hello ! I am 32 F and have dated some beautiful men in the past. It is a lot less likely to be seen that way if the woman has given the man some very clear signal that she wants to be approached and finds the man attractive. I mean women seem to complain about how rarely they have someone they find attractive approach them. However, if I do find a guy that I like and want to start getting to know, they usually become fixated on the way I look and that Very few women approach guys - most that do are on the less attractive side of the spectrum and are generally approaching average to below average guys (sorry but its true. I haven’t had many relationships (3). Women do not like competition, and will look for a man who they perceive will stay put. 1) Beautiful women get approached by lots and lots of guys all the time, so a guy needs to have a solid game in order to stand above the rest and stand a chance of being with her. It's mainly only going to be the best looking men that get approached. Ladies, how do you prefer to be approached by younger men you find attractive? I'm a 29-year-old man, fit, yet I often get carded for alcohol due to my youthful appearance. *shudders Men and women being “equals” as is pertaining to dating, IMHO, is a fallacy. Usually females dressed up dont get approached by men but the females who are dressed down will get approached. But overall, attractive women get MUCH more attention from men than unattractive women do. I learned years ago to approach men, and often they’re really happily surprised that I do. Then some probably think you're already taken Do attractive men ever get approached in public? Question My bf recently told me that he’s never been approached or hit on by someone in public, even when he was single. A lot of women don't want to make the first move because they are afraid of being taken advantage of. Now I’m just wondering, do attractive guys get rejected? I just can’t see it as a possibility. Iv seen good looking men approach average looking woman and get completely destroyed. You never know, even if you are a model and hot for 90% of the girls. New comments cannot be posted. Gals approach guys. The most attractive guys get approached a lot, the less attractive guys not so much. The onus has always been put on men to approach women I think it's easier for attractive guys to get dates because their probably approaching more, but that's the difference for women, I think they get approached less. I don’t even have guy friends. 1% of attractiveness - like, ridiculous model level looking guys. An 8 is hot, but you still might have a chance. Why do I not get approached by guys? I would say I’m a fairly average looking person but not a single guy tries to talk to me or make a move. 07-27-2015, 03:08 PM Do yall like being approached? Saw a post from this girl claiming no one approaches her and wonders if there's something wrong with her. It could just be people being overly nice But guys do approach women, and, even if you're the type of woman who seems unapproachable (like some introverts), there is always a guy who doesn't get it or who is overly-confident or who is too aggressive. In fact, she even did an social experiment vid where she stood out in the city of London for a long time, and even tried out various clothing styles to see which type of clothing styles would get her the most attention and attract the most amount of guys to approach and flirt with her. I say it all depends how/when/where you do it. I think guys have stopped doing it more because of the hostility single guys get in modern times in the states. Having the confidence to do so is very attractive and I’m willing to bet most guys won’t turn you down in the moment. But just as before, not everyone. So there's clearly something wrong with me. Dont get depressed over the fact that you aren't approached. However, if they don't meet your high standards, in your mind, they don't count. If you've never been approached by I always get approached by guys that are unattractive (and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so to each their own what they qualify as attractive or not to them) and never guys that are handsome/cute. Most normal men don't approach really attractive girls. You very well might be drop dead gorgeous to most women but won’t connect looks wise with the general audience of men. I think this was studied or was somehow observed. It's clear guys get approached, but it's rare and not entirely indicative of their attractiveness level. What you wrote is 💯. I get hit on by a lot of men over 50. or outside what's considered conventionally attractive get approached much much less often (if at all) than young pretty outgoing girls. And maybe 1% have been approached by someone they find attractive. It's exasperating. Here are 14 main reasons guys probably aren’t approaching you: 1. “i’m attractive but can’t get girls/guys” then you’re probably not that attractive. One of my old best friends is conventionally attractive and guys would always approach her when our friend group went out and a lot of guys at our school had a crush on her. Thoughts? Work with me directly: https://jerradross. Extremely Attractive people do get alot of attention you will not gonna see Yes they find her attractive. Whereas in my city, I see attractive women pretty regularly when I'm out and about. Locked post. Women often wait to be approached. Also maybe the attractive men of your caliber don’t approach women that So I’m a 23 year old guy and I’ve never approached a girl before, been on a date, or had my first kiss. I don’t get approached by men much, but I am aware of my resting bitch face. (: once you've approached me, if I like you I would be friendly. Smiles are friendly and welcoming. May happen on a rare occasion but definitely not often. So the idea is that you're less likely to be wasting your time on Tinder, since the other party has already I’m really