Spfpa local 502. Sign into MyNLRB to follow cases and receive updates.
Spfpa local 502 In 21 of those elections a new unit was certified. Successful CBA Negotiations at Login to your account with secure 2FA authentication. The primary mission is to provide security coverage to the Resort with a host of full-time and part-time It is the law of the International and Local Unions, and is equally binding on each of us. The SPFPA will provide experience negotiators, contract technicians, and legal assistance to your elected negotiating committee. Region 3 Director JD Covington worked with the Local bargaining committee to win the unit members’ wage increases, guaranteed working hours, and much more. In consideration of the following mutual covenants, it is hereby agreed as follows: Address: 25510 Kelly Road Roseville MI 48066 Phone: 586-772-7250 Fax: 586-772-9644 Email: info@spfpa. Address: International Union Security Police Fire Professionals of America - 502 Local Spfpa is child organization, under the parent exemption from Iu Spfpa. ILWU LOCAL 502. Check benefits of SPFPA for security professionals. CONTRACT PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA (SPFPA) AND its AMALGAMATED LOCALS 502 and 506 September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020 . Each SPFPA ™ Local Union is granted a Charter, which then establishes the Local and the corresponding Local Executive Board. Thanks. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier LOCAL 506 (SPFPA) MEETING PAGE LOCAL 506 (SPFPA)-THE PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA (SPFPA) AND Its AMALGAMATED LOCALS 502 and 506 FIRST-LEVEL SUPERVISORS September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020 . You will be stimulated by our heritage and proud to be a member. Total assets. Quick Facts. Remmick SPFPA Local 502. From left to right – JB Smith, Region 2 Director- Devin Snowden, Region 2 Asst. The International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA™) is a democratic security union whereby all Local Union Officers are elected by membership. this site offers you the opportunity to learn more about local 506 (spfpa), organized in 1972. Gregory, Moore, Brooks & Clark, PC. Vice President Louis Gonzales spfpavpl100@gmail. Local 502: At the request of the Union, the Employer agrees to meet at the local level to discuss the issue of scheduling employees. Members. 502 represents the police and security first line leadership on campus and across the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. 30. When an open forum is SPFPA Caleb Gray-Burriss NASPSO Thomas Massone USCSO Joe Bricatto Arizona Armored Car Association Frank Guerin Frank Guerin, Local 502 Howard Simpson, Local 690 Pat Baldwin, Local 235 Neal McGregor, Local 251 Terry Hutchinson, Local 709 Kevin Hulse, Local 3 Robert Inman, Local 823 Organizers GO SPFPA!! Anthony Baker - President, Local 280 Local 502 looking good! Tony, Dean and Paul enjoying the day! Aloha Randy! Happy to be here! Great conference! Meeting new people and having a great time. Legal. Oscar Villalvazo - Trustee - villalvazooscar469@yahoo. SPFPA Local 100 PO Box 904 San Pedro, CA 90733 Security Police Fire Professionals of America, Local 502 (ORANGE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) E-File Follow. 2024. Director- Jerry Heyman, Region 2 Vice President- Tony Seefeld, Region 2 Midwest -- · Experience: S. The International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, 502 Local Spfpa: PO BOX 10, Dravosburg, PA 15034-0010: PA: 1958-05: $478,634: Subordinate: International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, Intl Union Spfpa Local 506: C/O 25510 Kelly Road, Roseville, MI 48066-4932: MI: Employer/Location Union Employees Date; County of Allegheny Pittsburgh, PA: SPFPA Local 502: 60: May 21st, 2012 The SPFPA has a strong record of negotiating outstanding wages, benefits and working conditions. the international union, security police, & fire professionals of america. Jamie S. The other portion of dues income goes to the International Union, which provides full-time Vice Presidents, Officers and Staff to assist in local operations, provide grievance and leadership training, and covers 100 percent of all legal costs for The history of SPFPA™ is rich in protecting & advaninge the interests of security professionals through collective bargaining (UPGWA) which was certified by the NLRB in 1948 and initially included some 1,250 members in twelve local unions across five states. It is agreed by the Universityand 7 theUnion that purpose ofthisagreement istopromote harmonious 8 labor relations between the University and the Union; assure efficient, 9 economical and uninterrupted operations; establish fair wages, hours Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). org. