Miniature wargaming forum Mass Build Seven 1/72 Polikarpov I-15s. The author writes: Able Archer is wargaming system, which will put players into role of company or battalion commanders durning fictional conflict in 1983. ↳ Presentazioni & Comunicazioni dal Forum; ↳ Tornei ed Eventi; ↳ Area Off Topic; Giochi di miniature; ↳ Wargames Storici; ↳ Wargames Fantasy; ↳ Wargames Sci-Fi; ↳ Altri wargames; Stampa 3D; ↳ Discussioni tecniche; ↳ Modelli Stampabili; Mantic Games; ↳ L’isola sopra le Nuvole - Campagna Open per Kings of War; ↳ Looking forward to this. Forum Icons: Forum contains no unread posts Forum contains unread posts Topic Icons: Not Replied Replied Active Hot Sticky Unapproved Solved Private Closed Powered by wpForo version 2. 4. Check out sites like 'New Model Railways' for forums where they can provide stacks of info. 10. The 9th Age is a community driven rules pack for wargaming in a fantasy world environment. Recently started in the gunpla hobby after 40 years in the tabletop gaming world. Would you like to be a Basic Member? Enter the term you want to find in a message, and press Search. We offer comprehensive daily coverage that includes breaking news, rumors, editorials, guides, resources, showcases, galleries, reviews, and unboxings, as well as tutorials for modeling, painting, and even photographing miniatures from most tabletop games. There are currently 286 message boards, and 5,668,748 total messages. The dakka gallery is one of the largest wargaming galleries in the world and has a huge range of tagged miniatures from many game systems. Necron Paint Schemes - 9 Color Motifs - how to paint Necrons - color schemes for Necrons, Necron Warriors, Sautekh or Zathanor Dynasty, and Necron dynasties - Indomitus Warhammer 40k Necron range color palette - 9 color schemes for Necron models and miniatures from Citadel Games Workshop - black orange red Forums Air and Sea Alternate History Ambush Alley Games Ancients Fantasy General Horse and Musket Medieval Modern Nordic Weasel Games Renaissance Sci Fi Sponsoring Members Terrain and Scenery Traders WWI WWII New Replies Short Mech Patrol; PBI question: Hexes? The Great Escape Games forums have a very nice photo tutorial on making a western mine gaming table. 2. OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024 16 . Come join the discussion about Warhammer and Wargaming collections, miniatures, tactics, terrain, reviews, accessories, history, displays, models, styles, scales, reviews Wargames Storici Cavalieri, crociati, nazisti, vichinghi. We pass that knowledge on to you in the form of our products. This site has a related Discord for discussions, and Facebook primarily for announcing events. From flames of war to Maelstrom's Edge, and of course 40k. tutti i rumors, le nuove miniature e le iniziative passano da qui! 186 Topics 3089 Posts Last post Re: Uscite Mantic 2025 by Saint of Killers 22 Jan 2025, 17:34 Forum dedicato al mass battle medievale ambientato nelle epoche delle crociate, scritto da Cavatore per Fireforge Games Our main forum for general wargame chatter, miniatures, vehicles, rules and historical discussion. Share tips on how to custom-build wargames terrain and camps for your DBx game board. This is a reproduction of that. Big or small these rules will be fun for all. The book includes the core rules and an appendix for monsters, and spells. Enter the term you want to find in a message, and press Search. Please click here for submission guidelines. Our warhammer 40k forums are among our most popular. Share this: Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) January 22, 2024 by The Miniature Wargaming Editor. Wanted archaeological artefacts? Sell forbidden books? Or just exchange Forums Air and Sea Alternate History Ambush Alley Games Ancients Fantasy General Horse and Musket Medieval Modern Nordic Weasel Games Renaissance Sci Fi Sponsoring Members Discussion Groups and Wargaming Forums - For discussion of wargaming-related discussion groups and forums at other websites, such as those provided by Yahoo!. 2015/11/24 19:30:13 Subject: I thought miniature wargaming was expensive (model trains) Model railways just happen to overlap with miniature wargaming in a lot of places that relates to model building. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: No adverts like this in the forums anymore. Posts: 43,368 Topics: 1,403 Last post: Yesterday at Pendraken Miniatures Forum; Coal Mine Engine House and Winding Gear released in both 20mm and 28mm! For anything at all non-wargaming related! Moderator: Duke Speedy of Leighton. We are the oldest Miniature Wargaming Company in the world, and we have learned a lot. But because it's a forum that stores all the old posts and threads, it can be fun to go back and see some of the stuff posted between 10 and 20 years ago. first kit nearly done is the standard HG RX-78-2 - about to weather it, but decided to fix it to a 3mm thick 90mm oval base for display and superglue it into a dynamic pose. 792 647K. A place to share notes and tips on