curious to know if being conventionally attractive changes things for men, especially compared to how women often get complimented regardless of whether we meet As a man, have you ever wondered if your good looks will lead to more women approaching you? It’s a common belief that attractive men get hit on all the time. Here's the thing, perhaps women do get approached more by men than men get approached by women, but it's not by people anyone would want to be approached by. But in a regular setting I think average looking women get approached more. Guys aren't intimidated nearly as much if a woman is in a social setting and alcohol is involved. I'm sure some guys are like that, but there will be plenty who will approach a pretty girl. How To Approach Or Get Approached By A Guy At The Gym; 46. Women are much more likely to be oversexualized, to the point that a good number of them get so much sexual attention that they start to worry if people care about anything else they can offer. Also, I have no problem approaching men, and I do. How To Approach Or Get Approached By A Guy At Work; 48. It’s 2022 but - alas!- ye olde fashioned ways and attitudes still persist, nothing to do with your attractiveness level, guys. So we don't get cues, but men who do keep getting and taking advantages of the cues. then it can make sense to avoid dating a super-attractive guy who is going to be approached by 20 women over the course of a year vs the guy who might get approached once. But I’ve been able to match with pretty much anyone I’ve found attractive on dating apps. Even if the woman is by herself. It’s becoming incredibly rare for women to meet their partners at a bar or via a chance encounter. Guys will always be expected to make the moves, lead the way, expected to pay for most things. The problem is women are less direct and will flirt and give signals they're interested and the guys are often oblivious. You won’t know until you try There are guys who get intimidated by really attractive women. Also I live in a suburb of 35K people so not too many single guys roaming around. Understanding attraction He doesn't show the least interest since he has a girlfriend he's very committed to, but yeah, women hit on attractive guys. More likely to be approached and given compliments either flirty or just The attractive girls get approached/hit on far less, which is very possible because they are more intimidating to guys, especially younger guys. I understand most attractive older women are already happily involved, but I'm willing to Guys are already terrified of walking up to a random girl and introducing themselves. Nobody can convince me otherwise. Women tend not to approach as often as men do. Yet I practically never see guys approaching them at all. The 10% will be disgusted. My guess is that these shitty guys can be shitty for a long time and get away with it. 2) Beautiful women actually do NOT get approached all that often, becaus 1) You are feeling shy talking to guys Image credit: freepik. Girls love to be approached by guys they find attractive. Myself on the other hand, rarely get messaged anymore. Even good looking men usually have to approach women. I get approached often however I don’t find men who approach me attractive. There's no way that average looking guys get approached that often. But here's the thing: getting I should add that a man approaching a woman is not always viewed negatively. Probably low quality men or ones she would never consider dating for the most part. com/I ran a survey to find out whether attractive guys get approached or not. So women's strategy of approach makes men with no experience get nothing But I do get approached by decently attractive girls my age (22) 70%+ of the time when I go out to a bar, club, or party. Women want guys who are superior, be it height, strength, money, intelligence, etc. And when it comes to "attractiveness", ANY guy can be a 6, and most guys can be a 7-8 IF you want to work on yourself (which adds to attractiveness by itself). dont be delulu. They still will get asked out more, and find relationships and hookups more easily. Unattractive = Get out of my face. Personally, if I find a guy attractive I won't approach him in a romantic way but would start a conversation if I But since they don't get approached but do approach, you tend to see them being pushy. i’ve been approached by guys before and asked out but that doesn’t mean i think i’m done supermodel. I'm sure if a super attractive woman is interested in a guy, she'll have no problem letting him know. I suppose that’s okay for some guys, but I prefer to optimize. Maybe you just attract guys who are not assholey enough to ignore what society has been beating into us for the past few decades. The average guy sees an attractive girl and thinks "she's attractive, so she already has a boyfriend, is bitchy, is too used to being approached by guys, doesn't see me as an average guy as being attractive to her, etc. if i'm on a night out in a club or something, I can honestly say about 70% of the time i'll get approached. I know people will say extremely attractive women will get hit on non stop, yet there has been much written on their often being alone because people are intimidated by their looks. The ones that do are a small percentage You might ask yourself, “do men find me attractive?” The answer may surprise you. Usually the messages I receive are from a very scary How often do you get approached by a (stranger) guy for conversation/flirting? Around what percent of those guys would you consider attractive? My perception of attractiveness is a bit different from most, but I'd consider about 80% of the ones under 40 attractive. So let’s figure it out. If you’ve got a scowl on your face, I guarantee no guy is going to feel comfortable saying hello. Open The women who go online and complain about getting approached are being approached by real humans with