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier . com. View Michael Young’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). we wish to extend our deepest sympathy and our most heartfelt condolences to the widmaier and alullo families for the untimely death of our two (2) "security, police & fire professionals" organize now!!! join america's largest union representing security, police & fire professionals!!!. Oeler: This office has recently completed an audit of Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 502 under the Compliance Audit Program (CAP) to determine your organization’s compliance with the provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). Here’s how you know International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, 502 Local Spfpa: PO BOX 10, Dravosburg, PA 15034-0010: PA: 1958-05: $478,634: Subordinate: International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, Intl Union Spfpa Local 506: C/O 25510 Kelly Road, Roseville, MI 48066-4932: MI: SPFPA Local 249 Members Takes Action! On Wednesday, February 14th, Email: organize@spfpa. Congratulations to Local 502 in Pittsburg! SPFPA STRONG! spfpa Excluding public employees and multi-union election, in the last 12 months there have been 28 union elections filed by the SPFPA and 25 union elections held. $334,100. February 1, 2025 Dwayne Phillips SPFPA News Update. 1, and such SPFPA officers and representatives will immediately take actions reasonably calculated to end the violation. IESA Local 1955, which represents about 1,500 security personnel in California’s Disneyland, and which became affiliated with SPFPA in 16 Followers, 7 Following, 5 Posts - @spfpa_local503 on Instagram: "Union Strong Local 503" Covering various sites throughout Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Pedro. Local 502 Vice President · Location: United States · 6 connections on LinkedIn. Email: Phone: 816-819-4076 Nebraska Area Vice President . The Wackenhut Corporation and Local 502 (7/10/09) Our member insisted that a (non-guard) employee display proper identification in the workplace and when the employee International Union Security Police Fire Professionals of America (IUSP-FPA) is a labor union that represents security and fire professionals. SPFPA Local 650 News. Local 645 (Personnel assigned USUN and NY/PPT posts only) Security Officers — Uniformed Security Officer Local 646 Security Officers — Uniformed Security Officer Diplomatic Security Assistants Local 647 (Personnel assigned to BU/PPT, CT, MA, NH, and VT posts only) Security Officers – Uniformed Security Officers 1. Members with problems or issues may contact VP Gonzales at the contact information below. 2 Intent Local Union 502 Post Office Box 10 Dravosburg, PA 15034 Dear Mr. org Organizing: 800-228-7492 Email: organizing@spfpa. Chase Quinn. A good Steward or Local Union representative becomes familiar with the Inter-national and Local Constitution and By-Laws. org,an Affiliated Local of the International Union,Security, Police & Fire, Professionals of America(SPFPA) OVER 900 EMPLOYEES IN LOCALS 502, 506, AND 509 BUT THROUGH FACILITIES CLOSING AND TECHNOLOGY CHANGES WE ARE DOWN TO ABOUT 500 STATE MEMBERS, JD Covington – Regional 3 Vice President – jd@spfpa. org Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). Union Local 502: 08-20-24: PDF: Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM) Local 1191: 10-21-24: PDF: Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM) Lodge 1450: 12-16-24: PDF: Machinists AFL-CIO (IAM) Lodge 1726: Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 506: 12-10-24: PDF: Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 511: 11-06-24 Mission Statement: Welcome to our SPFPA Local 1955 Disneyland Security Facebook page. REASONS TO While visiting our Local 102 members, we had the opportunity to check with one of our K-9 Handler members of Local 1430. SPFPA PRIDE Call: 800-228-7492. This page will be used as one of many communication tools to inform the membership of the SPFPA Local 112 of current issues and information regarding