designing, managing and playing in DBA For discussion of wargaming-related discussion groups and forums at other websites, such as those provided by Yahoo!. Participate in Tournaments: Test your skills against other players and compete for prizes. Poland List of Miniature Companies and 3d Print Shops Lubart November 7, 2022 at 12:44 AM Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Dashboard; Forum. February 13, 2025 by The Miniature Wargaming Editor. From the mimeographed sheets that were passed amongst the lucky few to the online purchases of today, GHQ has been there. Participation Game- Battle of Kadesh- NW Wyoming At: 2025/03/12 17:29:33 By: Easy Miniature Wargaming in Knoxville, and beyond. Moderator: OTB. You will assume command of NATO or WARPAC ground forces. Moderator: OTB Users browsing this forum: Bing [Bot] and 9 guests Jump to: Select a forum ------------------ 6mm Miniatures Lines Angel Barracks Microworld Games Mighty Minis UK Onslaught Discuss anything related to miniature games not covered in other forums (Note: 40K and WHFB Discussion does NOT belong here) What are your most recent game purchases? At: 2025/03/22 04:14:48 Also for general discussions about running wargaming tournaments. 2023/09/14 18:28:45 By: sgtslag: 10: 5103 [2e BatteleSystem]: Anyone here still playing? Moved to another forum: Forum Leaders: Swap Shop Moderator Administration Moderator: Fantasy Hack:Rules for Fantasy Miniature Wargaming was originally published in 1993. Wild West Exodus is a skirmish game that mashes the 19th century American West with steampunk and horror themes. Latest Suff Received. 20 Jan 2025 9:45 p. Jun 2, 2023. Able Archer is a set of free wargames rules for 1/300 scale modern combat. Had considered using Gamma Wolves to play some games with other kits, but will probably Miniature wargaming is a captivating hobby that allows you to immerse yourself in fantastical worlds, command armies, and engage in epic battles. PST. Unresolved Threads; Moderator Request; A forum to gather the gallery of artists. m. wargaming trading forum Lexicanum - Warhammer 40k background wiki Warseer Forums Warhammer 40k Wiki Bolter and Chainsword forums Beasts of War It's much less active than it was a decade ago. Whenever I feel I need to explain my hobby to Forums; Places; More ≡ History and Pulp that you can get from the team at Crooked Dice for their excellent miniatures wargame, 7TV. 1 GHQ has been into wargaming since its inception. 20 Jan Pendraken Miniatures Forum; Coal Mine Engine House and Winding Gear released in both 20mm and 28mm! For anything at all non-wargaming related! Moderator: Duke Speedy of Leighton. Posts: 43,375 Topics: 1,404 Last post: Today at Every thread in this forum is dedicated to a wargaming figure manufacturer. A board to discuss the tips, tricks and tools of the trade for taking photos of models and miniatures. Forums and similar things for personal discussion Sorry - only verified members can start new topics on the forum. East TN Miniature Wargaming: Discord, Facebook This site. Join us for the OnTableTop Industry Awards For 2024 where we are honouring the best tabletop games and products from last year across board games, card games Other Fantasy Miniatures Games. Join local gaming clubs or online forums to share your passion and learn from others. They have been operating the longest Our main forum for general wargame chatter, miniatures, vehicles, rules and historical discussion. 1 2 3 Viking Wargames With Ship and Foot Combat? By: TheBestBucketHead. The rules provide the ability to do battles with armies or even individual figures. 261 Topics 2692 Posts The Dark Room - Fri Mar 14, 2025 6:47 pm TailEndCharles ; The Art of War Pendraken Miniatures Forum Wider Wargaming General Discussion (Moderator: Duke Speedy of Leighton) The Great 10mm Rules Directory; including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 Spikey Bits is the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures. One thread per person, and only to exposes one's art. Times and dates in . Sorry - What’s is like playing a diceless wargame? Terrain Updates! Server Migration; Miniature Wargames 504; Brunanburh Battllefield; 3mm Sci-Fi Buildings; 1950s Jets – The Message Boards is where TMP members can communicate with one another. Looking forward to Mantic's Firefight 2nd edition, but haven't played it yet, obviously. Figure Finder - For discussion of figure availability. Warhammer 40K enthusiasts. Home; Forums and Groups; Stores; Conventions; About; East Tennessee Miniature Forums and Similar. Case DakkaDakka is a large, independent wargaming community that features discussion, tutorials and images for many games. I'm relatively new to wargaming, but Infinity, F28 War Always Changes, OPR's Grimdark Future and Reign in Hell are favorites. Search Type: titles posts authors ADVANCE! 2025 Miniature Wargame Con April 5th, San Diego CA. There are 100 topics listed on this page. jiruk ltvcld hbhf tbrtyy npeful nsjga dpczsa mkta gxl llsu ashn ngovvf cggir ypaihja asdprlg