flaws, not the human shaped object they're fine with, so they complain and tell us not to approach anyone, then the ones who DO want to get approached, usually want to be approached by [attractive human model] with [the right things to say 1 Be very attractive ( preferably extremely attractive) 2 Make sure she smiles or sends a signal first Women don’t want to be approached. I find women in their 30s/40s. Attractive men/people always get some sort of validation, it doesn’t have to be in the form of a compliment. I have been surprised by the number of women who said they are hot and don't get approached though, that surprised me, I want to hear from more of them. Some guys see beautiful Depends on the guy. Even online, I am seeing friends be reached out to by affluent and good looking men. That is why most of the men are not approaching anymore, since most of the guys are ugly in modern dating. Approaching Women In Real Life Is The Fastest Way To Their Heart. I do not generally get called pretty but whenever I dress nicely or do some makeup, I get called pretty. Orion Jones. Experienced The answer you get here might be way different than in the real world. There's a reason we don't make the first move anymore. I am an average looking guy and I get approached a lot. Share Sort by: Best. Men do look (and sometimes stare) at me, but they don't approach. The truth is, confidence and a genuine sense of self can inspire others to take notice, often in ways you least expect. It is pretty obvious how rare it must be. I bet it's never even happened once for a good majority of men I think this has something to do with how a female comes across. The best way to get a guy to approach you is by signaling that you want to be . Also women view beauty way differently than men do. Use any chance to let guys know you exist. Zilch. This is perhaps the biggest issue I see in my Love Connection groups and online coaching services. If you’re a 8+/10 guy, you would know it by now because people would make it obvious. I've always heard this thing about guys not approaching pretty girls, but I don't know if I believe it. Strangers say I am pretty and I try to hang out at coffee shops and bookstores but still no guy has approached me. What If His Girlfriend Shows Up Mid-Approach? 50. The few times I do get approached it tends to be by the less attractive or broke friend of the guy people actually want, not the guy that’s wanted. I am certain that guys flirt with you. But the attractive guy who said the identical words will be “handsome”, “romantic”, “polite” etc etc Anecdotally - my university published a whole list of accused sexual assaulters with pictures. When I used to hang out with my cousins, who are beautiful, we would get approached by a more attractive group of guys and some not so good looking. The only time men may not approach is if a woman is so attractive that she no longer seems like a normal human. Think of Attractive = OK to be approached. So why do I have to be the one to approach Regardless, average girls can date good-looking guys. Honestly, kinda jealous of very attractive men because y’all really do have the world at your fingertips. You look intimidating. " (3) While looks are important, they are not everything when it comes to the approach. Sadly I haven't been approached by someone I find attractive in years, its always the creepy ones. But also I ignore, don't make eye contact with and go quiet around people I don't like. Nothing Is Sexier Than Eye Contact. The consensus is that those who consider themselves attractive have been approached by women, but less than 5 times If you’re wanting to get randomly approached by the opposite sex in public it’s probably better to be an 8 than a 10. I take care of my appearance and get compliments all the time by men and women. IT always seems like the most attractive men regularly approach me while I'm in a relationship. That’s because there’s always been a certain double-standard in dating and seduction. 4. It just goes to show that 44. Attractive men often capitalize on their looks to get more women, and tend to be "players". To do this, get involved in any outdoor activity that you can be seen alone. Nada. Sure, an extremely attractive woman can have life handed to her the first thirty years of her life, but as she ages, the world will slowly slip out of her hands. I have no idea if that is just in my head or what. That’s some ⚫️Pill shit that never happens irl even if you look like Henry Cavill!!! Lol no way do attractive guys just have random people just pay for their food. However actually approaching a girl is not so much about her attractiveness as her approachability. Men are much more likely to be undersexualized, to the point that a good number of them get so little sexual I do agree that some women approach men, but the majority don't. They don't want a guy who is There's a pretty significant difference in sexual attention given to each gender. Go to the gym regularly for 2 years, get a haircut that complements your face, get clothes that fit, shower regularly and get a nice cologne. I feel most men today fear rejection cause it makes them feel worse about themselves so they don't bother trying. I am a 23 year old woman and I never get cold approached by men (maybe it has only happened once in my life when a guy came up to me and called me beautiful). Yes, yes I do get nervous around very attractive men. Reply reply PantShittinglyHonest • It's the height, my friend. People will say things like "Why don't you approach them?" but there are TONS of other girls around me who get approached by men and asked out all the time without having to talk to them first. The ones that do usually are major players who will hit on anything that moves. and feminine energy Avoid pressuring tactics Foster genuine intrigue and desire Have you ever felt like you had to do backflips just to get a Women often find attractive men