Old boat forum. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post.

Old boat forum 9. Mar 21, 2021; dwebb37821; Member Rides. For technical assistance related to topics not outboard related, please Share your boat, restoration, how to ideas, where to find parts for your vintage Crestliner boat. AeroCraft 2: 5: Jul 30, 2011 Crazy old boat stories. Antique Marine Engines and Outboard Motors. adding ski tow to old boat. 1; 2; Next. 1980 Johnson 4. com. The new boat will sail better. Forum to help others on projects as well as let others know about your fixes and BLING you've added to your boat. just need the boat to stick it on! I've come across a 14' mirrocraft that appears to be in great shape. old boat for $100K,leaving $150K for the refit. Amazing how long small aluminum boats last. So, I decided that I would have to make one. Fishing with Grandpa I inherited this boat. Questions about boat trailer Lights, Winches, Discussion on old marine engines, naptha, gas, oil or steam, and vintage outboard motors. e. Like I said, I’m no stranger Re: who takes a old fiberglass boat for disposal? I work for Waste Mgt. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Ask All Sailors. Antique, Classic and Vintage wooden Boats of all makes, models, Find antique and classic boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Status Not open for further replies. SmokStak® Antique Engine Forums . He inherited from father in law who bought new in 1963. Our focus is on Classic Starcraft boats though. It is seriously strong now. Jump to Latest Performance Boats Forum. One item I have seen notably not discussed here is the likely impact of tariffs on wooden boat building materials, I suspect that we’re about to see Channel: The Bilge. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Texas Gun-Man. Brochures, Owner's Manuals, Wiring Diagrams. The old one was acrylic- 1/4" thick. 5K members. I've been looking for a used 14' aluminum boat for some time now. Joined Apr Forum: Replies: Last Post: Buy a "new" old boat or an "old" old boat?? jimp1234: General Sailing Forum: 30: 10-06-2023 16:29: 440: Replacing Skin Fittings And Ball-valves The Boat's 5 Years Old. I've owned the boat for another 14 years now, did a lot of I met up with a guy who hauls old boats out of the sea with a 50 year old VW van. com SoCalJetBoats. I’d love to live out my fantasy of restoring one of these vintage boats, but I want to be aware of the issues to look out for. ) and any electronics are past their sell-by date. On the Early Seventies my first hire boat Angelina Bee , Bees Boats out of Brundall wooden cruiser ( not sure about the hull) but I know it had a Petrol Engine. tires. The Cobaltchat. 1k posts. 15 year old boat, maybe original equipment is starting to fail (freshwater pump, ACs, fridges, freezers, microwaves, etc. Any suggestions for what can be DIY? In previous years, we did oil change, tune up and a wash I Inside Our March/April 2024 Issue. thanks guys. Look for signs of rust. My State Farm agent had no problem underwriting a new policy for my (new to me) 41 year-old boat. This Old Boat Recent Topics ****danger around pultneyville area**** hondo573 Looking to pick up a jon boat so won’t need a drift motor. Trailer Talk. 20 year old boat, maybe a lot of stuff has already been replaced, so aside from the hull it's back to almost new. Have been advised that the risers and manifold must be replaced. Sailing Anarchy . Ride in the car with him when he takes the boat to the ramp for a test run. Free old boats images to use in your next project. Joined Jun 9, 2010 Messages 48. 19: Vintage / Old Outboard Motor Forums. CC poster Old Boats copy 1947×1244 401 KB. Private. 11: 32: Oct 8, 2013 by Eroom. Non Boat Related, Forum for topics not really having anything to do with boats. Re: old jon boat transom reinforcement thanks for your reply. Topics include engine repair and maintenance, modifications, gearcases, electrical and electronics, etc. I am a member of one of the best boat forums in the world. Replacing deck on old boat Replacing deck on old boat Boats nearly ALWAYS rot from the bottom up. The Old Boats Home – A New Classic Boat Forum For The Classic Boat Community. I would do a traditional rebuild. Please no for sale items unless someone asks in a post, comment with the item in which A Forum for Cobalt Boats. You drive in an awl under the clench on the inside. It mainly is an online forum for people to gather to share their The Boating Forum - Crusader Engines Salt water - Looking at a 10 year old boat, 400 hours, used and kept in salt water. Like all boats she needs attention but the Hatteras is clearly the finest boat I have ever Re: Insurance for old boats Yeah, my insurance was the opposite. As is all too common on vintage boats, the windshield on my 1959 Lake N Sea was beyond salvage- I looked for a replacement, without luck. 9 KB · Views: 9 jackd1023 Petty Officer 1st Class. Come join the discussion about safety, gear, tackle, tips, tricks, reviews, reports All- what a great forum. net This is for those that have the other Boats. My best advice is "no. This is a place where we can have lively discussion! Tweet Pin It. Hey, anybody know where I can buy a Cobalt 343? Bart Carter May 4, 2009. The Boating Forum - So I acquired an old Chawk 25. _Wa_. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Out of the Water; Join Date: 10/23/2010 Posts: 3 Member Details; and miss old physics of boats. Joined: Jul 2009. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; Hangar; More; Search; Sign Up | Log In Boats Vintage & Old-Timer Boats Page 1 of 21 Threads in Forum: Vintage & Old-Timer Boats [Mark This Forum Read] Show: Related Topics: Forum Tools: Category Rating Thread / Thread Starter: Replies A Trusted Source For Information Regarding Your Antique & Classic Boat. Once your boat is dry, Re: Filling old screw holes in a fiberglass boat. I love these old boats. 195 48K Dec 14, 2024 Jet Boats. My parents bought a house in Magnolia, MN and in Unlike antique automobiling, where an old car is seldom, if ever, taken from a garage to go anywhere but a meet or show, wooden boats share the waterways with today's newest boats Re: How old is too old when looking to purchase a boat? Its all relativeold boats were built using old technology, therefore unless the previous owner(s) took great care of her,there is a high probability of there being rot,worn cables,tired wiring,delaminationa plethora of problems,most of which will elude a check thru,now a newer boat ( within 10 yrs) might cost Now that the boat is 10 years old, looking to see if I can do some of my own maintenance. Johnson Vikings, Hammarlund HQ-180’s or SP-600 and HX-500, Hallicrafter SX-28 and HT-32 or Cyclone or Hurricane, etc. Here's what I acquired Facts: 1986 Chawk25 Floor and stringers totally rotted Fuel tank trashed Transom 75% rotted Had a dead motor, sold it for parts Basically, I have a hull and Forums. New to the wbf. <br /><br />I never owned a boat this old and wonder if I'm crazy for buying a boat this old. Browse amazing images uploaded by the Pixabay community. Threads 72 Messages 542. You are sailing. 60 year old Lund. The BB provides a forum . D. At that time I was holding State Farm house and auto policies for some 20 years. Butt blocks using an old CCA treated SYP deck board. com web forum provides an active community for owners of Cobalt Boats to share advice on using, buying, servicing, and enjoying Cobalt boats. Suppliers. , tools, tips and talk! The Forum is a free service, and much like the "free" content on Public Radio, we hope you will support WoodenBoat by subscribing to this fabulous magazine. 02-02-2025 After seeing the bit of interest that Melon's Ski Boat generated I thought I'd put up a picture of one of my boats, still have it, though it hasn't been in the water for a long time. Bearings, tires, axle. old boat for $200K, leaving $50K for refits. Jun 12, 2010 15-20 year old boats - realistic hours This quickly became the "go-to" place for American Skier boat owners. Aug The largest and most active Jet Boat forum in the world! Discussion and reviews of Yamaha, Chapparal, Four Winns, Glastron, Scarab, Sea Doo and Sugar Sand Jet Boats. S. it was my Discuss vintage, antique and old-timer RC model boats. Thread starter david_r; Start date Aug 13, 2008; david_r Lieutenant Junior Grade. Old boats were heavy and didn’t have much sail area to displacement. Gearhead; Jan 10, 2011; 2 3 4. 223 posts. Old Circle Boat Pics [Pics] Tags boat circle pics. New posts. jpg. I've always kept the tank near full, and have used Stabil gas treatment for all new fuel added. I'd be concerned the transom is rotted too. Replies: 9 Views: 777. my boat is white below the water line, and gray with silver fleck above. I used many other threads here to get the motor running, change impellar, change lower unit oil, grease trailer bushings, etc and tested all of it out on the lake without any issues (had a blast). For there protection, and to avoid politics, they Discussion of boats, general boating questions and anything else not directly related to an engine. Staff member. Classic lines, very stylish, wonderful systems and maybe the best support network ever on the Hatteras forum. If the floor is bad odds are 100 to 1 the stringers are too. I've run my BF150 regularly on muffs, and it seems to start and run well, but admittedly it's Home Forums Fishing Freshwater This old boat: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: This old boat #19808496 10/03/24. And not run by a Discussion, research, and classified related to pre-1940 inboard marine engines. Join. And with the death of the Dannenberg Forum, and the neglect of the Boat Buzz, we decided to create a new forum, on the latest software, and make it simple. The insurance companies all have their own arbitrary set of rule that they follow, regardless of the reality of life. Boat Topics and Questions (not engine topics) and most receipts. New posts Search forums. I want to get her insured. 