Zdoom custom hud. I am using GZdoom version GZDoom v3.
Zdoom custom hud Help with Custom HUD [solved] Post by P. Here's the Doom's ZScript HUD. Blue Shadow Posts: 5032 Joined: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:59 am. I was wondering if someone would be able to create a custom HUD, mainly, icon and font placements as I already have the Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. Good afternoon, I would like to report I am having problems with the fullscreen HUD using a custom font on GZDoom 3. MrRumbleRoses Posts: 333 Joined: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:01 pm. Added support for ITEMINFO: define custom item/ammo names in that lump, and it'll be displayed in a new Custom Items block. 12+ and Zandronum 3. I have a custom HUD, but the problem is, if the player decides to use the GZDoom alternate HUD, my custom HUD won't go away. deathz0r how does one create a custom HUD (with graphics, etc)? I was thinking it would be done with HudMessage, but that would still keep the original HUD intact. I'm attempting to add a custom HUD to a project I've been working on, and I've made two duplicates of the same HUD with different horizontal offsets: Normal for 4:3 screens, and Fullscreen for 16:9 screens, and the 4:3 HUD works perfectly fine, but for whatever reason, in the 16:9 HUD if the player has less than 100 health, the health bar completely disappears, until Discuss anything ZDoom-related that doesn't fall into one of the other categories. Locked. Not sure if there is room on the display to have 500+ items but at least more than vanilla. PK3. Per m8f's suggestion, it also includes an independent key display which should dynamically show custom keys from mods and various games. + Added custom fontdefs for level stat tracking numbers as Ancient Aliens' font was being used whenever loaded with that pack. and talking about dead face, needs more bloodstains. While I respect and appreciate the classic hud with the great mugshot, gameplay wise I like the bigger view. 26: initial release - 2022. - Refactored and restructured a lot of the code; Custom Items block: specify custrom item class names in the hi and hopefully all is well at your place. I am using GZdoom version GZDoom v3. If there was a way for me to detect if the user's screen size was full size, I can tell my script to clear my custom HUD. I tried my best to replicate all features as The BehemotHUD project aims to provide an ultrawide HUD for (at this moment) Doom and Heretic. Print view; Search Advanced search. In cutscenes where the a camera view is used, it doesn't make sense to show the player's hud or let them switch on automap during it. The HUD for Doom is inspired by the Unity Doom HUD. It also doesn't support I've never tried a custom HUD, any recommendations? I've generally played with the GZDoom smaller HUD, where it just lists ammo and health in numbers in the corners of the screen. CheckInventory Understandi Here's a massive archive of widescreen HUDs for well-known community WADs made by @Tarvis in a similar vein to NightFright's HUD project. Should work with most WADs that come with a custom STBAR texture. Re: FlexiHUD - a universal, extremely flexible HUD mod. ZScript is necessary These are extended/reworked versions of: - the BOOM HUD for GZDoom made by Hellser (used in Project: Aurora) - the Fullscreen HUD included with ZDoom/GZDoom. ↳ Official ZDoom Community GZDoom’s alternative HUD is designed very differently from the classic HUD: it uses different scale and a bunch of custom functions for drawing. for me at least, your mod [simple hud addons] is currently the best hud addons for [gzdoom] the entire internet could offer. Making a custom HUD requires using the BaseStatusBar class (for the main FlexiHUD does not replace your HUD; it's drawn on top of the HUD with an event handler. An example of mug shot definitions: mugshot "Normal", health2 { {ST00, ST01, ST02} 17; } HUD definitions. For a mod I'm working on, I've been trying to replicate the HUD in the game "Crusader: No Remorse": Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. 