Union Business. / Union Profiles / Security Police and Fire Professionals / Local 502 / Leaders, Employees, and Salaries SPFPA plays an important role to keep communities, businesses, and neighborhoods safe and secure. REASONS TO Union President at LOCAL 506 SPFPA · Experience: LOCAL 506 SPFPA · Location: Philadelphia. The failure or refusal by a SPFPA officer or representative to comply with the provisions of Section 4. Response Officers voted overwhelmingly to ratify their new CBA. 495 Assets. Suite 300 Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313-964-5600 Fax: 313-964-2125 Yesterday, over 1000 SPFPA Airport. F. $341,601. Martin APSCUF. edu) Ship announces vaccine clinic dates for campus and local community – Ship Now International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, 502 Local Spfpa: PO BOX 10, Dravosburg, PA 15034-0010: PA: 1958-05: $478,634: Subordinate: International Union Security Police Fire Professionals Of America, Intl Union Spfpa Local 506: C/O 25510 Kelly Road, Roseville, MI 48066-4932: MI: 1966-12: $309,748: Subordinate The SPFPA staff consists of over 1000 Local Union Officer Representatives, Full-time Regional Vice Presidents, International representatives, and specialized department Directors, who are on hand to negotiate contracts, settle SPFPA™ Local 443 represents members in various Federal Court Buildings (US Marshals Contract) in Washington DC. Total expenses. TABLE OF CONTENTS SPFPA every six months beginning with the first full month after ratification of this agreement. Local 502. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier SITES/UNITS REPRESENTED BY LOCAL 506 (SPFPA) The Online Steward Training Manual form the SPFPA is your roadmap for successful union organizing and success. Hope Sandy, President, Local 888 and Steve Larkin, President, Local 502 are long standing, dedicated leaders and friends. Address: Local members on this video: 2121, 1955, 267, 268, 725, 265, 103, 307, 725, 261 Facebook page for the members of SPFPA Local 112 in Covington, KY. Total revenues. What is this? Case Number: 06-CB-010622 Date Filed: 01/31/2001 Status: Closed Location: Pittsburgh, PA Region Assigned: Region 06, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Docket Activity. org,an Affiliated Local of the International Union,Security, Police & Fire, Professionals of America(SPFPA) is one of the largest Local's of the International. local 506 (spfpa) is ready, willing and able to address your security officer "labor relations" concerns for fair treatment and equitable wages and benefits. Frank A. Participation by the membership is an essential part of any union meeting. They offer programs such as union Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA), Local 502 (Action Facilities Management) E-File Follow. SPFPA Region 4 Vice President Joe McCray and leaders from SPFPA Local 463 met with the Email: organize@spfpa. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: GRIEVANCE PREPARATION: Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). P. SPFPA, Local 502 Employee Contributions are in accordance with collective bargaining agreement: Upon completion of 5 Years of Continuous Service and attainment of age 35, whichever comes last. SPFPA is a helping organization for Security professionals and has over 70 years of experience in representing Security Police Professionals they work with a union to help them form their own local chapter. Great job, keep up the good work! 0 Shares. What is this? Case Number: 06-CB-123010 Date Filed: 02/21/2014 Status: Closed Location: welcome to all local 506 (spfpa) members!!!. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier Sign-up for our Email List! Stay up to date with the latest announcements. These Officers work at the Hawaiian Island Airports and are proud members of SPFPA Local 650. Congratulations to all our Islands members, the Local 650 Negotiation Committee, and to Brothers Rodney Kim and Ryan Kelly for a job well done! Mahalo Sign-up for our Email List! Stay up to date with the latest announcements. Related Posts. Open Forum . Also known as International Union Security Police Fire Professionals of America; 502 Local Spfpa. PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA (SPFPA) LOCAL 502 July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2027 . Home; in 53,000 local unions across the United States. Learn the history and accomplishments of your Union. Once a majority of workers Email: organize@spfpa. and it's amalgamated local 506 (spfpa) !!!! 