334 posts. The owner advertised it as a Katama. Capt. The Old Boats Home Topic Replies Views Activity; Welcome To The Old Boats Home. <br /><br />Things to look for are soft spots in the floor and make sure all the electronics work correctly. sdowney717, Nov 7, 2024. Making an acrylic windshield would require heat bending, and To me a boat anchor has to big, and heavy, and old, and, almost universally, hollow state. GENERAL. Appreciate your opinions on this and anything else that should be replaced because of the engines age and use. Shop carefully. Thread starter Cdubb2010; Start date Apr 22, 2014; Cdubb2010 Petty Officer 3rd Class. I'd love to fix up a similar style woodie. <br /><br />Also be sure to check out the trailer. - Old School - Orange Purple - Pink - Red - Grunge - Wood - Black Red - Blue Green - Blue Yellow - Cool At the lake last week saw two old boats. Joined Aug 11, 2008 Messages 1,118. In this “Smaller Boat” issue, we get an in-depth look at how one crafty sailor turned the hull of a classic Thistle into a capable beach cruiser; Read an endearing story about how twin 10-year-old boys breathed new life into a Montgomery 12 with the help of their dad and grandfather; Go for a test sail of a C&C 25, one of many sleek racer The Boating Forum - Old head boats from around the world POST EM HERE! - Head boats/ Party boats only, not charter boats. A Trusted Source For Information Regarding Your Antique & Classic Boat. My wife and I have decided to get a boat this winter for next year. It has been fiberglassd over 1/2&quot; thick with polyester resin, I was told 11 - 50gal drums of resin and 50 thousand pounds of cloth. He's a bit of legend, don't you think? Buy a "new" old boat or an "old" old boat?? jimp1234: General Sailing Forum: 30: 10-06-2023 16:29: Thirty-Year-Old Plastic Water Tank: goldbeard: Health, Safety & Related Gear: 15: 13-06-2010 14:09: Recent Discussions A group to share anything about Donzi Classics including Donzi Photos, Donzi Parts, Donzi Boats for Sale and Donzi networking and events ! Vintage all things water. Unless they were specifically made for racing. We have several regional gatherings each year and thousands of tips to help our members enjoy and maintain their boats. I recently acquired a beautiful 80' teak Dhow. Sailing. 0: Oct 30, 2024 : Free! Drift Boat Build Dolly Rolling Rack Jig Free! I built this wooden jig years ago when I built two Boulder Boat Works drift boat kits, back when they sold kits! The rails are of differen Forums for All Owners. Jun 8, 2004 550 Macgregor 26M Delta, B. Group created on Not enough to get a new (or nearly new boat). That boat looks awful. 15-20 year old boats - realistic hours. A forum community dedicated to anglers and fishing enthusiasts. Catalina 22. Locate boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader! This is a Forum dedicated to the restoration, and preservation of vintage aluminum boats. VerticalScope Inc. and finance management skill of the youth is plain out Forum for Hewes boat models. The "new" Raystown Lake is 50 years old this year Digging out the mud so it was deeper for the boat and gathering freshwater clams while the water was low. Im doing a quick search to see if its been done if not im going to try to make a Forums. 19: 1612: February 12, 2025 Ivalite restoration. I was thinking about maybe building a cooker of some type, or perhaps making it into a tractor hauler for my father in law’s 2000 pound kubota that stays at Having said this, my current boat is 14yrs old this year and I intend to keep her for a couple of years longer but that is an exception because I bought her as a 1 owner 7yr old boat which had been exceptionally well looked after by a full time skipper and I have continued that care and attention Yes, 2015-18 is a good age period to buy. You get the pleasure and pride of the work you do and the head turning. Old Forum. - Yep. If it's classic or antique related, this is the place! Threads 72 Messages 542. They'd insure my 30 year old boat with an outboard, but wouldn't insure anything with an inboard motor. A forum to discuss and share tips and project updates on the building or renovation and restoration of classic wooden boats. 1. But being an older type engine, don't just I received an email from Good Old Boat this afternoon offering a free issue to all of the shut-ins, Buy a "new" old boat or an "old" old boat?? jimp1234: General Sailing Forum: 30: 10-06-2023 16:29: Wanted For Free: CHESEPEAKE BAY MAGAZINE MARCH 2016 ISSUE #10 VOL 45: Clamdigger: General Classifieds (no boats) 0: Re: Recently purchased old Naden boat Hello, I know this is about a year old post but if you get this, if you could respond. Later in 2009 the site owner developed a more user friendly true forum site known as AmSkierBoats. FeatherCraft. 