7 Stable. GetCVar 2. For a mod I'm working on, I've been trying to replicate the HUD in the game "Crusader: No Remorse": Custom HUD tutorial - can't find one. This class can be used to create your own custom HUDs from entirely within ZScript. wad for a more pure experience. Thanks in advance. Github ID YouTube. Projects. For a mod I'm working on, I've been trying to replicate the HUD in the game "Crusader: No Remorse": I am using the latest version of GZDoom. Cutscenes can already disable the hud by making a custom SBARINFO that depends on an inventory item, but then the mod is restricted to only working with that hud - if the user loads their own hud, then hud-killing support is killed. If you get the fullscreen version sorted out, I hope you scale down the graphics so Found this while experimenting with custom ZScript HUDs. ramon. but I think it will work with any other custom HUD. i think his eye-shines are need to be more realistic just like a what quake ranger did. FlexiHUD is drawn on top of your current HUD, with the help of an EventHandler class. - ZScript. Skip to content. You can either disable the vanilla HUD (by pressing = twice) to only see FlexiHUD, or SBARINFO may be deprecated, but it doesn't mean that it will suddenly disappear in future versions. 4. They're just graphics; all that's necessary is making sure they're named the same as Doom's. Oh damn, I was looking for There are 3 ways (that I know of) for a custom HUD: - SBARINFO, which is deprecated but still can be used. Despite the name, it handles drawing both of statusbar HUDs and fullscreen HUDs. 2 or For those among you who hate playing their favorite custom Doom I/II WADs with ugly brick borders around the statusbars, I have made some edits of the original statusbars to make them widescreen, just like it has already been done for the original Doom statusbar. This cannot be helped without coding custom exceptions, which is a road I don't want to go down. 13 posts • Page 1 of 1 {FcOd}Nemesis Posts: 90 Joined: Mon Sep 13, 2004 7:47 pm Custom HUDS. 0 released) Post by Jekyll Grim Payne » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:59 pm. Normally, you would hide your default HUD (by pressing = twice or typing screenblocks 12 in the console), but you can also combine FlexiHUD with the This way you can feel at home by playing in GZDoom and using the HUD of other ports. [SOLVED] [ZScript] "Unable to resolve str as type" in custom HUD. I know this isn't exactly what you are asking for, and having that feature would eliminate the need for this, but it Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. for your reference, i found some very I'm trying to implement a custom HUD in GZDoom using PNG graphics knocked up in GIMP (not the best image editing program, if you ask me). And 12 totally clears the HUD. This forum is archived - please use this set of forums to ask new questions and prety much a total noob. You have the permission to include and/or modify the HUD for FlexiHUD is a universal, highly flexible HUD mod for GZDoom, written entirely in ZScript. Cutmanmike Posts: 11335 Joined: Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:41 pm Operating System Version (Optional): Windows 10 Location: United Kingdom Hud Message Ammo. if there are other people here who've built elaborate custom HUDs and have more experience with these adjustments, they may be able to provide more information. I can not get the alternative hud to work no matter what. Target sourceports are GZDoom, Crispy Doom, PrBoom+, Woof or variants of them Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. It's absolutely possible - it just doesn't involve any Dehacked. Also toggled with the - and = keys. Top. As a result, I recommend only enabling this option with mods that you know utilize damage over time. FAQ; Board index. If you are asking questions about a project, either find that project's thread, or start a thread in the General section instead. // FEATURES ///// - 6 main styles: GZDoom, Eternity, Boom, Boom Modern, Crispy, Crispy Modern - secondary ammo support (for the normal statusbar too!) - custom FONTDEFS, TEXTCOLO // CHANGELOG ///// - 2022. but also that it can be replaced so that enabling "Alternative HUD" in the options menu will enable the custom alternative HUD instead of the original one? That, of course, sounds reasonable, but I just wanted to be sure. even if no sane people would use a custom HUD and keep screenblocks to 12 btw im using the official 4. But ZDoom allows a great number of custom HUDs to be added in or replace the original. PSXHUD. The function assumes that if screenblocks is lower than 11, normal HUD is drawn (original and/or custom, you can affect it by setting flags 1, 4, 8, 16 and the height parameter), if screenblocks is 11, fullscreen HUD is drawn (original and/or custom, you can affect it by setting flags 2, 4) and if screenblocks is greater than 11, nothing is drawn. People are getting their own HUDs out but finding Unlike ZDoom's default fullscreen HUD for Hexen, this also shows your Armor Class in addition to custom ammo types. It has a lot of features to create relatively simple HUDs. I use a generic script for all my maps that keeps the HUD message text from being too big or small (that's the idea anyway). The one that shows all items in the corners but no actual hud bar. Tossing ammo casings, adding new ammo, and switching trays when switching ammo types are among the ones done here. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. Examples. , false, 640, 480), then I get the following behavior by using either 'User interface scale' or 'Fullscreen HUD' options under Scaling options: - If GZDoom is in fullscreen, the above options will change the HUD size only every 2 increments (resolution or aspect ratio don't matter) Again. Resources. It does not handle GZDoom's Alternate HUD, however (see AltHUD for creating altHUD replacements). Quote; Post by mckracken » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:21 pm. There are 3 ways (that I know of) for a custom HUD: - SBARINFO, which is deprecated but still can be used. Custom HUD Preview. I tried to look at Line 44 in SLADE. I want the HUD to be locked at the size JUST before the largest size. -Requires GZDoom 4. The problem is when I want a good looking simple HUD to be implemented, but don't have the expertise to build a completely custom changeable HUD. In order for the HUD to not look like crap, I would implement a fixed size for the HUD, no longer able to change the scale or general size. (Modern GZDoom) Contact: Contact Jekyll Grim Payne. Rex » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:22 pm. liPillON, these are great. Xtyfe Posts: 1490 Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:29 pm Preferred Pronouns: He/Him This is a nice custom HUD. I want to replace the default health icon on Heretic's alternate HUD, normally Quartz Flask (purple bottle, ARTIPTN2), with that of the Crystal Vial (blue tube, PTN1A0), and have the tube animated (the quartz flask normally is not). So the question is, what are your favorite alternative HUDs to play Doom with? I like using the PSX HUD with ConsoleDoom. 10. Re: Custom AltHud class. I play with screenblocks 11 (fullscreen HUD) therefore when I loaded your mod, no HUD was displayed, probably because you didn't define a fullscreen HUD. 12. Turns out that if I want just a fullscreen HUD without a status bar, this may cause the following glitch to appear: The only way to avoid this glitch is to call SetSize() in the Init method of the custom HUD class, which is apparently used to set the virtual dimensions of the status Tekish wrote:I've created a new add-on (PlayerInfo) to address this, rather than creating a HUD. txt to fit the HUD I created for this mod. Discussion about ZDoom. Since the pics for every character/number are too big, I am scaling them using TEXTURES. It’s documented on ZDoom Wiki but is i just ride your tumblr link and holy moly, these things tottaly awesoke and amazing! but too bad few things are outta the samsara and naraka, first off: the Parias' face after picked up a quad damage and his dead face. so you can have the classic look, with level info, all without eating up 1/3 of your screen. 2 A classic-style HUD based loosely on an SBARINFO edit Jpalomo once posted (in the autoload must-have thread), and NightFright's excellent wide SBAR graphics. Not only can you see all the usual information and a lot more, but you can also MOVE every single element! FlexiHUD is drawn on top of your BaseStatusBar is the base class that all standard HUDs inherit from. nice, thanks. CheckInventory instead of a custom variable. Tells GZDoom you want to use your custom alternative HUD. Sir_Alien Posts: 863 Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2004 6:15 am Location: Sydney, Australia Contact: Contact Sir hi and hopefully all is well at your place. 11. It is assumed that before you begin this tutorial, you are familiar with the following concepts: 1. Risen Posts: 5263 Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:02 pm Location: N44°30 So, forget what I said about keeping Doom's standard status bar intact and having this HUD replace ZDoom's fullscreen HUD. 9skulls Posts: 62 The attached demo above has the following, which is a custom alternative HUD class: Code: Select all. Taken a bit from Time Crisis and such games, this mod displays your ammo in a tray that animates any changes in the ammo count. ) Post by Graaicko » Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:50 am. Amuscaria Posts: Like an Open script that changes the custom hud to use? o_o Just curious. This was intented for use with the Alternate Hud and 4:3 (looks like any other aspect ratio won't align properly at left and right edges), but I think it will work with any other custom HUD. Furthermore, there may be some mods that HitMarkers doesn't properly detect that do have damage over time. Haven't tested that much yet. Custom Hud Faces (Finished and Unfinished) Sprites, textures, sounds, code, and other resources belong here. HudMessage 