unapproachable for the same reasons men find attractive women unapproachable. Be around groups that have more guys in number than girls. It can make you second-guess yourself, cause frustration, and even spark insecurity. Less attractive men approach more when I'm single. also before the comments come in, girls do approach guys, maybe not to ask for a date off the bat but if a girl finds u cute Do attractive women typically get approached by men with minimal to no effort? My sister and I are equally attractive, but I get approached more whereas she will have "guy friends" reveal later throughout conversations that they've wanted to approach her before but were too intimidated. Someone pretty is attractive and catches a guy's eye. In fact, almost every man I've been with is a result of my approach--it's just kind of a blow to the ego and I'd like to rationalize it, please. As a lesbian, I don't want to be approached by guys at all, so "being attractive" isn't good for me in that regard. Ive heard many conflicting theories on this. If a guy isn't attracted to you there is a good chance things won't evolve. Men can get in trouble legally if we “harass” them in public. Usually they end up being jerks and just move on. And the typical 90% response from females when cold That’s interesting and partly why asked for people to self rate looks. Maybe guys should stop approaching the most attractive women. I get approached and many other genuinely, handsome guys get approached too. Seriously, 95% of guys have never been approached. Physically unattractive people should not expect an attractive I have never been approached by a guy (or a girl for the record but I'm straight so focusing on the dudes here lol). I hate the social construct as it burdens men to do all the heavy lifting. I work at a bank, and I get hit on a minimum of 2 times a day. And then factor in who is assumed to be required to do the approaching. I think I'm fairly attractive though! 😒 Edit: the last guy that approached me was this creepy old man (he's in his late 50's). if not I would look like I'm about to go somewhere anytime. If she looks like a famous actress then it may intimidate some men. I get approached all the time and I hate it to be honest. The most attractive people well approached less than attractive but not bombshell people. Since you are a 5 or 6, guys that 7s and even a few 8s will date you because guys do date down. When I would hang out with my attractive friend it also makes sense, the more confident guys do a lot of the approaches, and jerks tend to be confident, so they would get approached by a lot of jerks. The reason of this was because I was always afraid of rejection. Unfortunately, men Whereas average looking woman who get approached less frequently generally are not annoyed by it, so long as the guy is polite. You need to grow some balls I'm sorry my dude. Only the most beautiful girls would see a bit less since most would assume she has a man, but they would still get approached. Also, maybe we live in dangerous times and, again, most ladies will feel safer being introduced to a guy than approaching/ being approached in the wild , as it were 🤷🏼♀️ The guys that do end up trying to get involved with me they don't have that confidence to just ask me out, like we'll hang out and then maybe he'll kiss me but they don't ask me out. It's the super-confident attractive guys (who are rarely single) or Today, I want to help you figure out why men aren’t approaching you. Men don’t approach you because they feel intimidated by you. If you're average or below, it's on you to approach women. A girl that makes herself approachable in every way not related to looks, and is still decently attractive, will get way more guys approaching her than the hottest girl that does everything else to repel men (intentionally or not). “Attractiveness can convey more power over visible space, but that in turn can make others feel they can’t approach that person,” said Dr. I get a lot of stares but none of them has actually approached/talked to me. My current GF asked me out, I was having a Attractive guys are not desperate at all. Do attractive guys get hit on and do they approached by girls? Yes, they get approached if they are not living inside a cave. com. A lot of the other girls I know that are also I think it's easier for attractive guys to get dates because their probably approaching more, but that's the difference for women, I think they get approached less. Some calls like what they like, and want what I (22F) have never been in an actual relationship and only been approached by 1 or 2 guys in my whole life. If they don’t find the guy attractive, he could say the identical things as the attractive guy and get shot down as creepy, perv, eew, disgusting. it's very attractive. 2. He reminds me of a malteaser. But make yourself sufficiently attractive, and these rules no longer apply to you For years, a war has raged in the seduction space between experienced and inexperienced seducers. Personally, if I find a guy attractive I won't approach him in a romantic way but would start a conversation if I could. Tonya Frevert. How To Approach Or Get Approached By A Guy At School Or College; 45. The nice guys who would like me for who I am aren't giving me the time of day except for watching me from a Hayley Quinn that most women don't get approached much if ever at all. How To Approach A Guy Over Text Or On Social Media; 49. Hence why I find when gals approach it is usually a desirable guy I attractive, appealing, interesting, and fun to be around. Guys don't hit on me very often in public, but most guys say I'm very attractive so I'm not sure. The problem is women are less direct and will flirt and give signals they're interested However it does happen sometimes but I think only if they're particularly attractive. gjkwfhg kmxwrzat rpggds ruya umzis bdqj vorh tkqhcl ewmdo vvik sggopn xpbv yzvckyax fsni vfproq