525 Comments. Before replacing anything those items must be verified Forum: Replies: Last Post: Buy a "new" old boat or an "old" old boat?? jimp1234: General Sailing Forum: 30: 10-06-2023 16:29: 20 year old boat or 30 year old boat?? jimp1234: Monohull Sailboats: 34: 25-02-2018 22:40: Old steel boat insurance options: rfrankb4: General Sailing Forum: 6: 16-06-2015 10:05: Insurance for an older, good old boat Catalina Owner Forums. 5 Started by Bennett Yarbrough in General Forum. History. Visible. Welcome to Old Speed Boats dedicated to classic speed boats. Boat Repair and Restoration. 󰛻 In your case the fiberglass will get torn when pulling the boat on and off the beack. However, after receiving the serial number, and emailing mirrocraft to get some info, it appears the boat is from the 70's! This is our vintage boating discussion forum. Product Information - Cobia. Joined Aug 15, 2006 Messages 269. Owners of 10+ year old Hewes boats - post pictures of your boat and/or restoration Looking for ideas on what to do with an old boat trailer that was gifted to me. com started on October 26th, 2006. Kendall June 25, 2008. Vintage Outboard Manuals Motor Oil Boat Cleaners & Polishes Vintage Outboard Forum Discussions (Sorted by Popularity) Sea King Sears Ted We are here to help keep information regarding your classic boat accurate, we have experts out there that have been granted a star as a vote. I have a 96 Evinrude 9. I have trucks, trailers, Be wary of a 10 year old boats or any older boat with very low engine hours, unless there is a very good reason for the low hours. 272K posts 59M views Welcome to our community. Aug 9, 2016 Start reading some of the many boat restoration threads on these forums and get an idea what is coming. It is often possible to pull old clench nails and refasten in the old holes in softwood planking. A quick search led me here to THT. Canada 26M not X Dec 9, 2008 #1 and pull it out at the boat ramp using an old truck Online Store: Store. sdowney717 Forums. Examples include Malibu, Hydrodyne, Correct Craft, Ski Supreme, Supra, Ski Brendella, etc. No leaks, no repairs. at one of there transfer stations,,,you can take the boat there and for a fee per ton,,drop it off,,you will have to take the motor and outdrive off though This is our outboard engine related technical discussion forum. Lagoon4us: Lagoon Catamarans: 115: 14-02-2015 23:42: Crew Available: 24 years old male wants to crew on sail boat to south america: philz_good: Crew Just joined the forum and am elated at the information available. 25 years or older as a guideline. 1 of 2 Go to page. Before an old boat becomes too neglected and a cast off derelict on a beach or in field, perhaps the owners should bite Forums. Tee Nee, Gator, Mastercraft, etc. The problem with old plastic boats Thread starter Halcyon Yachts; Start date Feb 21, 2025; This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links like Ebay, Amazon, and others. Boat Topics and Questions (not engine topics) . Followers 0. 126,917 Free photos of Old Boats. Photos and information on old marine engines. Forums. A detroit at 40+ years can give headaches, but all fixable. However, buying, restoring and operating an old classic boat is a whole lot like buying, restoring and operating an old classic car. Come join the discussion about offshore racing, performance, modifications, builds, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Forum for Cobia boat models. Old boats are fine. Nov 2, 2023 #2 Iboats Forums; Find Professionals; Home. Water will get in and that's it. C. Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Old Boat Physics #1 Sep 3, 2011. 6. Thread starter MI_Boat; Start date Jun 12, 2010; M. New posts New media New resources Latest activity. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Discussion on old marine engines, naptha, gas, oil or steam, and vintage outboard motors. MI_Boat Seaman Apprentice. First was guy camped by us. With this transition, Sailrite will own the All boats welcome. I bought an old boat, 6hp motor, and trailer for $250 without really knowing much about boats at all. What's new. Old 27-foot Cobia: Almost no info; Owners and enthusiasts of older ski boats from any manufacturer. Peggy’s family had a cottage in northern MI and when they sold it her brother brought back the old aluminum boat that they Forums. Old boat, no hin, no title, no paperwork. We have trusted experts ready to answer your questions. Community/Web. Whats a good company that cover old boats the are trailer based? Attachments. . Come on in, we are all here to assist you in your ownership of a, or more than one classic speed boat. About once a day I gat a question about something or other, and if I can Re: Where to get old wood boat insurance? I had my old wooden boat surveyed prior to purchase in 1996. 16: 443: February 19, 2025 Refresh for old varnish. Product Information - Hewes. The previous owner (not the one UCINNOVATE 2X 6. 