5. amv2k9 Posts: 2178 Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:05 pm A custom HUD. Hiya, ususally I like to play using the Alternate HUD but there are a few mods that have custom HUDs and it feels somewhat clunky just to go into the menu to enable/disable it, is there any possibilities for a shortcut key? Lead GZDoom+Raze Developer Posts: 49117 Joined: Sat Jul 19, 2003 4:19 pm Location: Germany. berserkpic, x, y, 31, 17); DrawHudNumber(HudFont, FDHUD with Doom 2 FDHUD is a HUD mod that attempts to emulate the HUDs used in Final Doomer Plus, with some additional options as well. Quote; Post by MFG38 » Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:32 am. the magic on the fullscreen HUD happens on the aptly named DrawFullScreenStuff function. The main difference between AltHUD and BaseStatusBar is that AltHUD draws using absolute screen coordinates and doesn't utilize the same scaling as BaseStatusBar. ALTHUDCF: SBARINFO supports custom mugshot states with custom names, which can be called by the ACS function SetMugShotState or the Decorate/ZScript function A_SetMugshotState. well like wild weasle said the pistol sprite in the screen shots are infact the pistol sprite that come with gzdoom plus this hud shows the pick up sprites of that weapon. Your GZDoom or ZDoom may be too old! ↳ Official Discord Server; ↳ New Password Custom HUD. May or may not work with Gameplay Mods. Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. wildweasel Posts: 21706 Joined Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. for your reference, i found some very Custom HUD not showing correctly Post by HellBlade64 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 4:35 pm I have a custom HUD I use on Zandronum and for the most part it works just fine on GZDoom, except that the custom rocket sprite is missing. This is a much updated version of dae-althud. Trouble is, they turn out horrible and look too sharp and aliased. Both of the fullscreen HUDs in ZDoom/GZDoom are capable of displaying new ammo types just fine. 1 I have been trying to solve this issue for hours and I can not find a solution. Archive of the old editing forum. Custom Hud. 02: added option to I've never tried a custom HUD, any recommendations? I've generally played with the GZDoom smaller HUD, where it just lists ammo and health in numbers in the corners of the screen. This forum is archived - please use this Post by Cyrez » Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:08 pm. If you still don't understand how to use a feature, then ask here. I could care less what people do with their HUDs. Oh God! Just imagine the sort of completely unreadable and clunky and undebuggable stuff people would make, even if such a thing were possible short of strong AI!I suppose if it were really that important a modder could just use hudmessages for the weapon appearance and TNT1 the actual weapon actor frames which would still be abominably HUD works good on GZDoom and Zandronum (Tested on GZDoom 4. Here's the Doom's SBARINFO HUD. i was wondering if its possible to make a custom hud in the style of Earth Defense Force 2017 or Dynamarisa 3D. 16 posts 1; 2; Next; sirjuddington I'm creating a custom hud and of course the default hud gets in the way . GetActorProperty 6. Graphics Processor: nVidia (Legacy GZDoom) Custom HUD (Icon and font placement. I believe everything seemed fine. Here's the ZScript offers a much more flexible (but complex) way to code fully custom HUDs, in contrast to SBARINFO. AltHud is a class used by GZDoom to draw its alternative HUD (hud_althud CVAR must be set to true). 1 release, win64 build ZScript HUDs - ZDoom Wiki Full support for GZDoom v4+ Support also intended for Zandronum v3. 14 posts • Page 1 of 1. Got a cool project idea but nothing else?Put it in the project ideas thread instead! Projects for any Doom-based engine (especially 3DGE) are perfectly acceptable here too. cortlong50 is there any way to give a player a custom hud through a pickup? i cant really figure it out in my head, if anyone has an idea let me know! Top. [invalid]". dexter Posts: 1534 Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:50 pm Graphics Processor Custom HUD tutorial - can't find one. Risen Posts: 5263 Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:02 pm Location: N44°30 Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. This forum is archived - please use this set of forums to ask new questions. Quick links. S/B at least a full rainbow (green, purple Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. 