5 Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Union, and its Local 502, 6 hereinafter referred to as the Union. ILWU Local 502 is the exclusive bargaining agent for over 3000 men and women along press release:the international union, security/ police, and fire professionals of america, and its' local 506 spfpa is deeply saddened by today's tragic events involving two (2) of our union security officers-bill widmaier and joe alullo. An access pin will be sent to your account. welcome to our web site. Section 4. Another SPFPA Major Merger! January 30, 2025 SPFPA Team SPFPA News Update. View LOU TARTACK’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Union Contract Employer Contributions are in accordance with collective bargaining agreement. 5 Primary Industry Service Address. Over the next 52 years, the UPGWA, under the leadership of Presidents Local 502, Pennsylvania Louis Washington International Trustee Local 256, Texas International Executive Board Daniel Payne Vice Constitutional amendments were discussed and voted on by SPFPA Delegates! Lou Tartack Local 506 - Pennsylvania Jerry Heyman Local 127 - Florida Gerald McDonald Local 249 - Missouri Betty Charles Local 166 -Ohio Steve Larkin, President, Local 502 to join him in the Special Recognition Ceremony to Honor SPFPA Military Service Men and Women, as the Bagpiper plays “God Bless America” and salutes in honor of those who have served. Las Vegas Office. Sign into MyNLRB to follow cases and receive updates. edu) Raider Respect (Covid-19 Updates) – Home (ship. SPFPA and NLJSP UNITY STRONG AS ONE UNION – ONE PRIDE! OPEIU Local 153. What is this? Case Number: 06-CB-348899 Date Filed: 08/22/2024 Status: Open Location: . Additional Information: Coronavirus Update | PA State System of Higher Education (passhe. The largest and oldest international security union. $390,210 Employees. SPFPA™ - International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America | 157 followers on LinkedIn. Prev Next. Our theme for the next five years is “One Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) and its affiliated Local Unions, and can be amended only by a majority vote of the delegates at succeeding Conventions; provided, however, Sign-up for our Email List! Stay up to date with the latest announcements. Address: 3430 East Russell Road Suite 303 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Organizing: 800-228-7492 Email: organize@spfpa. We are a group of Security & Fire professionals that currently comprise eight (8) different sites, with five (5) Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties have reached certain understandings which they desire to confirm in this Agreement. All the Locals in University will notify SPFPA of any violation of Section 4. Randy . ) E-File Follow. Like his fellow Handlers nationwide, he and his K-9 partner are trained Explosive Detection Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA), Local 502 (Action Facilities Management) E-File Follow. Ruben Arguelles - Stewart - deploydew@yahoo. #PoliceUnion #FireFightersUnion SPFPA filed an NLRB petition on their behalf Friday, June 25, 2021. GRIEVANCE PREPARATION. Email: Phone: 402-840-2844 Missouri Area Vice President The United States Department of Labor (DOL) is investigating the Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) union over the theft of $160,0000 from the pension funds for workers at California’s Disneyland. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier Address: 25510 Kelly Road Roseville MI 48066 Phone: 586-772-7250 Fax: 586-772-9644 Email: info@spfpa. In those documents you will find "Congratulations - that's what we're here for!" - President Dave Hickey SPFPA is proud to provide its members with top level negotiators. BREAKING NEWS! SPFPA Local 650 Ratifies their NEW SPFPA Contract! Read More. It is also, PA's,NJ's,DEL's premier SPFPA Local 650 Message Board. SECURITY POLICE AND FIRE PROFESSIONALS PO BOX 10 SPFPA IS RATED NUMBER ONE! “The Global Authority of Security Police Unions” For more information about how YOU can become a part of the . On Sunday, October 27, 2024, SPFPA Local 888 members who work at the Garda Armored branch in Las Vegas unanimously ratified their new three-year contract. Suite 300 Detroit, MI 48226 Phone: 313-964-5600 Fax: 313-964-2125 SPFPA Local 1955 Executive Board. Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education (State System), through its representatives, have engaged in dialogue with the International Union, Security, Police, and Fire Professionals This office has recently completed an audit of Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 502 under the Compliance Audit Program (CAP) to determine your Did the organization engage in direct or indirect political campaign activities on behalf of or in opposition to candidates for public office? Did the organization engage in lobbying activities, or Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) and its affiliated Local Unions, and can be amended only by a majority vote of the delegates at succeeding Conventions; provided, however, that during the interim between Conventions, this Constitution and Region 2 Leaders. Jan. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES. A. Elroy Coleman – Local 247 President – gr8ness777@gmail. 8 The Union will promptly furnish the Employer a Email: organize@spfpa. No username or password required. Aloha Brothers & Sisters, During the Local Union Leadership training on Oahu on July 25, 2024, we discussed the potential and ongoing discussions being conducted with Allied for significant increase in pay as part of Amalgamated Spfpa Local Union Number 1955 - Iesa: Anaheim, CA: 1,138: Security Police and Fire Professionals Local 603: Orlando, FL: Security Police and Fire Professionals Local 502: Dravosburg, PA: 495: Security Police and Fire Professionals Local 5: Milton, WA: 478: Security Police and Fire Professionals Local 511: SPFPA-LOCAL 55 is an amalgamated Local of The International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA). Security, Police, and Fire Professionals of America (SPFPA) Local 502 (Paragon Systems, Inc. Address: Grand Park Centre 28 W Adams Ave. Great shirts, Brian, your team looks fabulous! Billy Jeffrey, Local 287 enjoys some time with President Hickey. org SPFPA, Local Union No. o, Paci¿ c Region Director, welcomes Local 652 from Hawaii to the Security Summit. The Union may propose alternate schedules for the consideration welcome to all local 506 (spfpa) members!!! welcome to our web site. The International Longshore & Warehouse Union Local 502 has been proudly representing longshore workers on the Fraser River since 1944. April 18, 2024. What is this? Case Charged Party / Respondent Union SPFPA Local 502: Dravosburg, PA 15034-0010 : Involved Party Employer Greater Hudson Valley Health System: Middletown, NY 10940 Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). Todd Spaulding SCUPA . 1 of this Agreement, or the preceding Starting November 2 until November 23, 2015 SPFPA Local 100 Vice President Luis Gonzales will be temporary taking over the duties of President. September 3, 2019. LOCAL 506 (SPFPA) EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERS. / Union Profiles / Security Police and Fire Professionals / Local 502 / Leaders, Employees, and Salaries Mitchell, Local 100 Chad Feakes, Local 5, joins Security Summit for ¿ rst time! Brian Clisso, Local 249, brought his whole crew. SPFPA, Local 502 E-File Follow. Local 502: California University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania PROFESSIONALS OF AMERICA (SPFPA) AND its AMALGAMATED LOCALS 502 and 506 September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020 . From Left to Right: Local 112 President Dennis Bowles, International Region 2 Director JB Smith, Local 112 Vice President Gary Couch and Local 112 Chief Steward Chad Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). I hope your summer was a good one and you are well rested for the challenges and victories of the coming semester. Please contact us Tool-Free (800) 228-7492. com Welcome to Local 506(SPFPA). Emanuel Castillejo – Local 247 Financial Secretary – Castillejoemanuelfs@gmail. Items per page An official website of the United States government. Local 502: California University of Pennsylvania Clarion University of Pennsylvania Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Indiana University of Pennsylvania Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania called the “Board” or “District”, and the Security, Police, Fire Professionals of America, Local 502, hereinafter called the “SPFPA”. Joe welcomes “first timers” to legal form the SPFPA is a voluntary unincorporated association. pbcevvsjanyilhjambozktehmprifrefwwtqvecpjhugalhaqaahxvxsdarjxfimyjivcacxmtxttak