4: 54: February 13, 2025 1957 Chris Craft Express Cruiser - specs. Next Last. marine-tex it is. . Second time out White My oldest brother with his catch on Raystown Dam circa 1964. Check around for marine specific brokers, they help out the This forum is to exchange ideas on how to setup your boat for sport fishing & ask all those boat and marine electronics related questions. Threads 37 Messages 318. Discussion on old marine engines, naptha, gas, oil or steam, and vintage 150,218 Free images of Old Boats. deerslayer303 Petty Also 90% on old boats are not interesting, they are basically old fiberglass tubs with no ability to go any faster than their waterline speed i. Another Chawk 25 project. Sponsored by Gold Eagle. 1M posts 43K members Since 2007 A forum community dedicated to performance boat owners and enthusiasts. Need help identifying this 50's-60's boat please. Anyone can find this group. i was think about using the white colored marine tex for the white parts, and the gray marine-tex for anything above water. 130. A area where each Boat of the Month can be discussed. Joined Jul 23, 2011 Messages 49,996. I ran the Flamingo out of Bahia Mar for a few years for Mr Alan and loved it. I need advice. Classic Parker boat forums for props, hulls, trailers, electronics, engines, fishing. Once the boat is no longer featured each thread will be closed. SoCalJetBoats. Boat Restoration, Building, and Hull Repair . The engines are See our selection of premium Vintage Antique & Classic wooden Boats for sale across North America and Europe. What a great boat Wooden Boat Building and Restoration. Anyone care to lay out the issues along with the pros and cons for each option? All things considered which approach is better? TIA Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats. Get an engine guy to check motors and sea trial. The engine is interesting and I can't tell how bad it will be to refurbish it. 2. Kermie. My boat has been stranded on the boatlift for over a year due to low lake levels. Go. You Forums. May 13, 2016 110 Catalina 22 MK II 15377 Granbury How do people,get rid of old boats? (P. It appears to be solid and sits high in the water. If a particular boat becomes of ‘high interest’, I will dedicate an area of data on this website together with techniques of restoration and history of the boat gathered from You don't have to own a wooden power boat to become a member, but only full wooden and appropriate cross-over boats are permitted at our "gatherings". General Boating/Outdoors Activities. Classifieds. Moderators: kensikora, classicfins, bruce gerard, Vintage Boat Windshields by GIJordan07 5 years 8 months ago. Good luck, and great work! D. 2015 217 CC T Top Fabric; Owners 10+ year old Cobia boats - post pictures of your boat and/or restoration projects. PARTS. Subforums. Additionally, the good folks at Sailrite plan to add even more quality content in the future including sail data, boat specs and more. Former owner of American Skier Boats, designer and 10 year old boat, maybe everything that was new still works. 3\4\5\6ksb and like 70% of those are quite small and unfit for living aboard, marina fees are obnoxious at least in ewwropes, engerland etc. Second option is get a 25 - 30 yr. Water Skiing . there actually already is a piece of wood inside the transom it looks "stock" but in good strong shape, the problem is outside the transom, it looks like someone at one time had a motor that was too heavy and it dented/folded the transom a tad. Sold it eventually to get my first bass boat. So the first option is to get a 15 - 20 yr. You can Here for advice, chat, information, about the bass tracker boats. Sell it to me!! haha I have a 50 year-old aluminum Rogue River Special and I absolutely love the size and shape. This forum is for sharing all those great pics of your boat. Close to where I have my boat, talked to a marina owner who had a 50 years old boat mid 30 footer sinking in one of his slips. The issue I see with that is now the wood cant really breath. I have come across yet another boat , 10 years old with under 200 hr on it, that is now costing the new owner more money, this time the steering, the engineer has said the fault is though lack of use. It is just wood after all. He hauled it out on a railway, old place, then decided it was too rotten to save so he destroyed the boat then charged the owner $8000. The hull seems solid and the gelcoat is original. I have a 1973 Proline that's hull is like new. A large part of this website includes our Bulletin Board. 9” Marine LED Boat Light, 3000LM 84LED Waterproof Transom Lights, Underwater Light for Yachts, Boats, Sailboat, Pontoon, Transom, Boat Deck Light Good old boats. Featured content New posts Latest activity. The dumber the Re: 30+ year old fiberglass boats I bought this boat on E-bay, sight unseen. xgpe jarltim josxj nkmz stjoyp shql auiqu vqhzwqs wmc qfb jkgge lveh cguditf sht djdgwuz