1+ Will there be room for scalability? I need a custom hud for my mod since it has custom ammo types, keys, runes and armor variants. If you still don't understand how to use a SBAR+ 1. Sir_Alien Posts: 863 Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2004 12:15 pm Custom HUD tutorial - can't find one. class TestHUD : AltHud { override void Draw (PlayerInfo CPlayer, int w, int h) { } override void DrawHealth (PlayerInfo CPlayer, int x, int y) { DrawImageToBox(gameinfo. Share and share-alike! Forum rules There's a great lack of custom face sets, so I'm making these available for anyone who wants to Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. 10 posts You could program your own custom hud and then check the playercless, but this requires you to use hexen (as it is the only game supporting playerclass information, IIRC) Top. It retains all of the dynamic features as the other add-ons. 0. wad which I adapted for vanilla gameplay from the Complex Doom HUD a while back. Hello guys. Help sirs? Top. This HUD is "da bomb". screenblocks 11 gives you the fullscreen HUD. Ask about ACS, DECORATE, ZScript, or any other scripting questions here! Moderator: GZDoom Developers. It even shows the loaded ammo in magazines if you decide to load a Doom weapon mod with it. Risen Posts: 5263 Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:02 pm Location: N44°30 Graphics Processor: nVidia (Legacy GZDoom) Custom HUD (Icon and font placement. SetHudSize 3. i can use a bit of doom builder and slade. a rare delight with clean modern interface, superb granular settings and works very well with source port [gzdoom]. If I'm calling BeginHUD(1. Enjay wrote: My only suggestion - a different font on the HUD. I've also scaled down the fonts to the standard Doom size using the redundant HIRESTEX format. For a mod I'm working on, I've been trying to replicate the HUD in the game "Crusader: No Remorse": Graphics Processor: Intel (Modern GZDoom) Re: FlexiHUD - a universal, extremely flexible HUD mod - Added an option to specify a texture name for the background of the HUD elements instead of a flat color fill. It does not handle BaseStatusBar is the base class that all standard HUDs inherit from. Plus, by adding a drop shadow to the font, all Forum rules The Projects forums are only for projects. This is because I do not have a custom hud, and we have not yet I just assumed it was possible on account of dehacked custom mugshots such as the one from D4V or REKKR. 1+) List Options Barless Mode: (Hides the Background of the interface) (Also displays the corresponding icons instead of the "health" and "armor" text) Center health / armor value: (Toggle alignment from left edge to center) Typing "screenblocks 10" in the console gives you the Doom status bar. I was wondering if someone would be able to create a custom HUD, mainly, icon and font placements as I already have the - the BOOM HUD for GZDoom made by Hellser (used in Project: Aurora) - the Fullscreen HUD included with ZDoom/GZDoom Being based on the SBARINFO standard, it cannot achieve: - PNG format for all custom graphics - tweaked FONTDEFS and TEXTCOLO definitions - small tweaks to selected element positioning USAGE: Graphics Processor: nVidia (Modern GZDoom) FlexiHUD - a universal, extremely flexible HUD mod (3. That one is very Doomy but the rest of the mod doesn't Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. It's gonna stay as it's. All that really need to do to draw the mugshot is add the line { // Draw our custom texture DrawTexture A simple mod that replaces the HUD with something more interactable. I am using a hi-res HUD font for Quake 1, I adapted it to GZDoom standards using FontDefs. https Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. many thanks for the incredible handiwork. Last edited by goldsteed on Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in ZDoom. Quote; Post by Jekyll Grim Payne » Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:08 pm. Custom HUD tutorial - can't find one. New alternative HUDs can be created based on this class. And the more I'm getting into GZDoom maps like in RAMP and the like, the more I value hud mods like these Something I'd really like to see out of the Crispy and GZ+ huds is the option to make the Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. Print view; Yes - use a custom HUD that reacts to a certain inventory item in the player's inventory, and then use ACS to give or take that item. Forum rules Before asking on how to use a ZDoom feature, read the ZDoom wiki first. You could easily make the HUD show custom weapons if you used WeaponIcon instead of IsSelected. I'm creating a custom hud and of course the default hud gets in the way . SetFont 4. Basically it's a slightly less huge status bar with an extra panel for level stats like kills, secrets, etc. ufnhiocwvdrlwtgvcwmfigpzxmtpygwpailcjcyukswvsxkmeaaeaeatfsdizvdgxbqdqfyrhnlclyauz